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Full Name: Javier Vargas

ID Number: 29.769.630

Sanitary rifle in Australia

Hundreds of Australian species are currently facing the danger of extinction due to climate
change, forest fires and above all, the introduction of invasive species, especially cats. In
the next fifty years, this species was introduced in different latitudes from consecutive
landings with the same intention. Since then, their multiplication across the territory
has put Australian wildlife in check.

Cats tend to hunt wild animals without control as it is their instinct but this does not mean
that it is right (Committee of Biologists of Australia, 2015) the most humane way possible
to prevent the spread of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) is by extracting invasive animals
in this way, it can be stopped in order to avoid the hunting of local fauna by stray cats.
spread of diseases and that cats become prey to a larger animal and die in a very cruel way
waiting to be eaten

the sanitary rifle is a good method to control the overpopulation of domestic animals that
were abandoned (University of Tasmania) The study showed that reptiles, small mammals
and birds of Australia are 20 times more likely to have a fatal encounter After comparing
the impact of feral cats with that of native predators in their ecosystem (mainly with the
quol tigre, a marsupial that is responsible for maintaining balance in the species threatened
by cats today),

helps prevent the spread of diseases from cats to other animals in order to avoid a spread in
the food chain (Biolgos of the University of Tasmania) wild cats are not only a risk to local
fauna due to the fact that they hunt to survive If not because of the contagious diseases that
they carry such as feline leukemia, Feline Immunodeficiency among many others since
these are transmitted through contact with the blood, eses and fluids of the infected animal
and have no cure.

they go against nature and the rights of animals that it is normal for them to follow their
hunting instinct because it is in them and they cannot deprive themselves of it (the
association against animal abuse), there is no human way to kill a being alive that everyone
has the right to live and that they are important for the environment system, they help to
control the overpopulation of rodents and that is not a problem, when the hunting of wild
cats begins, all the rights of the animals are being violated by putting in danger to those
who belong to a home.

Experts in ecosystems and animal behavior clarify that cats are not typical of the ecosystem
and what they do is risk it with diseases and hunting (study by Wildlife Research), stray
cats are responsible for 89% of the uncontrolled hunting of small animals since being so
many the ecosystem is out of control, (The Guardian) achieved the strategy of sacrificing
2% of stray cats without risking those who have a home by registering them.

experts seek the most humane way possible to remove this invader from ecosystems
without harming other species or cats that are part of a family, thus discouraging
owners from taking responsibility for their pets. In order to prevent the local fauna
from becoming extinct thanks to the cats, however the cats that belong to a home will be
registered to avoid damage to them and there will be a review so that the cats live in perfect
conditions having toys that insatiate his hunting instincts


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