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Department of English

Primary 6 Catch-up
Name: ------------------ 1
Oxford Discover
Catch-up Booklet
Primary 6

Active and Passive Voice Rules for All Tenses

Here, you will know how an auxiliary verb is used to change a sentence from Active to
Passive voice.

A) Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Simple Tense

Here in this table, we are elaborating Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples for
Present Simple.

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + V1+s/es+ object Object+ is/am/are+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + Do/does+ not + V1 + Object Object + is/am/are+ not + V3+ by Subject

Does+ Subject+ V1+Object+? Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?

Example with Answers of Present Simple Tense

Active: He reads a novel. Passive: A novel is read by him.

Active: He does not cook food. Passive: Food is not cooked by him.

Active: Does he purchase books? Passive: Are books purchased by him?

B) Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Continuous Tense

Below we will explain the Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples for Present
Continuous tense.

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing + object Object+ is/am/are+ being+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + is/am/are+ not+ v1+ ing+ Object + is/am/are+ not + being+V3+ by

object Subject

Is/am/are+ subject+v1+ing + object+? Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?

Examples of Present Continuous Tense

Active: Esha is singing a song. Passive: A song is being sung by Esha.

Active: Kritika is not chopping vegetables.

Passive: Vegetables are not being chopped by Kritika.

Active: Is Ritika buying a table? Passive: Is a table being bought by Ritika?

Active: They are serving poor people.

Passive: Are poor people being served by them?

C) Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Perfect Tense
You can understand passive voice for present perfect tense from the list given below:

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- has/have +been)

Subject + has/have+ v3+ object Object+ has/have+ been+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + has/have+ not+ v3+ object Object + has/have+ not + been+V3+ by Subject

Has/have+ subject+ v3 + object+? Has/Have + Object+ been+V3+ by subject +?

Examples with Answers of Present Perfect Tense

Active: Nitesh has challenged her. Passive: She has been challenged by Nitesh.

Active: Radhika has not written an article.

Passive: An article has not been written by Radhika.

Active: Have they left the apartment? Passive: Has the apartment been left by them?

Active: She has created this masterpiece.

Passive: This masterpiece has been created by her

D) Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Simple Tense.

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- was/were)

Subject + V2+ object Object+ was/were V3+ by + subject

Subject +did+ not+v1+ object Object + was/were+ not +V3+ by Subject

Did+ subject+V1+ object+? Was/were + Object+ V3+ by subject +?

Examples of Active and Passive Voice of Past Simple Tense

Active: Reema cleaned the floor. Passive: The floor was cleaned by Reema.

Active: Aisha bought a bicycle. Passive: A bicycle was bought by Aisha.

Active: Naman called my friends. Passive: My friends were called by Naman.

Active: I saved him. Passive: He was saved by me.

Active: Miraya paid the bills. Passive: The bills were paid by Miraya.

E) Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Continuous Tense

Rules of changing from Active to Passive Voice are shown in the table below:

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Object+ was/were +being+V3+ by +

Subject + was/were + v1+ing+ object.

Subject +was/were+ not+v1+ing + Object + was/were+ not +being+V3+ by

object Subject

Was/were+ Subject + V1+ing + Was/were + Object+ being+v3+ by+

object+? subject+?


Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 computers / stolen. / haven’t / Your / been

2 by / been / the volunteers. / The books / delivered / have

3 portrait / been / has / Her / painted / the artist. / by

2- Look and complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect Passive.

carry purchase damage place help

1-Our house by the terrible storm.

2-Fortunately, we by volunteers from

3-A ladder to the roof against the side
ofthe house.
4-Cans of paint to the house by my friend, Max.

3- Circle the Present Perfect Passive verb:

1 The books haven’t been delivered in time for the special exhibition.
2 Which classroom plants have been watered by the students?
3 Why hasn’t the bridge been reopened after the storm yet?
4 The political debate has been rescheduled by the city council for next Thursday.

4-Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write the answers.
1 in time? / the science projects / Have / finished / been (✓)

2 the class / the script / for / play / been / Has / written? (✗)

1 the neighborhood / park / by / Has / cleaned / been / the volunteers? (✓)

5- Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Passive verbs

1 Our bedroom before school.

2 The dinner by my friend, Bill.
3 The science projects by the teacher yet.
4 The campaign speech by the candidate.

6-Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write the answers

1 parked? / had / the cars / Where / been (near the school)

2 announced? / names / been / Had / the winners’ (yes, judges)

3 broken? / been / Had / our / window (yes / stone)

7-Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 the house / Tomorrow / painted. / be / will

2 winner / The / will / announced. / be / contest

3 will / delivered / Your / be / new shoes / later.

4 A larger / will / built / be / high school / year. / next

8- Complete the sentences

1 New trees in the park soon.

2 The food for the party this afternoon.
3 The broken lock on the front door .
4 That article about the new mayor in tomorrow’s newspaper.
5 A movie in our community next summer.

9- Circle the correct verbs:

1 The window had been broken / has been broken before we arrived.

2 The new furniture will be delivered / has been delivered tomorrow.

3 The rose bushes have been planted / will be planted already.

4 The class photograph has been taken / will be taken next week.

5 Before the school concert started, a special song has been written / had been written.

10-Complete the sentences

1 The new library on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

2 The names of the prize winners by the judges.
3 A special dinner menu by the chef in our honor.
4 All the seats by the time we arrived.
5 Next spring the class trip by a student committee.
Grammar Explanation
Conditionals describe the result of a certain condition. The “if clause” tells you the condition
(If you study hard) and the main clause tells you the result (you will pass your exams). The
order of the clauses does not change the meaning.
If you study hard, you will pass your exams.
You will pass your exams if you study hard.

Conditional sentences are often divided into different types.

1) Zero Conditional
We use the zero conditional to talk about things that are generally true, especially for laws
and rules.
If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep at night.
Ice melts if you heat it.
When the sun goes down, it gets dark.

The structure is: if/when + present simple >> present simple.

2) First Conditional
We use the first conditional when we talk about future situations we believe are real or
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.
Arsenal will be top of the league if they win.
When I finish work, I'll call you.

In first conditional sentences, the structure is usually: if/when + present simple >> will +

It is also common to use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as or in case instead
of if.

I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.

I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.
I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home.
You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.

3) Second Conditional

The second conditional is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or
unlikely in reality.
If we had a garden, we could have a cat.
If I won a lot of money, I'd buy a big house in the country.
I wouldn't worry if I were you.
The structure is usually: if + past simple >> + would + infinitive.
When if is followed by the verb be, it is grammatically correct to say if I were, if he were, if
she were and if it were. However, it is also common to hear these structures with was,
especially in the he/she form.
If I were you, I wouldn't mention it.
If she was prime minister, she would invest more money in schools.
He would travel more if he was younger.

4) Third Conditional

We make the third conditional by using the Past Perfect after 'if' and then 'would have' and
the Past Participle in the second part of the sentence:

 If + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle

It talks about the Past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the
result of this situation.

 If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn't
study and so she didn't pass)

 If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did
feel sick).
 If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane
 She wouldn't have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier
 She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university
 He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine


1- Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions:

1 sick, / had been / If / I / stayed / would have / I / home.

2 closed, / hadn’t been / the library / If / there. / would have / studied / we

3 the candidate / have said / What / would / if / here? / had been / she

4 elected, / Jose / hadn’t been / If / sad. / would have / he / felt

2-Circle the correct verbs:

1 If I hadn’t studied so much, I would have / wouldn’t have failed the test.
2 If the water pipes hadn’t burst, our basement would have / wouldn’t have flooded.
3 If the train hadn’t been late, we would have / wouldn’t have arrived on time for class.
4 If the dog hadn’t been suspicious of the man, it would have / wouldn’t have barked.
5 If Rosie hadn’t practiced so hard, she would have / wouldn’t have been chosen
for the team.

3-Write would have, wouldn’t have, had been, or hadn’t been:

1 If the movie better, we would have stayed until the end.
2 If Jill’s report hadn’t been finished on time, she failed
herhistory class.
3 If Sam had been more careful, he dropped his computer
ontothe floor.
4 If Howard so tired, he wouldn’t have fallen asleep
duringthe play.

5) The Unreal Conditional

Use of I wish / if only:

There are three distinct types of “I wish / if only” sentences:

1. Wish, wanting change for the Present or Future with the Simple Past.
2. Regret with the Past Perfect.
3. Complaints with would + verb.

Expressing a Wish:
If only / I wish + Simple Past

If only I knew how to use a computer. (I don’t know how to use a computer and I would like
to learn how to use it)

 To express a wish in the present or in the future.

 The simple past here is an unreal past.
 When you use the verb to be the form is “were”.

I wish I were a millionaire!

Expressing Regret:
If only / I wish + Past Perfect

If only I had woken up early. (I didn't wake up early and I missed my bus.)

I wish / if only + would + verb

I wish you wouldn't arrive so late all the time (I'm annoyed because you always come late
and I want you to arrive on time)

1- Read the sentences. Then complete the I wish or If only sentences the speakerswould say
1 Dina said, “I broke my ankle, and now I can’t play soccer.”
Dina said, “I wish I my ankle.”
2 Lynn thought, “I didn’t take my book bag to school.”
Lynn thought, “I wish I my book bag to school.”
3 John said, “I didn’t know the shortest route to the library.”
John said, “If only I the shortest route.”
4 Nicky said, “I forgot to take my map, so I’m lost.”
Nicky said, “If only I my map.”

2- Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1 wish / I / left / I / hadn’t / my math book / at home.

2 baseball. / Anne / play / could / If / it / raining, / stopped / only

3 only / Harry / If / cook, / could / dinner. / he / prepare / would

4 wish / I / on Saturday. / to / have / work / I / didn’t

3-Circle the correct verbs:

1 My friends perform / performed in the play last week.
2 Lisa is talking / has talked to her younger sister on the phone now.
3 Marilyn practices / was practicing the piano yesterday afternoon.
4 Now students ride / rode bicycles to school every day.
5 Vito had exercised / has exercised before he did his homework.
6 For the past year, we have visited / visit that state park every weekend.

4-Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1 visited / you / when / was / I / running / my house.

2 afternoon / Every / Dan / in the park. / jogs

3 watched / the parade / hours. / They / had / three / for

4 have / we / camped / For / years / many / that lake. / near

5 studying / my / history exam. / I’m / for / weekend / This

6 art museum / had / The / arrived. / before / we / closed

5-Complete the sentences. Use the verbs perform and work. Change the verbs as needed:

1 Every weekend, I in a student play, unless there

isa test the next day.
2 Last week, Franco was at the library when he
sawhis best friend there.
3 Unfortunately, Alex had her dance before we
arrivedat the theater.
4 I can’t meet you for lunch because I am this
afternoonat the bookstore.

6-Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1 interview / I / will / the mayor. / Tomorrow

2 thinks / The coach / team / our / be / will / the winner.

3 garden. / in the community / to / I’m / work / going

4 film / a new / opening / is / at / Tonight / theater. / an outdoor

5 visit / going / I’m / to / the history museum / soon.

6 is / A photographer / week. / talking / art class / our / to / this

7 the band / I’m / friend / to / My / is / see. / going / in

7- Circle the correct verbs:

1 My cousin Ray is visiting / visits our family next week.
2 I think your hard work is being / will be rewarded in the future.
3 What a great story! You’re going to be / You’ll be a famous reporter in five years.
4 I swim / will swim in the community pool next weekend.
5 Susan sketches / is sketching my portrait tomorrow afternoon.

8- Complete the sentences. Use going to and the words in the box.

select interview write discuss play

1 Anna is in the next soccer game in two days.

2 Tom is a long letter to his older sister tomorrow.
3 I am the candidates for student council president on Thursday.
4 The mayor is her plans for the community project next Monday.


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