ARCH341 Fall202223 Homework Computation of RT

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Bilkent University | Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture | Department of Architecture

Arch 341 | Architectural Lighting and Acoustics Fall 2022-2023

Instructors | Zühre Sü Gül (sec 02)

Homework – Computation of Reverberation Time (RT) – individual submission

Assigned date: 5th of October 2022, Due date: 12th of October 2022.

 Using Sabine formula calculate the reverberation times (s) for 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000
Hz and 2000 Hz of studio FB-06. Check Appendix for studio dimension. Typical interior
finishes are given below. Find sound absorption coefficient data for each material (D.
Egan – Architectural Acoustics, pp.52-53.) for 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz.
Prepare the sound absorption coefficient table per octave bands per material (Table
1). Plot the present RTs over octave band on a graph table (Figure 1). During the RT
calculations, air absorption will be neglected. (50 points)

Walls: brick, unglazed and painted

Floor: linoleum
Ceiling: painted concrete
Glazing: ordinary window glass
Door/Table: wood, (2.5cm) paneling with airspace behind
Audience: students, informally dressed, seated in tablet-arm chairs

 Compare your estimated RT with optimum ranges for studios; 1 s for mid frequencies,
it can be %10 - %20 higher than this value for low frequencies, and can be %10 - %20
lower than this value for high frequencies. If the RTs of studio FB-06 in its present
form doesn’t satisfy the criteria, propose an acoustical design; treatment of room
surface/s with sound absorptive material/s of your choice in required area/s and
 Make research on sound absorptive materials and provide the catalog specification
and/or data sheet of the material/s that you apply.
 Calculate the RT of the room for 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz with your
acoustical design solution / intervention. Present the results in a graph format (X-axis
Frequency (Hz), y-axis RT (s)); include both the current RTs of the classroom and RTs
after acoustic enhancement over octave bands on the same graph (from 250 Hz to
2000 Hz) (Figure 1). Indicate your acoustical interventions on the drawings (RCP,
interior elevation, sketches etc.). Add your proposed materials’ sound absorption
coefficient data into the Table 1 described above. (50 points)

Submission format: 1, A2 size board.

Bilkent University | Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture | Department of Architecture
Arch 341 | Architectural Lighting and Acoustics Fall 2022-2023
Instructors | Zühre Sü Gül (sec 02)

Appendix – Plan and Section views of studio FB-06

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