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8 DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS - using resources to expand knowledge

and improve skills

- adapting to changes, new information,

1. EMOTIONAL differing perceptions and approaches
- developing skills and strategies to cope with
- being aware of accepting one's own feelings
and the feelings of others - good health by occupying pleasant,
stimulating environments that support
- experiencing self-esteem and appreciating well-being
one's life
- acting with recognition of the
- paying attention to, expressing and interdependence of self, society and
managing one's emotions appropriately natural the environment
- managing stress and dealing with difficult - accepting personal and social
decisions effectively responsibility for promoting ecological

2. OCCUPATIONAL/CAREER - making environmentally sound choices

concerning the workplace, home and
- personal satisfaction and enrichment derived neighborhood
from one's work
-Maintaining home/work/ study space in
- Preparing for and entering work that is a way that supports success
consistent with one’s personal interests and
values 5. FINANCIAL

- gaining satisfaction from work that is - satisfaction with current and future
personally enriching and rewarding financial situations

- expanding and evolving one's skills and - obtaining, managing, and maintaining
interests throughout life finances

- paying bills allocating finances

- healthy relationship with money
- recognizing creative abilities finding ways to
expand knowledge and skills
- engaging one's mind in creative and 6. SOCIAL
stimulating activities - developing a sense of connection and
a well-developed support system
- pursuing satisfying relationship with others WHO GLOBAL RECOMMENDATIONS 02
- respecting differences of other groups and
individuals 5-17 YEARS OLD - Children and young
people aged 5-17 years old should
- engaging in effective ways of resolving
accumulate at least 60 minutes of
moderate to vigorous intensity physical
- contributing to the common welfare of the activity daily.
Physical activity of amounts greater than
- recognizing that oneself and society are 60 minutes daily will provide additional
independent health benefits.

- understanding of personal and social identity Most of daily physical activity should be
with larger community aerobic. Vigorous intensity activities
should be incorporated, including those
that strengthen muscle and bone, at
7. PHYSICAL least 3 times a week.

- Recognizing the need for physical activity, 18-64 YEARS OLD - For adults of this age
diet, sleep and nutrition. group, physical activity includes
recreational or leisure-time physical
- pursuing healthy safe practices in areas of
activity, transporation (e.g. walking or
exercise, sleep, nutrition and sexuality
cycling), occupational (i.e. work),
- engaging in self-care behavior which household chores, play games, sports or
promotes thriving and prevents illness/diseases planned exercise, in the context of daily,
family and community activities.
Adults aged 18-64 years old should do at
least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity
- search for meaning and propose in the aerobic physical activity throughout the
human experience week.

- values towards meaning and purpose in life Or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-

intensity aerobic physical activity
- respecting life's progression and significance
throughout the week.
- developing trust, integrity, accountability and
For additional health benefits, adults
ethical approach in life
should increase their moderate-intensity
- understanding personal and social identity aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes
(SOGIE) per week or engage in vigorous-intensity
aerobic physical activity

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