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Present tenses Spelling * Gerunds and -ing forms * have/have got + Pronunciation —’s at the end of a word Cicer Present Simple 1 Positive, negative, question 1 Complete the text with the verb forms in the box. works dontfeel ve has doesnteam prefer donthave need work have __doesnitmatter goes Dave Clarke is a sheep farmer in New Zealand, He and his wife Ive in a farmhouse in the hills with theirtwo children. Dave* {600 sheep. He® seven daysa week and atleast ten hours a day. Wet any days off; says Dave. The animals® feeding every day. In lambing season we all night, too! 10 the market in the nearby town to Once a month he? ‘comfortable in towns. |? buy or sell sheep. 1* beingin the countryside. feel free here” alot about $40,000 a year, but, as he says, Dave that much to me. 'm very lucky. “Money is important, butit i the bestjob in the work 3. Complete the negative sentences. 2 Complete the questions about Dave. 1 ‘What does. Dave do ?” 1 Dave doesn't have (not have) any days off “He's sheep farmer! 2 They (not go) to bed in lambing season. 2 “Where — Dave and his wife-_P 3 He (not like) being in towns. “Ina farmhouse in the hills? 44 (not earn) a lot, but it (not matter)? 3 ‘How many sheep___he__?” “600! 4. Write the short answers 4 cHawmany Rousaeck — he —— 1 ‘Do Dave and his wife have any children?” “Yes, they do? “Atleast 70? 2 ‘Does he have any days off?” 5 ‘Why he _ to the market?” 3 ‘Does he like being in the countryside?” * : “To buy or sell sheep: 6 ‘Howmuch he? ‘Do you earn alot, Dave?” “About $40,000 a year! “Do you like your job, Dave? Unit 2 + Whatever makes you happy Tl 2 State verbs Spelling Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct form, 4. Third person-s + Write the thir person singular of 11 dant now the answer to this question, Can you help me? 1 live 2 What____you of my new car? Do you like it? wok 3 enjoy 4 play 5 90 6 do 7 have 8 watch 3 Hehasa very strong accent.1___him. 3 tit 4. Tim goingto the shops.__you______anything? 10 wax 5 Who does this coat to? Is it yours? 6 This café is very expensive! A sandwich 5! 1 study 7 ‘Ym sorry Tim late! ‘Tt Dorit worry! 2 uy 8 Idon' know this word, Can you tell me what it 2 5 ing 9. England 4 population of over 50 million people. wit the sing form of these verbs 10 “This government is rubbish!” ‘1 = Theyre terrible? 11 |__ you. ice cream? ‘Ilove it! L tet in 12. Which do you. = the red or the blue shirt? a a 3 come 3. Adverbs of frequency 4 haw. ut the words in the correct order se 1 cinema/I/ofoften/go/friends/my/with the 6 leave often got the cinema with my friend 2 have/toast/usually/I/breakfast/for 7 swim 8 run 3 always/TV/morning/watch/I/the/in ° stop 10 begin 4. holiday/often/how/do/havelyou/a? Hi teed 12 bit 5. sometimes/we/Japanese/go/a/restaurant/to, rain 6 school/I/late/never/for/am raining 1 Unit? + Whatever makes you happy Present Simple and Continuous 6 What does he do?/What’s he doing? Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 What does Tom do? He's ateacher. 2. Where does he work? ina school. 3. Ishe teaching now? 5 Where does she work? ina theatre, 6 Isshe acting now? 7 What's she doing? 7 Choosing the correct form Choose the correct form of the verb. correct answer. 1 1__towork now. See you later. @mgoing —b go 2 We___the news on TV every evening. a “rewatching —_b watch 3. Dont turn the TV off! 1___it a watch b ‘im watching 4. Maria Italian, She from Milan. a ‘Scoming —_b comes 5. __ Spanish food? love tapas. a Doyoulike Are you liking 6 1__any pets. a ‘mnothaving —b dont have 7 Dont wait for Peter. He__. a doesn't come b isnt coming 8 Whats the matter? Why __ crying? a ateyou —b doyou 8 Correct the mistakes Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Tomlking back coe. “The sun is rising in the east. ook for a white shirt in medium, Have you got any? ‘Where’ Paul?” ‘He’ over there. He talks to Angela? T'm learn English for my job. ‘Why you going out without a coat? Its freezing! 1 2 3 4 5. She's 21 years old! I'm not believing her! 6 7 8. My father work in a bank. Unit2 + Whatever makes you happy 1B eadin; lah... ae ee All you need is love POM a CUR een Pa nem MCRAE occ tn cart 9 All youneed is love 1 @ Read the article, Complete the sentences with a word from the text, 1 Money doesn't buy 2 Lottery winners were often happier____| Most ofus thinkethat rch people ae happy people, but research shows they won. ‘that money doesn’t buy you happiness. Most lottery winners don't enjoy 3. Ordinary people don't have as many ‘Sete aor hit meanest of eucterent ta fk ey oon say au rich people. ‘they were happier before they won. When you see a photograph ofa nillionaire, how often are they smiling? Billionaires with ten houses and ‘three yachts have more worries than ordinary people, and bigger bills. ‘A report by James Montier, who works foran investment bank, says 4 $45,000 a year is to buy the important things in life 5 People who earn more than $45,000 a year that all you need is a salary of $45,000 a year. This is enough money to always happier than people who ‘buy food, alhome, clothes, and healthcare. People who earn more than earn less. this aren't necessarily any happier. 2 Answer the questions. ‘The report also says: © Givetime and energy to close relationships. This, more than anything else, isthe secret to personal happiness. © Look at the world around you and see whatis good aboutit. a ‘Smell the roses. Listen tothe birds, 2 "Wiyinemchaingporaatt ‘Exercise regularly. A healthy body means a healthy mind. Try to doa job you enjoy. We spenda third of our lives working, 1 According to James Montier, what is the secret to personal happiness? SEEDER SEEDER © Liven the moment. Enjoy what you'e doing. Don't live inthe 3. What sort of job is best? past or the future 4. What are the best things to do i ‘The best thing to do with money afford it? Ifyou are lucky enough to have money, says the report, the best ‘ting to do with it isto go on holiday with people you lave or have life-changing experiences, such as walking the Himalayas or diving in the Red Sea, The memory ofthese experiences stays with you forever, Ifyou buy anew car ora designer handbag, you are excited for avery short time, and then itis no longer exciting, Think of the ‘millionaire wife who buys her husband a new £250,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom for his birthday. He already has 15 cars. What is he going to dowith the sixteenth? How many cars canhe drive at the same time? ‘The problem is that we think that ‘money brings happiness, But we need ‘to remember that what makes us really happy is friends and family. As John 5. Why are experiences better than buying something? 6 Why isit silly for the wife of a millionaire to buy her husband another car? 7 What are the two things that really make us happy? 14 Unit2 + Whatever makes you happy Listening 10 The best things in life are free 1 @® Listen to the interview with the Smith family, ‘Complete the chart with the things they like and why they like them, Vocabulary Tl Gerunds and -ing forms 1 Complete the sentences with the ~ing form of a verb in the box. cook shop have g0 1 Having a lot of money doesn't make you happy. Hike ‘out with my friends at the weekend. ai 3 online is easier than driving to the supermarket. 4 Ido the in our family ~ even bread and cakes. download send make get 5 My favourite thing on Friday evening is, a take-away pizza, 6 ‘music from the Internet is sometimes illegal. 7 new friends isn't always easy. Kirstie, 10 emails is easier than writing a letter. Nigel, 41 Fiona, 38 go_mend chat do 9 ‘The best thing about the Internet is to friends on Facebook. 10 Thate nothing. [like to be busy all the time. 2 @ Listen again. Complete the lines from the conversation. Who says them? 1... you can't have everything. you want whem. you want it? Nigel 2 ‘He cost because he came from the home: when she sees me, ‘out her hands for me 3‘. she always and she to her up! 4 “All day long I work in the . 11 Tove shopping, especially for clothes. 12. Tom’ good at ‘computers. He can fix almost any problem. 2. Makea compound noun with an ~ing form in A and a noun in B. A B swimming parking | bag lst sleeping diving | machine licence shopping washing | costume ket (among, of people? 5‘. there are anything? 6 ‘find it of things [like that. every year! beautiful than a at the end of the day’ 7 “Theres nothing glorious red 8 ‘Dont be Kirstie!” 1 Iparked on a double yellow line and got a £40 parking ticket . 2 [don't have a car because I haven't got a 3 Putall your dirty clothes in the 4 Lalways writea supermarket, before I go to the 5 Don't forget to bring a camping next weekend. when we go 6 Let’ go for a swim, Have you got your Unit2 + Whatever makes you happy 15, have/have got T2 Two forms 1. Look at the picture of the Whites house. Complete the lines in two ‘ways, once with a form of have and once with a form of have got. 1 The Whites havea big house 3 Complete the conversation with Billy: Use the correct form ‘The Whites have got a big house. of have got. 2 Dan add A Hi, Billy. Tell me about your bedroom. '___you Dan. -— ___allot of things in your room? 3 Stella ene B [guess so.I?____a big TV and a computer. Stella saportacat, ‘A What sort of computer ___you_? 4 they son called Billy. Bessey A And suppose you* «PlayStation! ‘They son called Billy. 5 1 5 He dog called Molly B Nol . I did have one, but it broke! I prefer to —_— » play real games. Ilove gol. “We __a dog called Molly? As you ‘your own golf clubs? B No, I use dad’, He” ‘a mountain bike. , some really nice ones. ‘a mountain bike. 4. Rewrite the sentences using the other form of havelhave got. 2 Complete the questions and short answers 1 Do you have the time, please? ‘ . 1 = Billy have a skateboard? Tice verathenae — 5 4 j aA egoca monies bet! 2 Tve gota terrible headache! “Yes, é 3° they have a cat?” 3. Have you got any aspirin? No, 4° Dan and Stella have their own cars” 4 You have a beautiful flat! 5 ‘___ they got a swimming pool?” 5. Sally's got a really good job. Yes, : 6° you got a 4x4, Stella?” , Ne Te gota sportscar 6 Thaventt got any money. 16 Unit2 + Whatever makes you happy Pronunciation TB -s at the end of a word -s appearsat the end ofa word in + plural nouns books trains houses + he/she/it+ Present Simple gets lives washes + possessive Pat's car urscor John’s car 1 @ Listen to the three different pronunciations of -s at the end of a word Is) books gets. Pat's iz} trains lives. John’s fiz) houses washes Liz's 2 @ Listen. Write the words in the correct column. works plays —«sbases—=«éPeteS——Peters loves watches wants runs languages relaxes hates Annas—=Rick’s-—Georges tickets starts teachers flats clothes pieces rains Henrys goes _ finishes isl iad ial works plays buses 3 @ Listen then practise saying the sentences. 1 Ann's sister finishes work at 3.00 on Monday afternoons. It always rains on Sundays. Rick’s mother speaks six languages. George’ daughter loves clothes and horses. “Mary's boyfriend runs twenty miles over hills and fields, Just for fun! 14 Word wheel the letters in the wheel to make nine free time activities. They all end in ~ing. You can use the same letter twice. dancing 15 Crossword — plural nouns ‘Complete the crossword with the plural of the nouns the clues. ‘Across Down 1 baby (6) 2 sheep (5) 6 tooth 5) 3 box (5) 7 gas (7 4 knife (6) 10 mouse 4) 5 chid (8) 11 woman (5) 8 foot) TL potato (8) 9 toy (@) Unit2 + Whatever makes you happy 17

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