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Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis, interpretation

and discussion of the research data gathered from the

research questionnaire and individual interviews.

TABLE 1a: Level of Satisfaction of Grade 9 Students

involving their Safety and Security in their Community

Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent Rate

Satisfied 39 53.42 1
Very Satisfied 29 39.73 2
Not Satisfied 4 5.48 3
Very Not Satisfied 1 1.37 4

Table 1 shows the level of satisfaction of the

respondents living in Barangay Beckel safety and
security, where 4 or 5.48% are not satisfied, while 1 or
1.37 % is not very satisfied. According to these five (5)
respondents their reason for not being satisfied are due
to crimes committed around the area such as murder and
accidents. They also added that they have lack of
transportations at night, unfix roads that are very
dangerous, their community don’t have curfew at all and
no one are patrolling in their place.

Thus, this implies that there are a lot of needs

and concerns to strengthen the safety and security
features of the Barangay Beckel. This is supported by the
presidential declare #603, Article 8 which states that
every child has the right to protection against
exploitation, improper influences, hazards and other
conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his
physical, mental, emotional, social and moral

TABLE 1b: Life Satisfaction of Grade 9 Students Involving

their Physical Development in their community

Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent Rank

Satisfied 46 63.01 1
Very Satisfied 14 19.18 2
Not Satisfied 9 12.33 3
Very not Satisfied 4 5.48 4

Table 2 shows the life satisfaction of Grade 9

Students involving their physical development wherein 39%
or 53.42% are satisfied with their Physical Development.
This result is brought by their community’s fitness, and
different sports program that help them maintain their
good health and good living. They also added that these
activities are better than smoking, drinking or doing

This implies that the community has a program that

is acceptable and helpful for the younger population,
this is supported by the theory Presidential Decree NO.
603, Article 4. Every child has the right to balance
diet, adequate clothing, insufficient shelter, proper
medical attention, and all the basic physical
requirements of a healthy vigorous life. Every child has
the right to and education commensurate with his
abilities and to develop of his skills for improvement of
his capacity for service to himself and to his fellowmen.
TABLE 2a: Positive Situations that Affect the Life
Satisfaction of the Respondents Involving their Safety
and Security in their Community

Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent Rank

Exact curfew hours for 42 57.53 1
Overnight patrol 23 31.51 2
Right closing time of bars 22 30.14 3
and computer shops
Multiple street lights 17 23.29 4
Numerous CCTV 9 12.33 5
Clearly designated 1 1.37 6
pedestrian lanes

This table shows the positive situations that

affect the life satisfaction of the Grade 9 students
involving their safety and security wherein, 1 or 1.37%
is not satisfied in his/her community. According to the 1
student his/her community does not have numerous
pedestrian lanes especially that their school is near at
the road. It would be harmful for the people when there
are many fast cars passing and to the kids who doesn’t
know how to cross yet without pedestrian lanes, traffic
lights and either traffic enforcers to manage the car and
keep the students safe.

Thus, this indicates that the Barangay Officials

should prioritize to put enough pedestrian lanes for
their safety and security of the students to avoid
minimal risks. This is supported by Presidential decree
N0. 603, Article 8. Every child has the right to
protection against exploitation, improper influence,
hazards and other conditions or circumstances prejudicial
to his physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral
TABLE 2b: Positive Situations that Affect the Life
Satisfaction of the Respondents Involving their Social
Development in their Community

Level of Satisfactions Frequency Percent Rank

Community offers a lot 52 71.23% 1
of activities
Friendly neighbors 37 50.68% 2
Membership 19 26.03% 3
functional/active SK
Community partnership 18 24.66% 4
with schools/other

This table shows the positive situation in their

community that affect their life satisfaction involving
their social development where 52 or 71.23% are satisfied
with the situations in the community. According to 52
students, their community offers “larong lahi”, pageant,
church team building, sports contest and search for most
clean and green. The programs build and maintain their
good health and their physical fitness as a youth. The
activities help them for self exposures and self
confidence to overcome their fear in front of people and
it is very in exploring their talents. Teamwork would
also bring impact to their social life to communicate and
bring the best in them.

This means that the community has a lot of applied

activities that are beneficial and service the teenagers.
This is supported by the Theory Article 3, Rights of
child. Every child has the right to a well-rounded
development of his personality to the end that he may
become happy, useful and active member of society. The
gifted shall be given opportunity and encouragement to
develop his special talents. The society maladjusted
child shall be treated with sympathy and understanding,
and shall be entitled to treatment, education and care
require by his particular conditions. Article 7, every
child has the right to full opportunities for safe and
wholesome and activities, individual as well as social,
for the wholesome use of leisure hours. Article 5, every
child has the right to be brought in an atmosphere of
morality and rectitude for the enrichment and the
strengthening of his character.

TABLE 3a: Situations that Would Increase or Change the

Over-all Life Satisfaction of the Respondent Involving
their Physical Health

Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent Rank

Presence of Barangay 42 57.53 1
Cleanliness of the 38 52.05 2
Fixed, working street 27 36.99 3
Availability of 17 23.29 4
Disaster Preparedness
Secured and Functional 16 21.92 5
CCTV cameras

This table shows the situations that would

increase or change the over-all life satisfaction of the
respondent involving their physical development, wherein
16 or 21.92% are not satisfied in their safety and
security in their community. According to 16 respondents
their community does not have CCTV cameras that would be
helpful in capturing the actions of the people and are
effective proof in catching the thieves and criminals but
because of this many crimes are committed such as rape,
and mostly thieves and robbery are not being solved due
to lack of evidences.
This implies that the Barangay Officials should do
an action, they shall install functional CCTV cameras
around the place to monitor their action in order to have
a harmony place. This is supported by the theory Right of
Child, Article 10. Every child has the right to care
assistance and protection of the state, particularly when
his parents or guardians fail or are unable to provide
him with his fundamental needs for growth, development
and improvement.
TABLE 3b: Situations that would Increase or Change the
Over-all Life Satisfaction of the Respondents Involving
their Physical Development.

Level of Frequency Percent Rank

Healthy, clean 60 82.19 1
Clean, portable 31 42.27 2
Regular activities 28 38.35 3
More trees 27 36.99 4

This table shows the situations that would

increase or change the over-all life satisfaction of the
respondents involving their physical development where 60
or 82.19% are satisfied with their healthy and clean
environment. According to the 60 respondents their reason
of being satisfied is that, people in their places are
active in joining programs like clean up drive and
contest for the most resourceful Sitio in decorating
their places by using bottles, paints and other
recyclable materials. They also added that the rate of
dengue victims in their school lows down unlike before
and it was a relief for them to stop from worrying too
much for their health.

This intimates that the residents and the

officials need to maintain the beauty and neatness of
Beckel and Barangay Loacan for their good health. This is
supported by the Presidential decree N0. 603. Every child
has the right to live in the community and a society that
can offer him an environment free from pernicious
influences and conductive to the promotion of his health
and the cultivation of his desirable traits and

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