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1. If we meet at 8:30, we___(have) plenty of time.
2. Elie would find the milk if she___(look) in the fridge
3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she__ (feed) the animals
4. If you spoke louder, your classmates____ (understand) you.
5. Rob__(arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
6. You___(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
7. If you___(swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
8. The door will lock if Mary___(press) the red button.
9. If Lucky___(ask) her teacher,he'd have answered her questions.
10. I ___(call) the police if I were you.
11. __ you want to receive additional information regarding the services we offer, please log
onto our website at today.
a. If b. For c. Despite d. Whether
12. All staff members are reminded that they should not use the executive restroom____ they
have written authorization to do so.
a. for b. unless c. without d. although
13.___ he proves that he has gained abundant experience, he will be eligible for the course.
a. could b. provided that c. unless d. would
14.___ you are unable to attend tomorrow's meeting, please notify Ms.White as soon as possible
a. Though b. Except that c. In case d. Unless
15. If all those presents are in agreement, we_____ this meeting for 30 minutes to have a break.
a. adjourn b. adjourning c. will adjourn d. adjourned

16. If you____ not sure which schedule best suits your personal needs, please consult our
detailed guidebook, or speak to one of our specialists.
a. was b. have been c. were . d. are
17. If anyone____ a wallet containing cash and valuable papers, could that person please hand it
in to the security desk.
a. finds b. found c. has found . d. founded
18. ___ he has free time, he'll play volleyball.
a. would b. if c. could d. were
19. If the house_____ warmer, I wouldn’t have to wear a jacket inside.
a. were b. was c. is d. are

20. If you _____to the lecture, please take good notes.

a. went b. had gone c. goes d. go

21. If you_____ your work, you could come with us. It doesn’t look like it’ll be done in time, though.
a. finished b. have finished c. finish d. finishes

22. Mr Davidson says he’ll give a talk at the conference_____ we pay him a reasonable fee.
a. unless b. for c. if d. so that

23, You’ll have to move if you_____ that promotion.

a. got b. have gotten c. get d. gets

24. ______ you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work?
a. Supposing that b. Providing that c. As long as d. For

25. If you_____ more careful, you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
a. had not been b. had been c. be d. are

26. We will accept your job application form_____ you have good qualifications
a. provided that b. unless c. supposing that d. Only

27. If you_____ eating so much salt, you will not get high blood pressure.
a. stopped b. have stopped c. stop d. is stopping

28. If my GP can’t cure my headaches, I_____ acupuncture.

a. will try b. try c. would try d. would have tried

29. _____ my wife gets this new promotion, we’ll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year.
a. Even if b. Unless c. Provided that d. Without

30. You can go tonight_____ you get back by midnight.

a. as long as b. assuming that c. unless d. as if

31. If people stopped using cars completely, there_____ much less pollution.
a. will be b. would have been c. will not be d. would be
32. If Tom_____ taller, he would play basketball much better.
a. is b. was c. had been d. were

33. I’ll help you with Maths_____ you help me to write me essay.
a. as long as b. supposing that c. even if d. otherwise

34. We_____ late for school if she_____ up ten minutes earlier.

a. will be/ got b. would be/ got c. won’t be/ gets d. wouldn’t be/ got

35. If he_____ more ambitious, he_____ for a more challenging position.

a. had been/ would b. were/ would apply c. had not been/ d. were/ will apply
apply will apply

1. "When can I have my car back?" "I think it will ______ late this afternoon."
a. finish c. have finished
b. be finished d. finishing
2. We found out after the vacation that some of the files _______ .
a. was disappeared c. disappear
b. had disappeared d. had been disappeared
3. Your documents ____ in the top drawer with the clients’ files.
a. placed c. is placed
b. was placed d. are placed
4. The first automobile company, which _____ in 1889, produced over a thousand cars a year.
a. established c. are established
b. was established d. established
5. The farewell banquet will ___ at the Mariet Hotel tomorrow until 9:00 pm.
a. be holding c. have held
b. be held d. hold
6. To stay awake during the flights, pilots ____ to chew gum to stay alert.
a. advised c. advising
b. to advise d. are advised
7. Protective gear must ___ at all times in laboratories where chemicals are used.
a. wear c. have worn
b. be worn d. be wearing
8. Almost employees at E&M Electronics ____ to work by either subway or bus.
a. is commuting c. commutes
b. has commuted d. commute

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09. When you return an item by mail, be sure the receipt is_____ to the request.
a. Attaching b. Attached c. Attach d. Attachment
10. The official decision made by the judge must_____ strictly on the evidence presented.
a. Be based b. base c. Based d. Basing
11. The semi-finalists for the community art contest will_____ by a panel of judges tomorrow.
a. Select b. Selecting c. Selected d. Be selected
12. The donations received from the fundraiser_____ among the charity’s three locations equally.
a. Have divided b. Is being divided c. Are dividing d. Will be divided
13. The chairperson_____ by an anonymous vote involving all members.
a. Has been selecting b. Had to select c. Is selecting d. Will be selected
14. As/when _____ by the researchers, the new environmentally friendly laundry detergent
performed as well as its competitors.
a. Observing b. Observed c. Observation d. Observe
15. Tipton is____to win the race for mayor because she has the most experience of all the candidates.
a. Predicting b. Predict c. Predicts d. Predicted
16. Safe-Co has_____ home security products since its founding in 2008.
a. Manufacturing b. Manufactured c. Been d. Manufacture =
manufactured PRODUCE
17. The new policies_____ in an effort to encourage better communication among the corporation’s
a. Was implemented b. Implemented c. Implements d. Were implemented
18. The size of private tours of the castle will_____ to ten people.
a. Be limiting b. Limit c. Limited d. Be limited
19. Some of leather used in this handbag must_____ from Italy.
a. Will import b. Be imported c. To import d. Have imported
20. Rockwell’s automated teller machines are conveniently_____ in various selections of the city.
a. Located b. Locating c. Locates d. Locate
21. Anyone who cannot__Vo___ one of the safety training workshops before September 1 should
inform a manager.
a. Attended b. Be attended c. Attend d. Attending
22. The furniture in this apartment_____ to the landlord and must be returned at the end of the lease.
a. Belongs to b. Is belonged to c. Belonging to d. Are belonged to
23. Using a fingerprint system is generally_____ as the primary means of security at laboratories in
this country.
a. To accept b. Accept c. Accepting d. Accepted
24. According to the physician, Ms. Oliver’s pain_____ within two hours of taking the medication.
a. Alleviated b. Will be alleviated c. Is alleviating d. Should alleviate
25. After hours of researching, the source of the water leak_____ by the plumber.
a. Was finally identified b. Were finally c. Finally d. Finally identifying
identified identified

26. Tickets to the X-men movie will_____ online starting next Friday.

a. have sold b. be selling c. be sold d. have been

27. We were____ by Dt Albert’s outstanding contributions to the development of the new vaccine.

a. impression b. impressive c. impressed d. impressed

28. The payments on new houses should_______ within 10 days of the date of the contract.

a. receive b. received c. to receive d. be received


Ex1: 1. Will have, 2. Looked, 3.had fed, 4.would understand, 5. Would
arrive, 6.would have had, 7.swim, 8.presses, 9. had asked, 10. Would
call, 11a, 12b, 13b, 14c, 15c, 16d, 17a, 18b, 19a, 20d, 21a, 22c, 23c,
24a, 25b, 26a, 27c, 28a, 29c, 30a, 31d, 32d, 33a, 34d, 35b


Ex 1: 1b, 2b, 3d, 4b, 5b, 6d, 7b, 8d, 9b, 10a, 11d, 12d, 13d, 14b, 15d,
16b, 17d, 18d, 19b, 20a, 21c, 22a, 23d, 24b, 25a, 26c, 27c, 28d.

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