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Summary about

William Shakespeare

He was an English playwright, poet, and actor. Sometimes known as the Bard
of Avon (or simply The Bard), Shakespeare is considered the most important
writer in the English language and one of
the most famous of universal literature.
"He is considered by many to be the greatest playwright of all time.
His pieces [...] are performed more times and in a greater number of nations
than those of any other writer".
Shakespeare's works have been translated into all major languages and his dramatic pieces continue
to representing all over the world. In addition, many quotes and aphorisms from his works have
become part of the everyday use, both in English and in other languages. On November 28, 1582,
when he was 18 years old, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.26, originally from Temple Grafton,
a town near Stratford. By 1592 Shakespeare was already in London working as a playwright, and
was sufficiently known to deserve a scornful description from Robert Greene, who portrays him as
"an upstart rook, embellished with our feathers, who with his tiger's heart wrapped in comedian's skin
thinks he is capable of impress with a blank verse like the best.

In 1596, only eleven years old, Hamnet died, the only son of the writer, who was buried in
on August 11 of that same year. Some critics have argued that her son's death may have
Shakespeare's composition of Hamlet (circa 1601).
By 1598 Shakespeare had moved his residence to the
parish church of St. Helen, in Bishopsgate. Your name
heads the list of actors in the play Every Man in His Humor,
by Ben Jonson. He would soon become an actor, writer, and
eventually co-owner of the theater company known as Lord
Chamberlain's Men, which was named, like others of the
time, by its aristocratic patron, Lord Chamberlain (Lord

Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616. He was married to Anne until her death, and was
survived by two daughters, Susannah and Judith. The first married Dr. John Hall. However,
neither Susannah's nor Judith's children they had offspring, so there is currently no living
descendant of the writer. It was rumored, no however, that Shakespeare was the real father of
his godson, William Davenant. Shakespeare's funerary monument, erected by his family on
the wall near his grave, displayed in an attitude of writing, and each year, in commemoration of
his birth, a new Quill

Historical documents show that between 1590 and 1620 several plays and poems were
published attributed to the author 'William Shakespeare', and that the company that
represented these plays, Lord Chamberlain's Men (later King's Men), had an actor of this
name among its members.

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