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TO TAMIL NADU GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 STATEMENT2 lech. Particulars This year Previous year No. 2016-17 2015-16 UNITS SOLD ( in MU) 83,235, 79,464) INCOME, (Rupees in lakhs) ‘1 Revenue from Sale of power 4396440) 4151575) AjRovenue subsidies & Grants 1048497 769310] 5/Other Income 156281 49454] Total Income "A* 5601212 4970539] EXPENDITURE 6|Purchase of power 3738459] 3161763] 7\Generation of Power 803698} 874429! @|Repairs & Maintenance 66696 73801 Slemployee casts B35 351391 10/Admua.& Gent. Expenses 44892| 42553} 1 [Depreciation & other related debits 187003; 162620] 12jInterest and Finance charges 997233} 999342) Sub Total "B" 6441595] 5875892| Less: Expenses capitalised: 13}Interest & finance charges capitalised 154034! 117157] 14]Ocher expenses capitalised #4034 96608 [Total expenses capitalised "C” 198668] 183965} Sub Total (B)-(C) €242927| 5691928] 15|Other Debits 4730] 1664! 16JExtra ordinary items -32291| -27561| oO 1664] Total (D) €215366| 563597 Profit before Tax (A}{D) ~614T54] "72505 17) Provision for income tax - - Profit after tax 614154] 723033] 18) Net prior period charges /Credit -179278! 144371 SURPLUS/DEFICIT 434876) 578682! See ner rer fistonuncntcnges ce a, = Melideracdterae ft Omer’ heed IK.SUNDARAVADHANAM M.MANOHARAN M.A.HELEN Dr. M.SAIKUMAR |Chief Financial Controller Director/Finance Director/Disribution Chairman cum Managing Director fe compy ey Aaper our apo even dite Jastkipwinny SESCOILF Fotis vmisce tek canister cepiyeteéSehamean foceNacm ce che Aeourtats Finn No.0072205 ‘Firm No. 0009565. ‘Firm No.0009905 Firm No. fon cA Katy rome Menosnisn Wh ‘NET REVENUE AND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT STATEMENT 2 st This year Previous year No. Particulars 201617 2015.16 (Rupees in Lakhs) 1 [Balance brought forward from last year 5377083} 6217210) Add: Regulatory Asset -205900] 305000; 6522210 [Less: Revaluation Reserve 734155) 6316038 2/Add: Surplus before Amortisation 634876] 678682 lLess: Amortisation of Regulatory Assets 200000 434876] o0¢09] 578082 3]Less: Reversal of Opening Accumulate [Deficit as per provisional Transfer Scheme 784654] 4|Gress Deficit mn 6316238] 3 {Revaluation Reserve 633336] 734155] 6 [Credits Transferred from General Reserve - 7|Appropriations: i)Contributions to Reserve and Reserve Funds - - ii) Contribution to Development Fund : : ome “on — Regulatory Assets 5000} 611778] -205000] -$582083| Jose Zlaez017 Pisce: crenna findoravdtercn. ti KXSUNDARAVADHANAM —_M.MANOHARAN [Chief tinancial Controller é& Company Secretary For MX eppusseamy PSC & Co LLP DirectorFinance No.0072215 Por bey DineetoyDicribution ‘As per our report of even date ForMis A. John Moris & Co. For M/sK, Gaps Rae & Ca. For Copasiyer ‘Charered Accountants Firm No. 0009568 ee (CA SGopsf Krishna Raju) Partner Mem’ No.205929 Firm No.000960S Dr. M.SAIKUMAR (Chairman com Managing Dicector Sabremanten Firm No.0024245, 2 IN AND DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED TAMIL NADU GENERATION BALANCE SHEET AS AT 313.2017 STATEMENT 3 ch, ‘This year as at Previous Year as at IN. Particulars dst March 2017 3st March 2016 (Rupees in lakhs) | _ {NET ASOETS 19| Gross Block 7199545] 6805950 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 1186205} 898207 INET FIXED ASSETS 6013440] 5907653 2i|Capital Expenditure in Progress 973933] 832057 22] Assets not in ase. a 146 23|Deferred Costs 6524) 6773 [[2alintangible Asses - = 25!Investments: 195777 178687} INET CURRENT ASSETS 26{Total Currant Assets 4248974 4442388) Less: TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 27\Security Deposits from Consumers 993035] 871909) 28|Other Current Liabilities 4395330) 4760354, TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES: 5389265) 5632263) INET CURRENT ASSETS -1140991, -1189675; [ 29|Substay Receivable fram Govt a] a] [Deficit 6117778] 5582083 INET ASSETS: 12165854) 11347724) FINANCED BY. 30 [Borrowings for Working Capital 625001 530546] 31 [Payments due on Capital Liabilittes Tip29] 730434) 32(Capital Liabilities 5964692 7585883} 33]Funds from State Government 4498650 200074 34/Contributions,Grants and Subsidies 359516) 511793] 35|Reserves and Reserve Funds, 506935] 34994] Surples : - [TOTAL FUNDS: 12165854] 11317724! Significant of Accounting Policies Gtatement [De spaznty Redan ben —— SUNDAKAVADHANAM — NMANOHARAN it Financia! Controller DxrectorFinance |S Company Secretary For m.cuppuswamy PSG & Ca LLP Firm No.0072006 eS sy (CA.J. Sebantiny © M li. Notes on Financial Statements MA MELEN Dinectr/Disribulon (Statement Paral won Dr. Mal AS per our report of even date Tor Ms A. Jobs Moris Co. For M/s Gopal an & Co Fer Gopulsiyerand Subramanian Chartered Accountants Firm No, 0008565 Firm Ne.c00960S ie ta! ee Partner Mem, No 205929 haar (Chairman cum Masaging Director Place: Chennai JKUMAR For. Neteran & Co, Firm No.0029248 4 2 REVENUE FROM SALE OF FOWEE soupute-1 Ry Patan Tat] Acc Cade | Tisyer 1617 | Pevionsyar 0S C ® we igh Teas Sepp 1 [aegis otra Tata Te otic tan alan | azo aie eB NzH ‘Tear Tracom | am 2,608.91 esis 3 [Cove Eau Gove pie, Wate soppy ice oeripek Ta fazn0 rales Tenseaaz4 [Pie ronal tons Cems Tse & Ser ws | asm 2A O55 Basa) [cure] and ab cajones na veel note HF ctgeng | _f e1a69 Tas 290.2283 6 |. iigaton ad Cooper Scfor Aglare ow Tae 7 Franson Surly for cnameion nt he parpoe |v | at et TRB aaa a [gp to Poedenary peawhedingehages S107 asaeaH0 Tass © [Sep wads *_ Faase Cans 23250 Fie Tootirr Ca zmnge —_apanmaa| iw Teneo Spy lume tnd L208 6 A asi TOA ese 1 Hatin Vigepnehuyas, TAHTDOD we 6 | ae 17|LTRksvopy rsa, deine coloiee xc | eres Taal Per as be ight end ABs Wan Supply € Sewerage 1a | onset inured TEM, [14 [Gevernent ond nde Bicatoral lng, Goveranent Hagia | TBS} 610 asa wane) cae Eda esa, Cneme Theat end Side wBq# | sizes Buvassl psa | 1 Ac ice puie ahi. Mat nd Regina tivo nc | oisas #4. 9104 woth on 17 oe ideas mae | sss insu noes 18 Powel ee. me [sian 1s5.2.04 causs.3ae 19 finde a consid der Fa AY ATR TT me] ase neue eon 25 Ages ond Sora ao [ase 1 [oemnerca and alnegore sotcove nother aaa ¥ [aw sat Enna 22 [Fenpacpey win Tone ond avs minions waa maar ‘Boas 94 etait ©) miaesarsn| aise ea] foarte tr 3) eeu Taal arusases| 73 [set stare Rererueesret aie Prot eae ema i faeiay tare aa “ie z05 eg.7509 25 [aeueaton Tac exo a9 sazees 8.0.29 28 [Coun args ‘aso sez cn] 27 Recovers re of poy asbrecce ‘amo same] a. 28 Marten eres eri ‘6 Errceni ESE 3 ening hazy sone 200 Tacouonne Tan ol ecctsgs hos comer 50 ones say 08.00 3 las Sey Ta menvery ar STEIN BOOS 1 [be Geren Taxco as aaemse 5.0211 £3 [own Compranding Cory Sa nz “25.2500 7680] [GRAND TOTAL {Hi * assess esue| ta TENEVIWEE ANAIDSD OPEV, SCHL? l= re Teco | Fipearannet? | tenousyenr mists a Cede a ee [revenve a ss sl pmacstanse ney rosie age 2940 Senge samen er] 2795555498] sfcoeefctoe nurtures esses ssuurasei ewer for tncensive/Nightine concession 2139.19 ass st slPvelcon adjsinen daze trata) 308.7358 43930451 fescmeny te secoven, est us 2206704) apunser5,nt esnaragn Toreurery ese 37531 seore92 1] cormpoundting Guage oon cus S546, rosea [roa ss mamseiaa! seassi270 hese tist Suge Revenuc ened x0 4 | salto e/a in ea 1.000 205530274 nose 11) ecovere fr tet of power) Malroctins 70 seagate nnn ‘albvivetng charges recovers ame uo 2038 srssussttl afi. charpe oles to consumers 90 passa7 | 142508 0] [TOTAL sossm26s a9 97 JGROSS REV EVUE FROM GALE OF POWER. esussaris6 sonal ufiieecstay Tex res ax se pu ois 75.15] shurn compotion Ty rsove as gazsassn snarena) se] compounding Changs sso as ss2020 zssca) lrorat, sncasessn] arms.7.9.535] tT RIGS A permed Go IGS Papin LGD MARTE RNG TES Sa TAR wom ROCSER) ARE asTISE Ay FmeITS jE ap KE. lower fraovorYeeer — acsanaca Tasvi_ Et bw Tn Tea] lowers: frases — ecens [acronis frorest xzeo fom aca ia Te ET faeoe [rare esa x we (Sree [aes rao fener palnso9 jou siaimesun 72 sHodaNe: ose evr (rat _bourzase aang) parece sp pow semmy| ay [eva [oe eL__foen [aver hoor fase [e993 fezonee VITABELL 1iepin passa wasmonmpe et |ysen9 [nos fosew [augres Pue-3p ssuope; 25 pue AUNT a2y)09} ra eect [sate wosfiamed seme eect aoe |aiceer sce seco leprecr “sinsnpay aL per aFn9 3] lavizy [agro Jorz — Jocoum sres0 uete Lzconre frees [sro fect _levesrr vex eco foonct BapRS 7 NaOEL Hw wees [acco ese [cect soso eer ate Takeda raren lossvo Teco [rp leaves are ere sees ateanseanidane forego xtez_feere fesiees ear eve leo9 REL PUWN 99 BReetsD sep] loezsy [too fat fare, lone reso. leavaeit TOOTH wekepued Heya ors oss [asso fortron, so sr eer _[iseie__ Jascvooat Sa POTaMG SU STAR] Toy seoOA SESSA] fesokr ___[nov'ec “lesa “Teorsocat eats lscoere loon [ror leccez _rwarse [rot [ecco rsa feroo [se x aes TBOS) ATG] Pe casr feae {09 ar Aiding Kreis | ~~ 9 [avert fare. so aecse. feo td. x Taga pue awe Comprpao roy Aldag] 2 [ewes arco Ic eee ce |e e a ‘aornov sxperde om wonetian wa] 9 [ac tee sto le. poor seve [rose rsa OH sauolijey igo epaefeorcuns]¢ (eran _[aene Lza50 esi fcre_ave face all SapMAG y SPT] BaD eo eUOREMPT PAS] Flow BL azro Wc ees peat fin foe vil '7a Axddns torem ‘sTendsoiy suk yeuoneanps| 100] —_¢ (sec sort lice iio sot [ees for ‘i ‘wenoen, Zenpwul eg [or'ene isso la Inca fezwze lode [asia vi TER Pepermpe | 1 (SEL ane lores arenas a1asy 12] “sypxa sauo}es pauastiay| Aiddns vou. yin waa] pe wor epee eo order | sen | on | aso aed fun [ora | scam woyeyrar | qwer | pros | -nagoy | ue ota wos | venesqear | paoy | pjos | -rsvo> aewny | sox | ama-| soon ateoey | jox [stun | on ZT OEiR A SL SF StOE APA onoTOAE PaanGTHDS WAGE IO TTS HOW NOLLVSTIVEAIOVIAY. %6 REVENUE SUBSIDIES AND GRANTS SCHEDULE —4 s Account This year Previows year No] Paricutars Code 267 20158 Re & 1 frevenue Sutsidies and grants 3:00 pfrom Government of Tamu) Nady eun0 s1s,s1,co00e] —_ 6595;1900,0eH sy Amortorisation of Regulatory Assets samo 210109000] ___1020.00,0900 2 [bye Swing Subsidy nao - : froras so1e.oc0,c00| 7695.1, 00,000 OTHER INCOME SCHEDULE 5 This year Previous year a Acccurt zie" mas na Partelars Code Bs Rs 1 interest on staff oars and advances 2210 e2z0 1ase,7744 198 55 9 2 [income fen Investnonte 5220 oune wns 9044 3 [interest ontoans & Advances to Licensees 2280 1025,34,25.5 4 fbetayea Payment Surcharges colected from consumers 22.20 7935595 2961.94,54| [invest on Advances w Supplies / Contractors ona 33.4477.55 135,0..466 6 terest rom Banks (Other than Fed Deposi) ez seas rane 7 [orcome fom Treeng e200 arose] anaz sar 15 [rotate on Power Purctase els 6.268 224.19,095 198532; 1 fincome from Staff Wellare activities et6n 1638.34 noi 10 |iscouaneous Recnpts 200 zasisams| 362049604 roa 13628136, 4945401205 7. PURCHASE OF POWER SCHEDULE-6 ea This year Previous Year Ne. Farsculars Accourt Cone | _ 201617 201516 1 [Frenamission Chargea Peyebe to TANTRANSCO. 80 rwrmaio] —_e8sersiaul 2 [RPC Sinha station end Dade moa59 saygs 75207] ayer sncad 2 [Nepali Ligrite Corporation | zoo asazeosessal —_sassysa74 4 [Neyvetteigrte Soeporadon mm sonssses] sas cner a5] 5 [ieyveli ignite Corporation TSI - Expansion mone syss9727| _ seaeancoy 6 [kedantatam Nuclear Pens Conporation mons uucsaso.s7e| _araascoc 7 [iaiga Gunorating Statin maze wexzeanest] — seen2s5.0] 8 Madras Aomie Power Station 70330 wns] aasasnss2 9 [National Tenmal Power Corporation 70380 toazsa u1903] 113587405 70 10 fepvetsLigate Comporation I -Eaparsion ross 204715504] ___13865,5,325 nt fear Thabo 2183 e1nso4zo| __ 7998.98.65 12 [SA1.RC Raster Regen 70354 sasstanar| 36.05.2461 13 |StaGECINTPC /RSTPS sR 7186 6258.26] 469x200 14 [Captive Powe Panis, Biomass ané Solar 7300 1336.65.65,293| _1788.2063,251 15 |Cogenersion rove sspouassae| —— ses.2sa7 7a 16 [Wind Energy 70350 aussaeaao0] eres, 1? [GM.R Power Conporation Private Lined 201 6 [somatpstié Powe Corporation Private Linited 20199 d 22 8 09 19 [PP Power generating Company Pevate Limited ras wrasse] o94.37 534 20 Madurai Power Corporation Frivate Limited a4 anzars62] 104550652) 21 |STC-MS Blows Company Private Limited 70.95 srassesaas] 935.9 2804 22 [BAN Fowerco. 70396 r2esye395q| 124.55 5,728 2 |Penna Electricity tad sos00 sono 480 ssenmsi4 2 [Power Porchate foun Traders Bachange, Local CPP 70660 ss352589.47| Temas.s2ass 25 [Power Trading Corgoration 70352 298,071,334 ring 2s urre nvvty 70355 173.08,22,7) snanzsce 70400 27 |Weting anges and Whesling adjustments suevaos00 | romnta7soxee| _ a2si.7.71,050] 70 to 70550 25 [Gischedwad Interchange: ABTPGCN, PCC POSOCO 70882 0.01.06. 2079.9 586 as [ree NEC rossi &msso| sbes.ssns|_2105.5462.803 [roa Srseu.s50.594] 2617.69.28 <4 38 ‘GENERATION OF FOWER, SCHEDULE -7 a court Thisyear | Prevousyear es Pasteulas cate wea? 2516 Be Re suet CONSUMPEION 1 frost m0 ressaranr| toate, 2 low nua amagsm|_ sorrel 3 kes nye seems] 512196209 4 hsp nwowrwe resorsmn| —_ ss 7esaare frorau 2108 remmssaes| ___osspscar red 5, lon ue ete cots 7.00 wat amaase) 3880 2. [stonages fund on physical veiatonf fuel sock nto asia 21954514 4. [Bxcea found on physical verncaon of sek «0700 miss 3 [sve-rorat sesorgere| ___agras.s 10 |s8-TOTALKOR rust cosTis~s) soresozsess| —_sesissriaty| OPERATING PXPENSES 11 [cost oe warerttydet Power ng sau 1600.74 12 [cost of Water‘Themnal Power = Gas risa 998 sasresm| 3309.03 13 ftubriantséeconsamsble ose 7.0 ragiznzr a7 g9e0] 1 |staion Sapliee 7.30 rags 1404184 435 [Sub Tota for Operating expenses 1110 18 cossonse:|___sastensey 1 [teat Cast of Generation of Power 6015) soss.caoszs| 4.22.7 04 1 [pvt lated losses 2100 frovan gor soseges0ses| —_sr.z2a7.7 719 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE-$ oL Acrount This year Previous year xo Particulars Code 2016.17 2018.16 Bs, Bs Repaus and Matmienarce tor 1 friart & Machinery 7410 565787104 6073251281 2 [Buitaings van 25718002] 2,16,79.6528) 3 [ow works 7310 smn. 34.02.44] 4 [rsycraube worss ns 23074501 3.2750 705} > [Lmes, Cables se Networks 7asI0 sor73sz7] 7349.32 246| 8 venices 4600 32150509) 201396514 1 [Furniture & Foetures 7701 637605| 325807 3 [Oitice squipments Peso s27270¢4l ‘TOTAL 666,35,76708 738.00.77009) EMPLOYEE COST SCHEDULE =9 a Account This year Previcus year NO. Particulare Cate 2016-17 01816 Re, Rs 1 Keaaries 75200 suenesin| 14637649661 2 [Overtime 75209 Beekrcd sash as7v| 2 preamese Atlowanes 73300 1884,8525210| __ 1996,75.62567] 4 [omer attawance rao 17,7605,420 130,02,53335 5 [Benes 75501 116,744266] 55,76,90.50) isu Tetal 6251 61063,26220] _427,49,00996) 6 [Medica Expenses Roiwiburzomant 7551 265 45,255] 2.214704] 7 leave Travel Aadistance ri 213,00 eos7244] 5. [Barnad Leave Encashrent fe UBLon Private Atos 75.617 6610 2s5,00,s4700 234,99 1248 2 [Payment Under Werluen's Compensetion Act 75008 20.0108 2018380) [Sub TotalOrher Sttt Coate( to 9) 253,764: 237.0460 10 [sult Wetlare Expenses 15700 8.99804 8,38.16.895 11 Peering) Benet 73.800 1969,23,52205|_asznz0619 12 {board's Consibution 19 CFS. 370 191,70,925] 109,519,331 15 jomer sat cosss Poe410 14 [Therma Performance Coamnissioning/ lnceotive 7509-599 3843.56) 1.255019) [sua TOTAL (101012) 2reesi.09.385| 198575,75,03) fsrand Toset eoxsazs.723} __ 5513,91,12,083| go ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES SCHEDULE 30 a Aecornt Trityear Previcusyear NO) Patil Code anes? “mis 3 Bs Bs 1 [Ren Ratesand Tame Fea 77373733 60a 926 2. [insurance 75304:106 507 cass 1899.07] 3 nsurance(i om the Asie of gerertion stators) ano masaazasi] 209331520] 4 |peteprove /estage/ Telegram Telex charges 7631009 s2agaasal 705876689 5 [regat crarges 76220921 755073 01648697 5 [ancarsees raza w7gas70 235.09 000 1 |consweancy Charges roaes wor04 zaaaee 8 [recnnical Fees outa s70s0e2| a63.885 9 loner Protessoral Charges reas ge39 1.28-26604 a2ssqza| 10 [conveyance & Travel, 76191 0 40 53.52.6756 sazzosis Sub-total sursgsssia| __sns9.scitw7 lorwen EXPENSES 1 |rne fr operaung machines 76308 asarses 2402.2) 2 (Fees 6 subseipton yeas 4sn0.014) 43085,00| 3 |ooks de ercatcals 76382 ascot 856,75 4 pring te stationery 76338 ops 279.6, 5 [Training Expenses 7158 224.0635 23005.512 6 [adventisement Expenses rousyts 159629 126,274 2 |Subscriptions/ Contsbutions to Bocks & Periodicals Teast 220 sor 5_[Bleticity Charges 7688-189 sss04.es4 308774200 9 | water Charges 79390 298,10059 aurazssr 10 [wersirsrort/ Recreations for employees rsa611e2 274 1,635 11 |waich and Ward Expenses 70268 arssesead 497.91,70) 12 [Peuy Office Maintonarce Expenses 708 on. 7039.14 13 [paiscetlaneous Fepenses 7300-199 25:56,13.590| 165207,1%3 sub-Tot niz0s.0sus| __w205z.sea 14 [freight 76200 29 Pee 15979041 15 fOther Purchase rlated Expenses, 76200 10281 assunare 08709 16 |ptonororiums and related expenses e304 45.01.99 ans 19 [reward for twit of energy Spl reward vigilance T6121 7618 40.202 was.7.27] 76:200-76209| 16 [ROC fees a2 3362 15345 1 License foe paid o TNERC towards Distribution funtion 76500 335.51.24 sansa sub-Totat 24.19.5169 27341205 [cranp TOTAL ssagncses] —_ 42553,29,09 ei DEPRECIATION AND RELATED DEBITS(VET) scutowuc tt a ‘Account Thisyear Previousyear NO Particulars Code 201617 21516 Re Bs 1 [Depreciation F720 ss72s4e| 605108160 2 |psce decommissioning coats 7900 2. [bma andtowvelue tems r00 4 (Sub-total 140 3 semsease| _ 1625.19.61415 5_|Weiten down value of assets sapped mo 6 |Wite off of deficits of fred assets observed uzon m720 Jerysteal verification 7 [ceason saleot Fixed esses re 8 [owers 72300 977.98 ¢ |sub-rott (se 8 i al 20 [rea Debits 69) asncasase) 25.9.0 ani 13 f.rss: Gain on sae of Asses, 2300 froray aareetanse| —_ 1625,9.61 503 INTEREST AND FINANCE CHARGES scuepute -12 a RoURE This year Previous year No| Particulars Cede m6? 215.16 Be Ry. 1 fiterest om Ste Govt Loan 7a100 3192476559] 4e,0.64,97) 2 |imereston bonds 73.206 sasen75500] _358,35,62,500 2 fntrest on Dobontutoe ra308 fest on Forsign Currency Leare adits 73.408 5 hareston other Loana/Detered credits 7a.500 77401516317] 7695.75.06 6 [penal Interest in spect on Capital Kabiites 2301 w 50 54 68.6516 17.39.6255 7 Interest on Security depesit fram consumers 78600 ss202.44 163 491 98.85 304 5 [intereston MCD 79610 303. 56,79 4047.70, [TOTAL INT.ON CAPITAL LIABILITIES sos3185100] 9145.12.00, 9 |intereston borrowings for Working Capita) 78.200 £75,355, 124 £1814, 65,665 JOTHER ONT.& FINANCE CHARGES. 40 [otner interest and Finance Charges 739001080 33.27.324 11 fiwereston F3ycro Balancing Fund Tas toss mazes ane. 12 [ivereston Advance CC-Charges 75038 2.92.03] z0s.1331) 13 [ivereston General provident Fund 78.891 10 882 107,055,704 10211,08,240 14 former txerest and rark charges 78.855 10860 34.5192. 74.7.6 A6s 15 [cont of cesing france 7B.) 1873 490.64,335 165249,924 16 |Penat to for Eton 75.674 19880 15.49.54,9] 14,3.5,265 17 | Gearontee commission 19 State Government TRA 10899 143.98.6, 159 frora. 9972.83.46, 62 INTEREST AND FINANCE CHANGES CATTIALISEO. SCHEDULE13 St ‘Aceount ‘This year Previous year No varicuars Coe misa7 ans Rs, Bs |IvTEREST CHARGES CAPITALISED 1 |Normo! tatorent Capitalised 919 snuiger| 2.61,26341| 2 Jintereat dering Construction stage 73900 1598,<3,05650) _1168.85,5,965 frova: 1540425327] 1171,56.823261 OTHER EXPENSES CAPITALISED. SCHEDULEAS a ‘Aciwunt This year Previews year INO Particulars Code m617 201848 Bs Bs, + IRepsir and Maintenance Capitalized nw. a7parsel 18.86.31 2 [Employee eos: Capitalised 75900 a7 3970985 605,217,506) 2 [Patrcation charges added to the stock oz 13985,75| 100,090 4 [Administration and General Expenses Capitalised 76900 22892671] sg974s.224) 5. [Deprectvion and ether related costs capitalised 7700 128137,707 179865,018) 6 [caper debits capitalised 7990 195,560} 46,299) 7_ [capitalization of costof gen during Trial tage nM [rorat. #5 3a.10,980 5890830208] OTHER DEBITS SCHEDULE -1. a acouat Ths yeor Previous year No] ‘Particolars Cove 06-17 256 Re. Re 1 [aseral Cost Variance 73.190 q q 2. [Research & Development Fapenses 73.200 596.515 25,00] 3 [Bad aned Doubtinl Debis Witten off/ provided ‘or 73.300 39,00,25.207] mar 48t| 4. [Miscellaneous losses and compensation tostatt/qutsidors 73.500 13,83,53,004 139233,014 5 [sundry Expenses/ Rebate on SO7/Trcharges 7970079610 6 [other expenses writen off 79710 7. JPrevison for Hydeo Balancing Fund 0 froma. sn23z6ao4 1663,07.18) Net Accets chown in Balance Srect Jasset ab Consin. Stage ad per echedule 21 Kprier to chargieg 200) 2. Redueing of ACS due te excess } abover storae &Peymert. liab For ap. Supply ana Works schedule 28 stem 3 A lcurvent Actets Cap Stores schedule 26c0iten4 2 Adv fer Cop Supoly schedule 21 ivem 6 2 B(l+2) 4s B*ismare hax A" ne reduction és vecessory 2, BNA inchides current Assets/ Liabilities ence ne Farther adjustment Ls classification of Funds os per Bolance Sheet errowing For Working Capital schedule 30 Poyment due on Cepital Linbiliies schedule 31 Low having int hoidey and ether int. Free Lisb sch 33 Reserve Funds Reserve Fund Sch36 Reserves Lint. bering Cap iab Sch 32 \conouer contribution grants tnards cost of coil assets equity & Pands from State Govt. ach.33 tet lrauuy WoT TOTAL ASSET SIDE adjustment ro ACS 8BNA based en pare 5 5, Deducting bervowing for working capital Land payment ue on Ceplchlties from BNA [SUBTOTAL (9-50) r 5. Payments due on Capital Liab 5, Int. free Loone, int. holiday Funds) spread ever ACSBNA JsueTotet FS a [bss mestert egret fee 5c, Determination of own Funds h Reserves furd over Lnvestment fe teeras 5 equity & Funde from Stete Govt, sch.38 Le consumer cont bution & grands cov of cael te |suBTOTAL Getlezeay OE Inet Toll = SE-EET BNA AND ACS MATCHED WITH INT. BEARING L248. [7 Aesoging ACSABNA on OBAC8. blance et the boginring of the year Balence at the dosing of the year AVERAGE VALUE OF ACSEBNA 5, tnt payable ox CapLiabas per Sch.l2 (EREFORE IDC TO 9E CHARGED a3 STORING GF INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION 2OI6-A7_— acs BNA eee [Rupees in thousand) Reps TITE3ESO| Tosoreneal _ iosaie 263) ef eaoou 1.c2,02.84e] Tae 339) 31,23,088) + roa 71.430] 52500084] T192,027) q ieat see 2.208621 71, 72,56, 303] 7256 305] TOKO, Res site ODA a8 para [a sepe | e567] TOOI6z89 BA7557 915) 7702037 aI I a G GE agEAITS| __10.00T6 203] 54,76.37 910] I 3 Fb AB 362 2 2056.24] Far 04200] $436,410 3,58 69,093] Taivanei| 817.59) 7765.0 __9.18.93,008] 46.59 21995] reps Bx Te TA TSO SSOU| lana T2004 665] Re, 1200, i PROTECT TOE 395,16, 39,327) TOTAL 7038. 563,05,605] 35,77 65 061] 918 43,083) _6,92.2199 x 72,09 168] 67.03.07 B43] "7736 33.519] | ga EXTRA ORDINARY fréMS SCHEDULET5, Extraordinary items are defined as "Those tems which aris from avin or ranancions outside the erdinary octivites ofthe Board ane which ae both mattis and expected not 10 recur fequenty oF repilarly, They do. inchce stems, which though exaeptional in ters of antount and occurance and which ‘ay therfore acre separate diecloror} sae tom the vents orienseatora within the crdnary ‘ctv of the Bonr, Simuarly prior period items are not extea ordinary items merely because they relate to the prior year. st Account ‘This year Pravious year 201617 2516 Na] Parteutaes ode Be, Bs. 1 Batra-ordinary credits (including susie agninet lesser account of flood fire cycone ei.) e200 3.22,0085,025| [Total eredita 2 | Batra-ordinney debits (inchading subsidies against less on account of flood, re cyclone et.) 798m, fi rorat peoirs 3.22089. a 5. [Ratea Ordinary items (Net) 2290805] d PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX SCHEDULE 47 s Account This year Previous year No| Particulars Code aos? mse Bs, Fs, 1. Provision fr income tx. Joao roman a5 ID CREDITS/CHARGES SCMEDULE es ‘etount This year Previous year o| Paticolars Code 201617 2546 Bs 2s + tecome relatingto previousyear 1 fevatrcaea 65100 soss.129 1838.68 te [Receipts rom consumers 650 212.5801, 740) santas «liters income 5.00 nisas2at21| 059% ¢. [excess provision for LI. £5500 - - ¢_[Bsoess provision fer Depraciation $5600 aaavon| 75.100] _[Excesoprovn. for Int Finchaiges 3870 sui7gsz3|_1781.11,38. 665] 2 Cher excess provision 5500 208.5656 162873647 1h. {Other nove 5300 s1040.4zt6} _ofo.ts47%4 [rota se10s9s12m| 320495885 1 |porFeriod Esponeeylovese a {svar provision for power purchase s10 waiSassosse| 2404007755] 1b Fut related inser and oxponsce 200 39 98:709 2086.56 [operating expenses $8202 2942584) 4. Materiel related expenses 40) © femployecs cost 30500 308292086 saazrosss £_[Depracation uader provided sas00 47831206] 1298457570 |: [ntrst tstnance charges 3.700 zeer7en0s] —_se0ss4030 1, fore enarges 33500 2aszaverail _ as7 ses0na reat ssizs129g0| _1946,76,7 365 3 wer Prior pera erditn (WC Code 654 am2136] _140.70.400 Net Mir pried charges (YC Codes) B d 86 [FRED ASSERT ANG PROVISION FOR DERRECATOW AEDT cnoss mack aca] Ae weet S.1— nemtcroyp | Cade) srvenrvear | Ascone | Betuctons eyer No | ‘No, 2S16 Wi6-17 2016-17 2016-17 e % % Taseansionsagen | cancel iszszasaiil ——ssrcoeara ‘Span means (5795673,08) — piss 1.36380] ers | Gay aden Thame vom sseza0;0o] ——sauasre Lizae] nszatsran oa2a0i2527 | ansaés10)| asa. 00) ouraeces loamanoon reali 19579385565) "a7 muons 1an497 7 as0xi2s4041 _ “enssarson)| —toazaga] ssi anaaces| Jonsauece Tonal 91784) 77a 50764957 (818,37,68,455)| (346,98,23,372) {2,42.27,239) (469,97,17,844)| Troavanmay “pawh5¥aea730%] —werseziois| eaasaenl —awioanau Gomes, 35105)) oss te s0as)| Bastas ao | ara real Thame Citta newman | iosool_2t0eis0 70 ismsoatase)—aasssewl — Seameaes oss..1506)| — Gsr8803.0508)| —goas0s459 | —steout2, 70 Vase voomln 230636083] moaned 384650!) 5079890 {| Gamiesan| —aozsarsen | _gasasen! —paoncesss) cIhmueourmace | wooo sasranl ——izaaven 229i] asanon anseteam@)| Taran | Gastaua | Geto Joust TL Haan) ase 2as1s0e| ss. canaane (23s936725| —Gzesast Basses)| —ae2seis1an Ganon erwsssaao| —a16,a328eal isaernsrl 7,207 costs 26220] — aieyeseatsss]| —Catonsss)| era.) epiatepmaiace 10 /Resulting in an asset not 11.100) 5.26,50,460) 3,26,50,460 hetongingtocre sare 68260] BIRT BresnseD ‘HSpare Units 11.200] 5331,005| $3,52,085| datsseatol nat Be 3.085 alent Spon “naw FRan7e206— -ioa9e93es 73.5734 \Generating Station {3695 74,206,200] _3.14,63.23,784) 202%] (779,10,76,206) pssuukenowion | gh Samat marae 13)tienowesontey ret danza] sions] pamow| eran sataton ‘ld|Leased Assets: Ws oF @ on masa] ee of ease maar) aaeissin| erase] tsa se GRAND TOTAL 69059,49,85,667| 3951,44,30,598| 15,48,70,977) 71995, 45,45.288) aussa.esss7}| gerasasessi| —Geeanstazy] amas 657) [Now Figures shows lx bracken relates & previous year. g FIXED ASSETS AND PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION SCHEDULET DEPRECIATION ‘Facount] —Attheend of Riteend oF 51 ‘Asset Grow Code | previousyear ‘Additions Deductions tha your No| F No, 2015-16 2016.17 201617 2016-17 Be Re Bs. Bs Teast ana tana awd 508817 129.555 736,36] 2425051] fens 21753s2| 6036817) CIB 85 (5038.817) loaning Tago] 227894129] 578000 80 19439,022] __390,7363,709 (1105 71,850 iesy70n3i9)| _Gaazreo.o4n | (262.7894.128) alrivareute works 1 2011959205 8498.1,507 24282,080) __785,95,08 585 (G571605.720) sa 76236)) (14817,70381)| __(201,3950,203) dlosnor ett wovee n $7,26 70278 22,8, 34,034 4175.09 79,35,25 205 joner uasastson | G.a3.6365777)| 7360.88.74) 672870.278) lptans w vee ne 3447 3450920] 1327.95.77 685 $5.1661159) 4690.13.67 046 - iexe1sa.s74o0)| (a.71,9609402)| _as2se527,150)| _aaensesasro) lines & Cables Neework | 1neoo]__-97813,76247| _134975.32,80 16.7652.865) ___ean4a076 70 aurre2.sas0y |, essee9.46302)] (114s9408555)| 7821376267 Fences % 7,39.62;709| 216,95,274 33,92,982 302,05,127 (4295.68.79 _(3468,92563) 0503.56), 7.1962,709 alPuriture& Fonsares 1a 7,09,625¢4| 2:1,04,28] 1252578 39 4aza7 253925.770{ __€12,38,73378) (583, 05,964), 7.0962,584) slosice Equipment ae 43,35,29.53 169,01 221 SAL519 5344.29.55] 516150.545) serra] 5,668853| _43,9329,1599 lubed S808 W044 040| 29047868,157| _—10A7 39.301 meas 72.814 crosssr2.08,269)|(172216,27.648)| (557819,93,070) | (9308.0844 040) [capital Bependivure 10 resulting n an assetnot | 15:10) V68.59577| 121,750 325508 391.3178 Ibelonging to the Board (492.09) (595.578) “G4.436) 4955577 7 spae wits 1 8.9016] zai an7 038,00 10,51 6] (107059.188) 7501082) (43, 59,090) 1609,076) 42|Copital Soares ot vasn0}___ 1523 6.388 da5131,209 798,44. 27,635 {Generating Station (90023,12,459) | (1,88,20,14,262, =1,5989,51,909| _(152,13.16.338) [Asueta taken over frore 2103,7728| 153,46 4 220A 2,703 13 Licences pending Pinal | 13.500 sluation (7085,71.683) 4.397.122) -aaoz7 aso], 08,77 287 ufLensed Assets 13700) TOrAL TAB 3626) 29660 éa7al mravaeai isni24s.700)[ @oiza467e)| costs 7a5) | 174.88562621 GRAND TOTAL seeze7cosee| 2972120008 tosaysz ina] 11es,o4.97 277 (1108084 55,058) €152087,81,063)| (357835,39,818) {8982,97,00,302) joe: Figares shown in brackets relates t9 previous yest. a8 [FREED ASSETS AND FROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE — NET BLOCK Account] Attheond of ‘Attheord of Pt ‘Asset Group Cole the yen the yeu Ne 201617 2013-16 Rs, Rs t}tandard Land rights ro.109) 0705044081] _19097.0147264 1303701 87,266)| 6 74366.00,246) albudatngs 10,200__2783.87:86,123|____2776,03,22,676| (27603,22,57)| _ 95169453,40 aiRydrsatie works 19.500} ——1540, 94.45.0001 _1356.60-44 360 (4135660,34,360)|(113196.08,324) Afouser civil works 10.404 £08 29 70578 Ae A S68 (61268 57 566 140384 86 652) Sloane « Macheery +19.800)_——20795.3646970] _20087,12.36,108 (aongr17,35 18H | (3346082,07.631)| Lines & Cables Network | 104 20s2 64704001 2002968.17.454 (onmeaa7ssa] _(72610703.45; 7 Wahicles 10. 165 93 864] 158674,124 (1586,74,124) (904,50.853)| 8)Pamiture & Fntures 10. 24.36.9772 247 Use (2472,11,648) (1833,20.134 ome Equipment to 96,17,89,240 99.28.76 585| (9928 76,985) (7798.46.183) leub-Toea 59503.0447078] _5843907,08,263] 15843007.08,259)| cosas, 56,955) [cepita Expenditure 2 fResulting man asset not | 11.100) 335,8709 3.62.96 093] belonging to the Board (952,96 883) 055.239) Ti bpare units 1 429,529 45.2209 (65,22,059) (634.5922) “2 Cepital Spares at 1200 S75A7 970M 6169759,818 [Generating Station cexse7ssae)|(99351.07 741) [Assets taken over irom 13 |cicencees pending Fiial | 11.400) 370-7199 639,96 332 Valuation £629,98,322), 25,33,.96,306) 14] Leased Assots 1170 s 5 TOTAL SOI4A0A8 71] 59076,50,85,963 (5e0r6s2,85.565)] 5062496,83 778) Note: Figures shown in brackets relatus to previews years 37 JFUNCTIONWISE BREAKUP OF FIXED ASSETS(Gress Block) (SCHEDULE 20 L Function Attheendof | Additions ] Deductions Reciassi- | Attheend of No. previous year fication the year mIST6 2016-17 me 216-17 2016-17 Rs, Rs Re. Re. Re. 1 [Thermal Generation | 2706057,69,715] a14112,506] —_1,22,08.54l 27873,86,77,367| 2) riydel Generation SDSLAK77.Aael — €25,91,89,281 1533689] 5976,75,53,089| alGas Turbine STR2WASTS| —44.5385,605|__4.44,19.725| 6792.31.20.460| [Distribution 28606 63,02352) 24667974216 9,173.24 21084, 26,53,454] 5|Wind Energy 25056,01,877 7,58,988| 238,05,60,465| [retal .68080,49,85,667] _3951,44,00,597| _15,a8,70976 71995 45 45,288] |FUNCTIONWISE BREAKUP OF FIXED ASSETS(Depreciation) SCHEDUCE 20 I Function ‘Attheendot | Additions [ Deductions Rechssi- | Attheend of INo. previous year fication the yrar 2516 2016-17 2018s? 21eI7 2016-17 Rs, Rs. Re Re, Bs. Alhorenal Generation | _ 5700,12.90,703] 903,30,23,326| _1,09.83.971 6502,33,20,118] 2hbiyetet Generation 12474414656] 1sass.cnsie] —_5,63,18,7991 =| 1415.38,95,608] 3)Gas Turbine 13674554800] _97.28,27,806| __8,13,05467| 1437,06.77.168| 3[ Distribution 522.5398, tal 1097.88,72,680] _91,27,23,949| 2358,15,46,013| 6| Wind Energy 145,051,239] 15,08,737| 145,15,56,476| [Total 2982,97,00,303] _2967,21,29.098) _109,13,32.1241 11861,0497.271 INET BLOCK Function ‘Attheendal | At the end of s. theyear | previous year No. 01637 ‘MIB-16 Rs, Rs, ilThermel Generation | 21371,1357.819|_21360,42,89,012 2) yet Generation 4S73A836a%4| _ 4108,04,62,586 3)cas Turbine 15395,2049,292| _5984.95,89,750 s)bistrbution 25741.) 1064411 28114,05,98,1661 6 vind Energy 1135003995] _11357.49,844| [rotal 6on31,c0as,012] 59076 52,85.285| 40 (CAPITAL EXPENDITURE IN FROGRESS SCHEDULE 21 SL Pardcutare [Accoart Thi your Previews year NO Icode a0? 2536 Rs Bs 31 leapital won in progress 14838 reermasosss| 673.35 78417 2 [consratinpropress asa d g [supTOTAL reassasosts] 6333578417 2 Revers Expenses pending elloation over capita werk 452 “wersoseax| 35797080817 4 provision for eanpleted work 38s 4 £ [eonatruon aiities 136 d asses at construction sage (3605). gnansar77| _7985,1550.254 6 [Advances for supplicee/ Contactors (Copia) 25.10056 2501 sgarssen] —_se7s0-7.004 Irorat w739a364s3| __s310,36,30.234 Note 4, Under dhe standard ate based valustion. certain fast moving itema of stores are charged to works attheir standard retes and not at actual ens. For the year asa whole, she variance between the standard, zate and the octusl coats ranaieced to Material Cost Variance A/C. The kalanceln the MCV A/C atthe ‘yearend wil be transfered to MCV Reserve. For the carrent year MCV A/C shows excess of actual over te ttandard cost the entent of Re. 00 falas on the total parcheses of materiale (for wee for both capital anc O&M 2. Conieact in progress represents the portion of interim payments made to contractors for Capital works necuted. The te of te asses is 1 pass en fo he Company only upon completion of the contri. 3, Depresiatln on construction facilites, charged ducing the year is NIL. a WETS oe paws enn awe rae Te THRE BPE oneur later frerarares avert Tea 4 a sdva ora paige a a a erste ester ea sist rokag | seabanfamp | iekon me, srwcneg ou smoksdoq preamp feyow/srminy | Sune pou fumpoau | jo wena | pede ro | apie pie _| ager smen ‘TaTACaDS, DRTCETEEEG] eran errs ——pararrt For, fewest arena feawrace area air wey EN ERE ——laneenit adders sepee pots nop MOUNT Ri oy za = ars, owe arsice avst0e srs orsine aeatan, mat ‘sak aeokonp ae ann oN ek senSaag so poss eg Bump aig Suunp Jo Buna, ¥ s ag Fanp so Buwuifeg, secamrey | svononpe | stoompy | amunanimeg swrroea | swappy | oxiun ann @mnGHDs EGUNEGNISERS] Ad Pp Jaroree HT __jeecerceeecr TWLOLGNYED Poe le newer ~~ [aarraraess TWwAOL-Wn5) lacsrar _[esevesisi [var “sua Ic pat dysiureg SubuaoN Twasi-ans ra Tanmnvan 39 -epssonsurupnaseam ¢ larecare WIdL-ans —[OTRE Sarr leone lowers ror Taal puny [oOTOeE aa Or eq mmo nassau 2 orcs = ana — EEO, Werorans [= o jarrow rere = lanmonorar ——fceowerer re pay | g perwre ee ene euauneeaut 1 a = = = svowe argue crow eo on] a2a6 ath sosape | wnony sunny a jopuaa 2p deep anfinma | muda seas evoronpea Sone, emer ReAMssecy SEOINCHEDS, P do io i Wie le le a aod aq Josyeetao pe Panay ey neva Z lane ap ine Wey sowed asp 94 09 0H anatoacr wounded 1 oT a a casio ast xsi 229 ay en} sesue, orstee erste medag homp |” aka aaianje | neoy aque is] moxudaemp | seared ekg anuay | Semppas | funeeaqag arusaay oy | a Siump | joSuraifag yexerea pate | -moxq so pene. pafaps | pana sty | aw or une eainuses SISSY BUMIONVINY TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS ‘SCHEDULE -25 sL Schedule "Thi yemr Previous year Nol Particulars Ne. ae 201516 Re BS 1 Isrts 2 anessonass| _ 2are77a2 50d 2 |Racsivables against supply of posver eg) 7e4726%.9%0| sen 98,487 3 {Cash and Bark Balances 250) sasgoasenz4| _sis.9.93 545 4 hoans ard Advances 2a) s2495:75001 4965948,270) 5, |Soriry Receivables 2546) soeassarsc.x] — s4nx8.9503,903 brorat. sen onrer25| 4504045 21.757 5 [mee Uni alamo A27mss7| sias71220 [roran. seanz.7396250] 425,809,511 sTocKs SCHEDULE ~20(A) Es ‘Account This year Previous yen? nao Pasticnare Code 2617 2nis6 Rs Bs, 1 [Pvelstocks _- Coat 2110 ason71797| __ 637,5520964| Fuelstocks Oi 21s, 2592206074 20568. 2 (CoalinTrarsit man seaeasza7| 492,17 56.64 3_ [Coal Shortages tobe writen off nia 158,18 70913 145.13,30697] 4. btock of matenate (Capital) 2oeD 714.88,29.689 6204035807) 5. [Stock ce Materias (08M) Dare D 6a se6.21,52983 500 89.57 8854 6 [Materia at site Dede 245 d ol 7 |piateriate pening inspection 2246 267 .06,76471 222427571 8. Matericlein Trane 22.68 e249 | d 9 llother Materials zexounts 27 ausrsan seas 20702 10 |Fuct Stock Bxcese/shertages pening Invactigation na | A 11. Materials stock Figess/Shorages pending Invgn me 2a7278| ayraza| Iroran 2916,294020| _2573,7742,962| 44 RECEIVABLES AGAINST SUPPLY OF POWER SCHEDULE -26(8) SL Account This your Previous year NO Partealars Code 1617 W516 Bs. Rs, 1 |Sareiry Debtors for sal of power al 38707334677] 99810.77.901 2 [Surry debtors for inter state sale of power BY $97,039,205 427 1035,034) 3 |sundey debtors for Blectitty Tex 22 133,55,95.254 82,5182,310] 4 [Provision for urbited Revenue za 3518,7355505]___2175,4356,286] 5_)Dues from permanent disc.consumers(ret of SD forfeited) 25. 55,99,79.08 £0.2527 956] 6 ‘Sundry Debtors Miscellaneous Receipt from consumers Dy. 5.82,09,524 5,7509;336] 7 hotnee Reelvabies Bs [SUB-TOTAL 2s,37,08436) __6673,2652756| 8, Less: Provision for doubtiul dues from consumers EX} 2063.43.74 1e.a316209 lTorar TAT 65,920] 660543,36.437| CASH AND BANK BALANCES SCHEDULE -26(¢) SL Particulars Account ‘This year Previots year No| leote 201617 215-16 Rs. Rs. 1 |cashon bard ma 1550384 41,430,564 2. [cosh tonpreste with staf 242 9257.99,427) 114,33,06,203) Balance vith Banka: q 2 (conection Account 243 51391,05,016) 292.05 64.131 4 [Drawing Account a 458,85 07,51 7998,16.715 3. {Cashin Transit 2256 26 3473916171 92,22,76,599 toraL 4362358124) 1418 69,93,545 oF LOANS AND ADVANCES SCHEDULE -26(0) SL "Account "This vear Previous year NO] Partiewlars Code 216317 2ns16 Bs. Be 1 [Advance for O&M Supplies/ Works 261 026? 4.053656 sosr7ia7] 2 Advance for Foe! Supplies Ba 19.7782.56| 32614 ‘Sub-Total (1 62) 83.5318 709 033.5734 3 [Loses end Advances ie Stall waw2 4%, 71.9935 ana1g257| 4 |tsone and Advances io Licensees m3 q 35,77.686) 5 |Advance income Tex/deduction at source m4 14,80 56,95 3.8 97,72] 6 [cenmat Payment Conve Account 25 7 trons ane Acvances 28 Sub-Toral_( to7) 4152.86.29 435,75.77, 955 8 [ess Provision for doubtial Loans and Advances 29 - - TOTAL(1 407 446 524,88,75 093 496595,274 SUNDRY RECEIVABLES SCHEDULE 266) = ‘Account This year Previous year No] Perticulars Code 21617 oms18 Ra, Rs 2 [Sundry Debtors/ Trading account 28.100 7436,30-484] c6e.50,a00] 2 Income acerved and due on Investments 28210 246 349:30,00 201400,424) 3 [Other income accrued snd due 28.250 Pais 746) 298,25,205 4 [income agcraed but not dow 2830 5 [Amount recoverable from Employess/Re-Employeot 2.400 3asasa77 717.84,288) 6 [Foci related receivable and claims. Grade diffrence of esne, cal (Net provision for lass an grade difference zesiz 450735 $3072.96 7 [Railway claim for Coat 28519 4 614 9 q § [Other Agcounss 28.500 to 510 9.50,1,05 12a34a409] 5. Other aims and Receivables and Dapowite ar & jrclading receivable irom TANTRANECO) zasmssoo | so7oorss.acs| _a3909,9a60. 900) ora sesssoresti] _34039,9509525 SECURITY DEPOSITS FROM CONSUMERS SCHEDULE27 aL ‘Recount This year, Prownmua year No Panicwlars Code ome? 20156 Es, Re 1 [Bevurity Deposits from Consumers Gr cash] wi 164876 R| Fa, ,1e 2 [Security Deposits rom Consesnara (other than incl) wD 3 fintreat Payable on Consumers Deposis ae TBI Fea sa7RT 7 [terest Peycole on MCD a ERAT 7430.93] TOTAL soeasazier| _ a719.0505,265 Fé ‘OTHER CURRENT LTABILTTIES SCHEDULE = Recut Thisyear Previout year No: Particulars Cede m7 ans16 Re Re, T biker Fuel related Lisbiites Un-pord Coal Ol delinb TOO ee | Liabay Yor Parchase of pawer Tor Tezmsenzz0) an... 509 3 | aabiity tor Capital Supplies] works AO vom aa ene rsa asi | abanty fer Oat supples/ works BIazesw ain 0.75320 Teasarea0e 5 [Ba vented Tabiinies and provsiors wine “asa7inan “090288 @ [Deposits & Retention from Suppliers and Conwactors Ear er re [art of Deponita seed a the Form of Tawoaiment cia) em F ctialyy daly end other levies payibe to Govemanent a0 roams waar 8 fest for Expenevs {640 362.60,75 058 ei.s1 11467] 3 rmaart cwing to Licences Induding TANTRANECO ‘a0 er 10 [Accried Janclaimed Arpounes rating to Borrowing, TAO “ams maas 154 65,05,785 T Provision for income Ta 1650 "Tr [Other Liahities and provisions HDR masen2a 109.20,70607 5 {Tarif subi seocived in edvence (Welntng To aROOUNE TD tyes) d Ta [Excess Ten aubaigy be adjusted i future subsidy 098 u7xcooe| 83,0000] [SupTOTAL aaaerscsasml — asnet,caz0.2m| TS [epost for Boot icailon Service cormeciion et F700 vas 311087 250 51,900 roTar acoms.2074915] _47600.13.62.125 SUBSIDY RECEIVABLE FROM GOVERNMENT SCHEDULE -79 ot ‘Account “Tis year Previous year No Pareolrs Code wie 616 Pe. Be 1 {cepratsuntay /Grant Receivable 2a61 : 2 [Revere Sunsiay/Gront Receivable Phot q [roraL. q q BORROWING FOR WORKING CAPITAL SCHEDULE 20 x coy Ti year Peevlous year No Particulars Code me D6 Re, 1 [eesh Creaits Bank Overdraf, 50100 & 50200] «250,00 94.865 2 fron term Loan 3030 lroray 6250,00,54545| 97 TcoesTeseea® [rotsvenscrze [oreccaeT TW] weer 35 vanadedss (OL |RCIAGSIONS [PILOTING [DOWERT fouseoznore —foonoonconre [a Fatig | Sueapy sven poe lang or le jooncacsese —[eonoonecse Jo wale wor wen e vrts weorwiraruripony fT [pecoarastdl [peaoerascot |p fo le ore Sanne [roars —_fpoeorts Jo [o fo XoRd a [pute foussecr fo a escauazit _|o duaav/oaa__ te _espavacer—_|ecierezer oa fe ecsioret fo cavayN ot fooosiotait _faoostaranr |v fe fo War suepeaudIv-a 6 _(eertedst_|recteasi fo a Jptesscroet _owzsezronr [a TART RPS GEY A __# _[avsonoorz —_jozaevoorz Jo lo jestaxvezece _|pecsarzcise 10 THANE 7 (rasa _[eoamomse6e_|o fo saostiases —ficeesantons | riectienee wiiny sama mer 9 (eeaceavent |esiwciooes |e a fiezovse —lirscirege jo anDou ¢—‘fresaione ——‘aksineg __o le corcacert—_onrseazri [0 vara —¥_fowraseeer——_omsceezsi fo e soaztacesec |scovezocnar _(azetatzror a fe o o a Or [oooreeper lconeeesor lo le SpuDG AAA 1 fe “ORTEqETT ride wo np pur panne yediowas 1 a 7a a 3 =H RE 2 A910 asin evsuz 269108 ststoe srstoe susie reak sn054 aaa seo sro1s seek sr96 mokan | aeatanse | apo sweeping on] end tap | someday | -axtay jo ans pua | Suunp ape | suemponp | Siquuiag | juneosy 1s] apr | uunpanp | gunn saveong | musatey | Smmosog | am reang suantey | uysoreg | oyiaeonq TewINGaHDS ‘SULLUa VI TV.Lldv9 NO and INGA Y. 43 faooscicart _[SrioceeeSY [PAUITSTSTIEY _[leasTRERCET Ta-vi fee purr paniterendt [PERT —[ETaTEAS paeteait | ancienele _|SREBIOREN | TORLRROERS WBN HAUT eorsrzcETTeGT _|icacearsoss _[iTaZanece [o tereceace _[tovezeace ~~ [0 ay an oamerecsz _[oaceiease [0 o lasvaenes _|estecvecs [0 Fz aavavNy eesoonss _[tesdaries [a o feenert corer Jo we Tava ccosrect —[aceosveet__|o lo focoranctar _lancoraceisi—|o 39015 Seopa TIP) fpocceatnete —_|onsearaecre” fo 3 louzarit —_jenccencr Io qs Tone a |iSewert___|xeowert |p ie acaerceret —_jeseenreee —_—[tnooaracs wris weren recessres (aaa (0 Jcttwon —[aeecieo 0 were vaaaT 1 [acetone —_ocrinsact [a lp lascisiacce |enseresotee fo wis SHANE“ _[ReecaROsea fast ZERceCaT —_|nOOREROT i jsoetem —__[rcosteez 0 Tae RADSH coves __—(rcoewe [0 q [AOSCUOIEBL —_|2UORETOREET 0 TES Sar aacraecet_|aeecracezar lo fe o Tors oH seocrerme—_eeezewae__[rariaOT ip ie wes spa mL lesstier jeu lo a loacretzoar [aomROSZIST [0 Gag Omi jstoscepasst_[sorareseest —[aatoeet opcacort |seuscracsor[essenarle _oaracsose | OTS | Sueapy RA Pu ara svar |acveWees 0 stort —leireanerrt 0 Baris Bea saa TAOAY a sSrsise__—_[soasaiss [0 : To aap pur paRoe weaia] a ey a oT a aH a oy eam | acne | crow | cote stsioz srstot sEstO 2604 5n010 weak speak enon sr08 s004 reokari | seasanyo | apo svsnonceg an} -eidaimune | snomadag | dono ajo pua | dupmp spew | Surnp np Sumaitieg MODY 15} apem duynpanp duruutdaq, ammana | swautey | auworog | apieang sumndeg | Smanooq | op aeona leans SaUL AVI TWna V9 NO ANG INSAAVS, mn fertsrenas [sruvivecor leactewwuseee TioL jezeawrcnes _ewireceenct jeroresazr foooeouonion —erRCTS Eh ae wen ood] parece nearer onseerT parrterr a ‘saz sand] Tee [ararisse io sera pecwzazee we SOF ASDA erarws arsswie lowwezacre arene Ea 007 ‘seo ucI¥| ear re locrraaes [oar ageeer pwrerreze aoe sae VaauT ane | PRY ISSO ERTL free (lanier | ave watt TT LTR Sees lasceravaen —fowastroe fair Wizae wT wee ‘ROT © aavale [paren eer Ore Baar cavavnle paeacnrns comet [aria | cee ROT NEREMOIPN RTE. 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(SLETESORATL lester irevweoest iierszanoest | ours VORTRUOD SFAuNAIOT]L (SUN Lee [uae aw BeRT a a 7 mT seo arom ors) =p seats lon| —ot-s102 grein seat rook | aunoooy| '5| aval gnetnand apjopua | seAymuns | snovoid an jo reak snoinand [ang so BonreSoql anieises__|Susmpsvonppy pus arp anrereg, emnp paaraony_| ayireaueyeg SASSY TVLEIVD 30 150| resnaaHns SCV MOL SAIGISINS ANY SUNVUD'SNOLLAGRILNOD| 1o2 [sotrrrems [sere tec [corvcervaoy [sorz'rcests (@+¥IVLOLONVUD] etcerecis ec esecesee (neo sore or eis [ra Wor'ecse |sevevo0'srez @ Peng oussen ae jerecocsace |revoctearat TavZezo nse lecrsreronr |ewevioce reccrsons | ontas | swmwpguommy Momqaues) ii learrceccs [acTeaeece [oor 1Zs929 lose'ee it [oo0'ne's cee ee's ers SoA PRemoy lead GL Doro lese'ez’® - javerece — [escerere = ors seauradin]] 6 feereecee — [cwiwers _ [eizzovwz ose? fencteecor few overor _[zorazzs7. wre pump meoy ews _[erearee a boros lareres wre Pun aeaHTIERBM 8 eaeserer _ larreare jasvieexe fa'scs [segreeroe or es'a0's Ost zs [Puna qweusa Gress van] & 99289: ecrsons lace, lowe frerecorer | sore pang upeeg Apuseal y acer craves [revere = [lmte—lesceoeees | sel zs | Gren wm ag ean posts & revoo ee = jacccewere |eccwurece | - wes Pung wore ag] © eererzezee | leswersocar fasrwori lavewsren [eereveraa | vee Carpe aa aana] T [ore are [ser lose o68 rar SaNAdaAwasina jorsortr sare [aa'avsvirn [awncere (iar oxectsts Wicensrapmer, less eriszti |cevoearrer [Jaqte'seses ° loce"wroc'ooct oct crze'le — loeveveveat | osse pany Suowereg oapAHy 9 sovererecit [ese'sow'ZE losesven'crsr lear retvoe acre" lez _fevveceotezt | corse | anrsenyanremeu Ganda ai] s | - [Zavez er COL joswerevzer [esveetzoor |ieiwerre eeecerer | oiees | Mueuen koS lem TOS sgl & [PTOLECOLL [oem DEDNESL = : COE wane RO} € > 7 - 0078S sanrosoy Teude | Z ~ = = corse saasaswa (eras) 1 | RETOETS Goud = STAASTH| a oT St ET 3 aI a zt-910e aL-9108 ee-8i07. ssw srsto7 or-st0% sT-SLee 30K suorpnpad | suowppy Fe3k 3p0> sremonreg on sak snonsand pun own ae snowaid jo pus unary 1s] suoronpag | suomppy —foupjo Sumunteq anrrea ap eaorere|g ante suet =a Sea 104% sscrroscane freuerstigZ9- Jeak BuInstis Oj PIeAIO] pales: r USTs SUEY [eu wST ADT] JC TCSOSTRL aad se Ss0] Tiquedy jo jestonay weal] g roovergogis [ScarAsZerer- FeO SUMP) _z fpeozorteees- leperRagcotee- Thay jo as] vo se ssuppeg Suraadol 7 (seadny uy) 91-stoe ALPE aeoureg) on, aeak snopAare Teak Fa, 1S fe LETINGRHDS: ANNODDV NOILVMdOudd ¥ AONAADY LIN | E THODY ePOCPSCT PEL RONZZ9ECCCD vopuudorddy anuosay yen 09 pABAMIOT partes ansasay] aouepeg ecscortrcor _lostevroc? peaordde Apuandesqns; soubpeg Suquads spaenay quounsnipy -sse7] __e REORGZATOFE [RECGOATROOT BarEsay paneaay spismoy] —z WoRepardar] jo woHeSTOUTY Ss POY onusAoy woy sapding| oazsreesoezT [EnacvecTeeL SOT AOE oF HOD APIA PayHON| stllaypS JaySUEI | [UL] Jad se soueyed Suiiedo| TT & ayy ut) oT-sL0% 2L9une Teak MHOTASET ak SL srejnonzeg ONS Sse 1NGHHOS AAWASHY NOWLVOTVADT Id TAMILNADU GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED STATEMENT 4 and 5 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 335, MARCH, 2017, CORPORATE INFORMATION: Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ud., a Public Limited company domiciled in India and incorporated on 1* Dee. 2009 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, and is headquartered in Chennai. The company is a subsidiary of ‘INEB Limited, which is a Company owned by Goverrunent of Tamil nadu. ‘The company is emerged otit of the scheme known as Tamil Nadu Electricity (Reorganisation and Reforms) Transfer Scheme notified by the Government of Tami] Nadu, and is dealing with generation and distribution of power throughout the Tamil Nadu State. STATEMENT 4: SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIE: 1. Basis of preparation (49-1 Financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, including Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 in addition to the Provisions of Electricity Act 2003 and provisions /rules saved therein, as adopted consistently by the Company, The company generally follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes significant items of income and expenditure on accraal basis except those with significant uncertainties. 2. Use of Bstimates ‘The preparation of financial statement are in conformity with the provisions of Electricity Act 2008, Electricity (Supply Annual Accounts Rutes 1965) thet requites management to make an estimate and assumptions which affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent Liabilities as at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in current and future periods. Inventories (AS 2) a. Inventories are not stated at the Iewer cost or net realisable value. The cost of various categories of inventories are arrived at as follows- i) The fuel for genaration of electricity such as Coal, Oil ete aré valued at annual weighted average cost of purchase which includes basic Coal cost plus duties, ireight and handling charges ete. il) Other fast moving items of inventories are valued at standard rates determined by the Company from tine to time. iii) In case of items not covered by the Standard Rate system, the receipts are valued at basic price plus Excise Duty / Service tax plus Sales Tax, In sich cases, the issues are valued. at the weighted average rate applicable to the closing stock of the previous month, Where the closing stock of the previous month is mul, the valuation of issues are at the rate of first receipt of the month. iv) Subsequent increase/decrease in the cost of receipt are adjusted in the issue rate prospectively and ne retrospective adjustment are made to the value of past isoues made out of the receipts concerned or to the assets constructed out of such issues. o 105 ¥) Freight on materials purchased (whether incurred and billed by supplier or incurred by the Company} are not being treated as materiale cost and are recorded. in the separate account provided for this purpose, vi) All other incidental costs such as packing charges, Octroi etc. are also not being ‘treated as materials cost and are recorded in separate accounts provided for this Purpose vii)Retum out of the materials issued in the past are valued at the issue rate applicable for the month in which the materials are retumed. vii] The prescribed basis of valuation of issues and returns may lead to cartain variances in stock values. Such variances, if any, are removed at the end of every quarter and the amount by which the stock values requires adjustment are accounted for in a separate account prescribed for this purpose ix) The creation of liability on the receipt of materials are made ~ at the standard rate in case of fast moving items and + at the purchase order rate in case of other items. x) Accounting for advance adjusted and recoveries and deductions made from a supplier bill and recognition of the liability for the net amount due on that bill are carried out at Hme of admitting the invoices xi) Loss on shortage in materials stock is provided for in the period in which the shortages are observed. . Treatment of Materials Cost Variance = Under the standard rate system referred to above, materials cost variance if any, in respect, of receipts at construction locations or at Operation & Maintenance locations are not directly charged to Revenue Account or to Capital Works. The balance in the “Materials Cost Variance Account” at the year end shall be treated as follows ‘Credit balance shail be credited to a Reserve called "Reserve for Materials Cost Variance” Debit balance shall be debited to the “Reserve for Materials Cost Vasiance”. If as a result of euch debit, the net balance in this Reserve account is a debit balance, the emount of debit balance shall be charged to Reverue account for the year. “Accounting treatment for mateflals cost variance presciibed above adopts that the standard rates are fixed appropriately and that a system exists for periodic revision of rates whienever significant variances are being observed, 4, Cash Flows {AS - 3): Cash flow statement is prepared in accordance with the indirect method prescribed in Accounting Standard (AS) 3 on “Cash Flow Statement’. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the company are segregated based on the available information for the year ended 31.03.2017, 5, Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date:- (AS-# The events that provide additional evidence with respect to the conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet and affect the estimates ete. in the process of preparing annual accounts, and then annual accounts are adjusted for any changes in estintates resulting from the use of such evidence. ‘Tne events that provide evidence with respect to conditions that did not exist at the balance shee: date but arose subsequent to that date, then these events are not adjusted in annual accounts, \o6 6. Prior Period Items: (AS-5 Prior Peried iterns are defined as those items which arise from retrospective change in the basis of eccounting, on correction of fundamental error in accounts of prior period and on account of short or excess provision made in previous years. However AS-5 deals with income or expenses which arise in the current period as a result of error cr omission in the prior period. Waiver of any liability relating to revenue expenses of past years (guch as waiver of interest for past years by State Government) would be treated as prior period income. Depreciation : Depreciation on fixed asset is provided on Straight Line Method at the rates prescribed in Regulation 24 of Tamilnadu Electricity Regulatory Cummission’s (Terms and Conditions of Determination of Tariff) Tariff Regulations 2005 as amended vide Gazette No.4 notification dated 09:01.2014 to take effect from 09.04.2014 as described below: Assets are depreciated at 90% of the cost of the asset and 10% is retainad as the residual value. Depreciation on additions to fixed asset is charged in the year subsequent to the year-in which the asset is put to use individual assets costing up to Rs.500/- are fully depreciated in the year in which they are put to use. foe St.No “Type of Asset h of Depreciation 1 | Land held under Lease 334 2 [Buildings Buildings containing Distribution Installations 334 Buildings containing Thermo Electric Generation ao Plant Buildings containing Hydro Electric Generation Plant a Office Buildings, Residential colony, Ash Dyke and 3m other buildings 3 | Hydraulic Works Plant & Pips fines for water supply in residential 528 colony & Drainage and sewage residential colony Sweet Water arrangement in Reservoir 5.28 Cooling water system and towers 5.28 4_{ Other Civil Works ‘Pucca Roads ,Kurcha Roads , Railway Sidings and 3 others 5 _| Plant and Machinery ‘Transformers, Other Fixed Apparatus and Switch 5B Gear including cable equipment Boilers, Furnace Burners, Turbines Ash handling 3B System, Locomotives, wagons, Auxillaries (Thermal) ‘Gas Turbine Generator etc. 528 Hydro Power Generating Plant ete. 528 Batteries including charging equipments B28 Ratteries, AC plant movable 350 Lightning Arrestors Pole Type 5B Lightning Arrestors Station Type 528 ‘Communication Equipment Radio & HF Carrier 535 System Static machine tools and equipment, Meter Testing 538 Tools, Tackles, Other Miscellaneous ‘Material Handing Equipments, Bulldozers, Cranes 935 and others ‘Ais Condition Plant Static 528 @ [Line, Cables Net Works ‘OH Lines, Towers, Poles, etc 137 below 66 KVA, 528 ‘0.11 lines Towers Poles conductors etc 528 ‘0.17 fines Towers Poles ett on teated wood 328 ‘Underground cables ind. Joint Bones & Disconnection 328 Box Service Comections 328 Temporary Connection for supply of power 528 Metering Equipments 528 log Street lighting & Signal System and other 5.28 Miscellaneous Equipments Cable Duct System 528 7 | Vehicles Tracks, Tempos, Trekkers, jeeps and Molor Cais and 930 gther vehicles 8 | Furniture & Fixtures 6.33 9 __| Offtce Equipments Calculators, Typewriters, Cash Registers and other 533 office equipments. 10_LTT equipments - Computers & Phetiperals 15.00 & Revenue Ree {AS -9) Revere from sale of power is recognized based on the assessment of units consumed by customer and billed at the zalee for distibutien Tariff nctified by Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time, Income pertaining to consumption of nits not assessed as on 318 March has beeh accounted as unbilled sevenue for both HT and LT services based on the actual assessment made in subsequent period which is known at the time of closure of accounts, Charges recovered from the consumers for delayed payments are recognised as and when they are due to be paid. Income arising from the bills saised for theft of energy, whether on a consumer of outsider is ‘treated as. income and reported under soparate head. ‘Recoveries for theft of power/malpractice’. Liguidated damages / penalties are provided for as per the contrac: terms wherever there is delayed delivery of goods and services attributable to the contractors Interests from advances to suppliers are recognised as and when they accrue, Subsidies received from Govt of Tamilnadu towards supply of power at free or subsidised Tates, are recognised based on the Honble TNERC’s Tariff Order. Jeterest on Staff Loans and Advances are recognised as income on completion of principal recovery only. 9. Fixed Assets (AS -10 Assets acquired/created subsequently by the company have been taken at cot including, appropriate expenses capitalised. Cost of fixed assets comprises of purchase price, duties, levies and any directly attributable cost of bringing the assets to its working condition for the intended use, Cwn Conernacted assets are capitalized at cost including an appropriate share of overheads, Borrowing cost related to the acquisition or construction of the qualifying fixed assets for {he period up to the date of completion of their acquisition or constmctions are capitalized Advances paid towards the acquisition of the assets outstanding at each balance shaet date and the cost of fixed assets nol ready for the intended abe before such date ate disclosed a capital wotk in progress, 7 adopt an uniform method of capitalization/ apportionment of reverme expenditure at cele level and head office, the company is capitalising its employees cost at 255%, adinin‘stration & general expenses at 1%, Depreciation at 0.5% on yearly basis on work in Progress, An additional 1% of capital work in progress is capitalised towards comunon expenses incurred at Head Oice for generating stations, Assets constructed with the deposits contributed by the customer are shown in the fixed assets and the corresponding concumers’ contribution towards cost of fixed assets in reserves/Tiabilities. Depreciation is also charged in the notmal course on “full cost” of the asset, 10.The effects of changes in Fore! a tes {AS -11) When foreign currency transactions are being firs: recorded in the company’s books of accounts, the assets, liabilities, income or expenses arising from the foreign currency ‘ftansaction are tranclated at the official exchange rate in force on the lransaction date. All 109 the amounts owed to the company or owed by the company in foreign currency outstanding at the balance sheet date are translated at the official exchange rate in force as ‘on the balance sheet date, 11, Accounting for Government Grants (AS -12) Any Government Grants/stibsidies received for specifically meeting the loss on account of fire/ flood cyclone ete. are taken to reduce the expenditure incurred for the year in which such loss fs incurred, . 12, Accounting for Investment (45-13) Long term investments are carried at cést. Provision ie made for diminution, otfiet than temporary, in the value of such investments. By i etirement Benefits of Employees (AS. 18) The Terminal benefits such as Gratuity, Encashment of Earned Leave, and Commutation of Persion etc are being accounted on cash basis. A fixed rate of 3.742% of salary has been provided for pension payments which are fat below the actual commitment, 14 Borrowing Cost: (AS - 16) Borrowing cost directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets is capitalised. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred in determining the amount of borrowing cost eligible for capitalisation during the period. Any income eamed on temporary investment on those borrowing is deducted from the borrowing cost. 15. Segment Reporting :- (AS - 1 The company is operating in 2 single product and there are no two different ricks and returns attributable product wise. However the company has function wise segments of Generation and Distribution and are reported accordingly. 16. Related Party Disclosures: - (AS -15) TNEB Limited is a holding company ard Tamilnadu Generation and Distribation Corporatio’ Lid (TANGEDCO) and Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Limited (TANTRANSCO) are its two subsidiaries, TANCEDCO has a subsidiary viz, Udangudi Power Corporation Lid., ard Joint venture companies viz, NTECL, NTPL. Maha Tamil Collaries Ltd, Mandakani B-Coal Corporation Ltd, and Bengal Birbhum Coal Fields Ltd. 17, Taxation (A$ -22) Tax expense comprises current tax and deferted tax. The current charge for income tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities in accordance with The Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. Provisions for current income tax are considered on the basi of the results of the year. The deferred tax for timing difference between the book and tax profit for the year is accounted for using the future fax rates and loss that have been enacted and subsequently enacted as of the balance sheet date. Deferred tax Asset arising from timing differences is recognised to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the asset can be realised in future. Deferred taxes Asset are reviewed at each balance sheet date for its reliability. 18. Impairment of Assets:- (AS - 28) ‘The carrying amount of asses 1s reviewed at each balance sheet date for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable, An impairment loss is recognised for the amount for which the asset carrying, amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset fair value less cost to sell and valuing the goods. 19.Provisions {AS -29) Frovision is generally recognised when the company has a present obligation as a result of past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the Obligation, in respect of which reliable estimate can be made hased on technical evaluation and pastexperience, Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on management estimate required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date. ‘These are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current ‘management estimates. 110 STATEMENT 5: NOTES TO ACCOUNTS:- 1, _Duting the year the company has allotted Equity shares as follows: Sl No. of Rate at . No Equity which penn | Consideration Shares issued 1 452,31,50,000 10/- 4523,19,00,000 Conversion of Government Loan, Ways & Means Advance & interest {and ETax & Penal interest, TOTAL -4523,19,00,000 The Board had approved this allotment in the Board meeting held on 283.2017. The total share capital of the company as at the end of the year is 1630,14,77,687 Equity Shares of Re10/- each for Rs. 1820i,47,76,875 (1377,82,83,814 Equity Shares of Rs.1G/- each) represents 99.99% of total equity shares are being heid by the holding company, M/s:TNEB Limited, and the belance 50000 Equity shares of Re.10/- each representing 0.001% by Government of Tamilnadu. ‘There is a difference of Re.257.03 crores with that of allotment made duc to the revision of Equity in the Final Transfer scheme notified by GOIN. The above difference of Rs, 257.03 crores will be adjusted in the allotment as and when cepital is raised and no allotment to this extent will be made. In the GO. No 7 dated 03.02.2017, the GOTN had sanctioned Rs. 4523.19 Crores as equity share capital assistance by converting interest bearing Government loan of Rs.352 Crores and ways and means advances of Rs. 3000 Crores along with interest and penal interest of R8.1171.19 Crores. Later in the Go. No, 18 dated 31.03.2017, GOTN has decided to convert Rs. 599.26 Crores of the E.Tax and penal interest into interest payable thereon into Shate capital by altering the composition of the Equity conversion (issued vide previous G.O No. 07 dated 03.02.2017) without altering the total equity conversion of Rs, 4523.19 Crores, by modifying as below., Equity Conversion GO.No7 GONo.18 (Final) Government Loan 5.35200 Re. 352.00 Taterest bearing Government = Rell ay Loan ‘Ways and Means advance Rs, 3000.00 Re, 2400.74 Tnterest and Penal Interest Re IT7119 Rs 1050.82 EvTax and Peral Interest Rs. 599.26 Total Rs 4523.19 | Rs, 4525.19 2. __ Since the final amendment to the transfer of assets end Liabilities were made vide GO. Ms. No. 49 dated 13.08.2015 and given effectin the previous year 2015-16, the financial figures for the current petiod are not comparable, 3. Secured Loans: The Company has availed secured loans from various Banks & Financial Institutions. These loans are both term loans and working capital oars secured by the mortzege on fixed assets and hypothecation of current assets of the company. Further, Government of Tamilnadu also guaranieed the loans received during the year and earlier years from Financial Institutions and Bond holders to the tune of Rs24565.03 Crores (Rs 4373785 Crores), The outstanding’ balances with Banks and Financial Institutions from whom TANGEDCO has obtained Term Loans have been fully reconciled. Mit 4. The final transfer of assots and Liabilities of erstwhile TNEB are made vide GOMs.No49 dated 13.08.2015 and the effect of the final transfer scheme is given in 2015-16 Annual Report As Fer the final transfer scheme notified vide G.O.No.49 13.08.2015, the fixed assets have been taken over ky GOTN and revested with TANGEDCO. Out of the 4 groups of Fixed asssets, viz, Land & Land rights, Buildings, Plant & Machinery, Lines & Cable Network, certain assets have ‘been revalued and revised as per the Consultants’ report. The difference between the Book valae and the revaiued value approved by the COTN is treated as a revaluation reserve by the Governmeat and incorporated in the books. ‘The details ate there under. (Rs in Crores) [SiNo. ‘Assets | Revalued Value] Book Value Surplus 1 Land and Land Rights 20320 349 19971 2 Buildings. 1611 848, 763 3 Plant & Machinery 19822 9542, t 10280 4 Lines, Cables and 27380, 6953, 20427 Network Total 6an33 17682 S144 The above revaluation Reserve of K.51441 Crores is adjusted against accurnulated losses of erstwhile on 31.10.2016 as under: 1 Revaluation Reserve 2 Tess: Accumulated Losses of Exstwhile TNEB after adjusting. Ton operative accounts. 3 Balance Reserve carried 19917 forward to successor companies Out of the above value, TANGEDCO’s share of reserve of Rs.12265,99,45,780/- is carried forward to the company. The Depreciation on Revalued value of assets are amortised every year against the revalttation reserve created, as tabulated below: ‘SI. No. Details “Amount (Ra. In crores) 1__| Opening Revaluation Reserve 12265.99 2 [Less: “Amortisation of 4924.44 Depreciation on Revalued value of assets till 2015-16. 3 | Less Current year 1008.19 Depreciation on Revalued | value 4 [Balance Reserve carried 6333.36 forward as on 313.2017 8. iter unit account balances for Net Credit Value of Rs. 427.25 Crores (Re. 614.57 Crores) arenot reconciled 6 The balances in Sundry creditors, Sundry debtors, and Loans & Advances ate subject to confismation, Security Deposits of all citcles are to be reconciled with billing Packege HT and Lr. “te 7 The company is in the process of regulasising the long pending tems in Bank Reconciliation statement such as cheques deposited but not credited by banks, Bank debits not accepted by the company and the short credit by bank against cash deposits 8. For the current financial year the transmission charges payable to TANTRANSCO to the tune of Rs.1692.26 Crores (Rs.1696.89 Crores) has heen recognised in the books based on the invoices raised by TANTRANSCO. 9. The pension: payments of existing pensioners of erstwhile: TNEB are being paid by TANGEDCO since no segregation of pensicners’ liability has been finalised in the provisional transfer scheme, The payments of pension to those whe have retired from 01.04.2016 to 31.08.2017 are also made by TANGEDCO and out of which a sum of Rs.305.23 Crores (Ks, 283.68 Crores) has been recognised in the books as TANTRANSCO’s share based on the number of employees ratio between the wo companies. TANGEDCO tas appointed M/s. Darashaw Pvt. Ltd. as Consultants for data collation of employee service records, to facilitate the actuarial valuation of the Mabilities with regard to Terminal Benefits such as Gratuity, EL Encashment, Pension. etc. 10. The employee contributions towards Family Benefit Funds, General Provident Fund, Contributory Pension Scheme along with Company's matching conbibutions are net invested outside, 1, The Board of TANGEDCO in the 66% Board meeting held on 02.12.2016 has approved for creation of corpus fund, initially with a contribution of Rs.20 Crore per month for the purpose of the pension commitment of the company. Accordingly, necessary steps for opening a dedicated account for the fund and other formalities related with creation of Corpus Fund were initiated and amount of Rs. 8 Crores (Rs. 20 Crores per month for 4 months) have been deposited in ‘TNPEC Ltd, which fetch interest @ 8.81% p.a. 12, Funds which are shown under Reserves & Reserve Funds are not invested in any earmarked investments. 13. Unbilled Revenue: Income pertaining to consumption of units not assessed as on 31# March 2017 has been accounted as unbilled revenue for toth HT and LT services, based on the growth in conéumption and rate of realisation. 14. Details of Gundry Debtors outstonding balances for more than 6 months are not given since the information is yet to be received from various circles. 15. Subsidies: The Government of Tamilnadu provided Tariif subsidy as compensation for supplying power to certain categories of consumers at free of cost or at subsidised cates. These subsidies are received in advance and any difference with actual consumption over estimate is recognised either as excess subsidy in current labilities or receivable in current assets. In the current financial year, the sanctioned subsidy is Rs. 8484.91 Crores (Rs. 8695.10 Crores) and the entire subsidy has been received. ‘The provisional Subsidy approved by the Hon‘ble TNERC for the FY 2016-17 was Rs. 8494.91 Crores (Rs, 6879.33 Crores for FY 2015-16). Hon'ble TNERC also approved Excess Subsidy recoverable for the FY 2014-15 on Traing up of Rs. 353.35 Crores and after adjusting the excess subsidy, the net amount payable by GOTN during FY 2015-17 was Rs, 8131.56 Crores, 16. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts: The bad and doubtful debts are provided at fixed rate 25% on sundry debtors at the close of the year. Any receivables for sale of power to be HB written off is charged to the Revenue Account as bad and doubtful debts written off without adjusting the general provision direclly. Provisions fot doubtful debts are exhibited in Sch 26(6). 17, Foseign Exchange Earnings & Outflow: a) _Eamings in Foreign Exchange (Inflow): Rs. Nil (NIL) b) Outflow: SI.No_| Currency value | _INR. value i 1 USD 1410,05,049 | Rs. 962.68 Crores 27,93,27,105) (1823.90 Crores) 2 | BGRO 66,4816 | __ 49.79 Crores (28,503) (29.00 Crores} 3 PY 494,000 | Ra 002 Crores (nil) (nil) 18. Auditors’ Remuneration includes Rs. 25 Lakhs (Rs.25 Lakhs) towards statutory audit fees (excluding applicable tax and out of pocket expenses). 19, RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES ; (i) Related Pasties : Si] Name of the company Relationship Share No holding pattern 2 [TNEB Limited Holding Company. = (99.99%shares held) 2 | TANTRANSCO: 99.999% Subsidiary of - Holding company 3 | Government of Tamilnadu { 0.001% share holding. - © | Udangudi Power subsidiary 100% Corporation Limited 3 | NTPC Tamilnadu Enexgy | Joint Venture 50% Company Ltd {NTECL} 6 [NUC Tamilnadu Power | Joint Venture 11% ‘Limited (NTPL} 7_| Mandakini 8 Coat Joint Venture [3% Corporation Limited 8 | Maha Tamil Collieries Jom: Venture 74% Limited ‘9 | Bengal Birbhum Coal Fields. Jom: Venture 81% Led {ii) Remuneration of the Whole time Directors fii) Ws si. Name of the Director ] Disector in Remuneration No 1. | Dr MSaileumar, TAS, Chairman cum Managing Rs 80,52,975/- ; | Chairman cum Managing Director. | Dixector in TNEB Limited aad Chairman in ‘TANTRANSCO. 2, | Thins S. Shanmugam | Managing Director / (Part Tima) Director (part time)/ TANTRANSCO and Part TANGEDCO Time Director in TNEB Limited 3. | Thiru M. Pand: Part Tine Director in Bs, 1850583/- Director (Distribution) / TANTRANSCO and TNEB TANGEDCO Limited. (upto 30.11.2016) Tmty, M.A. Helen Part Time Director in Director (Distribution)/ TANTRANSCO and TNEB } TANGEDCO Limited. (From 01.12.2016) Rs. 9,25,280/- | Thiru K Sivaprakasem Part Time Director in Rs. £3,394 /- Director (Generation}/ TANTRANSCO and TNEB TANGEDCO Limited. (Up to 30.04.2016) Thiru M. Pandi From 01.05.2016 to 20.09.2016 Rs. 1,51,483/- 1 Additional] Charge { Thiru T. Velmurugan Part Time Dizector in Director (Generation| / TANTRANSCO and TNEB Rs. 8,84.865/- FANGEDCO Limited (From 21.09.2016) 3. | Thira S. Arulsamy Part Time Ditector/TNEB Re, 22,20A05/- Director (Finance|/ Limited TANGEDCO & | Thira. S. Sambath Kumar Whole Time Director Rs 3533/7 {Fron 1.03,2036 to 31.04.2016) Tmty. M.AHelen {upto 30.11.2016) Re. 3,94,715/- Tmty, S. Geetha (From 112.2016) Re, 1402/- Director (Project)/ TANGEDCO Related party transactions: Amount {in Rs.) 51] Description of tem | Govenument | TANTRANSCO | TNEB Limited No of Tamilnadu 1 | Share Capital 5,000 = 18301 42 45,402 ©.00,000) (03778,23,38,140) 2 | Expenditare towards = 1662,25, 68,107 — ‘Transmission charges (1695,89,31,311) 3 | Funds transferred (in the = 7788,18,07,575 72,0432,003, forms of cash, materials etc) (10545,13,34,555) | (1,61,58,613) during the year 2016-27. ¥ | Income received on behalf of = a6 A0 31,181 = TANTRANSCO during the (6368,37,23,730) ‘year 2026-17 (in the form of ‘cash, materials ete)

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