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EdIIor: HalIha CoIIlIeb

1he IhIeracIIve IhsIIIuIe

Daniel Pletinckx,
Visual Dimension bvba
How Lo nake susLanable
vsualsaLons ol Lhe pasL
Danel PleLnckx,
Vsual Dnenson bvba
LdLor. Halna CoLLleb
1he nLeracLve nsLLuLe
How Lo nake susLanable
vsualsaLons ol Lhe pasL
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
CurrenL Lechnology ncreasngly allows us
Lo easly creaLe Lhreednensonal nodels ol
landscapes and nannade sLrucLures and Lo
vsualse Lhese nodels n several nLeracLve
and nonnLeracLve ways. n Lhe eghLes,
Lhe dea arose aL 8M Lo use Lhs Lechnology,
whch had orgnally been developed lor
desgnng and vsualsng sLrucLures LhaL
sLll had Lo be bulL, lor also vsualsng
sLrucLures LhaL had exsLed buL dsappeared
lor one reason or anoLher.
AlLhough Lhere s no lundanenLal
technological dllerence beLween vsualsng
sLrucLures LhaL sLll need Lo be bulL and
sLrucLures LhaL have exsLed, Lhere s a
na|or conceptual dllerence because
our knowledge ol Lhe pasL s parLal and
uncerLan. n lacL, we are noL able Lo
reconsLrucL Lhe pasL aL all. Lven lor Lhe
recenL pasL, we lack a loL ol nlornaLon
Lo lully reconsLrucL sLrucLures LhaL have
We can, however, Lry Lo puzzle LogeLher
all ol Lhe nlornaLon we have abouL a
cerLan sLrucLure n a cerLan Lne perod,
and Lry Lo vsualse Lhs nconpleLe and
uncerLan nlornaLon n Lhe besL possble
way. 1hs KNOWHOW bookleL explans Lhe
neLhodology lor dong Lhs n a correcL and
reproducble way. n lacL, archaeologcal
and hsLorcal research have already been
usng snlar neLhods lor a long Lne, buL
Lhs neLhodology hasnL been nplenenLed
yeL lor D vsualsaLon, excepL lor sone
poneerng ellorLs (see lor exanple [NML],
n Lhs KNOWHOW bookleL, we explan
and llusLraLe neLhods such as source
assessment, source correlation and
hypothesis trees, whch help Lo sLrucLure
and docunenL Lhe LranslornaLon process
lron source naLeral Lo D vsualsaLon.
We wll also dscuss Lhe dllerenL
approaches ol D visualisation n research
and n publc presenLaLons, and presenL a
Lool Lo nanage Lhe nLerpreLaLon process.
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
D vsualsaLon uses our currenL capablLes
Lo creaLe Lhreednensonal nodels ol
ob|ecLs, and show Lhen n dllerenL ways
wLh varyng degrees ol realsn and
nLeracLvLy. D vsualsaLon has proven Lo
be able Lo recreaLe and vsualse hsLorcal
sLrucLures (buldngs, cLes, landscapes,
nannade sLrucLures, eLc.) and s beconng
nore and nore an accepLed neLhod lor
showng nLerpreLaLon n hsLorcal and
archaeologcal research.
MosL ol Lhe Lechnologcal ssues n Lhs
eld have reached a sulcenL level
ol soluLon, and a vareLy ol Lools are
avalable lor nosL D vsualsaLon Lasks.
1he process ol Lurnng avalable sources
nLo a D vsualsaLon on Lhe oLher hand
s lar less dened. 1hs nLerpreLaLon
AlLhough Lhe Lern interpretation has
oLher neanngs and connoLaLons n
oLher donans, we use L here Lo ndcaLe
Lhe nLellecLual process ol Lurnng source
naLeral nLo conclusons. n Lhe conLexL
ol D vsualsaLon, Lhese conclusons
are ol course locused on all vsualsaLon
aspecLs, buL n lacL Lhe vsualsaLon
process s enbedded n nosL cases n Lhe
wder nLerpreLaLon process, and only
helps Lo supporL research or Lransler
knowledge Lo Lhe wder publc.
We donL use Lhe Lern virtual
reconstruction because our nan goal
s noL Lo reconsLrucL Lhe pasL Lhs s
soneLhng we snply canL do buL Lo
brng LogeLher all avalable sources ol
nlornaLon and vsualse Lhs wLh D
Lechnology. VsualsaLon can be very
uselul n a research conLexL and also
lor publc presenLaLon. 1hs neans
LhaL we donL always wanL Lo obLan
phoLorealsLc, conpleLe nodels ol
landscapes or nannade sLrucLures,
soneLnes we only wanL schenaLc or
snpled represenLaLons. 1herelore we
use Lhe general Lern D visualisation.
process noL only Lakes nosL ol Lhe Lne
wLhn Lhe vsualsaLon process, L s also
a conplex, nonlnear process LhaL can
proL sgncanLly lron Lools LhaL nanage
and organse Lhs process. n oLher words,
interpretation management s a key elenenL
ol D vsualsaLon ol hsLorcal sLrucLures,
as L records and nanages how Lhe avalable
sources have led Lo Lhe D vsualsaLon, and
supporLs and snooLhes Lhe nLerpreLaLon
What purpose does interpreta-
tion management serve?
1here are several reasons why nLerpreLaLon
nanagenenL s necessary when vsualsng
D nodels ol hsLorcal sLrucLures.
rsL ol all, L records Lhe nLerpreLaLon
process and docunenLs how all elenenLs n
Lhe vsualsaLon have been derved lron Lhe
avalable sources. 1hs s a necessary sLep,
as pracLce has shown LhaL 8o Lo o percenL
ol Lhe work ol D vsualsaLon ol hsLorcal
sLrucLures goes nLo Lhe assessnenL and
nLerpreLaLon ol Lhe sources, whle only
1o Lo 2o percenL ol Lhe Lne s spenL on
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
buldng Lhe D nodel. PracLce has also
shown LhaL Lhs nLerpreLaLon process s
conplex and can exLend over a long perod,
LhaL Lhe anounL ol source daLa can be
overwhelnngly large, and LhaL n nany
cases nulLple people work snulLaneously
on Lhe sane pro|ecL. ollowng well dened
procedures, supporLed by a Lool LhaL
records and nanages Lhs nLerpreLaLon
process, s Lherelore crucal n saleguardng
Lhe na|orLy ol Lhe nancal and nLellecLual
nvesLnenL ol a vsualsaLon ellorL.
A second reason lor havng nLerpreLaLon
nanagenenL s Lhe ablLy Lo update D
vsualsaLons wLh new resulLs, conng lron
new excavaLons or recenLly dscovered
hsLorcal sources or lron new scenLc
nLerpreLaLons and nsghLs. 1he nuence
ol such new daLa s n nosL cases lar lron
sLraghLlorward, so n order Lo properly
nanage exsLng D vsualsaLons, L s
necessary Lo have a welldened process,
whch nanages how new resulLs alLer
Lhe nLerpreLaLon. n oLher words, D
vsualsaLons should renan alve, even
nany years alLer excavaLons or research
ellorLs have ended.
1hs brngs us Lo a Lhrd elenenL, whch s
scholarly transparency. When vsualsng
hsLorcal buldngs or landscapes, we need
a loL ol nlornaLon Lo buld conpleLe D
nodels. n nosL cases, we have nsulcenL
and ndrecL sources Lo consLrucL Lhe D
nodel, so usng Lhose avalable sources Lo
creaLe a conpleLe D nodel s a dlculL
process. We have Lo undersLand LhaL Lhe
uncerLanLy ol elenenLs n a D vsualsaLon
can vary largely across Lhe nodel sone
elenenLs are well dened whle sone
elenenLs are LoLally unclear. 1he process
ol how Lo ll n Lhese uncerLanLes s
undened, and can yeld several good
soluLons. urLhernore, when basc choces
are unclear (e.g. s Lhe excavaLed sLrucLure a
snall church or a large house7), resulLs can
depend Lo a large exLenL on snall deLals
or even speculaLons or assunpLons. 1hs
neans LhaL nany D vsualsaLons, or aL
leasL parLs ol Lhen, can have large anounL
ol uncerLanLy. or publc presenLaLons,
L s noL always uselul Lo expose Lhs
uncerLanLy, hence a cerLan choce abouL
whaL and how Lo show wll be nade, buL lor
scenLc purposes, a D vsualsaLon needs
Lo be LransparenL, and Lhe uncerLanLy and
choces nade need Lo be well docunenLed,
and avalable lor scenLc crLque and
research. n oLher words, nLerpreLaLon
nanagenenL s a way Lo publsh D
A lourLh elenenL s data security. PracLce
has shown LhaL nosL vsualsaLon processes
yeld bnders ol unsLrucLured docunenLs
lron whch ouLsders cannoL reconsLrucL Lhe
nLerpreLaLon process. n oLher words, Lhe
nLellecLual ellorLs lnked Lo creaLng a D
vsualsaLon cannoL be passed onLo luLure
generaLons. 8y provdng a neLhodology
and Lool Lo record and nanage Lhe
nLerpreLaLon process ol a D vsualsaLon
n a sLrucLured way, we also provde a way
Lo sLore Lhs daLa lor Lhe long Lern, gvng
access Lo Lhe daLa and Lhe nLerpreLaLon
process lor luLure use and research.
A nal elenenL s multidisciplinary
cooperation. We need Lo keep n nnd
LhaL D vsualsaLon brngs LogeLher a
wde range ol sklls (lron hsLory and
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
archaeology Lo archLecLure and sLablLy
engneerng, lron pollen analyss and
hydrography Lo D nodellng and
renderng) and LhaL L s npossble LhaL
one person can nasLer all Lhe sklls needed
Lo do proper nLerpreLaLon ol all avalable
sources. A Lool LhaL brngs LogeLher all
sources and all nLerpreLaLons s n lacL also
a collaboration platform, whch allows all
nvolved dscplnes Lo conLrbuLe Lher parL
Lo Lhe pro|ecL, nanly n an LeraLve process.
A methodology for
interpretation management
1he neLhodology and relaLed Lool
presenLed n Lhs KNOWHOW bookleL
are nLended Lo be a pracLcal and usable
supporL lor Lhe D vsualsaLon process.
We wanL L Lo be snple and exble, Lo
creaLe lLLle overhead, and Lo gude users
Lhrough Lhe process, so LhaL L can be easly
adopLed by Lhe D vsualsaLon connunLy.
n Lhs secLon, we wll explan Lhs approach
sLepbysLep and nake Lhe lnk wLh Lhe
London CharLer [1LC] and Lhe LPOCH Lool
LhaL nplenenLs Lhs neLhodology.
1he neLhodology lor nLerpreLaLon
nanagenenL presenLed here s based
upon nany years ol experence n D
vsualsaLon. 1he nan leaLures ol Lhe
neLhodology are.
Clear relerences Lo all sources used, no
use ol nplcL knowledge
ndepLh source assessnenL, nakng
Lhe relablLy and poLenLal bas ol
each source clear
CorrelaLon ol all sources used lor
a cerLan vsualsaLon n order Lo
deLecL connon ground as well
as nconssLences, ouLlers or
SLrucLural analyss ol Lhe ob|ecL Lo be
vsualsed, and dvson ol Lhe ob|ecL
nLo logcal subunLs
LsLng ol all poLenLal hypoLheses,
never hdng a dscarded hypoLhess
kecordng Lhe nLerpreLaLon process
by nakng a clear lnk beLween
Lhe sources, Lhe reasonng and Lhe
resulLng hypoLhess
SLrucLurng Lhe poLenLal hypoLheses n
a Lree sLrucLure, wLh subhypoLheses
dependng on nan hypoLheses
Keepng Lhe recordng process
separaLe lron Lhe nodellng and
vsualsaLon process, as Lhe laLLer s lar
lron lnear
Ls Lhe rgorous nplenenLaLon ol Lhs
neLhodology n general and Lhe use ol
correlaLon Lechnques lor conographc
sources and a hypoLhess Lree n
parLcular LhaL nakes L well suLed Lo
opLnse Lhe process ol consLrucLng a
vrLual nodel lron relaLed sources.
1he neLhodology we propose here can
be broken down nLo ve sLeps.
1. CreaLng a source daLabase
2. Assessng Lhe sources
. CorrelaLng Lhe sources
4. CreaLng hypoLhess Lrees wLh
. pdaLng
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Step : Creating a source database
L s a good pracLce Lo reler sysLenaLcally
Lo sources, and docunenL Lhese sources
Lhrough relerences, nages and LexL
descrpLons (nany people lorgeL LhaL
LexL s one ol Lhe nosL nporLanL sources
n a D vsualsaLon process). 1hese
sources are nanLaned n a source
database. PracLce has shown LhaL nany
errors n D vsualsaLon are due Lo
ncorrecL assunpLons when usng source
naLeral. Havng a rgorous process Lo
selecL and docunenL sources helps Lo
avod Lhs pLlall. 1here s no sLandard
way Lo sLrucLure Lhe source daLabase, as
nany dllerenL Lypes ol sources can be
nLegraLed (lron conography Lo pollen
analyss, lron unpublshed excavaLon daLa
Lo wellknown hsLorcal sources, lron
hsLorcal analyss ol exsLng buldngs
Lo oral hsLory). 1he prncple needs Lo
be LhaL all sources are identied uniquely
and can be traced easily when needed (see
appendx). 1hs s bascally Lhe sLandard
pracLce n archaeologcal and hsLorcal
research, n nosL cases as looLnoLes, buL
nore Lechncally orenLed people nakng D
nodels need Lo adopL Lhs as well.
Step . Assessing the sources
A key elenenL n Lhe nLerpreLaLon process
s source assessment. 1hs assessnenL
nornally yelds sone undersLandng ol
Lhe relablLy ol Lhe source, and nore
speccally Lhe reasons why cerLan
elenenLs are noL relable.
1hs assessment can be a deLaled sLudy ol
Lhe conLexL ol Lhe source or Lhe way Lhe
source depcLs Lhe realLy. or exanple,
conography needs Lo be sLuded n Lerns ol
Lhe creaLor ol Lhe conography, Lhe reason
why Lhe conography was nade or how Lhe
conography needs Lo be nLerpreLed. n
lacL, Lhe an ol source assessnenL s Lo Lry
Lo know and undersLand Lhe process ol how
realLy was represenLed n Lhe source aL hand.
We need also Lo be aware LhaL all sources,
lron LexL sources or conography Lo
archaeologcal sources or dgLsed
buldngs and ob|ecLs, have already been
nLerpreLed durng Lher creaLon, hence
nsLakes, nssng nlornaLon, ncorrecL
nLerpreLaLons or delberaLe alLeraLons can
occur. 1herelore, we need Lo undersLand
Lhe conLexL ol Lhe creaLon ol Lhe source
n order Lo geL Lhe naxnun ol correcL
nlornaLon ouL ol Lhe source. 8y applyng
Lhe correlaLon neLhod n relaLon Lo oLher
ndependenL sources (see nexL sLep), we can
Lry Lo lurLher renove Lhe vel ol error LhaL s
presenL n every source.
LeLs llusLraLe source assessnenL wLh an
exanple. 1o nake a D vsualsaLon ol
Lhe cLy ol Verona around Lhe year 1ooo,
we look lor all conography LhaL exsLs ol
Lhe cLy aL LhaL Lne, as well as durng laLer
perods, as such conography can conLan
uselul elenenLs lor Lhe perod we wanL Lo
vsualse. We show here Lwo exanples ol
wellknown conography, Lhe rsL source
appears Lo conLan nany vald and uselul
elenenLs, and Lhe second source appears
Lo be useless. NeverLheless, L s uselul
Lo record why Lhs source s hsLorcally
naccuraLe, so LhaL oLher people can assess
Lhe argunenLs as Lo why, and noL lose any
Lne n reassessng LhaL source (l Lhey
agree wLh Lhe argunenLs).
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Verona s a cLy n norLhern Laly. 1he old
cLy s sLuaLed n a bend ol Lhe Adge kver
and s donnaLed by Lhe SanL PeLers hll
on Lhe oLher sde ol Lhe rver (g. ). 1he
cLy has preserved a greaL deal ol Ls konan
see a clear relaLonshp wLh Lhe sLrucLure ol
Lhe cLy and exsLng buldngs. 1he casLle
on Lhe hll nexL Lo Lhe rver (Lop nddle), Lhe
konan Colseun (boLLon lelL), Lhe konan
LheaLre (Lop nddle) and konan brdge
(nddle ol Lhe pcLure) are all prool ol Lhe
auLhenLcLy ol Lhe drawng.
When analysng Lhe second drawng
(g. 2), we see a casLle on a hllLop and
a rver, buL Lhe requred sLrucLure (Lhe
g. 1. conogapha kaLherana, depcLng Verona around 1ooo
g. 2. Drawng ol Lhe cLy ol Verona by Lhe lanous
carLographer HarLnann Schedel (14)
and nedeval sLrucLure, ncludng a well
preserved Colseun, LheaLre and brdge
lron konan Lnes.
When analysng Lhe rsL drawng (g.1), we
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
AnoLher aspecL ol source assessnenL s Lhe
undersLandng ol Lhe conLexL and creaLor
ol Lhe source and Lhe vsual language
LhaL s used. l we Lake lor exanple g. 1,
we know LhaL Lhe creaLor ol Lhe source s
kaLherus, bshop ol Verona, who lved n
Lhe 1oLh cenLury and was a good lrend ol
enperor OLLo . 1herelore, Lhe buldngs
depcLed could be relaLed Lo acLvLes ol
kaLherus, whch we should sLudy n deLal
Lo undersLand Lhe raLonale behnd Lhe
Step : Correlating the sources.
1he correlation method conpares Lhe
dllerenL sources and Lres Lo draw
conclusons lron Lhe correspondences,
dllerences and nconssLences beLween
Lhe sources. Possble conclusons could be
LhaL a source s LoLally unrelable, conLans
cerLan delberaLe errors or |usL nsLakes, or
s a correcL and deLaled represenLaLon ol
Lhe Len L depcLs or descrbes.
1he basc correlaLon neLhod s consistency
checking beLween sources LhaL essenLally
conLan Lhe sane nlornaLon. 1hs can lor
exanple happen beLween dllerenL sources
rver should be aL Lhe looL ol Lhe casLle)
and Lhe lack ol landnark buldngs such
as Lhe Colseun nake us conclude LhaL
Lhs drawng s nore cLon Lhan realLy,
so we classly Lhs source as hsLorcally
naccuraLe. AddLonal elenenLs Lo consder
are LhaL HarLnann Schedel nade Lwo LoLally
dllerenL depcLons ol Verona, and, as lar as
we know, he has never vsLed Verona. We
need Lo undersLand LhaL nLernaLonal Lravel,
or obLanng relable nlornaLon lron Lhrd
parLes, was lar nore conplcaLed n Lhe
1Lh cenLury Lhan Loday.
g. . Panorana ol Verona lron SanL PeLers hll (Lhe konan brdge s vsble on Lhe rghL)
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
ol conography depcLng Lhe sane scene, or
archaeologcal sources versus conography.
Ol course, L s nporLanL Lo keep Lhe conLexL
n nnd, .e. a drawng ol Lhe year 1ooo cannoL
be expecLed Lo conLan proper perspecLve.
We also need Lo Lake Lhe characLer and
lnLaLons ol Lhe sources (as recorded n Lhe
source assessnenL) nLo accounL.
A specal case ol Lhs conssLency checkng
s when several versions ol a cerLan source
exsL. 8y analysng snall dllerences
beLween Lhe dllerenL versons, and by
hsLorcal sLudy, n nosL cases Lhe nosL
relable (olLen Lhe oldesL) source can be
1he rsL Lwo nages show Lhe SanL Laurence
Church n 16, Lhe drawng on Lhe lelL s one ol
Lhe Lwo vews on Lnane depcLed n a plgrns
vane, Lhe drawng on Lhe rghL cones lron
a docunenL used n a Lral, also daLed 16.
8oLh nages show Lhe sane ponL ol vew, and
surprsngly also Lhe sane error (ndcaLed by Lhe
red arrow). 1he door depcLed n Lhe souLh asle
has been noL been lound durng Lhe ndepLh
archaeologcal survey ol Lhe church (buL such
a door has been lound aL Lhe norLh sde ol Lhe
church). n oLher words, l Lhe sane error appears
n boLh drawngs, whch look snlar, chances are
hgh LhaL one drawng was a copy ol Lhe oLher.
1hs has nporLanL nplcaLons. 1hese drawngs
are Lhe only ones LhaL show Lhe church wLh an
ocLagonal Lower, Lhere s no oLher evdence LhaL
Lhe church ever had such a Lower. l boLh pcLures
were uncorrelaLed, chances would be hgh LhaL
such a Lower exsLed. As boLh pcLures appear Lo
be correlaLed, chances are nuch lower.
1he vllage ol Lnane, 8elgun, s depcLed
n lour drawngs LhaL are daLed 16. 1hs
gves us Lhe unque opporLunLy Lo see
nulLple vews ol Lhe sane vllage, hence
gvng nporLanL nlornaLon Lowards Lhe
D vsualsaLon ol Lhe vllage.
AlLhough ndepLh hsLorcal analyss ol Lhs
new nap s yeL Lo be underLaken, we would
lke Lo propose a possble explanaLon
lor Lhese dllerences. We know lron Lhe
church records LhaL Lhe SanL Laurence
Church was unused lron 18 (nvason ol
Lhe ProLesLanLs) unLl 12 (archaeologcal
research has conrned Lhs). We know
LhaL nonks sLarLed rebuldng Lhe abbey
n 16 (n Lhe nage on Lhe rghL, one
buldng (1o) seens Lo be operaLonal
agan) and reclaned Lhe vllage as Lher
rghLlul properLy alLer beng expelled n
18. 1he cross and pllory n Lhe lasL nage
show clearly Lhs reesLablshnenL ol Lhe
governng rule ol Lhe abbey. n oLher words,
Lhere are probably a lew years beLween
boLh nages. Whle Lhe pcLure on Lhe lelL
probably shows Lhe yearly SanL Laurence
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
research) lor Lhe dllerences beLween Lhe
conographc sources LhaL are all daLed
16, whch s well supporLed by oLher (LexL)
sources, nakng Lhese conographc sources
quLe relable. l specalsLs conclude alLer
sLudy and dscusson LhaL Lhere are n lacL a
lew years beLween Lhe new and old sources
(leLs say 1 and 16), an updaLe ol Lhe
vrLual nodels can be nade by renanng Lhe
exsLng 16 vsualsaLon Lo 1 (g. )
and creaLng a new 16 nodel LhaL shows
a lurLher evoluLon ol Lhe vllage. Once
Lhs exLra phase has been correlaLed wLh
When perlornng source correlaLon beLween Lhe plgrns vane pcLure on Lhe lelL and a recenLly
dscovered nap on Lhe rghL, showng Lhe Lnane vllage n 16, we see snlarLes n boLh nages
(ndcaLed by green nunbers), buL also nporLanL dllerences (ndcaLed by red nunbers). 1here are nore
houses depcLed n Lhe nage on Lhe rghL (6), and a cross (2), a well (4) and a pllory () are presenL aL Lhe
cenLral connon (), whch s an open square, whle LhaL area was sLll a wheaL eld n Lhe nage on Lhe
lelL. 1he church (1) s depcLed n a skeLchy way, buL seens Lo have a square Lower. 1hs quck analyss
Leaches us LhaL we need Lo undersLand why Lhere are such dllerences.
celebraLons (AugusL 1o) belore 16 (buL
noL earler Lhan 12), Lhe pcLure on Lhe
rghL probably shows Lhe vllage n 16. L
s possble LhaL Lhs laLer drawng has been
nade n Lhe conLexL ol Lhe rebuldng ol Lhe
abbey, wLh Lhe LenL (11) possbly belongng
Lo Lhe sLonenasons LhaL are rebuldng
Lhe abbey. Hence we lkely see Lhe na|or
changes LhaL Lhe vllage wenL Lhrough n Lhe
lasL decade ol Lhe 16Lh cenLury, recoverng
lron Lhe devasLaLons n 18182, whch
nakes Lhs new source very nLeresLng.
n oLher words, Lhere s a poLenLal
explanaLon LhaL s logcal and plausble
(buL needs Lo be conrned by lurLher
g. . D vsualsaLon ol Lnane Lo be daLed
beLween 1 and 16
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Lhe nexL phase (164o) Lo obLan a logcal
evoluLon, a D vsualsaLon ol 16 can be
nade Lo show Lhe vllage and abbey nakng
a new sLarL alLer Lhe devasLaLons.
n nosL cases, we donL have Lhe luck Lo
nd nulLple sources such as drawngs or
panLngs LhaL bascally depcL Lhe sane
scene. Nornally we have dllerenL Lypes ol
sources LhaL depcL Lhe sane envronnenL aL
dllerenL ponLs n Lne, nade lor dllerenL
purposes. CorrelaLon n LhaL case conssLs
ol a systematical comparison ol all avalable
elenenLs, recordng connon elenenLs and
Lryng Lo undersLand why sone elenenLs
are dllerenL or absenL. As Lhe na|or hurdle
Lo |unp s undersLandng Lhe evoluLon
ol Lhe sLrucLure, we need Lo correlaLe all
avalable sources on LhaL sLrucLure aL once
(see below on evoluLon Lhrough Lne).
1o llusLraLe Lhs correlaLon beLween
dllerenL Lypes ol sources, we show here Lhe
D vsualsaLon ol Lhe casLle ol W|nendale
n 1orhouL, 8elgun (g. ). 1hs sLll
sLandng casLle played a na|or role n Lhe
hsLory ol landers, and was bulL aL Lhe
end ol Lhe 11Lh cenLury. L was desLroyed
and rebulL several Lnes, hence conLanng
several phases. AlLhough no archaeologcal
or sLrucLural nvesLgaLons ol Lhe buldng
are avalable, we have sone good hsLorcal
source naLeral, nosLly LexL sources. 1he
oldesL drawng ol Lhe casLle s shown n g.
8, when Lhe casLle was n runs n 1612.
1he sLrucLure ol Lhe casLle could be
deLernned by correlaLng Lhs conography
wLh a na|or LexL source, whch gves Lhe
g. 8 . a drawng daLed 1612 showng Lhe
W|nendale casLle n runs
deLaled nvenLory ol Lhe buldng n 1o,
when Lhe owner ded. As Lhe nvenLory
sLaLes Lhe oor level and luncLon ol each
roon plus all Lens presenL (whch also
gves an dea abouL Lhe sze ol Lhe roon),
we were able Lo nake a good naLch
beLween Lhe drawng and Lhe nvenLory,
and conpleLe Lhe D nodel vsualsng Lhe
casLle n 1o.
8elore dong so, we assessed Lhe drawng
(g. 8) Lo be hghly accuraLe as nany deLals
g. . Lhe D vsualsaLon ol Lhe W|nendale
casLle n 1o
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
perlecLly naLched wLh laLer conographc
sources, cadasLral naps and LexL sources.
We assuned LhaL Lhe nvenLory LexL s
correcL, Loo, as L s a |urdcal docunenL.
We have analysed several neLhodologes n
order Lo lornalse Lhs correlaLon process,
buL as Lhs s a very nonlnear and conplex
process, we have cone Lo Lhe concluson
LhaL only description through text can
capLure all Lhe necessary nuances and be
adopLed easly. 1he shorL descrpLon ol Lhe
Lool and Lhe case sLudy below gve a good
dea how Lhs s done.
Step : Making a hypothesis tree with
When vsualsng a buldng, a landscape
or a cLy, we need Lo npose a cerLan Lop
down analyss ol Lhe ob|ecL, deconposng
L n substructures. 1hese subsLrucLures do
noL always lollow Lhe nornal, sLrucLural
deconposLon ol Lhe ob|ecL buL raLher
Lhe logcal deconposLon, hence Lhey
are closely lnked wLh Lhe hypoLhess
Lree we wll nLroduce. NeverLheless, Lhe
ob|ecL needs Lo renan wellsLrucLured and
plausble. CreaLng Loo nuch sLrucLure
where no nlornaLon s avalable only
generaLes an addLonal burden lor Lhe
person nakng Lhe vsualsaLon, and so we
need Lo keep n nnd LhaL Lhe neLhodology
needs Lo supporL Lhe vsualsaLon process,
noL nake L nore conplex.
1he hypoLhess Lree s Lhe formalisation of
the interpretation process. L shows n a
Lopdown lashon Lhe poLenLal alLernaLves,
analyses each ol Lhe alLernaLves n
relaLon Lo Lhe avalable sources and
draws a conclusion abouL whch one ol Lhe
alLernaLves has Lhe hghesL probablLy,
based upon Lhe avalable sources.
n each hypoLhess, sub-hypotheses are
nade, whch agan are evaluaLed and
Lhe nosL probable one s selecLed. 1he
reasonng ol how Lhe sources (ndcaLed
Lhrough hyperlnks) nuence Lhe
hypoLhess s done n wrLLen LexL, Lherelore
we do noL beleve a lornal sLrucLure can
be devsed LhaL s boLh exble and user
lrendly enough Lo relran lron Lhe nornal
wrLLen word LhaL everybody uses Lo express
L s nporLanL Lo sLck Lo Lhe branchng
hypoLhess Lree neLhod n order Lo avod
overlookng cerLan possblLes. AlLhough
L s connon sense LhaL unlkely branches
do noL need Lo be expanded as Lhs only
creaLes addLonal overhead, Lhe unlkely
branch does need Lo be recorded (see
updaLng neLhodology).
MosL hsLorcal sLrucLures show an evolution
through time. When nLerpreLng source
daLa and proposng cerLan hypoLheses, we
need Lo Lhnk n lacL n lour dnensons,
spaLally and chronologcally. n oLher
words, every hypoLhess also needs Lo check
l L s conssLenL wLh Lhe daLa ol Lhe phases
belore and alLer a specc D vsualsaLon.
Arrvng aL a conssLenL evoluLon s a na|or
parL ol Lhe nLerpreLaLon Lo be done, and
a na|or valdaLon sLep when buldng or
updaLng Lhe vrLual nodels.
1herelore L s nporLanL Lo enLangle Lhe
dllerenL phases ol a sLrucLure. n oLher
words, nLerpreLaLons should cover Lhe lull
evoluLon ol a buldng, landscape or sLe.
Ol course, when Lhere s a dsconLnuous
evoluLon (lor exanple, a sLe s denolshed
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
apse and a snall bell Lower (see g. 12).
Lach hypoLhess shows Lhe dllerenL
sLrucLural elenenLs LhaL resde under
LhaL hypoLhess. n case ol hypoLhess 2
(double apse church) lor exanple, we have
sLrucLural elenenLs such as Lhe enLrance,
wndows, nave and rool. or each ol
Lhose sLrucLural elenenLs, we have sub
hypoLheses. or exanple, Lhe nan rool
can be.
SubhypoLhess 2.1. one level (see g. 12,
nosL probable)
SubhypoLhess 2.2. Lwo levels (see g. 11,
Lop lelL pcLure)
Agan, Lhrough Lhe nLerpreLaLon ol
Lhe sources, a cerLan hypoLhess wll be
pronoLed as nosL probable lor each ol Lhe
sLrucLural elenenLs. 1hese conclusons are
agan puL aL Lhe Lop ol Lhe page. We puL
Lhe dllerenL sLrucLural elenenLs LogeLher
on one page, and do noL puL Lhen on
separaLe pages, as n nosL cases, Lhere
are dependences beLween Lhe dllerenL
sLrucLural elenenLs, so Lhey should be
consdered all LogeLher.
and rebulL n a LoLally dllerenL way), Lhe
nLerpreLaLon can be dvded n Lhose
dsconLnuous phases, and be LreaLed
LeLs puL Lhs n pracLce wLh anoLher
exanple ol Lhe sLe ol Lnane, 8elgun,
buL now n Lhe 1oLh Lo 12Lh cenLury. 1he
excavaLon plan (g. 1o) ol Lhe SanL Savour
Church n Lnane can be nLerpreLed as a
church conssLng ol a nave, easL apse and
Lower, or as a nave wLh a wesL and easL
apse. Ls oorplan s also very snlar Lo a
1oLh cenLury palace buldng or palaLun.
L conLans Lwo phases, Lhe nLal phase n
red and an exLenson n yellow.
So we rsL have Lo decde on Lhe sLrucLure
ol Lhe buldng.
HypoLhess 1. a church conssLng ol a
nave, easL apse and wesL Lower
HypoLhess 2. a church conssLng ol a
nave and wesL and easL apse
HypoLhess . palace buldng
1hese hypoLheses are docunenLed on one
page (see case sLudy n appendx), and
each hypoLhess s argued wLh pros and
cons, lnked (Lhrough hyperlnks) Lo Lhe
appropraLe sources. AL Lhe begnnng ol
Lhe page, a concluson s drawn on whch
hypoLhess s nosL probable. 1here s
no need Lo quanLly Lhs probablLy n a
nunber, buL L s cerLanly uselul Lo express
l one hypoLhess excels sgncanLly or
l Lwo or nore hypoLheses have snlar
probablLy wLh one hypoLhess havng a
slghL prelerence.
Snce 1, alLer an exLensve source
assessnenL, Lhe nosL probable nodel s a
church wLh easL and wesL apse and wLh
laLer addLons ol an exLenson ol Lhe wesL
g. 1o. LxcavaLon plan ol Lhe SanL Savour
Church n Lnane, 8elgun
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
g. 11 shows dllerenL
vsualsaLons LhaL have been nade
lron Lhe excavaLon ol Lhe SanL
Savour Church lron 18 unLl
18 (nore recenL vsualsaLons
are shown n g. 12). ron lelL Lo
rghL and lron Lop Lo boLLon, we
see Lhe lollowng vsualsaLons n
chronologcal order .
Church wLh wesL apse (Lhe easL
apse hadnL been excavaLed yeL
aL Lhe Lne ol Lhe publcaLon.
Archaeologca 8elgca, , 18,
pg. 216)
Church conssLng ol a nave,
easL apse and LwosLorey Lower
wLh a laLer exLenson whch s
nLerpreLed as a porLal (arLsL
Church conssLng ol a nave,
easL apse and LhreesLorey Lower
(1neScope applcaLon on Lhe
Lnane archaeologcal sLe,
Church conssLng ol a nave, easL
apse and reorenLed LhreesLorey
Lower, nodelled on exanples
n Cernany, Lhe laLer exLenson
s nLerpreLed as a porLal,
(1neLne applcaLon verson 1,
Archaeologcal Museun Lnane,
g. 11. DllerenL vsualsaLons lron 18 Lo 18 ol Lhe SanL Savour Church n Lnane
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Lach ol Lhese phases can be LreaLed Lhrough
a separaLe hypoLhess Lree, as long as Lhe
renanng lnks Lo Lhe prevous and/or nexL
phase are nade clear.
How to deal with the reliability of the
AparL lron whaL s nosL probable, we
also need Lo consder Lhe relablLy ol Lhe
vsualsaLons LhaL resulL lron Lhe nosL
probable hypoLheses. AlLhough L s dlculL
Lo puL a nunber on Lhe relablLy ol each
sLrucLural elenenL ol a vsualsaLon, we can
derve sone esLnaLon lron Lhe relablLy ol
Lhe sources (see source assessnenL) and Lhe
nunber ol sources LhaL are avalable lor LhaL
specc elenenL (see source correlaLon). n
nosL cases, an ndcaLon ol hgh, nedun
and low relablLy s sulcenL. l we have
only unrelable sources or l we only have
one source, we wll aLLrbuLe Lhe vsualsaLon
a low relablLy. l we have nulLple, relable
sources, we wll consder Lhe vsualsaLon as
hghly relable.
1he ssue however s whaL Lo do wLh
unrelable parLs ol Lhe vsualsaLon. Should
(o7 1oo)
A double apse church (1oo 11), see
Lhe evoluLon n g. 12
An asled abbey church (11 1)
n Lhe case ol Lhe SanL Savour Church,
Lhere are Lhree nan phases LhaL have lLLle
conLnuLy, and can be LreaLed separaLely.
A wooden buldng, probably a church
g. 12. DllerenL phases ol Lhe SanL Savour Church n Lnane (1o2o, 1o6, 1oo, 11oo)
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
n g. 1). n g. 14, we Lred Lo ndcaLe Lhe
relablLy ol g. 1 Lhrough colour codng.
green ndcaLes hgh relablLy ol Lhe D
vsualsaLon, yellow s nedun relablLy,
and red s low relablLy.
1wo areas are ndcaLed n red. Lhe abbey
enLrance on Lhe lelL hand sde ol Lhe pcLure
and Lhe enpLy space nexL Lo Lhe abbey larn
on Lhe rghL hand sde ol Lhe pcLure. 1he
enLrance area has a low relablLy because
LhaL area has noL been excavaLed, and
Lhe presence ol an enLrance aL LhaL spoL
has been derved lron one drawng and a
sLrucLural analyss ol Lhe 1Lh cenLury abbey
Lhrough a deLaled nap. or Lhe enpLy red
spoL on Lhe oLher hand, a loL ol archaeology
s avalable, showng nany Lraces ol
wooden buldngs, buL all Lhese Lraces are
hghly nconpleLe or dsLurbed by laLer
we vsualse Lhen or noL7 When we sLarL
lron a scholarly ponL ol vew, we preler noL
Lo vsualse unrelable parLs. When we sLarL
lron a presenLaLon ponL ol vew, we Lry Lo
show a conssLenL nage ol Lhe vsualsed
sLrucLure, so we preler Lo also show Lhe
unrelable parLs because Lhey nake Lhe
sLrucLure as a whole nore conssLenL.
LeLs llusLraLe Lhrough Lhe sane exanple as
above (Lnane abbey around 1oo, depcLed
g. 1. Scholarly vsualsaLon ol Lhe Lnane abbey around 1oo g. 14. kelablLy ol Lhe prevous vsualsaLon (red = low, green = hgh)
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
phases, so L s nearly npossble Lo dene
Lhe sze and exacL locaLon ol Lhe buldngs.
n Lhe laLLer case, Lhe scholarly visualisation
should relran lron showng wooden
buldngs as no nal conclusons can be
nade lron Lhe avalable archaeology, and
no oLher sources gve nore nlornaLon
abouL possble wooden buldngs or Lher
luncLon, excepL lor sone archaeologcal
Lraces ol ron casLng. Also, lrequenL
rebuldng and reshapng ol such
wooden buldngs s consdered by Lhe
archaeologsLs as nornal.
1he public visualisation however (g. 1)
should show sone wooden buldngs, as
we know lron oLher sLes LhaL an abbey
had all knds ol uLlLy buldngs such as a
lorge, a brewery, a bakery, eLc. 1o show
a conssLenL vsualsaLon ol LhaL phase ol
Lhe abbey, we should puL sone wooden
buldngs ol appropraLe sze n Lhe area
where we have lound Lhe correspondng
archaeologcal Lraces (see g. 1). n a laLer
phase, Lhese buldngs are rebulL n sLone,
so havng sone wooden buldngs n Lhe
earler phases shows LhaL Lhere s conLnuLy
vsualsaLon conLans less relable parLs as
Lhe archaeologcal Lraces are noL conclusve,
buL Lhs works beLLer l sone buldngs are
shown Lhan l Lhe appropraLe spoL s lelL
ol Lhe acLvLes LhaL were presenL n Lhose
buldngs, even l we have no relable
sources lor Lhs parLcular sLe Lo prool Lhs
We should Lell Lhe publc LhaL Lhs parLcular
g. 1. Publc vsualsaLon ol Lhe Lnane abbey around 1oo
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
developed vrLual nodels.
NeverLheless, l Lhe alLernaLves are noL
sgncanLly dllerenL, one hypoLhess can
be chosen as Lhe representative conclusion
lor publc presenLaLon, provded LhaL
nlornaLon s avalable n LhaL presenLaLon
abouL Lhe oLher equally probable
LeLs llusLraLe Lhs wLh an exanple. 1he
loundaLons ol a konan waLchLower (bulL
aL Lhe end ol Lhe rd cenLury AD) were
lound on Lhe sunnL ol Lhe hll Coudsberg
n Valkenburg, Lhe NeLherlands, and Lhe
Lower was vsualsed n Lhe conLexL ol
a local pro|ecL (lg. 16). As very lLLle
conography s avalable LhaL depcLs such
waLchLowers, and as Lhere are no sLandng
Lowers anynore, L s unclear how Lhe
supersLrucLure ol such Lowers looked. So
lron a scholarly ponL ol vew, Lhere are
several possble supersLrucLures LhaL have
equal probablLy. 8uL lron a presenLaLon
ponL ol vew, we use one alLernaLve
(see lg. 1) as Lhe represenLaLve lor
Dealing with multiple hypotheses with the
same level of probability
l one hypoLhess clearly has a hgher
probablLy Lhan Lhe oLhers, Lhe conclusion
wll puL Lhs hypoLhess lorward as Lhe
nosL probable nLerpreLaLon ol Lhe
avalable sources. However, l Lwo or
nore hypoLheses have nore or less equal
probablLes, Lhe concluson needs Lo reecL
Lhe undecded naLure ol Lhe nLerpreLaLon.
n LhaL case, all probable alLernaLves wll be
expanded, .e. wll have subhypoLheses and
g. 16. D vsualsaLon ol konan waLchLower n
Valkenburg, NeLherlands
g. 1. 1wo alLernaLves wLh equal probablLy, Lhe lelL one s chosen as a represenLaLve vsualsaLon
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Lhe vsualsaLon ol Lhs Lower (as we do
n lg. 16). However, n Lhe nLeracLve
applcaLon LhaL uses Lhese vsualsaLons,
we allow Lhe vsLors Lo explore all aspecLs
ol Lhe Lower and lnd ouL LhaL Lhere are
nulLple possblLes Lo vsualse Lhs
Lower. n Lhs way, Lhe nLeresLed vsLor
dscovers Lhe process and ssues ol D
Ways to express uncertainties
LeLs sLck wLh Lhe Coudsberg exanple.
1ogeLher wLh Lhe waLchLower, we also
vsualsed Lhe landscape around Lhe Lower.
AlLhough a deLaled sLudy was nade ol
g. 18. Panoranc 6odegree vsualsaLon ol konan landscape aL Lhe Coudsberg, Valkenburg
g. 1. Panoranc 6odegree phoLograph ol currenL landscape aL Lhe Coudsberg, Valkenburg
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Lhe geology and hydrography, yeldng a
proposal on vegeLaLon and land use, Lhere
was very lLLle archaeologcal evdence,
so we were lookng lor a way Lo express
the uncertainty ol Lhe resulLng landscape
vsualsaLon. On Lhe oLher hand, we
were relucLanL Lo creaLe Lhe landscape,
vegeLaLon and annals n D, as Lhe cosL
Lo acheve sulcenL vsual qualLy lor such
elenenLs s hgh. So we had a graphc
arLsL llusLraLe Lhe konan landscape n
waLercolour (g. 18), based on Lhe scenLc
sLudy and a panoranc nage ol Loday
(g. 1). 1he Lower was vsualsed n
panoranc node and downgraded lron
a D renderng Lo a waLercolour drawng,
whch expresses Lhe uncerLanLy ol Lhe
vsualsaLon beLLer Lhan sharp, well dened
D nages.
OLher ways Lo express uncerLanLy are
reducng D vsualsaLons Lo lne drawngs
or even skeLches, or usng black and whLe
or sepa nages. or publc presenLaLon
however, we need Lo Lake nake sure LhaL Lhe
resulL sLll has sulcenL aesLheLc qualLy.
Visualising evolution
When vsualsng evoluLon, we bascally
wanL Lo explore a D sLrucLure lron all
sdes and see Lhe evoluLon ol (a parL ol)
LhaL sLrucLure lron Lhe nosL appropraLe
angle. Several Lechncal soluLons have Lhe
poLenLal Lo do LhaL, buL we wanL Lo presenL
here a snple buL very powerlul Lechnque.
a QuickTime VR object. Quck1ne Vk
[Q1Vk] s parL ol Lhe Quck1ne solLware
LhaL s able Lo vsualse panoranc and
sphercal nages and nLeracLve ob|ecLs.
nLeracLve ob|ecLs bascally conssL ol a
naLrx ol nages LhaL can be vsualsed
nLeracLvely by draggng horzonLally
or verLcally n Lhe vewer. l we puL a
6odegree roLaLon ol Lhe ob|ecL n Lhe
horzonLal rows ol Lhe naLrx, and an
evoluLon Lhrough Lne n Lhe verLcal
colunns ol Lhe naLrx, Lhen we obLan a 4D
vsualsaLon Lool LhaL shows D plus Lne
(evoluLon) nLeracLvely. Hence, l we drag
our cursor horzonLally or use Lhe lelL/rghL
arrow keys, we change our vewponL, whle
l we drag verLcally or use Lhe up/down
arrow keys, we vsualse Lhe evoluLon ol Lhe
ob|ecL lron a parLcular ponL ol vew.
Snple solLware packages exsL Lo Lurn a seL
ol nages, sLrucLured n such a naLrxlke
4D way, nLo an nLeracLve 4D ob|ecL. 1he
na|or advanLage s LhaL lron Lhe nLeracLve
ob|ecL, hyperlnks can be nade so LhaL L can
be nLegraLed nLo hyperlnkbased Lools.
Step : Updating
g. 2o. 4D nLeracLve ob|ecL ol Lhe SanL Savour
church n Lnane n 1o2o1o61oo11oo
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
One ol Lhe nosL nporLanL reasons Lo do
nLerpreLaLon nanagenenL s updating.
Durng Lhe sLudy ol Lhe source naLeral,
new sources ol nlornaLon can appear
and new nsghLs or correlaLons can be
lound. We need Lo be able Lo record how
Lhs new naLeral nuences Lhe exsLng
D vsualsaLons, so we dsLngush lour
dllerenL knds ol updaLng.
rsL ol all, when a new source appears, we
need Lo add Lhs source Lo Lhe daLabase, nd
ouL whaL oLher sources L correlaLes Lo and
assess Lhs new source, boLh on Ls own and
n conparson Lo all oLher relaLed sources.
1he avalablLy ol new source naLeral can
nuence Lhe assessnenL ol oLher sources,
Lhe relablLy ol Lhe vsualsaLons or even
Lhe hypoLheses nade (see below).
AnoLher updaLe acLon s Lhe appearance
ol a new assessment of an existing source
where new nsghLs, new sources or new
sLudes (whch need Lo be added Lo Lhe
source lsL) render Lhe currenL assessnenL
ol a source obsoleLe or aL leasL nconpleLe.
1hs new assessnenL can Lrgger changes n
Lhe hypoLheses secLon and ol Lhe relablLy
ol Lhe vsualsaLons.
New sources, changes n source
assessnenL or new nLerpreLaLons can
yeld an additional or updated hypothesis
or can change the probability of one or
more hypotheses or the reliability of the
visualisations. 1hs can n Lurn yeld a
dllerenL concluson (Lhe hypoLhess LhaL has
Lhe hghesL probablLy) Lhan belore.
n Lhs process ol updaLng, Lhere needs Lo
be a deLaled tracking ol Lhe updaLes. 1hs
s noL only a Lechncal ssue. 1here needs Lo
be a consensus anongsL Lhe nvolved people
on any changes Lo Lhe D vsualsaLon, and
Lhe changes need Lo be nplenenLed and
valdaLed by D specalsLs. As ponLed ouL
belore, Lhs s nornally an LeraLve process
LhaL nvolves several specalsLs, and leads
Lo a change Lo Lhe vrLual nodel by Lhe D
specalsL. As n nosL cases Lhese specalsLs
do noL share Lhe sane workng space or
neeL each oLher daly, so we need a Lool
LhaL can acL as an nLerneL collaboraLon
plaLlorn Lo allow Lhese nLeracLons Lo Lake
place elcenLly.
L can happen LhaL specalsLs do noL
agree on a cerLan concluson, or LhaL Loo
lLLle evdence s presenL Lo lavour one
nLerpreLaLon over anoLher, or LhaL Lhe
updaLe s noL endorsed by all nvolved
specalsLs. n LhaL case, Lhere are two or
more solutions LhaL are LreaLed as equally
probable. 1hs s n Lsell noL problenaLc,
buL needs ndepLh consulLaLon and
consderaLon belore Lhe decson can
be Laken LhaL Lhere s no nosL probable
nLerpreLaLon and D vsualsaLon.
L s clear LhaL a cerLan degree ol
sklls s needed Lo nake or change Lhe
nLerpreLaLon and vsualsaLon ol a sLe.
1hs s Lhe sane problen as Wkpeda s
lacng Lo nanLan Lhe qualLy ol Ls onlne
encyclopaeda and avod vandalsn ol
Lhe conLenL. Lke Wkpeda, everybody
needs Lo be able Lo conLrbuLe Lo Lhe
nLerpreLaLon ol Lhe sources, lollowng
Lhe Lypcal dscusson neLhodology and
user auLhenLcaLon. nlke Wkpeda,
Lhere should be an auLhorsaLon and
accredLaLon process ol people who wanL
Lo change Lhe conclusons and nake or
change Lhe D vsualsaLons, as Lhese are
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
conplex Lasks LhaL requre Lhe appropraLe
sklls. 1hese accredLed specalsLs can be
seen as Lhe scenLc connLLee ol Lhe
D vsualsaLon progranne. n Lhs way,
we Lhnk we can guaranLee Lhe qualLy ol
The London Charter
1he London CharLer [1LC] was nLaLed aL
a neeLng ol D vsualsaLon specalsLs
n London n 2oo6 and ans Lo dene
Lhe basc ob|ecLves and prncples ol
Lhe use ol D vsualsaLon neLhods
n relaLon Lo nLellecLual nLegrLy,
relablLy, Lransparency, docunenLaLon,
sLandards, susLanablLy and access. L
recognses LhaL Lhe range ol avalable
D vsualsaLon neLhods s consLanLly
ncreasng, and LhaL Lhese neLhods
can be appled Lo address an equally
expandng range ol research ans.
1he CharLer Lherelore does noL seek Lo
prescrbe specc ans or neLhods, buL
raLher seeks Lo esLablsh Lhose broad
prncples lor Lhe use ol D vsualsaLon
n Lhe research and connuncaLon
ol culLural herLage, upon whch Lhe
nLellecLual nLegrLy ol such neLhods
and ouLcones depend.
1he CharLer does, however, seek Lo
enhance Lhe rgour wLh whch D
vsualsaLon neLhods and ouLcones
are used and evaluaLed n Lhe research
and connuncaLon ol culLural herLage,
Lhereby pronoLng undersLandng
ol such neLhods and ouLcones and
enablng Lhen Lo conLrbuLe nore lully
and auLhorLaLvely Lo Lhs donan.
So Lhe London CharLer can be seen as Lhe
upconng sLandard lor D vsualsaLon.
1he neLhodology we propose here
s a way Lo nplenenL Lhe CharLer n
pracLce, whch s based on Lhe lollowng
prncples [1LC].
Vald lor D vsualsaLon n all culLural
herLage donans
AppropraLe use ol D vsualsaLon
denLcaLon and evaluaLon ol
relevanL sources
1ransparency ol Lhe D ouLcones n
relaLon Lo Lhe sources
se ol sLandards and onLologes,
approved by Lhe connunLy
a D vsualsaLon whle publshng Lhs
vsualsaLon and creaLng lull Lransparency
abouL Lhe nLerpreLaLon.
All daLa LhaL s sLored as resulL ol Lhe
creaLon and updaLe process also needs a
nanLenance cycle, whch should noL be
longer Lhan Lwo years. 1he solLware ol Lhe
nplenenLaLon (see nexL chapLer) and Ls
assocaLed daLa (Lypcally a daLabase wLh all
resulLs) wll probably need Lo be updaLed.
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
les nLegraLed n Lhe daLabase (such as
dgLal nages) or n a dgLal reposLory
(D vrLual nodels, derved resulLs such as
annaLons, nLeracLve nodels, ...) need
Lo be Lranslerred Lo new le lornaLs l Lhe
orgnal le lornaLs becone obsoleLe (Lhs s
called daLa ngraLon).
A tool to record and publish D visualisation
LPOCH, as Lhe NeLwork ol Lxcellence lor Lhe
use ol C1 n culLural herLage, has creaLed
Lools lor Lhe culLural herLage connunLy
Lo supporL specc Lasks [LPOCH]. or
D vsualsaLon, a Lool based on Lhe
neLhodology explaned n Lhs KNOWHOW
bookleL has been creaLed and s lreely
1he Lool has lour na|or luncLonalLes. Lhe
source daLabase, Lhe source assessnenL, Lhe
hypoLheses Lree wLh conclusons and Lhe
4D vsualsaLon page. L s based upon wk
Lechnology, LhaL nplenenLs noL only Lhe
hyperlnkng, buL also Lhe dscusson lorun
and Lhe consensus process LhaL s needed
Lo connuncaLe and dscuss research
resulLs and updaLe Lhen when necessary.
kesulLng D nodels or derved producLs
(sLll nages, annaLons, eLc.) can be sLored
n a daLa reposLory and hyperlnked Lo Lhe
4D vsualsaLon page.
1hs neLhodology has several beneLs lor
Lhe dllerenL sLakeholders nvolved n a D
vsualsaLon process.
rsL ol all, as Lhere s very lLLle
sLandardsaLon n how Lo conducL and
docunenL D vsualsaLon research,
Lhs neLhodology helps Lo structure and
rationalise the interpretation process.
CurrenLly, Lhe nLerpreLaLon process behnd
a D vsualsaLon pro|ecL s n nosL cases a
black box wLh cerLan npuLs and ouLpuLs
buL very lLLle Lransparency concernng
Lhe process Lsell. sng sone connonly
accepLed neLhodology wll be benecal lor
nasLerng Lhe process and Ls qualLy.
Secondly, by recordng Lhe nLerpreLaLon
process Lhrough an onlne Lool, oLher
scholars or D vsualsaLon specalsLs can
undersLand Lhe process and conLrbuLe
Lher knowledge, Lhrough Lhe known wk
nechansns ol dscusson and consensus.
1hs creaLes noL only scientic transparency,
buL also sLnulaLes multidisciplinary
cooperation as specalsLs n cerLan donans
(lor exanple sLablLy analyss or buldng
hsLorans, specalsed n a cerLan era) can
easly be nvLed Lo conLrbuLe.
n oLher words, Lhe proposed Lool provdes
a collaboration platform Lo brng LogeLher
all necessary specalsLs around Lhe research
and/or publc presenLaLon Lhrough
D vsualsaLon ol hsLorcal nannade
sLrucLures or landscapes.
8y hosLng Lhs Lool on a cenLral server,
nanaged by a cenLral culLural herLage
organsaLon n every counLry or regon, all
D vsualsaLon processes can be recorded
and stored, whle Lhe organsaLon Lsell
can Lake care ol all backup and long Lern
sLorage, ncludng all solLware updaLng and
daLa ngraLon n a user LransparenL way.
As nosL D vsualsaLon pro|ecLs are
lunded by publc noney, a supplenenLary
requrenenL Lo record Lhe correspondng
nLerpreLaLon process Lhrough such a
cenLralsed Lool would yeld noL only a
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
long term storage ol knowledge LhaL would
oLherwse dsappear (saleguardng Lhe
nancal and nLellecLual ellorL LhaL wenL
nLo D vsualsaLon pro|ecLs), buL also
general availability of D visualisation results
lor Lhe relaLed connunLy and lor reuse n
oLher pro|ecLs.
Whenever new or updaLed nlornaLon
becones avalable, Lhe underlnng daLabase
ol Lhe Lool can be searched and all pro|ecLs
LhaL use LhaL specc nlornaLon can be
earnarked lor updaLe. SpecalsLs can
be nvLed Lo work on such an updaLe, or
snply provdng a lsL ol pro|ecLs LhaL need
updaLng could nvLe specalsLs Lo donaLe
Lne Lo nLegraLe Lhese new or updaLed
resulLs nLo Lhe D vsualsaLons. n Lhe
sane way, resulLs LhaL would be reused wll
be earnarked lor updaLng, so no ouLdaLed
D vsualsaLons wll be used or dsLrbuLed.
1he locus ol D vsualsaLon ol hsLorcal
sLrucLures s noL D nodellng or creaLng
sLunnng nages buL conducLng an n
depLh, sysLenaLc sLudy ol Lhe sources,
correlaLng and assessng Lhen, dervng Lhe
nosL probable hypoLheses, docunenLng
Lhs nLerpreLaLon process n a well
sLrucLured way and nally vsualsng Lhen
accordng Lhe requrenenLs ol Lhe conLexL
n whch Lhese vsualsaLon resulLs are used.
1hs KNOWHOW bookleL provdes a
neLhodology LhaL s on one hand exble
and capable ol dealng wLh a wde range ol
sub|ecLs and goals, and on Lhe oLher hand a
lorn ol sLandardsaLon whch Lres Lo Lurn
D vsualsaLon ol hsLorcal sLrucLures nLo
a repeaLable, docunenLed process LhaL s
LransparenL and publcly avalable.
n oLher words, Lhs neLhodology lor
nLerpreLaLon nanagenenL esLablshes
a sound lranework lor creaLng and
publshng D vsualsaLon resulLs,
nprovng Lher qualLy and preservng Lhe
nvesLnenLs and nLellecLual ellorL LhaL
has been spenL Lo creaLe Lhen. A specc
LPOCH Lool has been realsed Lo supporL
Lhs process and guaranLee Lhe saleguardng
Lhe resulLng daLa.
[LPOCH] LPOCH NeLwork ol Lxcellence
(hLLp.// )
[1LC] 1he London CharLer
(hLLp.// )
[NML] Nuovo Museo LleLLronco (NuML)
4D vsualsaLon ol 8ologna
englsh/nLLoloeng.hLnl )
[Q1Vk] Quck1ne Vk
Lechnologes/qLvr/ )
[kOML]kone keborn 1.o
(hLLp.// )
Panorama of Verona from Saint Peters hill by
Jacopo Prisco
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Case study Saint Saviour Church Ename
Ih Ihe case sIudy below, we show how Ihe Iool Iurhs Ihe examples oh Ihe SaIhI SavIour
church IhIo pracIIce. We show Iwo source sheeIs (ohe Ior Icohography ahd ohe Ior
archaeologIcal resulIs), ohe source correlaIIoh sheeI, ohe hypoIhesIs sheeI ahd ohe D
vIsualIsaIIoh sheeI. 1he hyperlIhks Io Ihe correspohdIhg pages are uhderlIhed ahd Ih blue
(hoI all lIhked pages are showh here Ih Ihe example).
1he source sheeIs use a dIIIerehI approach accordIhg Io Ihe Iype oI source. For ah
archaeologIcal source sheeI, exIsIIhg excavaIIoh reporIs cah be used. A hyperlIhk cah reIer
Io Ihe approprIaIe paragraph Ih IhaI excavaIIoh reporI so IhaI II Is hoI hecessary Io cuI Ihe
excavaIIoh reporI IhIo dIIIerehI source sheeIs.
Oh Ihe correlaIIoh sheeI, we have lIsIed several correlaIIohs beIweeh sources. MosI
correlaIIohs are |usI beIweeh Iwo sources, whereas some use a Iwo-sIage reasohIhg
(bulleIs 6, 7 ahd 8) IhaI rsI correlaIes Iwo sources ahd Iheh correlaIes Ihe resulI wIIh a
IhIrd source.
ClIckIhg a hypoIhesIs oh Ihe hypoIhesIs sheeI gIves Ihe subsequehI sub-hypoIhesIs Ih Ihe
hypoIhesIs Iree. As you cah see oh Ihe sheeI below, hypoIhesIs has ho IurIher brahches,
as II has ho hyperlIhk (because II has a low probabIlIIy).
1he hyperlIhks Ih Ihe cohclusIoh oI Ihe hypoIhesIs Iree lIhk Io Ihe D vIsualIsaIIoh sheeI,
where Ihe D vIsualIsaIIoh Is showh Ih a D way. 1he approprIaIe phase ahd sIrucIure Is
hIghlIghIed, buI Ihe user cah explore IhaI sIrucIure Irom all sIdes ahd check phases beIore
ahd aIIer.
1he hyperlIhk Ih Ihe DescrIpIIoh parI oI Ihe D vIsualIsaIIoh sheeI lIhks back Io Ihe
correspohdIhg hypoIhesIs. Oh IhIs page, Ihere are also hyperlIhks Io Ihe D model les
ahd Io derIved resulIs such as Images ahd movIes.
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Source sheet
Short description
DepIcIIoh oI Ihe Ehame abbey Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer
1hIs drawIhg probably depIcIs Ihe Ehame abbey
VIel RehIIer, Royal LIbrary 8russels, mahuscrIpI depI. 117s, I8r
PublIshed Ih L. VerrIesI, Le polypIIque IllusIr dII VIel RehIIer de MessIre !ehah
de Pamele-Audeharde, 8russels
1hIs seems Io be Ihe oldesI depIcIIoh oI Ihe abbey oI Ehame. II shows Irom leII Io rIghI Ihe
abbey church (SaIhI SavIour), Ihe abbey buIldIhgs, a wall oI Ihe ehclosure ahd a gaIe. 1he
documehI Is daIed arouhd 127s.
1hIs book lIsIs all Ihe properIIes owhed by khIghI !ehah de Pamele-Audeharde, ahd all Ihe beheIs
he receIved Ior rehIIhg Ihese properIIes Io IhIrd parIIes. 1he IexI Is IllusIraIed by Iwo dIIIerehI
IllusIraIors who have added drawIhgs IhaI were relaIed Io Ihe IexI. Ih Ihe case above, Ihe IexI
Ialks abouI Ihe rehI Io be payed by Ihe abboI oI Ehame (abbas eham, see lower leII Ih Ihe pIcIure
above). II Is commohly accepIed IhaI Ihe depIcIed buIldIhgs belohg Io Ihe abbey oI Ehame.
1he drawIhg has always beeh IhIerpreIed (see Ior example 8erIhgs, 18, p. 17) as Ihe
Ehame abbey arouhd 127s. We are cohvIhced however IhaI Ihe drawIhg Is hoI hecessarIly
cohIemporary, buI cah depIcI ah older phase oI Ihe abbey. 1hIs Is also Ihe case Ior Ihe Pamele
Church, Ior example, whIch Is depIcIed Ih le VIel RehIIer Ih IIs rsI phase as chapel (111o-12s),
whIle IhaI phase was replaced by Ihe currehI CoIhIc church Ih 12s (halIsed Ih 1oo), whIch Is
oI subsIahIIal sIze. As Ihe IllusIraIors had Io make mahy drawIhgs, II Is possIble IhaI Ihey dId
hoI go oh sIIe buI copIed older Icohography, IhaI Is uhkhowh Ioday.
Ehame abbey VIel RehIIer
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Source sheet
Short description
ExcavaIIoh plah oI sIrucIure S1s Ih Ehame
Shows Ihe sIrucIure ahd buIldIhg phases oI S1s/Ehame
(reIerehce humber Io archaeologIcal drawIhg)
1races oI Ihe IouhdaIIohs oI S1s church show a buIldIhg Ih a rsI phase (Ih red) cohsIsIIhg
oI a rouhd easI apse, a have ahd a square sIrucIure oh Ihe wesIsIde, whIch was exIehded Ih
a secohd phase (yellow), whIch Is youhger Ihah Ihe abbey buIldIhgs, based oh sIraIIgraphIc
ExcavaIIohs seasohs 186-188
1he sIrucIure oI Ihe buIldIhg ahd IIs laIer exIehsIoh Is quIIe well dehed alIhough mosI oI
Ihe IouhdaIIohs ohly leII a hegaIIve grouhdIrace. 1he IouhdaIIohs oI Ihe rsI phase show
IypIcal exIehsIohs aI Ihe wesI sIde, aI Ihe cohhecIIoh oI Ihe wesI apse Io Ihe have, ahd aI Ihe
cohhecIIoh oI Ihe have Io Ihe easI apse. 1hese exIehsIohs are barely presehI Ih Ihe secohd
All IouhdaIIohs oI Ihe rsI phase have abouI Ihe same wIdIh, excepI Ior Ihe IouhdaIIohs oI Ihe
easI apse whIch are sIghIcahIly wIder. 1he IouhdaIIohs oI Ihe secohd phase are wIder ahd
more Irregular, excepI Ior Ihe horIherh parI.
SIrucIure S1s rsI phase (red) wIIh exIehsIoh
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Source correlation sheet
Conclusion correlation analysis
1he abbey depIcIed Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer Is Ihe rsI phase oI Ihe Ehame abbey (abouI 1o7o
abouI 116o) ahd Ihe church depIcIed Is Ihe rsI phase (abouI 1oos - 11) oI Ihe SaIhI SavIour
church oI Ehame.
CorrelaIed sources
DepIcIIoh oI Ihe Ehame abbey Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer
ExcavaIoh plah oI sIrucIure S1s Ih Ehame
ExcavaIIoh plah oI Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church Ih Ehame
RooI sIrucIure ahalysIs ahd daIIhg oI Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church Ih Ehame
ExcavaIIoh reporI A. Vahde Walle oI Ihe SaIhI SavIour church
ExcavaIIoh reporI oh Ihe palace buIldIhg Ih Ehame
ExcavaIIoh reporI oh Ihe rsI abbey Ih Ehame
Correlation analysis
Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg, Ihe roohg cohsIsIs oI romah tegulae ahd woodeh IIles, boIh have
beeh Iouhd Ih layers oI Ihe rsI abbey (1o7o-116o) durIhg Ihe excavaIIoh, whIle oIher Iypes oI
rooI IIles where Iouhd Ih Ihe layers IhaI cah be assocIaIed wIIh Ihe perIod arouhd 127s.
Ih Ihe excavaIIoh plah, we see IhaI Ihe raIIo oI Ihe lehgIh oI Ihe archaeologIcal remaIhs oI
Ihe wesI sIrucIure agaIhsI Ihe have oI Ihe buIldIhg oI Ihe rsI phase Is 1:, whIch Is perIecIly
wIIh Ihe sIrucIure ( equal parIs) oI Ihe church depIcIed Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg, whIle
Ihe remaIhs oI Ihe secohd abbey church cahhoI be correlaIed wIIh IhIs drawIhg.
1he wesI exIehsIoh (phase 2 oI S1s, buIld beIore Ihe secohd abbey church Ih 11) does hoI
I wIIh Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg - Ihe drawIhg could precede Ihe exIehsIoh.
1he abbey buIldIhgs depIcIed oh Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg I wIIh Ihe excavaIIoh resulIs oI
Ihe sI abbey. From leII Io rIghI we see Ihe abboIs house (wIIh ehIrahce), Ihe guesI rooms,
Ihe reIecIory ahd Ihe dormIIorIum.
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
From Ihe ahalysIs oI Ihe IouhdaIIohs oI Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church, whIch was buIlI arouhd
Ihe same IIme, we see IhaI Ihere Is a sIrohg correlaIIoh beIweeh Ihe IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure
oI S1s ahd Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church. Ohe oI Ihe IypIcal IeaIures Is Ihe presehce oI
uhdergrouhd exIehsIohs oI Ihe IouhdaIIohs where arch sIrucIures are presehI.
HavIhg Ihe same IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure, ahd as Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church has ho vIsIble
buIIresses, we cah deduce IhaI S1s had ho vIsIble buIIresses Ioo, whIch Is wIIh Ihe absehce
oI buIIresses Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg.
From Ihe ahalysIs oI Ihe IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure, we deduce IhaI Ihere Is a wall (probably wIIh
ah arch) beIweeh Ihe wesI sIrucIure ahd Ihe have, ahd IhaI such a wall exIehds Io Ihe rooI
(see rooI sIrucIure oI Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church). 1hIs Is very well wIIh place oI Ihe small
bell Iower Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg.
Wheh ahalysIhg Ihe IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure oI S1s, ahd IakIhg IhIo accouhI IhaI Ihere Is a clear
relaIIohshIp beIweeh IouhdaIIoh wIdIh ahd Ihe heIghI oI Ihe walls oh IhaI IouhdaIIoh (see
Ihe ahalysIs oI Ihe IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure oI boIh Ihe SaIhI Laurehce church ahd Ihe palace
buIldIhg Ih Ehame), we have Io cohclude IhaI Ihe wesI sIrucIure should be oI sImIlar heIghI
as Ihe have, as boIh sIrucIures have a sImIlar IouhdaIIoh wIdIh. 1hIs Is wIIh Ihe depIcIIoh oI
Ihe SaIhI SavIour church Ih Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg as a buIldIhg oI cohsIahI heIghI over IIs
ehIIre lehgIh.
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Hypothesis sheet
1he excavaIed sIrucIure S1s cah be IdehIIed mosI probably as Ihe rsI phase (abouI 1oos -
11) oI Ihe SaIhI SavIour church oI Ehame, cohsIsIIhg oI a have, a wesI apse ahd ah easI apse.
1he exIehsIoh (phase 2) oI sIrucIure S1s cah be IdehIIed as ah exIehsIoh oI Ihe wesI apse oI
Ihe church, whIle beIhg abbey church.
1. 1he excavaIed sIrucIure S1s Is Ihe SaIhI SavIour church oI Ehame, cohsIsIIhg oI a have,
easI apse ahd Iower.
2. 1he excavaIed sIrucIure S1s Is Ihe SaIhI SavIour church oI Ehame, cohsIsIIhg oI a have,
easI apse ahd wesI apse (mosI probable).
. 1he excavaIed sIrucIure S1s Is a palace buIldIhg IhaI has beeh IrahsIomed IhIo a church
(leasI probable).
From Ihe sImIlar IouhdaIIoh wIdIh oI Ihe wesI sIrucIure ahd Ihe have oI Ihe buIldIhg,
hypoIhesIs 2 Is mosI probable, as a Iower (hypoIhesIs 1) would heed a wIder IouhdaIIoh oh
Ihe wesI sIde, whIle a palace buIldIhg (hypoIhesIs ) would heed a smaller IouhdaIIoh oh
Ihe wesI sIde (as a camera oh Ihe wesI sIde Ih palace buIldIhgs Is IypIcally ohe oor whIle
Ihe have Is IypIcally Iwo oors, see Ior example IouhdaIIoh sIrucIure oI Ihe Ehame palace
1he sIrucIure S1s was surrouhded by a dIIch, whIch Is IypIcal Ior a church, demarcaIIhg Ihe
holy grouhd ahd cemeIry such a dIIch Is uhusual Ior a palace buIldIhg.
1he phase precedIhg S1s was also surrouhded by a sImIlar dIIch, so II Is much more probable
IhaI S1s, ahd IIs predecessor, have beeh churches, wIIh ho relaIIoh Io a palace buIldIhg (Ihe
palace buIldIhg has beeh Iouhd archaeologIcally 2oo m horIh oI S1s).
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
A IexI source sIaIes clearly IhaI Ehame had Iwo churches SaIhI SavIour aI Ihe porIus (IhaI
becomes abbey sIIe) ahd SaIhI Laurehce aI Ihe vIllage. WIIh SaIhI Laurehce sIIll sIahdIhg, ho
oIher poIehIIal sIIe Ihah S1s Is khowh Io be SaIhI SavIour.
1he SaIhI Laurehce church Is mosI probably a church wIIh wesI ahd easI apse wIIhouI Iower.
1he SaIhI SavIour church, buIlI Ih Ihe same perIod uhder Ihe same rulers, mosI probably has
Ihe same sIrucIure.
1he correlaIIoh beIweeh Ihe VIel RehIIer drawIhg ahd all archaeologIcal relaIed sources Is
hIgh, so we accepI IhIs drawIhg as a depIcIIoh oI S1s as Ihe SaIhI SavIour church wIIh a have,
wesI apse ahd easI apse.
D visualisation sheet
D vIsualIsaIIoh oI Ihe SaIhI SavIour church oI Ehame, cohsIsIIhg oI a have, a wesI apse ahd ah
easI apse, Ior Ihe approxImaIe daIes 1o2o, 1o6s, 1o7o ahd 11oo. 1he church has beeh Iouhd
probably Ih 1oos ahd replaced by a much larger abbey church Ih 1o.
D models
saIhIsavIourchurchEhame1o2o.ds (D model represehIIhg Ihe 1o2o phase)
saIhIsavIourchurchEhame1o6s.ds (D model represehIIhg Ihe 1o6s phase)
saIhIsavIourchurchEhame1o7o.ds (D model represehIIhg Ihe 1o7o phase)
saIhIsavIourchurchEhame11oo.ds (D model represehIIhg Ihe 11oo phase)
Derived results (D IhIeracIIve ob|ecI) (ahImaIIoh)
saIhIsavIourchurchEhame1o2o.|pg (hIgh resoluIIoh sIIll Image)
SaIhI SavIour church Ehame : 1o2o-1o6s-1o7o-11oo
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Interpretation Management
Project team
nvolved ParLners .

Vsual Dnenson bvba, Lnane, 8elgun

pan (Provncal Archaeologcal Museun)
Lnane, 8elgun

lensh HerLage nsLLuLe, 8russels,


K ProducLons, MaasLrchL, NeLherlands

kO8 (currenLly kACM), AnersloorL,


pan (Provncal Archaeologcal Museun)
Velzeke, 8elgun

1hernennuseun, Heerlen, NeLherlands

8AX ConsulL, Zaandan, NeLherlands

Hoaxland, Oudenaarde, 8elgun

Crossneda, Heerlen, NeLherlands
Lnane D vsualsaLon.
- curaLor. MareClare Van der DonckL
- dgLalsaLon conography. pan Lnane
- excavaLons. lensh HerLage nsLLuLe,
drecLed by Drk CallebauL

- hsLorcal research. CeerL 8erngs, Drk


- D vsualsaLon. Danel PleLnckx

W|nendale D vsualsaLon.
- hsLorcal research. Cuy DuponL, Mchel
- D vsualsaLon. Danel PleLnckx
Valkenburg D vsualsaLon.
- excavaLons. kO8, drecLed by Marc

- archaeologcal research. Marc kogge

S|el 8orn

, Arne HayLsna

- hsLorcal landscape research. Laura

- D vsualsaLon. MaarLen Welzen
Danel PleLnckx
- landscape vsualsaLon. CeerL keynaerL

- nLeracLve applcaLon. Krs orsLer

Danel PleLnckx
Proolreadng lor bookleL.
KrsL Wlson LndroLh
CopyrghL Danel PleLnckx, Vsual
Dnenson bvba & 1he nLeracLve nsLLuLe
A8, 2oo
Publsher. 1he nLeracLve nsLLuLe A8,
SLockholn, Sweden
LdLor. Halna CoLLleb
Craphcal desgn. kala Sosn
WLh supporL by Lhe Luropean Connsson
under Lhe ConnunLys SxLh ranework
Progranne, conLracL no. S12oo2o82.
CurrenL Lechnology allows us Lo easly creaLe
Lhreednensonal nodels ol landscapes and nan
nade sLrucLures and Lo vsualse Lhese nodels
n several nLeracLve and nonnLeracLve ways.
However, our knowledge ol Lhe pasL s parLal and
uncerLan. n lacL, we are noL able Lo reconsLrucL
Lhe pasL aL all, buL we can Lry Lo puzzle LogeLher
all ol Lhe nlornaLon we have abouL a cerLan
sLrucLure n a cerLan Lne perod, and Lry Lo
vsualse Lhs nlornaLon n Lhe besL possble way.
1hs KNOWHOW bookleL explans Lhe neLhodology
lor dong Lhs n a correcL and reproducable way.
We explan and llusLraLe neLhods such as source
assessnenL, source correlaLon and hypoLhess
Lrees, whch help Lo sLrucLure and docunenL Lhe
LranslornaLon process lron source naLeral Lo
D vsualsaLon. We also dscuss Lhe dllerenL
approaches ol D vsualsaLon n research and n
publc presenLaLons, and presenL a Lool Lo nanage
Lhe nLerpreLaLon process.
1he KNOWHOW bookleLs are an nspraLonal
seres caLalogung exsLng exanples ol a vareLy
ol pro|ecLs whch use C1 lor Lhe recordng, dsplay
and nLerpreLaLon ol culLural herLage. 1hese
bookleLs hghlghL luncLonal nlornaLon coverng
Lhe desgn, developnenL and nplenenLaLon
ol deas and Lher soluLons, and gve LhoughLlul
suggesLons lor alLernaLve applcaLons wLhn
Lhe culLural herLage secLor. 1he KNOWHOW
bookleLs an Lo supporL people workng n Lhe
area ol nuseuns, herLage sLes and nonunenLs.
1he nlornaLon covered wLhn Lhe bookleLs
beneLs nanagers, exhbLon producers/curaLors,
pedagogues and prolessonals workng wLh
dgLal resLoraLon, as well as Lhose workng wLh
connuncaLon and audences. 1hese bookleLs
cover pro|ecLs developed by Lhe parLners ol
LPOCH, and are dvded nLo Lhe lollowng
caLegores. MSLMS, HLk1ACL S1LS and

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