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Jana Akhras

Jasmina Hadzic

English, 9A

9 June 2020

Malcolm X

“Concerning non-violence: it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the
constant victim of brutal attacks.”

Malcolm X, (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz), originally named Malcolm Little, was a pioneer

and noticeable figure in the Nation of Islam who enunciated ideas of race pride and dark

patriotism in the 1960s. X was a Minister of Religion, as well as a Spokesperson and Human

rights activist. His belief, when it came to the racism affecting him and his family’s lives, was

not a violent approach, as many believed. Britannica writes, “After his assassination, the

widespread distribution of his life story-The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965)-made him an

ideological hero, especially among young black youth” (Lawrence A. Mamiya, 2020)

Malcolm X was a hero to most. He spoke up about racism, and the inequality going on in

his homeland. The day of his assassination, February 21, 1965, the day he spoke at the Audubon

Theatre and Ballroom, in Manhattan, New York, X spoke about how he felt he was going to be

assassinated. Yet despite that, he still stood high on that stage and spoke about his beliefs. He

said, “Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on

you, send him to the cemetery” (Malcolm X, 1965). In my own opinion, I agree completely with
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X. Self-defense is not necessarily an act of violence, because you may be putting someone else in

danger, however it is solely for the purpose of pulling yourself out of it. X strongly believed that

only speaking your mind would get you nowhere. What X advised all those he spoke too, was to

never start the fight, but always end it. According to ‘brainyquote’, on Malcolm X quotes, “I

don't even call it violence when it's in self-defense; I call it intelligence”(brainyquote, 2020).

Arguably, his choice is not always the best to many sources. Tons of people disagree with

his philosophy, saying that it is unnecessary, or that it would be the ‘victim’s’ fault. Some cons

to self-defense are cockiness, and could give people a false sense of security, meaning that it

requires strength, and some people get themselves into dangerous situations. Another common

assumption could be that it makes people violent, aggressive, or offensive. However, the list of

pros greatly out way the cons. For example, self-defense helps you increase confidence, as well

as help you develop self-discipline. It can make you more aware and prepare yourself if you’re in

physical danger, and help you out of it. Self-defense is purely the fault of the attacker, and the

victim should not be belittled, or blamed for taking care of themselves once they are in harm’s

way. X only had to go to such extents because there was no limit to the amount of racism X and

his fellow Afro-Americans were experiencing. At this current moment in time, police brutality,

as well as white privilege still exist. That’s because 50 years ago, racism was still common. Most

of those human beings are currently parents, and they raise their child with the same mindset as

they were raised with. As X said, “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow brings

the people who prepare for it today”(The Raising Supaman Project, 2019).
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During present times, Afro-Americans are still being harassed every day, for no particular

reason. George Floyd, 46, was brutally murdered after a police officer placed his knee on Floyd’s

neck, cutting off his oxygen intake. There was no apparent reason for Floyd’s murder. Ahmaud

Arbery, 25, was shot after going on a jog, for no apparent reason. More than 50 years later, and

racism is still a common experience for people of color. Self-defense or peaceful protests, neither

is making much of a difference. Nonetheless, being attacked and abused without taking action to

solve or defend yourself is just as bad as being the attacker. Human Rights Activists like X only

wanted freedom. All the homo sapiens protesting during this date in time, only want freedom and

peace. “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his

freedom”(Box of Crayons, 2010).

Malcolm X was a Human Rights Activist, as well as a Spokesperson. He believed that

defending yourself comes before sitting peacefully. Every human, of every race, sexuality,

ethnicity, et cetera, deserved rights and privileges, because at the end of the day, everyone is

human. X also strongly believed in self-defense, and in defending oneself against an attacker no

matter who or what they are. His goal was common with many people, to achieve peace and

freedom. As X once said, “We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being,

to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this

earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary”(Malcolm X

Speech at the Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, 2019)

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