Tik Tok

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I think her parents should not get her tick-tock because it is for people that are 16 and you have
to be 13 to comment. In the following paragraphs I will state why she should not get tick-tock.
She says she can not get sad from mean comments.


First she has to be 16 to be able to get tick-tock and her parents wont let her because she is
probably younger than 16. Her parents say she should not get it and I agree that she should not
get it. But she says that they can set up her account for no longer than 2 hours and I think that is
too long. She has to be 13 to comment and she is not. Her parents don’t want her to get it
because there are mean comments. She says she wont feel angry and write some angry
comments back to the person. Some people lie about there age.


While she is posting videos she might see some videos and want to check them out but
then they might have swearing and violence and she would start thinking that they are ok and
want to do some too. She will start doing them and get in BIG trouble. Last she might see some
videos that might have swearing and rudeness and she might get ideas that it is ok. When her
parents see them they might get grounded. To avoid all of that she could have not have gotten it
in the first place. She says she wont chang her pace and get ideas from it and start doing bad


When most people get mean comments they write mean ones back like, your mean and
then they feel sad and they talk mean comments to videos. If her parents came over then she
would get it deleted and it would solve the problem. My reasons why her parents should not get
tick-tock for her because she can get sad. But she can handle their comments because she said
that she can.
I hope that her parents don't let her get tick tock because it's not for kids under the age of 16
because there are videos not for us kids.

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