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Animal Wonders

A) Compare the questions. What differences do you see?

1) Do emperor penguins live in Antarctica? 3) Where do emperor penguins live?

Yes, they do. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica.
(= They)
2) Do mother penguins lay more than one egg?
4) When do mother penguins lay eggs?
No, they don’t.
They lay eggs in May.

5) Does a meerkat live in the desert? 7) What does a meerkat eat?

Yes, it does. A meerkat eats scorpions, spiders and beetles.
(= It)
6) Does a meerkat sleep in the open air?
8) Where does a meerkat sleep?
No, it doesn’t.
It sleeps in burrows and tunnels underground.

9) Why does a meerkat sleep in burrows?

It sleeps in burrows because they are safe places.

_________________________________ ______________________________________
You answer them with YES or NO. They start with a QUESTION WORD and
you answer them with INFORMATION.
B) Complete the questions with the correct QUESTION WORD(s) from the box:

What Why How

What do blue whales eat?
Example: Q: ……………. When How many Where
A: They eat krill.

1) Q: ………………… do cheetahs live?

A: They mostly live in Africa.

2) Q: ………………… do hippos eat grass?

A: They eat grass at night.

3) Q: ………………… does a meerkat have dark markings under its eyes?

A: It has dark markings under its eyes because it needs protection from the harsh desert light.

4) Q: ………………… eggs does a mother penguin lay in May?

A: It lays only one egg.

5) Q: ………………… does a father penguin keep the egg warm?

A: It keeps the egg warm by putting it under its brood pouch.

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