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Dr. Arkan Fawzi Saeed
PhD. In Mechanical Engineering
Chapter (4)

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 2

4-Force System Resultant

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 3

4.1:Moment of a Force
Scalar formulation:

Moz  F .d Moz  F .d .sin 

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 4
4.1:Moment of a Force

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 5

4.2:Resultant Moment of a system of
coplanar Forces

 M Ro    F .d

 M Ro  F1.d1  F2 .d 2  F3 .d3

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 6

4.3:Moment of a Force
Vector formulation:

Mo  r  F
r : position vector drawn from (O) to any point lying on the line of action of F
The magnitude of the cross product is defined as:
M o  r.F . sin   F .(r. sin  )  F .d
Then by (r.h.r), the direction of Mo can be directed upward or  containing r &F
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 7
Now, if we establish x,y,z coordinates axes, then the position vector r & the
force F can be expressed as:-

i j k
M o  r  F  rx ry rz
Fx Fy Fz

M o  (ry Fz  rz Fy )i  (rx Fz  rz Fx ) j  (rx Fy  ry Fx )k

M o x
M o y M  o z

rx, ry, rz = x, y, z components of the position vector drawn

from point (O) to any point on the line of action of the
Fx, Fy, Fz = x, y, z components of the force vector.

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 8

4.4:Resultant Moment of a System of a Forces
If a body is acted upon by a system of forces,
the resultant moment of the forces about point
(O) can be determined as;

M Ro   (r  F )

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 9

Example: For each case illustrated in figure, determine the
moment of the force about point (O)?

Mo  (100).(2)  200 N .m Mo  (50).(0.75)  37.5 N .m

Mo  (40).(4  2. cos 30o )  229 Ib. ft

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 10
Mo  (60).(1. sin 45o )  42.4 Ib. ft

Mo  (7).(4  1)  21 kN .m

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 11

Example: Determine the resultant moment of the
four forces acting on the rod shown in figure about
point (O)?

Assuming that positive moments act in

the (+k) direction. i.e., counter-clockwise,
we have:

M Ro

 M Ro   F .d
 (50)(2)  (60)(0)  (20)(3. sin 30o )  (40)(4  3 cos 30o )
 M Ro  334 N .m  334 ( N .m) 
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 12
Example: Three forces act on the rod shown below, determine
the resultant moment they create about the flange at (O) and
determine the coordinate direction angles of the moment axes?

Position vectors are directed from point

F1  (60i  40 j  20k ) N
(O) to each force as shown; the vectors
rA F2  (50 j ) N
rA  5 j
rB  4i  5 j  2k rB 4m
The resultant moment about (O) is:
M Ro   r  F F3  (80i  40 j  30k ) N
 r A  F1  r A  F 2  r B  F 3
i j k i j k i j k
 0 5 0 0 5 0 4 5 2  (30i  40 j  60k ) N .m
 60 40 20 0 50 0 80 40  30
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 13
The moment axis is directed along the line of action of M Ro
M Ro  (30) 2  (40) 2  (60) 2  78.1 N .m

The unit vector which defines the direction of the moment axis:

M Ro 30i  40 j  60k
u M Ro    0.3841i  0.5121 j  0.7682 k
M Ro 78.1

 cos   0.3841   67.4o

cos   0.5121    121o
cos   0.7682    39.8o
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 14
4.5:Principle of Moments
The principle of moments which is sometimes called the (Varignon’s
theorem), a French mathematician (1654-1722) states that:
“The moment of a force about a point is equal to the sum of the moments
of the force’s components about the point”

M o  r  F1  r  F2
 r  ( F1  F2 )  r  F

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 15

4.6:Moment of a force about a specified axis:
Scalar analysis: b
Recall : M o  plane ( r , F )
Since M o  (20)(0.5)  10 N .m Mo
If we tends to determine the M o 3
My y
component about y-axis. O My
 3 0.5 m
 M y   (10)  6 N .m 0.3 m
It is necessary to determine the A
0.4 m
perpendicular or moment-arm distance x
from the line of action of F to the y-
axis, which is from figure is (0.3 m)

 M y  0.320  6 N .m F  20 N
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 16
Vector analysis:

M o  rA F
 0.3i  0.4 j   20k  Mo ua  j
  8i  6 j  N .m y
O My
Now, the component or projection of
this moment along the y-axis is then
determined: rA
ua  j x
M y  M o .u a
  8i  6 j . j  6 N .m
F  20k
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 17
So, in general:-

Mo  rF Ma

& M a  M a .ua

vector M a    
 ua . r  F .ua ua

 
 M a   ua . r  F 
Or scalar 

 M a  ua . r  F
  
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 18
M a  M o . cos   M o .u a
; ua  (uaxi  uay j  uaz k )
r  (rx i  ry j  rz k )
F  ( Fx i  Fy j  Fz k )
u ax u ay u az
Ma 
 u a . r  F  rx  ry rz
Fx Fy Fz
uax, uay, uaz: represent the x, y, z components of the unit vector defining the direction
of the aa’ axis
rx, ry, rz: represent the x, y, z components of the position vector drawn from any point
(O) on the aa’ axis to any point (A) on the line of action of the forces.
Fx, Fy, Fz: represent the x, y, z components of the force vector.

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 19

Example: The force F = (-40i+20j+10k) N acts at
point (A) shown in figure. Determine the moments of
this force about (x) and (a) axes?

Solution: Vector analysis: z

rA  3i  4 j  6k 6m
ux  i a

M x  i. rA  F  ua
1 0 0
  3 4 6  80 N .m 
 40 20 10 4m

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 20

3 4
ua   i j
5 5
3 4 0
 
5 5
 M a  u a . rA  F   3 4 6  120  N .m 
 40 20 10
10 N
40 N
Solution: Scalar analysis: z A 20 N
M x  (10)(4)  (20)(6)  80 N .m 6m
and also,
3m y
M y  (10)(3)  (40)(6)  210 N .m O y
M z  (40)(4)  (20)(3)  100 N .m 4m

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 21

4.7:Moment of a Couple:
A couple is defined as two parallel forces that have the same magnitude,
have opposite directions, and are separated by a perpendicular distance (d).
The moment produced by a couple is called a “couple moment”

The couple moment rotation

Vector formulation

about (O)

Scalar formulation

M  rA  ( F )  rB  F M  F .d
or M  r  F  (rB  rA )  F Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 22
4.8: Resultant Couple moment:

M R  M1  M 2

or M R   r  F 
In general, problems in 2-D should be
solved using a scalar analysis since the
moment arms and force components are
easy to compute.

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 23

Example: Determine the resultant couple moment of the three
couples acting on the plate shown below?

The perpendicular distance between each

two pairs of forces are:
d1= 4 ft
d2= 3 ft
d3= 5 ft

 M R   M ; M R   F1.d1  F2 .d 2  F3 .d3
 (200)(4)  (450)(3)  (300)(5)
 950 Ib. ft or  950 Ib. ft 

The negative sign indicates that MR has a clockwise rotational sence.

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 24

Example: Replace the two couples acting on the pipe column in
fig. by a resultant couple moment?

The couple moment M 1 ;

M 1  F .d  (150)(0.4)  60 N .m
By r.h.r we get:- M1  (60.i) N .m
The couple moment M 2 about point D:-

M 2  rDC  FC
 4 3 
 (0.3i )  125  j  125 k 
 5 5 
 (22.5 j  30k ) N .m

M R   M  M 1  M 2  (60i  22.5 j  30k ) N .m

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 25
The resultant couple system shown in fig.

One should have attention about the position

vector. i.e.; is it rDC or rCD. Or the moment
about point C or D.

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 26

4.9: Resultant of a force and Couple systems:
When a rigid body is subjected to a system of forces and couple moments, it
is often simpler to study the external effects on the body by replacing the
system by an equivalent-single resultant force acting on a specified point (O)
and a resultant couple moment. Then;

M 1  r1  F1
M 2  r2  F2
FR  F1  F2
M RO  M C  M 1  M 2

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 27

In vector equation:

FR   F
M RO   M C   M O

Or in other word (by scalar equation):

FR x   Fx
FR y   Fy
M R O   M C   M O
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 28
Example: Replace the force and couple system shown in fig. by
an equivalent resultant force and couple moment acting at point (O)?

Force summation:
 FRx   Fx  3(cos 30 o )   5  5.598 kN 
 FRy   Fy  3(sin 30 o )   5  4  6.50 kN 
 FR  ( FRx ) 2  ( FRy ) 2  (5.598) 2  (6.5) 2  8.58 kN
 FR y    6.5 
  tan 1    tan 1 
   49 .3o From the horizontal

 FR x   5,598  Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 29

Moment summation:

 M RO   M O ;
 
M RO  (3 sin 30o )(0.2)  (3 cos 30o )(0.1)  3 (5)(0.1)
 
 4 (5)(0.5)  (4)(0.2)
 2.46 kN .m  2.46 kN .m

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 30

4.10: some remarks on previous systems:
a) Concurrent Force Systems:
A concurrent force system consists of
forces that intersect at a point called
the concurrence, which there is no
resultant couple moment.

FR   F vector


FR   F    F 

& tan  
 F y scalar

Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 31
b) Coplanar Force Systems:

A coplanar force systems, which may include couple moments directed perpendicular to
the plane of the coplanar forces which lies in one plane.
It can be reduced to a single resultant force, because when each force in the system is
moved to any point (O) in the x-y plane, it produces a couple moment that is  to the
plane, i.e., ±k direction.

r3 r2

r4 r1

FR   F & M Ro   M   r  F  
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 32
c) Parallel Force Systems:

Parallel force systems, which can include couple moments that are perpendicular to the
forces, can be reduced to a single resultant force, because when each force is moved to any
point (O) in the x-y plane, it produces a couple moment that has components only about x
& y axes.

FR   F & M Ro   M o   r  F  
Dr. Arkan F. Saeed 33

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