Chat Bot Scenarios

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Chatbot Scenario 1:

Suggestions after all the questions

Chatbot: Welcome to BL3FIA, how may I help you?

User: I would like to have some options for food

Chatbot: Alright, do you like meat, chicken or veg?

User: Chicken

Chatbot: That’s great! What is your location?

User: Dubai Marina

Chatbot: Perfect! Now finally what is your budget?

User: around 30-35 dirhams

Chatbot: Alright I will be suggesting you some options that are in Dubai Marina and are offering
chicken within the budget of 30-35 dirhams.

Chatbot: Offers the options with links (around 5-7 links)

Chatbot: Anything else I can help with?

User: No thankyou that’s all.

Chatbot: Perfect! Thank you for using our service, BL3FIA!

Chatbot Scenario 2:

Suggestions after each interaction

Chatbot: Welcome to BL3FIA! How may I help you?

User: I want some food options nearby my location.

Chatbot: Alright, what are you feeling today? Chicken/Meat/Veg?

User: Veg

Chatbot: Offers a huge list of veg restaurant (keeping it realistic of how much we can do we can offer
10-15 links)

User: I would want the place to be near me

Chatbot: Sure thing, what is your location?

User: Deira

Chatbot: Narrows down the links to just Deira (about 8-9 links).

Chatbot: How much are you willing to spend?

User: My budget is around 20-25 dirhams only

Chatbot: narrows down the links to just 3-4 links

Chatbot: If there is anything else I can help you with, let me know.

User: thankyou

Chatbot: My pleasure, thank you for using our service, BL3FIA!

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