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The concept of Single Citizenship is borrowed from the Constitution of





The provisions relating to Citizenship under Indian Constitution came into force with immediate effect

15th Aug, 1947

26th Jan, 1950

*26th Nov, 1949

30th June, 1948

Under which Article of the Indian Constitution Citizenship of a person can be determined at the
commencement of the Constitution





The article that describes that the persons voluntarily acquiring Citizenship of a Foreign State shall not
be Citizen of India is




Under the Citizenship Act, 1955 who has the power to determine the question whether a person, who
was a Citizen of India has lost that citizenship by having voluntarily acquired the Citizenship of Foreign

*Central Government

State Government


Supreme Court

Who is authorized to lay down qua;ifications to acquire the Citizenship?

*The President

The Prime Minister



Which of the following is a qualifiaction to acquire Citizenship by Naturalization?

A Person engaged in trade with the Indian Citizen

*A Person is in service of Government of India from 12 months

A Person born in India

A Person who has completed his graduation within the territory of India

The Concept of Dual Citizenship in the Union of India was recommended by

*L.M Singhvi Committee

Ashok Mehta Committe

Raj-Mannar Committee

Balwantrai Mehta Committee

A Company registered under the Indian Companies Act is considered as

A Citizen

*Not a Citizen
Citizen, if registered under Citizenship Act

None of the above

Which Article of the Constitution empowers the Parliament to enact the provisions for acquisition and
termination of Citizenship?





If a Member of Parliament acquires the citizenship of foreign country

*He shall be disqualified as MP

He has to choose any one of the Citizenship

He shall be slapped with fine

He has liberty to enjoy both countries citizenship

The Citizenship (Amendment)Bill, 2003 enacted by the Parliament entitles the people of Indian origin to
acquire dual citizenship only for the purpose of

exercising franchise

to acquire constitutional position in India

*visit India and go back to foreign country

all the above

Who prescribes qualifications to acquire Indian Citizenship?

The President

*The Parliament

The Governor

The State Legislature

Certain basic and essential rights enjoyed by the Indian Citizens are

*Art.14 and 21

Art.15 and 16


Art.30 and 31

Article 5 to 11 of the Constitution determines the status of various categories of the persons in relation
to Indian Citizenship

Before the commencement of the Constitution

*at the Commencement of the Constitution

after the commencement of the Constitution

all the above

The Act which is enacted by the Parliament to provide for the acquisition and termination of citizenship
subsequent to the COmmencement pf the Constitution is

*The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1954

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1956

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1957

According to Art.5 a person is entitled to Citizenship by Domicile (deemed by law to have a residence
and intention to settle permanently) if he fulfills

at the commencement of the Constitution should have his domicile in Indian territory

born in India or his parents born in India

he must be ordinary resident for at least not less than 5 years immediately before the commencement
of the Constitution

*All the above

The Constitution of India does NOT recognize

Domicile of India
Indian Citizenship

*Domicile of State and State Citizenship

Dual Citizenship

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the aquisition of Indian Citizenship after the
commencement of the Constitution by

Birth and Descent

Registration and Naturalization

Citizenship by incorporation of the territory

*All the above

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the termination of Indian Citizenship by




*All the above


The concept of Single Citizenship is borrowed from the Constitution of





The provisions relating to Citizenship under Indian Constitution came into force with immediate effect
15th Aug, 1947

26th Jan, 1950

*26th Nov, 1949

30th June, 1948

Under which Article of the Indian Constitution Citizenship of a person can be determined at the
commencement of the Constitution





The article that describes that the persons voluntarily acquiring Citizenship of a Foreign State shall not
be Citizen of India is





Under the Citizenship Act, 1955 who has the power to determine the question whether a person, who
was a Citizen of India has lost that citizenship by having voluntarily acquired the Citizenship of Foreign

*Central Government

State Government


Supreme Court

Who is authorized to lay down qua;ifications to acquire the Citizenship?

*The President

The Prime Minister



Which of the following is a qualifiaction to acquire Citizenship by Naturalization?

A Person engaged in trade with the Indian Citizen

*A Person is in service of Government of India from 12 months

A Person born in India

A Person who has completed his graduation within the territory of India

The Concept of Dual Citizenship in the Union of India was recommended by

*L.M Singhvi Committee

Ashok Mehta Committe

Raj-Mannar Committee

Balwantrai Mehta Committee

A Company registered under the Indian Companies Act is considered as

A Citizen

*Not a Citizen

Citizen, if registered under Citizenship Act

None of the above

Which Article of the Constitution empowers the Parliament to enact the provisions for acquisition and
termination of Citizenship?





If a Member of Parliament acquires the citizenship of foreign country

*He shall be disqualified as MP

He has to choose any one of the Citizenship

He shall be slapped with fine

He has liberty to enjoy both countries citizenship

The Citizenship (Amendment)Bill, 2003 enacted by the Parliament entitles the people of Indian origin to
acquire dual citizenship only for the purpose of

exercising franchise

to acquire constitutional position in India

*visit India and go back to foreign country

all the above

Who prescribes qualifications to acquire Indian Citizenship?

The President

*The Parliament

The Governor

The State Legislature

Certain basic and essential rights enjoyed by the Indian Citizens are

*Art.14 and 21

Art.15 and 16


Art.30 and 31

Article 5 to 11 of the Constitution determines the status of various categories of the persons in relation
to Indian Citizenship

Before the commencement of the Constitution

*at the Commencement of the Constitution

after the commencement of the Constitution

all the above

The Act which is enacted by the Parliament to provide for the acquisition and termination of citizenship
subsequent to the COmmencement pf the Constitution is

*The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1954

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1956

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1957

According to Art.5 a person is entitled to Citizenship by Domicile (deemed by law to have a residence
and intention to settle permanently) if he fulfills

at the commencement of the Constitution should have his domicile in Indian territory

born in India or his parents born in India

he must be ordinary resident for at least not less than 5 years immediately before the commencement
of the Constitution

*All the above

The Constitution of India does NOT recognize

Domicile of India

Indian Citizenship

*Domicile of State and State Citizenship

Dual Citizenship

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the aquisition of Indian Citizenship after the
commencement of the Constitution by

Birth and Descent

Registration and Naturalization

Citizenship by incorporation of the territory

*All the above

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the termination of Indian Citizenship by




*All the above


The control and preparation of electral rolls for the Parliament and State Legislature vest with the

*Election Commission


Prime Minister


Elections to the posts of President and Vice President of India is conducted by

Both Parliament and State Legislature


*Election Commission

Prime Minister

For election to Lok Sabha, nomination papers can be filed by

Any person residing in India

*Any citizen whose name appears in electoral roll

Any citizen of India

Citizens permitted by Election Commission

Which body gives recognition to Political parties?

Lok Sabha

Rajya Sabha
Election Board

*Election Commission

The President of India shall be elected by the Electoral College consisting of

MP's and MLA's

*Elected MP's and MLA's

All MP's

Elected MP's

Election to Local Self Government shall be conducted by

Election Commission

Regional Election Commission

*State Election Commission


The Chief Election Commissioner of India is appointed by the

Prime Minister


Chief Justice of India


Election disputes are decided by the

Supreme Court

High Court


*Election Commission

The first general election in India was held in




What is the name of the Electoral system which elects the President of India?

Direct Election

*Proportional representation

Secret Ballot

Preferential System

Elections to Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assembly of the State in India are conducted on the basis of

Single transferable Vote

*Adult franchise

Proportional representation

Limited suffrage

Chief Minister of a State is not eligible to vote in the Presidential election if he

Is yet to prove his majority on the floor of the House of the State Legislature

Is a caretaker Chief Minister of the State

*Is a member of the Legislative Council of the State Legislature

He himself is a candidate for such election

Who is competent authority to declare the elections to the Lok Sabha?

*The President

The Chief Minister

The Union Cabinet

The Election Commissioner

Citizens of India have the right to cast their vote after attaining the age of
25 years

21 years

*18 years

16 years

Elections to Lok Sabha shall be held after every

*Five years

Six years

Two years

As soon as Lok Sabha is dissolved

Citizens enjoy right to vote in the Lok Sabha election on the basis of





Which article under Indian Constitution gives power to the Election Commission to conduct elections?





Election Commission does not conduct elections to the


Members of Parliament

Members of State Legislative Assembly

*Speaker of Lok Sabha

Graduates constituency is recognized for the purpose of election to

State Legislative Assembly

*State Legislative Council

Lok Sabha

Rajya Sabha

Who is authorized to determine the territorial constituencies after each census?

Election Commission



State Legislature

Who among the following will appoint the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election

The Prime Minister

*The President

Speaker of Lok Sabha

Supreme Court

Regional Election Commissioners may be appointed by the


*The President

Election Commission

The Parliament

Chief Election Commissioner shall be removed by the



Supreme Court
Other Election Commissioners

Regional Election Commissioners may be appointed by the President based on the consultation of the

Prime Minister

Vice President

Governors of the State

*Election Commission

The system of removal Chief Election Commissioner from the office is similar to that of the removal of

The President

Chairman of UPSC

*Judges of Supreme Court

Comptroller and Auditor General

Other Election Commissioners or Regional Commissioners shall be removed on the recommendation of


*Chief Election Commissioner


The President

Prime Minister

Who has the power to make necessary provisions with respect to elections?

Election Commission



Parliament and respective State Legislatures

Voting age of the citizens is changed from 21 to 18 years by

7th Constitution Amendment Act

42nd Constitution Amendment Act

55th Constitution Amendment Act

61st Constitution Amendment Act

The State Election Commissioner shall be appointed by the

The President

*The Governor

Election Commission

State Legislature

The State Election Commission shall conduct elections to


State legislature


*Local Self Government

Right to vote is

*Statutory right

Fundamental right

Ordinary right

Personal right

In exercise of power under Art.327, the Parliament has enacted

De-limitation Commission Act

Election of President and Vice-President Act

*Peoples Representation Act

all the above

A regional political party shall be recognized as a National political party, if

the party has got 1/10 seats in Lok Sabha

the party has got 1/10 seats in Rajya Sabha

*the party is recognized in four states

the party contest from three states

The procedure adopted for the process of election in India is called

Secret Ballot

*Universal Adult Franchise

Proportional Representation of single transferable vote

Preferential system

Elections to Parliament and State legislature shall be under the direct control of

*Election Commission

State Election Commission

Regional Election Commission

Electoral College

Election Commission does not conduct elections to the post of

Members of State Legislature

Members of Parliament

The President

*The Governor

Delimitation Commission composed under Delimitation Commission Act, 1952 is headed by

*The Chairman of the Delimitation Commission

Chief Election Commissioner

Senior Member of Election Commission

Personal Secretary to Home Ministry

State political party shall be recognized by

*Election Commission of India

State Election Commission

The President

The Governor

Which Article provides for the qualifications for being a Voter?





The advice of the Election Commission to the President or the Governor, with regard to disqualification
of Members of parliament or Memebrs of State Legislature is

Administrative function

*Quasi-judicial function

Electoral function

All the above

After the publication of election notification, how many days shall be prescribed to register names of

15 days

12 days

10 days

*8 days

Political parties should regularly maintain the accounts of their income and expenditure and the same
should be examined by the

Finance Commission

*Election Commission
Comptroller and Audtor General

Planning Commission

As per the Government of India notification, 2003 all election expenditure limit for candidates for lok
sabha has been raised from

*Rs.15-25 lakhs

Rs.10-15 lakhs

Rs.5-10 lakhs

Rs.4-5 lakhs

Canvassing during the election shall be stopped before _____ of election

12 hours

24 hours

*48 hours

72 hours

Art.324 of the constitution empowers the Election Commission with the following powers

To conduct elections to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

*Superintendence, Direction and Control and Elections

To conduct elections to the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council

All the above

No person can contest election to the Lok Sabha or Vidhana Sabha from more than

One constituency

*Two constituencies

Three constituencies

Four Constituencies
If more than two candidates are contesting election from a single constituency and the winning
candidate is declared as ineligible

Fresh election shall be held all over the state

It is up to the Election Commission whether to conduct re-election or declared the other candidate as

Declare the other candidate at the second place as elected

*Re-election should be held

Model code of conduct (restrictions to the election candidates) may come into force from

Before 72 hours from the date of election

Before 48 hours from the date of election

*The date of announcement of election

The date of publication of election notification

A criminal will remain ineligible to contest election till

*Six years of completing the sentence

Six years from the date of committing offence

Ten years from the date of commission of an offence

Remain ineligible fore the rest of his life

Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were used for the first time in November 1998 in election to the
State of

Andhra Pradesh

*Madhya Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh

Tamil Nadu

Emergency Provisions

Who is empowered in India to declare an emergency?

Supreme Court


The Prime Minister

*The President

The President can proclaim an emergency on the ground of

External aggression

Armed rebellion


*All the above

The President can proclaim an emergency with the recommendation of the

Council of Ministers

Prime Minister

*Union Cabinet

Lok Sabha

Which article under the Indian Constitution authorizes the President to proclaim an emergency?





Proclamation issued under Art.352 shall be laid before the Parliament within

*One month

Six weeks

Ninety days

any time when the Parliament is in session

Proclamation issued has been approved by the Parliament will be in force for a period of

One year

Two years

Three months

*Six months

Emergency provisions were borrowed from the Constitution of





Emergency provisionsunder Indian Constitution describes the nature of Indian polity as





Break down of Constitutional macjinery in a State is popularly known as

*Presidents' rule

National Emergency

Financial emergency

All the above

President can proclaim emergency on the recommendation of the Union cabinet, such recommendation
shall be

Oral recommendation

Majority in the cabinet

Supported by simple majority

*Written recommendation

When the proclamation of emergency is in operation the Parliament has special powers to legislate

Union List

*State List

Concurrent List

Residuary List

State emergency proclaimed by the President shall be approved by the Parliament within

Six months

Three months

*Two months

One month

When the State emergency is in operation the President can't interfere in the matters of

*State Judiciary

State Executive

State Legislature

All the above

When the Proclamation of emergency is in operation who has the power to extend the duration of the
Lok Sabha?

The Cabinet

The Lok Sabha

The President

*The Parliament

When the Proclamation of emergency is in operation the term of Lok Sabha can be extended upto
Six months

*One year

Two years

No such extension

Who is duty bound to protect States against external aggression or internal disturbance?


*Union Government

State Government

No such duty in Federal States

Under what circumstances the President can proclaim State emergency?

Internal Disturbance

Law and Order problem

*Break down of Constitutional machinery

All the above

Under what circumstances the President can proclaim State emergency?

Internal Disturbance

Law and Order Problem

*Break down of Constitutional machinery

All the above

While the Proclamation of emergency is in operation certain provisions of the Constitution are
suspended automatically, they are




While the Proclamation of emergency is in operation the President cannot suspend certain Fundamental
Rights, they are

Art.14 & 15

Art.14 & 16

*Art.20 & 21


Financial Emergency can be proclaimed under Art.





Who is empowered to proclaim Financial emergency?

Finance Minister

The Prime Minister

The Parliament

*The President

Financial emergency can be proclaimed on the ground of

Financial stability

Credit of India

Any part of the territory of India is economically threatened

*All the above

Financial emergency issued by the President has to be approved by the Parliament within

Six weeks

One month
*Two months

Three months

Emergency under Indian Constitution is classified into

Two types

*Three types

Four types

No such classification

When the Financial Emergency is under operation the Union is empowered to

*Reduce the salaries of its employees

Increase salaries of its employees

Discretion of the President

None of the above

Emergency Provisions are enshrined under _______ part of the Constitution





The Constitution of India is designed to work as a Unitary Government during the time of



When the parliament so desires

At the will of the President

According to Art.355 it is the duty of the Union to protect States against

External aggression
Internal disturbance

Constitutional breakdown

*All the above

According to Art.357 when an emergency is proclaimed under Art.356 the powers of the legislature of
the State shall be exercisable by or under the authority of

The President

*The Parliament

The Governor

The State Legislature

When emergency is declared under Art.352 of the Constitution, the President shall not have power to

Suspend the Fundamental Rights

Dictate terms to State Governments

*To interfere with the High Courts of State

All the above

Emergency under Art.352 of the Constitution, shall be proclaimed with the written permission of the


Prime Minister



The President rule can be imposed in a State for a maximum period of

Three months

Four months

*Six months

Twelve months
The President rule can be declared in a State

*If the Governor of the State, reports to the President on failure of Constitutional machinery in a State

The introduced by the State Government fails to get sufficient majority of votes

If the President receives message of failure of constitutional machinery from any other sources

Differences between the Governor and the Chief Minister

President's rule shall be under the direct control of

The President

Prime Minister

Home Minister

*The Governor

Proclamation of emergency under Art.356, shall not affect the powers and functons of

State Legislature

*State Judiciary

State Executive

None of the above

What is the effect of law made by Parliament during President's rule, soon after the conclusion of

Such law ceases to operate

Will be in force as law made by State Legislature

*Continue to operate, till amendment by State Legislature

Parliament has no authority to legislate during the proclamation

Parliament can extend the operation of Financial Emergency after every six months for the maximum
period of

*one year

two years
three years

indefinite period

Money Bill of all State Legislatures shall be reserved for the consideration of President during

National Emergency

State Emergency

*Financial Emergency

International Emergency

During the failure of constitutional machinery in State of Punjab in May 1987, the maximum limit of
three year were extended to

Four years

*Five years

Six years

so far not extended

Indian Judiciary

In case the Chief Justice of India is absent during the administration of oath by the President, then such
oath shall be in presence of


Prime Minister

*Senior most Judge of the Supreme Court

Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court and High Court is appointed by

The Prime Minister

The President

*The Parliament

The Law Minister

Which articles authorizes the President to seek an advice from the Supreme Court?





The Judge of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the

The Chief Justice of India

The Law Minister

The Prime Minister

*The President

The Judge of the Supreme Court unless resigned or removed earlier holds office till he attains the age of

62 years

63 years

64 years

*65 years

The Supreme Court has Original Jurisdiction in

*All inter-State disputes

All disputes relating to International relations

Disputes to which India and Foreign States are parties

In conflicts between two foreign States

The Judge of the supreme Court shall administer an oath before

The Chief Justice of India

*The President

The Prime Minister

The Law Minister

Disputes between the States comes to Supreme Court under its

Advisory Jurisdiction

*Original Jurisdiction

Appellate Jurisdiction

Fundamental Powers

Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in appeal from High Court in regard to Civil matters
pertaining only to

Question of law

Question of fact

*Substantial Question of law

Mixed question of law and fact

Who has the power to enlarge the jurisdiction of Supreme Court with respect to any matter contained
under Union List?

*The Parliament

The President

The Chief Justice of India

The Prime Minister

Which of the following Statement refers to 'epistolary jurisdiction' of the Supreme Court?

*Taking cognizance of the concerned matter through letter addressed to the Court

Original Jurisdiction of the supreme Court under Art.131

Enforcement of decrees and orders of the Supreme Court under Art.143

Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Art.143

The Judges of the Supreme Court can be removed on the ground of proved misbehavior by _________,if
the Parliament passes a resolution with 2/3 majority present and voting
The Prime Minister

The Chief Justice of India

*The President of India

The Law Minister

The Indian Constitution can be interpreted by

The Parliament

*The Supreme Court

The President

A Parliamentary Committee

Which article provides that the laws laid down by the Supreme Court is binding on all courts in India?





The highest law officer in India is

The Chief Justice of India

The Solicitor General of India

*The Attorney General of India

The Advocate General

Who is empowered to appoint ad-hoc Judge to the Supreme Court?

*The President

The Chief Justice of India

Assumes Office on the basis of Seniority

The Law Minister

The Chief justice of India has to address his resignation to the

Senior most judge of Supreme Court

The Law Minister

The Prime Minister

*The President

The Supreme Court came into being on

15th August 1950

26th January 1950

*28th January 1950

15th August 1951

Supreme Court need not use its original jurisdiction in the following dispute

Between Government of India and one or more States

*Inter State water dispute

Between two or more States

Between Government of India and one or more State on one side and one or more States on another

The Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court is appointed by

The Governor

*The President

The Union Law Minister

The Prime Minister

Salaries and other emoluments of the High Court Judges shall be determined by the

State Legislature

The Governor

The President

Which among the following article of the Indian Constitution empowers the High Court to issue writs of
various kinds?





Writ Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Art.32 is not wider than that of the Writ Jurisdiction of the
high Court under Art.226 because the High Court may exercise this power in relation to

Civil and Criminal matters

*Violation of Fundamental & Legal Rights

Fundamental & matters in appeal

Fundamental Rights and stay proceedings

Art.227 of the Indian Constitution deals with

*High Court's power of superintendence over all Courts & Tribunals within its Jurisdiction

Judicial Review

Power of the Speaker of Legislative Assembly

Election of Vice President

Who has the power to establish common High Court for two or more States and Union Territories?

The Supreme Cort

The President

*The Parliament

The Rajya Sabha

The Highest Court of appeal in India is

*The Supreme court

The Munsif Court

The High Court

The President

Which article empowers the Supreme Court to review its own judgement?





Which of the following amendment curtailed the power of Judicial review of the Supreme Court and
High Courts?

*42nd Constitution Amendment

44th Constitution Amendment

73rd Constitution Amendment

74th Constitution Amendment

A judge of the Supreme Court may resign his office by writing to the

The Chief Justice of India

*The President

The Law Minister

The Senior most judge

The Concept of Judicial Review is borrowed from the Constitution of




Which among the following Union Territories have High Court?


Daman and Diu



In which case did the Supreme Court restore the primacy of Fundamental Rights over Directive

Berubari Case

*Minierva Mills Case

Maneka Gandhi Case

Keshava Nanda Bharathi Case

Power to extend or restrict the Jurisdiction of High Court vest with the

*The Parliament

The President

Supreme Court

The Chief Justice of India

Any Act violating Art.13(2) of the Constitution shall be declared as unconstitutional by

The Parliament

The President

*The Supreme Court

The High Court

An adhoc Judge of High Court can hold office for a maximum period of

One year

*Two years
Six years

90 days

The District Judges and Magistrate of the Civil Courts shall be appointed by the

The Chief Justice of High Court

The President

The Chief Minister

*The Governor

The first Chief justice of India was

Justice Harlal J Kania

Justice B.K. Mukherjee

Justice Patanjali Sastri

Justice s.R. Das

The High Court of Karnataka (then called as Chief Court of Mysore) was established in the year





The Guwahati High Court has territorial Jurisdiction over ____ number of States





At present how many high Courts does the Indian Union have?




The High Court for the territory of Andaman and Nicobar is the High Court of

Tamil Nadu


*West Bengal

Madhya Pradesh

Which High Court has four Principal benches




Punjab and Haryana

The Constitution lay down the Composition and Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in the

*Art.124 to 147

Art.120 to 147

Art.124 to 140

Art.124 to 150

Number of States under the Jurisdiction of a High Court shall be decided on the basis of

*Area and Population

Number of Judges

Number of Cases

Discretion of the Parliament

High Courts in India were first started at

Bombay and Delhi

*Bombay, Calcutta and Madras

Calcutta and Delhi


High Courts in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were established in the year





The retirement age of the Judges of High Court is

70 years

62 years

*65 years

60 years

Who decides about the number of Judges in the High Court?

The Parliament

*The President

The Governor

The State Legislature

Salaries and Other allowances of the High Court Judges shall be charged upon the

Consolidated fund of India

Contingency fund of India

*Consolidated fund of State

Contingency fund of State

A Judge of the High Court may resign his office by addressing his resignation to the

Chief Justice of India

chief Justice of concerned High Court


Governor of concerned State

The number of State under the Jurisdiction of a High Court shall be decided on the basis

Number of judges available

*Area of population to be served

Funds for the disposal

Sole discretion of the Government

The Karnataka High Court has Circuit Benches at



Gulbarga and Dharwad

No Circuit Benches

Judges of High Court shall be appointed in consultation with the (i) Chief Justice of India (ii) Governor of
the State concerned (iii) Chief Justice of concerned High Court (iv) Chief Minister of the State concerned.
Which of the following is correct?

*(i) and (ii)

(ii) and (iii)

(i), (ii) and (iii)

(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)

An Additional Judge of the High Court shall be appointed for a period of

Five years

Four years
Three years

*Two years

Which of the following is correct about the primary objective of the judicial control?

Protection of civil rights

Protection of private rights

*Protection of privileges of citizens

Protection against arbitrary administration

How may High Courts are in existence in India at present?




*Twenty One

High Court of Guwahati has territorial jurisdiction on

Eight States

*seven States

Six States

Five States

High Court of Karnataka is situated in the building then called as 'Attra Kacheri' was called as High Court
of Mysore in 1930 and got its present name in the year





The two Circuit Benches of Karnataka High Court were inaugurated on

*4th and 5th July 2008

4th and 5th July 2007

4th and 5th July 2006

4th and 5th July 2009

Who has the power to constitute a High Court to the Union Territory

The President

The Supreme Cort

The Law Minister

*The Parliament


The article of the Constitution that gives protection to the President and Governors is





The President and the Governors of the State are immune from _____ during their term of office

*Civil liability

Criminal liability

Both (a) and (b)

None of the above

First general elections to Lok Sabha was held in the year




Which of the following provisions kept democracy alive in India?

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

Directive Principles

*Electoral provisions

Which article gives special provisions to the State of Jammu and Kashmir?





How many articles were present in the original Draft of the Constitution?





How many schedules were present in the original Draft of the Constitution?





The ratio between length and breadth of Indian National Flag is




Planning Commission was constituted in the year





Who heads the National Integration Council?

*The Prime Minister

The President

Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha

Speaker of Lok Sabha

Which country is best example for the Federal Government?





Which country is best example for the Unitary Government?





Who was the Chairman of the Committee on Fundamental Rights composed by the Constituent
Jawaharlal Nehru

*Sardar Vallabhai Patel


Dr.Rajendra Prasad

How many times can the President of india return an ordinary bill passed by the Parliament for its





The term of members of Rajya Sabha is

Two years

Three years

Five years

*Six years

According to Art.100, the quorum required to constitute meetings in either house of the Parliament is
______ of the total members of that House




10 Members

If there is a dead-lock between the two Houses of the Parliament with regard to non-money bill such
dead lock will be reserved by the Presdient within a period of

Three months

*Six months

One year
60 days

Speaker of Lok Sabha exercises his right to vote in the House

*When there is a case of tie

When his party demands his vote

Whenever at his discretion

When members of the House demands

Any advice given by the Supreme Court to the President by exercising its advisory jurisdiction under
Art.143 of the Constitution is

*Not binding on the President

Binding on the President

Partly binding and partly discretionary

Absolute if circumstances demand

Which of the following States does not have a Legislative Council?


Uttar Pradesh

*Tamil Nadu


The Legislative Council in a State can be created or abolished by the

State Legislative Assembly of the concerned State

Suo motto by the Parliament

President of India on the recommendation of the concerned State Governor

*Parliament on the recommendations of the concerned State Legislative Assembly

A judge of the High Court may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the

Chief Justice of High Court Concerned

Chief Justice of India

*The President

The Governor

Constitution of India empowers the Parliament to make laws for the

Whole of the territory of India

*Whole or any part of the territory of India

Whole of the State

Whole or any part of the State

Which of the following language is declared as the official language of India?





Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution is added by way of

*First Constitution Amendment Act, 1951

Seventh Constitution Amendment Act, 1956

Forty-Second Constitution Amendment Act, 1976

Forty-forth Constitution Amendment Act, 1978

If any State is added to the Indian Union, which of the following Schedule of the Indian Constitution shall
be amended?

Fifth Schedule

Third Schedule

Second Schedule

*First Schedule
The institutions of Local Self Government such as Panchayat Raj and Municipalities are
Constitutionalised by way of

24th and 25th Constitution Amendment Acts

42nd and 44th Constitution Amendment Acts

*73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts

92nd and 93rd Constitution Amendment Acts

The National Song 'Vande Mataram' was written in 1875 by Bankimchandra Chatterjee in his novel

*Anand Math

Ananda Thirtha


Geeta Govinda

India's National Anthem 'Jana gana mana' was adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National
Anthem of India on 24th Jan. 1950 and was first sung on

25th Jan. 1950

15th Aug. 1947

*27th Dec. 1911

None of these

The National Flag of India is a horizontal tri-color of deep Saffron (Kesari-representing courage and
sacrifice) at the top, White (Peace & Truth) in the middle and deep Green (faith and chivalry) at the
bottom in equal proportion and in the center Wheel (Blue-representing progression) was adopted by
the Constituent Assembly of India on

20th July 1947

*22nd July 1957

15th Aug 1947

26th Nov 1949

In the famous Kesavananda Bharathi V State of Kerala case the Supreme Court asserts the power of the
Parliament to amend the Constitution under Art.368 subject to
*Certain implied and inherent limitation of not amending the Basic Structure of the Constitution

No limitation whatsoever

Can amend even the Basic Structure

None of these

'Rule of law which permeates the entire fabric of the Indian Constitution excludes arbitrariness'. This
principle is laid down in

Keshavananda Bharati case

*Menaka Gandhi V. Union of India case

Sunil Batra V. Delhi Administration case

Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan case

The protection guaranteed under Art 21 is available even to convicts in jails. The convicts are not by
mere reasons of their conviction deprivedof all Fundamental Rights, which they otherwise possess. This
is the principle laid down in

Keshavananda Bharati case

Menaka Gandhi V. Union of India case

*Sunil Batra V. Delhi Administration case

Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan case

The Right of Speedy trial is a Fundamental Right implicit in protection of life & personal liberty
guaranteed under Art.21 of the Constitution is laid down in

Menaka Gandhi V. Union of India case

Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan case

Sunil Batra V. Delhi Administration case

*Hussainara Khatoon and others V home secretary State of Bihar (1979)

Gender Equality includes protection from sexual harassment and right to work with dignity, which is
universally recognized as basic Human Right. This Principle is laid down in

Menaka Gandhi V. Union of India case

Indira Swhaney V Union of India

*Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan case

Hussainara Khatoon and others V home secretary State of Bihar (1979)

The reservation based on Mandal Commission recommendation was limited to 50% by the Supreme
Court in the following case

Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan case

Keshavananda Bharati V State of Kerala

*Indira Swhaney V Union of India

M.C, Mehta V Union of India

The Supreme court held that the nuisance caused by the pollution of the River Ganga is a public
nuisance which is wide spread and affecting the lives of large number of persons and therefore any
particular person can take proceedings to stop it. This Public Interest Litigation is

M.C.Mehta V Union of India (1987)

*M.C.Mehta V Union of India (1988)

Peoples union for democratic rights V Union of India

D.S.Nakara V.Union of India

Charging Capitation fee for admission to educational institutions is illegal and amounted to denial of
citizen's right to education. This principle is laid do

M.C.Mehta V Union of India (1987)

*Mohin Jain V State of Karnataka (1992)

Minerva Mills Ltd V Union of India (1980)

D.S.Nakara V.Union of India

The right to establish an educational institution and imparting education is not a commercial activity.
This principle is laid down in

*Unnikrishan V State of Andhra Pradesh (1993)

Mohin Jain V State of Karnataka (1992)

Minerva Mills Ltd V Union of India (1980)

D.S.Nakara V.Union of India

The Indian Constitution is founded on the bedrock of "the balance" between the Fundamental Rights
and Directive Principles "To give absolute primacy to one over the other is to disturb the harmony of the
Constitution". And this harmony and balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles is an
essential feature of the basic feature of the Constitution. This is the observation in

Keshavananda Bharati V State of Kerala

Menaka Gandhi V.Union of India case

*Minerva Mills Ltd V Union of India (1980)

M.C.Mehta V Union of India (1987)

India has number of languages those have no script of their own, but, none the less people speaking
such a language will constitute a linguistic minority to claim protection of Article 30(1). This Principle is
laid down in

Bandhu Mukti Morcha V Union of India

Charan Lal sahu V Union Of India

*D.A.V.College Jullunder V State of Punjab

M.C.Mehta V Union of India (1987)

The Principle of Judicial review of President Rule in the State under Art356 is laid down in

Keshavananda Bharati V State of Kerala

Menaka Gandhi V. Union of India case

Minerva Mills Ltd V Union of India (1980)

*S.R.Bommai V Union of India

The Chairman of the National Commission to Review the working of the Indian Constitution was

Justice Krishna Iyer

Justice R.S.Sarkaria

*Justice M.N.Venkatachaliah
Justice B.P.Jeevan Reddy

The concept of Public Interest Litigation (P.I.L.) was sown in India by Justice Krishna Iyer in 1976 in

*Mumbai Kamgar Sabha V Abdulabhai

fertilizer Corporation Kamgar Union V Union of India

S.P.Gupta V Union of India

Janata Dal V.H.S.Chaudharya

Who can file 'Public Interest Litigation'?

Any Public Person

Any Person affected

*Any members of Public having sufficient interest


The Committee which recommended Dual Citizenship to Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) was

*Dr.L.M.Singhvi Committee

Dr.Narasimhan Committee

Dr.Abidhussain Committee

None of these

The Schedule of the Indian Constitution which deals with forms of oath or affirmations to be taken by
Union Ministers, MP's, MLA's, Judges of S.C and H.C. is given by

First Schedule

Second Schedule

*Third Schedule

Fourth Schedule

The area of Lok Sabha Constituencies are determined by the

Election Commission
Lok Sabha

*Delimitation Commission

The President

The Planning Commission is established in 1950 by resolution of the Central Government does not have
the function of

Formulating Plans

Optimum utilization of country's resources

*Periodic conducting of elections

Periodic evolution of the progress of the plans

The National Development Council (NDC) established in 1952 does not consist of

The Prime Minister and Central Ministers

The Chief Minister of all the States

The members of Planning Commission

*The Governors of the States

Lame duck session of Parliament means

*The last session of Parliament before the dissolution of the Lok Sabha

The first session of the Parliament after the election to the Lok Sabha

The session of Parliament in which no confidence motion is discussed

A session of Parliament, which fails to pass any bill

The source of all political power lies with the




Lok Sabha
Cognizable offence means

Police can register an FIR without a complaint

Comes under the jurisdiction of particular court

Police can arrest with the warrant

*Police can arrest without the warrant

Under British regime, which of the following Act, composed High Court in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras

1935 Act

1865 Act

*1861 Act

1800 Act

Constitution empowers Supreme Court by enlarging its judicial powers to enforce or adjudicate

Directive Principles of State Policy

*Fundamental Rights

disputes between the States

International disputes

The Constituent Assembly was constituted in November 1946 under the provision of Cabinet Mission
Plan 1946 through

*Indirect election

Direct election

Selection method

Secret ballot

Why 26th day of January was selected as the commencement of the Indian Constitution?

On this date India was liberted from the clutches of British Government

*On this date freedom fighters observed Purna Swaraj in the year 1929

On this date an agreement was made to commence the Constitution

Just because the Constitution was enacted and finalized on this date

Preamble is


*Non Justiciable

Enforcable by executive

Depends upon the circumstances

Which of the following word does not find place in the Indian Constitution?





Who had the control over the Union Territory of Pondicherry till 1962?





The special provisions given to the State of Jammu and Kashmir became operative from

*17th Nov, 1952

26th Nov, 1949

26th Jan, 1950

15th Aug, 1947

Art.370 of the Constitution

can be amended by the Parliament

can be amended by State Legislature

*can't be amended

none of the above

Who is designated as the First Citizen of India?

The Prime Minister of India

*The President of India

The Chief Justice of India

The Speaker of Lok Sabha

By Constitution 70th Amendment Act 1993, the elected members of legislative assembly of which of the
following Union Territories can participate in the election of president?

Andaman & Nicobar Island


Daman & Diu


If the Vice President is unable to discharge his duties and functions due to illness or temporary absence
who is entitled to act as Vice President

The President

Chief Justice of India

Any senior most judge of Supreme Court

*None of the above

Who is the only authority who doesn't get any salary and emoluments of his designated post?

The President

*Vice president

Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Chief Election Commissioner

If the President tenders his resignation to Vice President, Vice president has to give this information to

The Prime Minister

The Chief Justice of India

*The Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Chairman of Rajya Sabha

What is the time limit for the President to give his assent to an ordinary bill?

*14 days

30 days

60 days

No such time limit

If Money Bill from the State Legislature is presented to the President for his Assent the President is
entitled to

Return the bill back to State Legislature

Exercise his power of veto

withhold his assent

*grant his assent

Proclamation of the State emergency requires

President's satisfaction

Governor's report

Situation so warrants-with out a Governor's report Proclamation can be made

*All the above

Who is the accountant of public money?

Finance Minister

*Comptroller and Auditor General

Reserve Bank of India

Prime Minister

Protem Speaker shall be appointed by the

*The President

The Prime Minister

The Vice President

Members of the House

Who will preside over the joint sittings of both Houses in the absence of Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

The President

The Chairman of Rajya Sabha

*The Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Deputy Speaker of Rajya Sabha

If the Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly is disagreed by the Legislative Council what will be the

Decision of Legislative Assembly will prevail over the decision of the Legislative Council

Decision of Legislative Council will prevail over the decision of the Legislative Assembly

*Joint sittings of both Legislative Assembly and Council will be called for

Bill shall be referred to the advice of the Chief Justice of concerned High Court

National Emergency can be declared in State of Jammu and Kashmirwith the advice of


*Jammu and Kashmir Government

The Prime Minister

The Supreme Court

The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir was drafted by the Constituent Assembly of Jammu and
Kashmir, which came into force on
*26th Jan 1957

26th Jan 1952

26th Jan 1950

15th Aug 1947

Which of the following provisions are not applicable to the State of Jammu and Kashmir?

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

*Directive Principles

None of the above

The Constitutional validity of proclamation of National Emergency can be questioned in

*court of Law


State Legislature

None of the above

Which among the following Fundamental Rights gets automatically suspended soon after the
proclamation of National Emergency?





President's rule under Art.356 can be extended continuously in a State for a maximum period of

Six months

One year

Two years

*Three years
The doctrine of colorable legislation means

*What cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly

Delegated legislation

Sub Delegation

Promulgation of Ordinance

The structure of Indian Constitution is

*Unitary in form federal in spirit

Federal in form unitary in spirit

Purely unitary

Purely federal

According to Article 395, which of the following Act was not repealed, with the commencement of the

Government of India Act, 1919

Government of India Act, 1935

*Abolition of Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1949

Indian Independence Act, 1947

Official Languages

According to Art.343 Official Language of the Union shall be





Hindi as the Official Language of the Union shall be in the ______ script




Which Schedule of the Constitution gives the list of regional languages?

Fifth Schedule

Sixth Schedule

Seventh Schedule

*Eighth Schedule

Eighth Schedule of the Constitution at present consists of _______ number of recognized regional





Which is the second largest spoken language in India?





English is the Official language of




West Bengal
Which article provides for instruction in Mother tongue at primary stages of education?





Maithili language was inserted into the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution by way of

Constitution (Ninety Ninth Amendment) Act

Constitution (Hundredth Amendment) Act

Constitution (Hundred and One Amendment) Act

Constitution (Hundred and Two Amendment) Act

Which Art.empowers the State to adopt one or more Official Languages?





According to Art.350B a Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities will be appointed by

*The President

The Prime Minister

The Governor

The Speaker

Services Under The Union and States

Who has the power to create all India Services?

The President
*The Parliament

Prime Minister

The Lok Sabha

Which article of the Constitution authorizes the Parliament to create All India Services?





Parliament under Art.312 gets the power to create All India Services when

Lok Sabha passes a resolution with 2/3rd majority

*Rajya Sabha passes a resolution with 2/3rd majority

Majority of the State Legislatures request the Parliament to do so

Parliament can create such services suo motto

The members of Indian Administrative Services will be under the control of

Prime Minister

Home Minister

*Ministry of Personnel

Rajya Sabha

The members of Indian Police Service will be under the control of

*Home Ministry

Ministry of Personnel


Rajya Sabha

The members of Indian Forest Service shall be under the control of

*Home Ministry

Ministry of personnel


Rajya Sabha

Immediate control of the members of All India Services lies with the

Central Government

*State Government

Local Self Government

All the above

The disciplinary actions against the members of all India Services lies with the

Central Government

*State Government

Local Self Government

All the above

The disciplinary actions against the members of All India Services lies with

*Central Government

State Government

Local Self Government

All the above

Members of All India Services hold office during the pleasure of the

The Prime Minister

*The President

The Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Which article of the Constitution provides protection to Civil Servants?





Which is the body which recruits persons to All India Services?

Staff Selection Commission

*Railway Recruitment Board

State Public Service Commission

Union Public Servive Commission

Which article of the Constitution provides for the Composition of Public Service Commissions?





The Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission shall hold office for a term of

5 years

*6 years

4 years

till they attain the age of 62 years

The Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission has to vacate his office irrespective
of his duration at the age of

60 years

62 years

*65 years
66 years

The Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission may resign their office by
submitting their resignation to the

*The President

The Prime Minister

The Secretary of UPSC

The Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of
proved misbehavior by the

The Supreme Court

The Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Prime Minister

*The President

Salaries and Pension of the Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission shall be
charged from the

*Consolidated Fund

Contingency Fund

Public Accounts

None of the above

The Union Public Service Commission after making the list of successful candidates in order of merit,
submits it to the

The President

*Ministry of Personnel

The Prime Minister

The Parliament
The Chairman and Members of State Public Service Commission shall be appointed by the

The President

*The Governor

The Chief Minister

State Legislative Assembly

The Chairman and Members of State Public Service Commission shall be removed by the

*The President

The Governor

Prime Minister

State Legislative Assembly

A member of State Public service Commission shall hold office for a term of

*6 years

5 years

4 years

2 years

The Chairman and Members of State Public Serice Commission shall before the completion of his full
term has to vacate his office at the age of

65 years

*62 years

60 years

58 years

Who has the authority to suspend the Chairman or Members of State Public Service Commission?

The Prime Minister

The President

*The Governor
The Chief Minister

Who has the power to extend the functions of Union Public Service Commission?

The President

The Prime Minister

The Supreme Court

*The Parliament

Union Public Service Commission has to submit the Annual Report to the



Ministry of Personnel

Lok Sabha

The State Public service Commission has to submit an Annual report to the


State Legislature

Home Minister

Legislative Assembly

The Ministry of Personnel is headed politically by

*Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

Home Minister

Ministry of HRD

The Ministry of personnel is headed administratively by

Officer on Special Duty

Chief Secretary
*The Secretary (Personnel)

Deputy Secretary

Expenditure of the Union Public Service Commission shall be charged upon

Consolidated Fund of State

Contingency Fund of State

*Consolidated Fund of India

Contingency Fund of India

Which of the following All India Services is not referred in the constitution?

Indian Administrative Services

Indian Forest Services

All India Judicial Services

*All India Public Services

Which among the following personality is regarded as the 'father of Indian Civil Services'?

*Sardar Vallabhai Patel

K.M Munshi

Dr. B.R Ambedkar

Jawaharlal Nehru

Which committee recommended for the abolition of All India Services?

Kothari Committee

Macauley Committee

*Raj Mannar Committee

Satish Chandra Committee

The phrase 'jack of all trade but master of none' is suitable to the officers of

*Indian Administrative Services

Indian Forest Services

All India Judicial Services

All India Police Services

Where do the members of IAS probationers undergo training during their probationary period?

Dehra Dun




Postings of IAS probationers is decided by

Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration

Central ministry of Personnel

Chief Minister of State

*Chief Secretary of State

The Administrative staff college of India was established by

1909 Act

*1957 Act

1935 Act

1947 Act

The National Academy of Administration was set up at Mussoorie in





The totla duration of the training of IAS probationers is

15 months

18 months

*21 months

24 months

Who was the Chairman of the Adminstrative Reforms Commission?


*N.Gopal Swamy Iyangar



The origin of Union Public Service Commission can be traced to

*Government of India Act, 1919

Government of India Act, 1935

Indian Independence Act, 1947

Indian Constitution, 1949

The Constitution of India

Parliament is supreme in Britain; which of the following is supreme in India?

*The Constitution

The Legislature

The executive

The judiciary

The Constitution generally supports

Rule of Men
*Rule of Law

Rule of Individuals

None of these

Sovereignty in a Democracy rests with the


prime Minister



A Constitution provides




*All of them

The constitution is a

Static Law

*Dynamic Law

Rigid Law

Fixed Law

The Constitution framed by a committee consisting of the people representatives is called

*Written Constitution

Unwritten Constitution

Evolved Constitution

None of these
The constitution which arose out of Conventional practices, Court decisions and Common law is known

Written Constitution

*Unwritten Constitution

Enacted Constitution

None of these

The Constitution which provides for a series of semi-autonomous States joined together as a Nation is

Unitary Constitution

*Federal Constitution

Rigid constitution

None of these

Centralization of Power is an important feature in

Federal Constitution

*Unitary Constitution

Flexible Constitution

None of these

The Constitution which can be amended by simple act of the Legislature is known as

Unitary Constitution

*Flexible Constitution

Rigid Constitution

None of these

Modern states are generally considered as

Police States

*Welfare States

Dictatorial States
None of these

The fundamental organs of the state are established by

The Government

The Parliament

*The Constitution

The President

Which of the following is not one of the three organs of the state?

The Legislature

The Judiciary

The Executive

*The Press

The Organ of the State which makes laws is

The Executive

*The Legislature

The Judiciary

The All of the above

The Organ of the State which interprets laws is

The Legislature

The Press

The Executive

*The Judiciary

The Organ of the State which implement and execute laws is known as

The Legislature

*The Executive
The Judiciary

The Parliament

Which of the following is considered as The Fourth Estate?

The Parliament

The Assembly

*The Press

The Council

Which of the following is not a democratic institution of the Rig Vedic era?





During Medieval India which kings first established "Local Self Governments"?



Rayas of Vijayanagara


Local Self Governments created by Cholas during medieval India was strengthened by the emperors of





Iqtas, Turfs and Subhas are provincial governments of



*Muslim rulers

The East India Company was established in the year





Which Charter empowered the British Governors of Presidencies to make By-laws, Rules, Regulations in
conformity with British laws?

Charter of 1600

Charter of 1677

Charter of 1683

*Charter of 1726

The battle that opened Bengal for the British Rule is

*Battle of Plassey

Battle of Buxar

Battle of Oudh

Battle of Bihar

Who started Dual Government in Bengal?

*Robert Clive

Warren Hastings

Lord Cornwallis

Lord Dalhousie
The first written document in the Constitutional History of India is

The Pitts India Act, 1784

*The Regulating Act of 1773

The Charter Act of 1793

The Charter Act of 1813

The first Governor General of Bengal is

*Warren Hastings

Lord Cornwallis

Lord Hastings

Lord Cubbon

Which Act created for the first time in Indian subcontinent The Supreme Court?

The Pitts India Act, 1784

*The Regulating Act, 1773

The Amending Act, 1781

The Act of 1786

Which Act abolished all commercial functions of the Company in India?

The Act of 1786

The Charter Act of 1793

The Charter Act of 1813

*The Charter Act of 1833

Which Charter ACt created for the first time in India "Government of India"?

The Act of 1786

The Charter Act of 1793

The Charter Act of 1813

*The Charter Act of 1833

The First Law Commission was appointed in India for Codification of Laws under the Chairmanship of

Lord Wellesly

Lord Hastings

Lord Sinha

*Lord Maculey

Which Charter Act made the beginning of a Parliamentary System in India?

The Act of 1786

The Charter Act of 1853

The Charter Act of 1813

*The Charter Act of 1833

Under which of the following Act, the Crown of Enbland took the affairs of Government of India into its
own hands?

Indian Councils Act, 1861

Indian Councils Act, 1909

*The Government of India Act, 1858

The Government of India Act, 1935

The Governor General of India was also the representative of British Crown to Princely Staes in India and
hence he was known as

The Commander of India

*The Viceroy of India

The Secretary State of India

The Director of India

Which Act renamed the Covenanted Civil Service as Indian Civil Service?

*The Government of India Act, 1858

The Charter Act of 1793

The Charter Act of 1813

The Charter Act of 1833

Which Act for the first time gave an opportunity for Indians to enter into the sphere of Legislature?

The Government of India Act, 1858

*The Indian Council Act, 1861

The Indian Council Act, 1892

The Charter Act of 1813

Which Council Act made the beginning of Electoral System in India?

The Government of India Act, 1858

The Indian Council Act, 1861

*The Indian Council Act, 1892

The Charter Act of 1813

Which Council Act introduced 'Communal Electorate' in India?

*The Indian Council Act, 1909 (Minto Morely Reforms)

The Indian Council Act, 1861

The Indian Council Act, 1892

The Charter Act of 1813

The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was signed between the Congress and the


Krishak Praja Party


*Muslim League

Which of the following Act made the Indian legislature Bi-cameral for the first time?
The Government of India Act, 1935

*The Government of India Act, 1919

Indian Councils Act, 1909

Indian Independence Act, 1947

Which Commission concluded that the system of Dyarch had failed and therefore it should be

The Hunter Commission

*The Simon Commission

The Cabinet Commission

None of these

The famous Dandi March laid by Gandhiji was against

*The existing Salt tax


The British Rule

None of these

Gandhiji participated as a sole representative of the Congress in the

First Round Table

*Second Round Table

Third Round Table

None of these

The federal features of the Indian Government was introduced by the

Indian Independence Act, 1947

Indian Councils Act, 1909

*The Government of India, 1935

Government of India, 1919

The Lahore session of Indian National Congress adopted a resolution for complete independence which
is popularly known as

Gandhi-Irwin pact

Quit India movement

Salt Satyagraha

*Purna Swaraj

The Government of India Act, 1935 vested the residuary powers in the

Federal legislature

*Governor General


All the above

For the first time the Indian demand for setting up of Constituent Assembly was conceded by the
Britishers in

*August Offer

Shimla Offer

Cripps proposals

None of these

Which proposals was referred as "Post Dated Cheque" by Gandhiji?

The Cabinet Proposal

The August Offer

*The Cripps Proposal

None of these

Indian National Congress started "Quit India Movement" after the failure of

August Offer
*Cripps Mission

Wavell Plan

Sepoy Mutiny

Mahatma Gandhiji gave a call to all Indians to "do or die" which is popularly known as

Salt Satyagraha

Garibi Hato

Independence Movement

*Quit India Movement

Shimla conference of all political parties ended in failure because of difference between

Britishers and Freedom fighters

*Congress and Muslim League

Congress and Unionist

Congress and Krishak praja

A Cabinet Mission which came to india was headed by


Hugh Gaitskell

Staford Cripps

*Lord Pethick Lawrence

The plan which rejected the demand for independent Pakistan is

The Cripps Proposals

*The Cabinet Mission Plan

Wavell Plan

None of these

The Cabinet Mission Plan divided the provinces of India into

A and B States

*A,B,C and D States

Provincial States

None of these

The Partition of British India into two independent nations India and Pakistan was done according to the

Cabinet Mission Plan

Wavell Plan

*Mountbatten Plan

None of these

The Indian Independence Act, 1947 came into force on

18th July, 1947

*15th Aug, 1947

26th Jan, 1950

26th Nov, 1949

The first attempt in the world to constitute a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution was made by





The first attempt by Indians to write a Constitution to India was done by a Committee headed by Motilal
Nehru which is popularly known as

*Nehru Report

The White Paper

Swaraj Report

None of these
The idea of the Constitution of India was flashed for the first time by

M.N Roy

*M.K Gandhi

B.R Ambedkar

M.L Nehru

The plan of setting up of a Constituent Assembly to draw up the future Constitution for India was given

India Independence Act, 1947

*The Cabinet Mission Plan

Wavell Plan

None of these

The members of the Constituent Assembly were

Elected directly by the people

*Elected by Provincial Assemblies

Nominated by the Government

Represented by Princely States

When was the first session of Constituent Assembly held?

26th Nov, 1949

*9th Dec, 1946

15th Aug, 1947

26th Jan, 1950

Who among the following is the first President of the Constituent Assembly?


*Dr.Rajendra Prasad


The credit of introducing the Objective Resolution in the Constituent Assembly on Dec 13, 1946 goes to

Mahatma Gandhi



*Jawaharlal Nehru

Who is identified as the architect of Indian Constitution?


N.Gopal Swami Ayyengar



The Constituent Assembly appointed a Drafting Committee on 29th August 1947, which was headed by



Dr.Rajendra Prasad


Who was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha?


Hakaim Singh


Nilam Sajiva Reddy

The Structural part of the Indian Constitution is to a large extent derived from

Minto-Morley reforms
The Government of India Act, 1919

*The Government of India Act, 1935

The Cripps Proposal

The Historic Indian Constitution was adopted and enacted by the Constituent Assembly on

26th Jan 1950

*26th Nov 1949

14th Aug, 1947

15th Aug, 1947

The Indian Constitution came into force on Jan 26th 1950 hence this day is celebrated as

Independence Day

Gandhi Jayanthi

*Republic Day

None of these

Almost all major parts of the Constitution came into force from

*26th Jan 1950

26th Nov 1949

15th Aug 1947

2nd Oct 1950

The Indian constitution is recognized as




*Federal in Form and Unitary in Spirit

The Constitution of India borrowed the scheme of the Indian Federation from the Constitution of




The feature common of both Indian and American Federation is

Seventh Schedule

Presidential System

*Supreme Court to interpret Constitution

Single Citizenship

The largest democratic country in the world is





The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the

*Objective Resolution

Constitution of Britain

Constitution of Canada

Constitution of Australia

Who proposed Preamble before the Drafting committee of the Constitution?



*Jawaharlal Nehru

Which among the following is an aid to the Statutory Interpretation?


Fundamental Rights

Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties

The following is considered as the Sole of the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Duties

Directive Principles

Fundamental Rights


The Credit of developing the Preamble goes to


*Jawaharlal Nehru

Mahatma Gandhi


The key to open the minds of the makers of the Indian Constitution is


Fundamental Rights

Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties

Sovereignty under Indian Constitution vest with the



Prime Minister

*People of India
In which of the following case, it was held that the Preamble is a part of the Indian Constitution

Minerva Mills Case

Maneka Gandhi Case

Golaknath Case

*Keshavananda Bharati Case

The beginning word "WE" in the preamble refers to the

Members of the Constituent Assembly

British Rulers

*People of India

All the above

The idea of Social, Economic and Political Justice has been taken from

*French Revolution

Russian Revolution

American Revolution

Greek Revolution

The Concept of Equality and Fraternity have been taken from

*French Revolution

Greek Revolution

Russian Revolution

American Revolution

Objective resolution was silent as to the concept of ____, which was inserted into the Preamble by the
Constituent Assembly




The words 'Socialist' and 'Secular' were inserted into the Preamble under

1st Amendment Act, 1951

24th Amendment Act, 1971

*42nd Amendment Act, 1976

44th Amendment Act, 1978

A State which does not promote or interfere in the affairs of religion is referred to as

Sovereign State

Democratic State

Socialist State

*Secular State

The Preamble secures Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity to

All Persons

*All Citizens

Residents of India

None of these

People participation in the affairs of the Government connotes the feature of





Universal Adult Franchise shows that India is a

Sovereign Country
Socialist Country

*Democratic Country

Secular Country

If the head of the State is an elected functionary for a fixed term it is known as

Federal State

Unitary State

*Republic State

Democratic State

The important test to identify the basic features of Indian Constitution is

Fundamental Duties

Fundamental Rights

Directive Principles


Since, India being the number of Common Wealth Nations, is it a threat to the Sovereignty of India?

*No threat

*Absolute threat

*Partial threat

None of the above

The people of India dedicated their Constitution

to all persons

to British

*to themselves

to members of the Constituent Assembly

The term Sovereignty means freedom from

British Rule

Military Rule

Legal Constraints

*Foreign and Feudal Rule

The words which were added to the Preamble by 42nd Constitution Amendment Act 1976 are

Sovereign, Socialist

*Unity and Integrity

Secular, Democratic

Democratic Repulic

The Preamble to the Constitution doesn't contain


*Adult Franchise



The enacting clause under the Preamble is situated in the ____ part of the Preamble




None of the above

Secularism is held to be the part of basic structure of the constitution in

Minerva Mills Case

Maneka Gandhi Case

Golaknath Case

*Keshavananda Bharati Case

The word 'Democracy' is derived from the Greek words

Decos and Cartos

*Demos and Kratos


None of these

Liberty in our preamble does not include

Freedom of Thought

Freedom of Worship

*Freedom of Action

Freedom of Belief

The Preamble is termed as political horoscope by




Lord Bentinck

The Preamble is referred as the key to the Constitution by

*Earnest Barker


Huen Tsang

Granville Austin

Well known political thinker Granville Austin termed the Preamble as

Social Document

*Paradise of Lawyers

Tall to interpret

Temple of the Constitution

The Preamble can be amended under Art.368. Which of the following is correct?

Preamble creates an implied limitation on the power of amendment

Preamble contains the basic features of the Constitution

Amendment should not be used to destroy the basic features mentioned in the Preamble

*All the above

The word 'Socialist' in the Preamble inclines more towards

*Gandhian Socialism

Free Market Economy


None of the above

Which among the following is NOT a feature of Sovereignty?





The word 'Integrity' intends to

Put an end to separatist tendencies

Create a sense of common Indianness

Implicit in the concept of Union of India

*All the Above

The Directive Principles of State Policy

The idea of Directive Princilpes of State Policy is borrowed from the Constitution of




Welfare provisions under the Indian Constitution are guaranreed under


Part III

*Part IV

Part IVA

Directive Principles are in the nature of

*Guidelines to the State

Obligations to the State

Limitations to the State

Limitations to the Citizens

Who described the Directive Principles of State Policy as the novel feature of the Indian Constitution?

L.M Singhivi

Motilal Nehru

N.Madhava Rao

*Dr.B.R. Ambedkar

The following Directive Directive Principles that has not been implemented so far

Promotion of International Peace & Security

*Uniform Civil Code

Separation of Judiciary from Executive

Organization of Panchayats

Which among the following Directive Principle is based on Gandhian Philosophy?

*Promotion of Cottage industries

Uniform Civil Code

Separation of Judiciary from Executive

Equal pay for equal work

The phrase "Economic justice" is found in

Preamble and Fundamental Rights

*Preamble and Directive Principles

Fundamental Rights and Duties

Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties

If the Directive Principles of State Policy are violated

It can be enforced through Supreme Court

*It cannot be enforced

It can be enforced through Statutory Courts

It can be enforced through Lok-Adalat

Which among the following articles guides the State to promote the welfare of the people


Art 39



If India has to provide socio-economic welfare to its citizens it should give enforceability to

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

*Directive principles

None of the above

The State imposing tax on capital and wealth according to taxation laws is protected under





According to the interpretation of the Supreme Court the word 'Material Resources' means

Moveable Property

Immovable Property

*both Moveable and Immovable Property

None of the above

Art.39(d) of the Constitution obligates the State to give equal pay to both men and women if _______is
equal to both




None of the above

Free legal aid under Art.39A is inserted under the Indian Constitution by way of

*42nd Constitution Ammendment

44th Constitution Ammendment

24th Constitution Ammendment

25th Constitution Ammendment

Village Panchayats under Art.40 are the best example for India's _______form of Government


Secular Character


The IndianConstitution is silent as to which of the following Directive Principle

Free Legal Aid to poor

*Adult Education

Improving the Standard of living of workers

Equal pay for equal work

Just & Humane conditions of work and maximum living wages for workers is provided respectively under

Art.40 and Art.41

Art.41 and Art.39

*Art.42 and Art.43

Art.43(A) and Art.44

'Right to work' enshrined under Art.41 of the Directive Principles are subject to

Existing Vacancy in the State

Qualification of the Individual

*Economic capacity of the State

All the above

The State is obligated to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forest and wildlife
under Article





Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forest wildlife under Art.48A is
inserted into the Constitution by
1st Constitution Amendment

*42nd Constitution Amendment

44th Constitution Amendment

52nd Constitution Amendment

The article that provides for the separation of Judiciary from the Executive is





The aricle that recognizes International law under the Constitution of India is





The correct response with respect to the Directive Principles of State Policy is

Imposes negative affirmations on the State

Can be enforced through Courts

*Imposes positive affirmations on the State

Limitations against the State

Certain socio-economic provisions are guaranteed under

Fundamental Rights

*Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties

"Distribution of material resources of the community as to subserve the common good" guaranteed
under Art.39(b) aim at the principle of

Sovereign State

Secular State

Democratic State

*Socialist State

Uniform Civil Code means

a code related to individual's public life

*a codified law applicable to all persons of India irrespective of their religion

a code meant for Hindus only

None of these

The right to adequate means of livelihood is to be provided by the State under




None of the above

Art.45 mandates the State to provide for

free and complsory education for children

Free and compulsory education for children upto fourteen years of age

*Early childhood care and education for allchildren untill they complete the age of six years

None of these

it is the obligation of the state to protect every monument or place or object of artistic or historic intrest
and of national importance under




Article 51 mandates India's Foregin Policy to

Promote International Peace and Security

Maintain just and honourable relation between Nations

Encourage settlement of International disputes by arbitration

*All of the above

When Government of India implement the Directive Principles of State Policy, India would be considered

Police State

*Welfare State

Developing State

Developed State

"Directive Principles are important in the sense that they are a positive responsibility of the State
towards its citizens". The Statement is made by

Sir Ivor Jennings

*Dr.M.V Paylee

Dr.Rajendra Prasad


Fundamental Rights have legal significance where as Directive Principles have

*Moral significance

Constitutional significance

Judicial significance

Parliamentary significance
Court held that, the Fundamental Rights shall get priority over Directive Principles in the situation of
conflict between the two?

Golaknath V. State of Punjab

Gopalan V. State of Madras

*State of Madras V. Champakam Doroiranjan

Manekha Gandhi V. Union of India

Concentration of wealth violates

Fundamental Rights

*Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties

None of the above

If Directive Principles are infringed, the remedy vest with

the Court of law

the Lok Adalat

the Parliament

the Electorate

Directive Principles are (i)not enforceable by any court of law (ii)not amendable by the Parliament
(iii)essential to the governance of the country. Which of the following is correct

*i and iii

i and ii

ii and iii

i,ii and iii

'National Literacy Mission' has been launched by the Government and voluntary institutions to

to implememnt Directive Principles

to give effect to Fundamental Duties

to implement Fundamental Rights

to remove illiteracy among mass

Identify the correct combination

Safeguarding Public Property and abjuring violence-Directive Principle

Establishing and maintaining institutions for religious and charitable purposes-Fundamental Right

Maintaining just and honorable relation between nations-Fundamental Duty

*Promotion with special care education and economic interest of the weaker sections of the society-
Directive Principle

The Community Development Program was launched in the year 1952 for the development of

Backward class

Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes

*Rural areas

All the above

"In any judgement, the directive principles have a great value, for they lay down that our ideal is
Economic Democracy. Because we did not want merely a Parliamentary form of Government to be
instituted through the various mechanism provided in the Constitution, without any direction as to what
our economic ideal or as to what our social order sought to be, we deliberately included included the
Directive Principles in our Constitution". This statement is made in the Constituent Assembly by,

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Sardar Vallabhai Patel

Dr.B.R Ambedkar

Dr.Rajendra Prasad

The Supreme Court in a case held that children below the age of 14years cannot be employed in any
hazardous industry or mines etc. This case is also popularly known as Child Labour Abolition case, it is

*M.C Mehta vs State of Tamil Nadu

D.S Nakara vs Union of India

Unni Krishnan vs State of A.P.

Sarala Mudgal vs Union of India

Art.45 is been substituted by a new article which reads as "provision for early childhood care and
education below the age of six years" under which Constitution Amendment?

*The Constitution 86th Amendment Act, 2002

The Constitution 91st Amendment Act, 2003

The Constitution 92nd Amendment Act, 2003

None of the above

Which of the following is/are true

Pursuant to the direction enshrined in Art.51 of the Constitution and International commitments,
Parliament has passed the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993

The Act provides for the setting of a 'national Human Rights Commission' and Human Rights Courts and
similar Commissions may be set up in the States also.

The Provisions of the Act will be applicable to Armed Forces and to the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

*All the above

".....the provisions of Part III and Part IV are complementary to each other and that fundamental rights
are but a means to achieve the goal indicated in Part IV." Justice B.P Jeevan Reddy stated as above in

M.C.Mehta vs State of Tamil nadu

D.S Nakara vs Union of India

*Unni Krishnan J.P. vs State of A.P.

Sarala Mudgal vs Union of India

The Fundamental Duties

The Concept of Fundamental Duties are borrowed from the Constitution of




The Fundamental Duties under the Indian Constitution are provided by

An order of the Supreme Court

An order of the President

*An Amendment to the Constitution

A legislation by the Parliament

Fundamental Duties are incorporated into the Indian Constitution in





Fundamental Duties are enshrined under _________part of the Constitution

*Part IVA

Part IV

Part III

Part II

Under which Article the Fundamental Duties are enshrined under the Indian Constitution





Which of the following is a Fundamental Duty of an Indian Citizen?

To honour the elected leader

To work for removal of literacy

To cast his vote

*To develop scientific temper

The original text of the Constitution doesn't contain Fundamental Duties however it is inserted by way

1st constitution Amendment 1951

24th Constitution Amendment 1971

*42nd Constitution Amendment 1976

44th Constitution Amendment 1978

Which committee recommended for the inclusion of Fundamental Duries into the Constitution?

Ashok Mehta Committee

*Sardar Swarn Singh Committee

Balwanth Rai Mehta Committee

L.M Singhivi Committee

Fundamental Duties are applicable to




All persons

To respect the National flag and National Anthem is

*Fundamental Duty of every Citizen

Fundamental Right of every Citizen

Directive Principles to the State

None of the above

The protection and improvement of environment including forest and wildlife of the country is
enshrined in

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

Directive Princiles

*Both (b) and (c)

The duty to protect and improve the environment is enshrined under





Identify which among the following is/are the Fundamental Duties

To uphold and protect the sovereignty of India

To protect and improve environment

To safeguard the public property

*All the above

Obligation of the parents or guardians to provide opportunities for the education to their children
between six to fourteen years of age is

Fundamental Rights

*Fundamental Duty

Directive Principles of State Policy

None of the above

Fundamental Duties cannot ne enforced by writs, they can be promoted by

*Constitutional Method

Legal Method
Statutory Method

Resolutionary Method

Fundamental Duty under Art51(A)(k) was inserted to the constitution by

*Constitution (86th Amendment) Act 2002

Constitution (85th Amendment) Act 2002

Constitution (84th Amendment) Act 2002

None of these

It is the duty of every citizen of India to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among
all people of India under





Violation of Fundamental Duties attracts

Arrest by Police

*Fine imposed by Courts

Not an offence

Fine or imprisonment or both

Which of the following is correct?

*Fundamental duties cannot be enforced through writs

Fundamental duties are present in the original draft of the Constitution

Fundamental duties are applicable to all persons

Fundamental duties are incorporated during Constitutional (First Amendment) Act

Identify the correct combination

Equal pay for Equal work - Fundamental right

Protection against exploitation - Directive Principle

*To safeguard public property and to abjure violence - Fundamental duty

Right to Property - Fundamental Right

Which of the following is/are a fundamental duty of a Citizen?

To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India

To protect harmony and spirit of common brotherhood among all people of India

To protect and improve the natural environment

*All the above

Which of the following regarding Fundamental Duties is/are correct?

Rights and Duties are correlative

The Fundamental Duties are known to Indian tradition as 'Kartavyas' towards society, country and
towards his family

Fundamental Duties are statutory and shall be enforceable by law

*All the above

The Supreme Court has held that, under Art.51A(g) "it is the duty of the Central Government to
introduce compulsory teaching of lessons on protection and improvement of natural environment in all
the educational institutions of the country" in

*M.C.Mehta(2) vs Union of India(1983)

D.S.Nakara vs Union of India

Unni Krishnan J.P.vs State of A.P.

Sarala Mudgal vs Union of India

The Municipalities

The Institution of Municipality is a Local Self Government in

*Urban areas
Rural areas

Both Urban and Rural Areas

None of the above

Among the following which is the Urban Local Self Government

Zilla Panchayat

*Nagara Panchayat

Taluk Panchayat

All the above

_____ number of seats is reserved for women in the Urban Local Self Government





The time duration of the Municipality is

1 year

4 years

*5 years

6 years

If the Municipality is dissolved before the completion of its full term, fresh election to constitute
Municipality shall be completed

Within 90 days of dissolution

Within 6 months of dissolution

Anytime after dissolution

As early as possible
If a Member of the Municipality is disqualified according to the law made by the State Legislature, the
question of such disqualification shall be decided by

The High Court

The Speaker of Assembly

The Chief Minister

*An Authority appointed by the Legislature

The elections to the Municipalities shall be held by

*State Election Commission

Regional Election Commission

Chief Election Commission

District Election Commission

Municipalities achieve Constitutional status by way of

73rd Constitution Amendment

74th Constitution Amendment

86th Constitution Amendment

90th Constitution Amendment

Twelth Schedule under Indian Constitution is meant for

Panchayat Raj


Both Panchayat and Municipalities

None of the above

Municipality has control over _____ number of subjects enumerated under Schedule Twelve of the



Constitution of Municipalities is




None of the above

Local Self Government was Constitutionalised by way of

24th & 25th Constitution Amendment

42nd & 44th Constitution Amendment

44th & 45th Constitution Amendment

73rd &74th Constitution Amendment

Which of the following is a source of income to the Gram Panchayats?

*Levy Duty

Excise Duty

Professional Tax

Custom Duty

The need for Local Self Government can be justified on the ground of

Administrative convenience

*Decentralizing the power of democracy

Local leadership

None of the above

Ashok Mehta Committee strongly recommends for

Zilla Parishad
*Mandal Panchayat

Village Panchayat

Zila Samiti

A Municipal Committee is established in a city with atleast

30000 Population

20000 Population

*25000 Population

15000 Population

Who is the executive head of Municipal Corporation?





The Members of Municipality are elected by

every citizen of the town

every former of the town

an adult male in a town

*an adult citizen in a town

Elections to Local self Government is done by

Proportional representation

*Secret Ballot

Raising of Hands

Electronic Voting Machine

Which committee acts as the executive body to the Zila Parishad?

Notified Area Committee

Municipal Committee

*Working Committee

None of the above

The minimum population required to constitute a Municiapl Corporation is

5 lakhs

6 lakhs

8 lakhs

*10 lakhs

Decision to conduct elections for the Municipal Corporation vest with

Central Government

*State Government

Election Commission

State Election Commission

In 1687 the first Municipal Corporation was constituted in India at





The Royal Commission on Decentralization was appointed in 1907 under the chairmanship of

Lord Canning

William Benting

*C.E.H Hobhouse

Lord Mayo
What is the duration of the Municipalities?

2 years

*5 years

6 years

8 years

The officer of District Collector was created by

Lord Wellesley

Robert Clive

lord cornwallis

*Lord Warren Hastings

The office of the District Collector was created in India in





The term of Nagara palike shall be for

3 years

*5 years

6 years

as long as it looses majority

Reservation for women in Panchayat and Nagarapalike is




It is obligatory for all States to have

Single tier Local Self Government

Two tier Local Self Government

*Three tier Local Self Government

Optional to the State

The Panchayats

Who is considered as the father of Local Self Government?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Warren Hastings

Mahatma Gandhi

*Lord Rippon

Which among the following Committees recommended for the constitution of Panchayat Raj
institutions for the first time?

Ashok Mehta Committee

L.M.Singhiv Committee

*Balwanth Rai Mehta Committee

Swarna Singh Committee

The credit of introducing Panchayat Raj institutions for the first time goes to



Tamil Nadu

Andhra Pradesh

Institutions of Local Self Government aim for

The Republic Character of the Government

*The Democracy at grass root level

The Sovereignity

The Security of India

Panchayat Raj institutions achieved constitutional status by way of

42nd Constitution Amendment Act

44th Constitution Amendment Act

*73rd Constitution Amendment Act

86th Constitution Amendment Act

Which article under Indian Constitution directs the government to compose Local Self Governments?





Composition of institutions like Local Self Government is



*Discretion of the State Government

None of the above

Panchayat Raj institutions shall be composed

At State Level

At District Level

At Taluk Level

*At Village Level

Seats in the Panchayats shall be filled by

Indirect Election

*Direct Election


Partially by nomination and partially by election

Panchayat institutions enjoy a term of

six years

*five years

four years

one year

An election to constitute Panchayat shall be completed

within 6 months after the term

within 3 months after the term

*before the expiration of the term

within 90 days after the term

Reservation of seats in Panchayats for SCs and STs are given under





Who has the power to confer the provisions of Local Self Government to Union Territories?

The Lok Sabha

The Rajya Sabha

The Parliament

*The President
Provisions of Local Self Government are based on

Fundamental Rights

Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties

*Gandhian Principles

Schedule Eleven under Indian Constitution is meant for



Both Municipalities and Panchayats

None of the above

Panchayati Raj has control over _____ number of subjects emurated under Eleventh Schedule.





The decision to conduct an election to Panchayats vest with the

*State Government

Election Commission



At what level does a Panchayat Samiti operate in a Panchayat Raj Structure

Village Level

Gram Panchayat Level

*Block Level

District Level
The provisions for imposing tax by Panchayats can be made by the State Legislature under





Under which provisions Local Self Government is enshrined under Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

*Directive Principles


First time Panchayat Raj institutions were started in India in the year





The major portion of funds to Panchayat Raj institutions comes from

Property Tax

Land Tax

Vehicle Tax

*Government grants

The Committee that recommended the structure of Panchayat Raj institutions should be of Village,
Block and District level was

Ashok Mehta Committee

Narshiman Committee
*Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

Singhivi Committee

The highest body in the hierarchy of Panchayat Raj institutions is

*Zila Parishad

Village Panchayat

Gram Sabha

Panchayat Samiti

The provisions of Panchayat Raj institutions is enshrined under _______ Part of the Constitution




Balwanth Rai Mehta Committee recommended the structure of Panchayat Raj institutions should be

village and District

village, District and State

*Village, Block and District

Village, Zilla, District and State

Institutions of Mandal Panchayats were recommended by

Singhivi Committee

Narsimhan Committee

Balwanth Rai Mehta Committee

*Ashok Mehta Committee

Chair person of the Panchayat shall be elected by the

*Members of Panchayat

Farmers of the village

Citizens of village

Male members of village

Panchayat Raj Institutions has given more power to


Co-operative institutions

Self help groups

*Backward Class & Women

Which is the constitutional body authorized to conduct elections for Panchayat Raj institutions

State P.S.C

Election Commission

*State Election Commission

Regional Election Commission

The States

The Constitutional head of the State Government is

The President

*The Governor

The Prime Minister

The Chief minister

The Executive powers of the State Government shall be exercised in the name of

*The Governor

The President
The Chief Minister

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Governor of the State shall be appointed by the

The Chief Minister

The Pime Minister

*The President

The Supreme Court

The Governor shall hold office for a term of

Six years

*Five years

Four years

Two years

The Governor may resign his office by addressing his resignation to the

The Chief Minister

*The President

The Prime Minister

Chief Justice of respective High Court

The emoluments, allowances and privileges of the Governor shall be determined by the

The President

State Legislature


The Chief Minister

The Governor before entering upon his office has to administer his oath before the

Chief justice of India

*Chief Justice of High Court


Chief Minister

The Governor has to exercise his functions with the aid and advice of the

*The Council of ministers headed by Chief minister

The Chief justice of High Court

The Council of Ministers headed by Prime Minister

The Speaker of the Assembly

The Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers are appointed by the

The President

The Chief justice of High Court

*The Governor

They are elected

The State Council of Ministers before entering upon the office has to administer an oath before the

*The Governor

The President

The Chief Minister

The Chief justice of High Court

The qualification of a person to be appointed as an Advocate General of the State will be

Qualified to be appointed as Judge of Supreme Court

*Qualified to be appointed as Judge of High Court

Qualified to be appointed as Judge of District Court

Has put in practice for atleast five years in High Court

An Advocate General shall hold office during the pleasure of the

The President

The Prime Minister

The Chief Minister

*The Governor

Who is the channel of communication between between the Governor and the State Council of

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

The Home Minister

*The Chief Minister

The Chairman of Legislative Council

The Governor is the part and parcel of the


*State Legislature

State Judiciary

Union Judiciary

Which of the following State have Bicameral legislature?



West Bengal

Tamil Nadu

The power to create and abolish the Legislative Council, if the Legislative Assembly of the State passes
a resolution to that effect is with the

*The Parliament

The President

The Governor
The Chief Minister

The State Legislature unless dissolved earlier shall continue for a period of

Six years

Four years

*Five years

Two years

The Legislative Council of the State shall not be subject to dissolution however one third of its
members shall retire after every

Three years

*Two years

One year

Five years

The minimum age for the member to be elected for the Legislative Assembly is

35 years

30 years

*25 years

20 years

Who has the power to dissolve the State Legislature?

The President

The Prime Minister

The Chief Minister

*The Governor

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected by the

Citizens of the State

Governors of the States

Members of the State Legislature

*Members of the Legislative Assembly

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly can vacate his office by addressing his resignation to the

The Governor

The President

*The Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Chief Minister

The salaries and allowances of the Speaker of Legislative Assembly and Chairman of Legislative
Council shall be determined by the

*State Legislature


Legislative Assembly


The Members of State Legislature can claim immunity from

*Civil Proceedings

Criminal Proceedings

Both Civil and Criminal Proceedings

None of the above

Find out the correct response: After the State Legislature is dissolved the Speaker of Legislative

Would be remooved from the office immediately

*Remains as Speaker until the First meeting of the Legislative Assembly after the dissolution

Has to submit his resignation to the Deputy Speaker

Can continue as Speaker for a period of 30days

The State Council of Ministers can be suspended on the advice of

*The Chief Minister

The Legislative Assembly

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Governor

The State Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to

*The Legislative Assembly

The Legislative Council

The Chief Minister

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly shall be removed by the House by passing a resolution

Passed by majority of total membership of the House

Passed by two-third majority of members present and voting

*After 14days clear notice passed by majority of all the Members of the House

None of the above

Who is neutral in the affairs of the party politics?

*The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Chief Minister

The Home Minister

The Finance Minister

The Advocate General holds office during the pleasure of the

The President

*The Governor

The Prime Minister

The Chief Minister

What is the minimum gap permissible between the two sessions of the Legislature?

Two months

Three Months

*Six Months

Six Weeks

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly enjoys

Right to vote like the other members

No right to vote

*Right to vote only in case of tie

Two votes, one in the ordinary course and another in case of tie

When the legislature is not at session, the Governor can promulgate an ordinance with the

Prior approval of the President

*Consent of Council of Ministers

Prior approval of the State Legislature


Find out the correct response to the Ordinance Promulgated by the Governor

*has the same force as the law made by the State Legislature

is more extensive than the law made by the State Legislature

is much narrower than the law made by the State Legislature

it depends upon the facts and circumstances of the case

The portfolios among the state Council of Ministers is allocated by

*Governor on the recommendation of the Chief Minister

The Chief minister

Governor alone

Speaker of Legislative Assembly

Which among the following House is presided by the non-member?

Legislative Assembly

Legislative Council

The Lok sabha

*The Rajya Sabha

The State Council of Ministers has to tender their resignation if vote of no-confidence is passed
against it by the

Legislative Council

*Legislative Assembly

Joint session of both Assembly and Council

The Governor

Membership of Legislative assembly can vary between





Who among the following is described as the custodian of State Legislative Assembly?

The Chief Minister

The Deputy Chief Minister

*The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The Leader of Opposition

Voting age has been reduced from 21 years to 18 years by the Parliament in the year




The Governor of a State does not appoint

The Chief Minister

The Deputy Chief Minister

Members of State Public Service Commission

*Judges of High Court

The Governor has to exercise its executive powers on the aid and advice of the

*State Council of Ministers

The Chief Minister

Speaker of Legislative Assembly

The President

The Chairman of the Legislative Council is

*Elected by the members of Legislative Council

Nominated by Governor

Elected by the Members of Legislative Assembly

Nominated by Chief Minister

The emoluments of the Ministers in the State Government are determined by the

The Parliament

The President

*The State Legislature

The Governor
The Legislative Council is a permanent house, however _____ number of members retire after every
two years





The Legislative powers of the State are vested in the


*State Legislature

Chief Minister

High Court

The term of Legislative Assembly can be extended for a period of _____ during the time of emergency

*One year

Two years

One full term

No such extension

Which among the following house cannot be dissolved but can be abolished?

The Lok Sabha

The Rajya Sabha

The Legislative Assembly

*The Legislative Council

The representation of States in the Rajya Sabha is given on the basis of

Proportion of size of the State

*Proportion of the State Population

Equal number of seats to all the States

Based on the resources of the State

Chief Minister of all the States are the Members of

Planning Commission

Finance Commission

*National Development Council

Inter State Council

When the State Governor dies or resigns from his office who will discharge the functions of the
Governor till a new Governor is appointed by the President?

Speaker of Legislative Assembly

*Chief Justice of High Court

Advocate General

Person designated by the President

The Governor of Jammu and Kashmir is appointed by

The Parliament

The Prime Minister

*The President

The Legislature of Jammu and Kashmir

If a no-confidence motion is passed against a minister

*Entire Council of Ministers should resign

Only such minister should resign

The Prime Minister and Concerned Minister should resign

Lok Sabha is dissolved

Who recommends the imposition of constitutional emergency in a State to the President of India?

*The Governor
The Chief Minister

The Prime Minister

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

The interval between the two consecutive sessions of the State Legislative Assembly shall not be more

Six Weeks

One Month

Three Months

*Six Months

The authority to allot the agenda of the State Legislative Assembly is

The Governor

The Chief Minister

*The Speaker of the Assembly

The Chairman of the Council

State Legislature has an exclusive power to Legislate on

*66 Subjects

97 Subjects

47 Subjects

80 Subjects

What is the effect of the resignation or death of the Chief Minister of the State?

*New Chief Minister takes oath and has to prove his majority.

Dissolves the Legislative Assembly

Mid-term Polls

None of these
Who is neutral in the affairs of party politics?

The Chief Minister

Deputy Chief Minister

The Home Minister

*Speaker of Legislative Assembly

If a person is elected to more than one State Legislature

*within a specified period if he doesn't choose any one State Legislature he will loose all the seats

he may become the member of more than one State Legislature

his 2nd or 3rd seats in other State Legislature got automatically vacated

this will be decided by the party high command

If the Governor sends the Bill for the consideration of the President, the President shall not exercise
any one of the following

Assent to bill

Withhold assent there from

*reject the bill

send the bill to the State Legislature for its reconsideration

The Governor has power to nominate _______ member/s of Anglo Indian community in the
Legislative Assembly of the State Legislature





The Governor has power to nominate ______ members of the total strength of the Legislative Council




The Governor can be removed by

*The President

The Chief Minister

The State Legislature

The Supreme Court

If there exist a law of Parliament on a subject included in concurrent list and Governor, with the prior
consent of the President issues an ordinance on that subject, what will be the effect of such an

*It will have the same effect as an Act passed by the State Legislature, which has been reserved for
the assent of the President and received such assent

It will have the same effect as an Act passed by the State Legislature, which has been reserved for the
assent of the Governor and received such assent

It will have the same effect as an Act passed by the Parliament

It will have no effect

The Governor cannot exercise which of the following power of Pardon?

Offence against law relating to matter to which executive power of the State extends

Punishment of death

Punishment awarded by Military Courts

both (b) and (c) above

Under what circumstances the Governor transfers his power with respect of any Bill?

When the Governor sends back the bill to House for its reconsideration

When Governor withhold the bill from his assent

*When Governor reserves, a bill for the consideration of the President

None of the above

How many terms a person can be appointed as Governor




*Infinite times

What action the Governor of State can take against the Chairman or Members of State Public Service



Leave without pay

Take away their salary

The Constitution is silent as to the procedure of removal of the

The President

*The Governor

The Chief Justice of India

The Speaker of Lok Sabha

Resignation of Minister of State shall be addressed to the

*The Chief Minister

The Deputy Chief Minister

The Home Minister

The Governor

The State Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor, in fact the pleasure of the
Governor will be exercised by the

*The Chief Minister

The Deputy Chief Minister

The Prime Minister

The President

What is the Majority required from the State Assembly to create or abolish Legislative Council?

1/3 majority of all members present and voting

1/10 majority of the members

*Majority of the total members and not less than 2/3 majority of the members present and voting

Simple majority

If the Legislative Assembly of the state passes a resolution by special majority for the creation or
abolition of legislative council in the State

The Parliament shall provide for creation or abolition of Legislative Council

The Parliament should ask the consent of the Governor

The Parliament may take permission of the Supreme Court

*The Parliament may provide for such creation or abolition of Legislative Council

What is supposed maximum strength of ministers in a State Legislative Assembly?


*10% of the members of the State Legislature

Uptil 50

Not fixed

Which of the following State Assembly has less than 60 members?


*Arunachal Pradesh


Separate election will be held for the election of the

*The President

The Chief Minister

The Deputy Chief Minister

The Governor

Which of the following is/are correct?

The Governor may appoint a non-member of the legislature as a Chief Minister or Minister.

He Should get elected to any House within the period of six months

If he does not become the Member of the Legislature within six months of his appointment as the
Chief Minister or Minister he will cease to be CM or Minister [Art.164(4)]

*All the above

If the resolution for the removal of the Speaker is under consideration in the House

The Speaker can exercise his casting vote

The Speaker cannot exercise his voting power at all

*The speakercan exercise his ordinary vote

None of the above

What is the effect of the bill pending in Legislative Council, but not passed by the Legislative
Assembly, which was dissolved

Bill has to be reintroduced in the council

Bill has to be reintroduced in the Assembly

Bill looses its efficacy

*Bill shall not lapse

What is the effect of the bill passed by the Legislative Assembly pending in the Legislative Council,
soon after the dissolution of Legislative Assembly?

Bill can be treated as passed by both Houses of Legislature after 14 days

Bill shall be reserved for the consideration of the Governor

Bill shall not lapse

*Bill looses its efficacy

The total number of members in the Legislative Council should not exceed that of a Legislative
Assembly by





The phrase 'Crossing the Floor of the House' means

*Allowing the members to join the party in power or vice versa

To occupy the seat of some other legislator

To boycott the proceedings of the House

members of the Assembly sitting and voting the council or vice versa

Floor crossing by the members is banned by passing an enactment

Peoples Representation Act

National Security Act

*Anti Defection Act

Maintenance of Internal Security Act

The distribution of seats of the State Legislature based on which of the following census





A party is recognized as a National Party if

it contests in all the Constituency

it secures 10% of the total votes polled

it secures 5% of the total votes polled

*it secures 5% of the votes polled in 4 States

Legislative Assembly shall be called in session for atleast _____ times in a year





The following is not an essential qualification for the appointment of Governor

*Domicile of the State to which he is being appointed

He should be citizen of India

must have complete 35 years of age

Not a member of either House of State Legislature or Parliament

National Development Council consists of

Prime Minister and Union Cabinet Ministers

Chief Ministers and State Cabinet Ministers of all the State

*Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of all the States and members of Planning Commission

both (a) and (b) above

Governor is not the appointing authority for

Minister of States

*Judges of High Court

Members of State Public Service Commission

Advocate General
Municipal Corporation is headed by

*An Act of State Legislature

The Governor

The Parliament

The Chief Minister

One of the following procedure is not a part of Budget making

Estimates should be on cash basis

Rule of lapse


Budget is prepared from gross income

In India, the form of the accounts of the Union as well as the States is prescribed by

The President

The Estimates Committee

The Finance Minister

*The Comptroller and Auditor General

Who has the power to dissolve the State Legislative Assembly?

*The Governor

The Chief Minister

The Prime Minister

The Speaker of Legislative Assembly

Who enjoys the right to speak in Legislature even though he is not the member of the House?

The Speaker

The Deputy Speaker

Deputy Chief Minister

Advocate General
Advocate General shall not exercise the following right

Right to Speak

*Right to Vote

Right to attend proceedings

Right to be appointed as member in legislative committees

If at any time during a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, there is no quorum, it shall be the duty of
the Speaker to

Dissolve the Legislative Assembly

Call upon the members to attend the proceedings

*Adjourn the House or suspend the meeting until there is a quorum

Recommend to the Governor for the removal of defaulting members

If a No Confidence motion is passed against a Minister

the concerned minister has to resign

the Legislative Assembly has to be dissolved

*the entire Council of Ministers has to resign

the Chief Minister and the concerned Minister has to resign

From which date the term of the Governor (five years) shall be counted

The 1st day of the calendar month during which he assumes office

*The date on which he assumes office

The date when he was declared as elected

The date as prescribed by the State Legislature

When the State Legislature is not in session the Governor is empowered to promulgate an ordinance

*On the advice of the Council of Ministers

Either (a) or (b)

None of the above

The Union and State Relations

Law made by the Parliament on any subject is

Applicable to only those States which gives consent

*Uniformly applicable to all the States

Discretion of the State Governments

None of the above

The law made by the Parliament

*Cannot be declared as extra territorial

Can be declared as extra territorial

Can be declared as extra territorial only by Supreme court

Can be declared as extra territorial by any High Courts

Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in

*List I

List II

List III

All the above

The power to make laws on the Subjects enumerated under List III of Seventh Schedule is with

Only Parliament

Only State Legislatures

*Both Parliament and State Legislature

Government of the State

State Legislature has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in
List I

*List II

List III

All the three Lists

If any matter is not enumerated either under Concurrent list or under State List then who has the
power to legislate on such matters?

Panchayat Raj Institutions

State Government only

*Parliamebt only

Supreme Court

Parliament has power to legislate under State list on the ground of national interest if

Lok Sabha passes a resolution to that effect

*Rajya Sabha passes a resolution to that effect

State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect

State Legislative Council passes a resolution to that effect

A resolution passed by the Rajya Sabha empowering the Parliament to legislate under List II on
national interest should be supported by

Majority in the House

1/2 members present and voting

*2/3rd majority

2/3rd members present and voting

A resolution passed by the Rajya Sabha empowering the Parliament to legislate under State list shall
remain in force for a maximum period of

*One year

Two years

Six months
Ninety days

When the proclamation of emergency is in operation, Parliament has power to make laws for the
whole or any part of the territory of India under

List I

*List II

List III

All the above lists

If the law made by the Parliament is in consistent with the law made by the State ;egislature under list
III, which law has the effect?

*Law made by the Parliament

Law made by the State Legislature

Law which is former

Lw which is later

The subjects of national importance were enumerated under

Concurrent list

State list

*Union list

No such classification

Subjects like Defence and External affairs are enumerated under

*List I

List II

List III

None of the sbove

Subjects like local importance were enumerated under

List I

*List II

List III

None of the above

Water disputes between the States shall be decided by

The Supreme Court

The High Court

The President

*A body appointed by the Parliament

A tax shall not be levied or collected except by the authority of

The President

Prime Minister


Supreme Court

A fund that is utilized to meet the unforeseen expenditure is entitled as

*Contingency Fund

Consolidated Fund

Unforeseen Expenditure fund

None of the above

The usual expenditure of the Government of India is charged from

Income Tax Fund

Sales Tax Fund

Contingency Fund

*Consolidated Fund
The custody of Contingency fund of India is with the

Finance Minister

*The President

Prime Minister

Comptroller and Auditor General

Which article provides for the composition of Finance Commission?





Finance Commission has a term of

One year

*Five years

Six years

Eight years

The Finance Commission consists of number of members





Who appoints the Finance Commission?

*The President


Prime Minister

Finance Minister
The report of Finance Commission shall be laid before the

Finance Minister

The Prime Minister

Lok Sabha

*The President

All contracts of the Union Government shall be made and executed in the name of the

Prime Minister of India

Chief justice of India

*President of India

Attorney General

All contracts of the State Government shall be made and executed in the name of the

Chief Minister of the State

*Government of the State

Advocate General

State Government

The Constitution provides for how many kinds of Grant-in-aid to the State from the Union resources?


Right to property has given the shape of legal right by way of

24th Constitution Amendment

25th Constitution Amendment

42nd Constitution Amendment

*44th Constitution Amendment

Right to Property is guaranteed under




Ninth Schedule

Who has the power to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse?

The President


Finance Minister

State Legislature

In addition to the powers confered under Union and Concurrent list, the Union Government has the

Residuary Powers

Power to legislate under State ;ist

Federal powers

None of the above

Which of the following taxes is levied only by the State Government?

Wealth Tax

Income Tax

*Entertainment Tax

Corporation Tax

Justice Sarkaria Commission was appointed by the Government to make recommendations

on Electoral Reforms

*on Center-State relations

on Inter-State disputes

On Tribal development

Planning in India derives its objectives from


Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Duties

*Directive Principles

Which of the taxes is exclusively assigned to Central Government by the Constitution?

Sales Tax

Corporation Tax

Taxes on Railways

*Estate Duty

Under the Constitution residuary power vested with the

The President

*Union Government

State Government

Supreme Court

Grants-in-aid of revenue to the State is recommended by

*Finance Commission

Inter-State Council

Planning Commission

National Development Council

Railways is a subject under

Concurrent List
State List

*Union List

Residuary List

Which among the following subject transferred fronm State List to concurrent list by 42nd
Constitution amendment?




Local Self Government

Grants-in-aid is provided to the States for

Improving the Center and States relations

Reducing reasonal imbalances

*Implementing various development programmes and rehabilitation

Improving the development of rural areas

Who has the Constitutional authority to decide taxs share of States

*Finance Commission

Finance Minister

Planning Commission


The concept of Concurrent list is borrowed from the Constitution of




The main purpose to impose taxes is to

Uplift weaker sections

To conduct elections

To balance accumulation of wealth

*Run the machinery of State

A law passed by the State legislature on a concurrent list gets precedence over the Central law if

It was passed earlier than the Central law

Supreme Court so decides

*It is approved by the President

Majority of the State legislature so decides

Under the Constitution a State includes



Local Bodies

*All the above

Lotteries organized by the Government of State comes under

Union List

*State List

Concurrent List

Federal List

The provisions regarding division of taxes between Union and State can be suspended

*During National Emergency

During Financial Emergency

With the consent of Majority of State Legislature

Cannot be suspended
The draft of five year plans are finally approved by the

The Parliament

Planning Commission

*Natioanl Development Council

Finance Commission

The Planning Commission is

Constitutional Body

*Statutory Body

Autonomous Body

Executive Body

Distribution of subjects between the Center and the States is enumerated under

First Schedule

Fifth Schedule

*Seventh Schedule

Eighth Schedule

Who called the Indian Federation as "Federal in form and Unitary in spirit"?



Abdul Kalam

Jawaharlal Nehru

The Parliament has power to legislate on the subjects enumerated in the State list provided it should
be of

International interest

*National interest
Public interest

Interest of minorities

The Parliament shall have power to make laws with respect to matter of State list, if such matter has
been declared to be of national importance by the

Supreme Court

The President

Lok Sabha

*Rajya Sabha

The cost incurred by the State Government in carrying out the maintenance of means of
communication that are of military or natural importance shall be

Funded by World Bank

Equally distributed between Centre and States

Borne by the State Government

*Paid by the Government of India

Which of the following duties levied by the Union but collected and appropriated by the State

Estate duty

Taxes on railways

*Stamp duty

Entertain tax

Who imposes tax on Sale or purchase of goods between two States?


States involved in the trade

The State which sells

The State which purchases

If the State Government fails to implement the administrative directions given by Union under article
256 of the constitution?

Parliament may compel the State to execute the said directions

The Governor may dissolve the State legislature

*The President may presume that Constitutional machinery in state has failed

The President may impose emergency under Art.352 of the Constitution

The most important features of federation is

Single citizenship

*Division of Powers

Universal Adult Franchise

Emergency provisions

The executive power relating to Concurrent list vest with the



Supreme court

Both Union and State

Parliament has power to legislate on the subjects of the entire three lists in respect of

Scheduled Areas

Regional Areas

Backward Areas

*Union Territories

The State legislature has enacted law on current list, subsequently Parliament makes law on the same
subject, in such a case

State law will become void

Union law will prevail

State law will prevail

*State law will become inoperative so far as it is inconsistent with Union Law

The State Governments responsibility for educational planning is shared by

*Ministry of HRD

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Planning

Ministry of Program implementation

Grants in aid provided to the State for

Improving the Center and State relationships

*Implementing various development programmes and rehabilitation

Reducing the reasonal imbalances

Improving the development of rural areas

The zonal councils discuss matters relating to

Inter-State transport

Economic and social planning

Border disputes

*All the above

The Central Government can give directions to the State Government with regard to subjects in

Union list

State list

Concurrent list

*All the above

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