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ACT. 1

1. This song is about discovering yourself through God and remembering how valuable you are to him. "Who am I,
that the Lord of all the earth would want to know my name, care to feel my hurt?" it's saying that we think we're
so insignificant in comparison to God that he is so amazing, so sacred, how could someone so high up care about
little me? But he does so out of unconditional love for his conception, for us. "Not because of who I am, but
because of what you've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who you are. "We are loved as a
father loves his kids, and we are God's children.
2. A good Lord our God because he's always there, he cares for us, he sacrifice himself for us, he can hear us
whenever we're calling him whenever we need him, he's the one who's in there to hear all our problems
especially when we are so down, when we are lost he will guide us to the right path even we have a lot of sin he
will still accept us that's how much he love us.
3. the good happened in your life, being alive everyday, being happy everyday, our problems being solve. God
answers our prayers everyday if your prayer didn't happened just wait and be patient.

ACT. 2
1. Yourself. Your true self. The one that is strong and faithful. Loved and cared by the people sorrounding you.
And truly successful as a whole.
2. Belief system helps us to interpret our everyday reality. This could be in the form of religion, political
affiliation, philosophy, or spirituality, among many other things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced by
a number of different factors.
3. for being wise on how I pass on this situation due the pandemic. and for thanking God by giving me strength
to do my modules

ACT. 3
1. of course If there is no God then why are we living? Why do we have a task to do in this world?
2. Yes, because he love us, that’s why God created the world.
3. It’s up to you, if you believe then there is one if you don't believe then there is no such thing
4. the belief in many gods. Polytheism characterizes virtually all religions other than Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam, which share a common tradition of monotheism, the belief in one God.
5. Yes, Prayer is necessary so that through us the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When we
pray, we proclaim and assert the will of God on earth.

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