Data Science Model Question Paper 3

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USN 18CS654
B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Sixth Semester End Examination (SEE)

(Model Question Paper – III)

Time: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1. Answer FIVE FULL questions
2. Write the Python Code and diagrams to support
your explanation as necessary.

Q.No. Questions Marks CO Cognitive
Write Python program to plot Scatterplot by assuming your
a) 7 CO1 L3
own data and explain the various attributes of Scatterplot
Describe the equation and write the code to compute the
1. b) 6 CO1 L2
distance between two vectors
Write python program to compute median by considering
c) 7 CO1 L3
odd and even cases.
Write Python program to plot histogram by assuming your
a) 6 CO1 L3
own data and explain the various attributes of histogram.
Write Python Program to computer a vector’s sum of square
2. b) 8 CO1 L3
and use it to compute its magnitude
Write Python program to add two vectors and multiply a
c) 6 CO1 L3
vector by a scalar

Explain null and alternative hypothesis by considering the

a) 10 CO2 L3
example for a flipping coin.
b) Explain rescaling of data with an example. 10 CO2 L3


a) Describe A/B test with an example. 10 CO2 L2

b) Describe Bayesian inference in detail. 10 CO2 L2

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru – 560056

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)
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a) Explain Support Vector Machines in detail. 10 CO3 L3

5. Explain the use of logistic function in logistic regression in
b) 10 CO3 L3

a) Discuss the need for fitting the model in multiple regression. 10 CO3 L2
6. Write Python Program that uses nearest neighbour model to
b) 10 CO3 L3
classify spam messages in SpamAssassin public corpus.

Write Python program to classify whether a message

a) 10 CO3 L3
contains spam or not using Naive Bayes theorem.
Discuss the role of backpropagation algorithm in training
b) 10 CO3 L2
neural network.
Write Python program to compute loss and optimization in
a) 10 CO3 L3
deep learning.
Write Python program to solve the below Fizz Buzz
programming challenge
Print the numbers 1 to 100, except that if the number is
b) 10 CO3 L3
divisible by 3, print "fizz"; if the number is divisible by 5,
print "buzz"; and if the number is divisible by 15, print

a) Discuss user-based collaborative filtering in detail. 10 CO4 L2

b) Discuss matrix factorization in detail. 10 CO4 L3


a) Explain topic modeling in detail. 10 CO4 L3

b) Explain how grammars are used in modeling languages. 10 CO4 L3


Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru – 560056

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)

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