Paraphrasing in The ECPE Oral Exam

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Paraphrasing in the ECPE Oral Exam

Here are some suggestions as to how to paraphrase some information which is often seen in the oral exam :

Original Word / Phase Synonym word / Phrase Original Word / Phrase Synonym word / Phrase
Familiar with / know Be familiarized with Excellent speaker Very eloquent
participate Take part in Be catered Be served
successful Meet with success expensive cost a considerable amount of
prohibitive price
Appeal to Be keen on Excellent quality Impeccable
find appealing of superior quality
popular with
Give the opportunity Give the chance Close to Nearby / close at hand / near
tailored Fit the needs of Modern building Recently Built
assist Offer assistance district Area
contribute to
Low cost Cost effective Able to Be capable of….
manage to
Graduated from Hold/ have a degree in Highly skilled Very skillful
overcritical hard to please Have Own
too demanding
Expert knowledgeable Miss deadlines Not reliable
Well liked Likeable organized Have organizational skills
Popular with
Good relationship with Interacts well Do not like Dislike
not positive towards…
show Display / demonstrate
meet Interact / socialize with
3 years working as…. Has built a 3 -year career in ….. workshop Hands on experience provided
has been working 3years as a…
advise Consult Learn about Be informed
Heavy schedule Be very Busy Study online Attend distance learning courses
over the internet
Attend classes on line
Speak fluent English Be fluent in…. dependable reliable
Do not do something Have the tendency (not) to/ Get into fights quarrelsome
tend to
.... minutes from a place … away from There is space for Can host
within walking distance
Accessible Conveniently located as…. dangerous Perilous
Facilities nearby harmful to
Be considered / be thought Be seen as demolish Pull down
require Demand / have to thorough meticulous
enjoy Take pleasure in enthusiastic cheerful
currently For the time being Computer science Information technology
Be a volunteer Work for free / volunteer (verb) motivate Inspire
Experience in Have been working Dynamic personality Have a strong personality
protection of the environment Conservation (project) No experience Have not worked as…. before
occasionally Now and then / now and again Lose temper temperamental
Encourage values Promote values Committed to+ gerund / noun Dedicated to +gerund / noun
arrogant Have inflated ego Treat sb with respect Be respectful towards
look down on people
Very competitive Highly competitive State of the art Sophisticated/ modern
Hard working industrious Large room Spacious/ ample space
Role model Set the example daily On a daily basis
Receive award Be awarded with Well known Famous/renowned
In the center of Down town / in the heart of creative Inventive
fully entirely supply Provide with
Inform the public Raise awareness material It is made of
Be leased Be rented Generate revenue Be profitable for
produce Generate

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