I Will Have The Phone Placed in A Quiet Area or in An Appropriate Place Where It Is Not Affected That Much From The Background Noises

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Process: Developing and maintaining websites (orders through clients) Area: Marketing I.

Code: SOL-CM-P18D02.1

Responsible: Marketing Supervisor


D02.a. To reduce the background noise you would take the following actions. There will not be: Eating during calls Radios, singing and arguments Printers nearby Topping pencils Drinking during calls Loud background music Slamming doors Interruptions from my colleagues, boss etc...... Outside noise

Colleagues talking about non work related items nearby I will have the phone placed in a quiet area or in an appropriate place where it is not affected that much from the background noises.

D02.b. How can you be well prepared for receiving and dealing effectively with telephone calls? The first important thing is that I must have a perfect atmosphere to work from so that I will understand whatever I hear with no distractions. The phone area needs to be clean and clear from anything that may misguide me from doing my work. Everything should be organized and easily accessible I will have a note pad available with more than one pen so that if one runs out I will have another one right away. I will have near me any general information that the customer may ask for like: o Timelines o Telephones o Prices o Special Offers o Ideas for his/her specific project etc. A computer will be near me with the necessary information on it and internet access. I will have handy readily answered questions which customers often ask me. Before I will start my shift I must clear my head from anything outside work that my compromise my work and not letting be focused I need to be focused and on the alert with a positive attitude before I can handle any call

Before every shift I start I need to check that all necessary documentation and equipment are prepared and ready for use prior to making any outgoing calls or receiving incoming calls. I will not let any bad influences from other colleagues influence my work. D02.c. Steps to reduce follow up calls: Act on enquiries instantly if possible, do not let an enquiry become a complaint because then problems will arise. If you cant handle the enquiry dont let anyone handle it for you. When it comes to handling customer effectively, it is your responsibility to usher them to an appropriate person . Dont put callers on hold for a long time or forward them to different departments for something simple, where they have to wait. No customer likes to be charged for any extra time on calls. Try to deal with the enquiry there and then, in a clear way so the customer does not have to call back to check if you understood or to explain again. Repeat details back to customers. Have required information near you so you can give quick and clear answers to callers Ask callers if all information that was given was understood sound and clear Do not make promises you cannot keep! Always be sure of what you say. D02.d. Steps for a successful follow up call: Know why you are calling Prepare a "script." Get in the mood Speak briefly, then listen Make it a conversation Be yourself Ask for the next step




Hello, this is [NAME] with [ORGANIZATION]. Can I please speak with [Client]? Is this a convenient time to continue? [NAME] gave me your name and suggested I speak with you about a project that [ORGANIZATION] is working on that may be of interest to [COMPANY OR GROUP OF COMPANIES]. Do you have a few minutes right now to talk?

Great. Are you familiar with [PLG GROUP OR SOL GROUP]?

Tips: Whenever possible, reference a contact name in your introduction. This includes anyone at the company who may have helped you by providing you with a contact name: Beth Smith in the human resources department gave me your name.

Make sure your contact has time to talk. If it is not a good time, ask them when you can call back. You may need to push this point: Is there a convenient day and time when I can call you back? Would you like me to call your assistant to set up a call? Try to avoid letting them call you backthey rarely do. If they suggest this option, wait a week and then try them again. You do not want to be too pushy, but if they have not called you back within a week it usually means they do not plan to call. You should try one more time. Approach this callback gently: I really appreciate your time; I know this is a busy time of year for you. You can also ask them if there is someone else in the company with whom you should speak. Be prepared to leave a voice-mail message. Remember to leave your name and number at the beginning of the message and keep the message short: This is [NAME] with [ORGANIZATION] at (XXX) XXX-

XXXX. (Enunciate the number clearly and slowly; many of us tend to speak too hurriedly on voice recordings.) Beth Smith gave me your name and suggested I speak with you about a project that were involved in that may be of interest to [COMPANY]. I will try to reach you again later in the day [OR OTHER SPECIFIC TIME]. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

[OUR ORGANIZATION] is working with businesses and organizations in the international community to provide support through [Online or POP marketing material].


There are abundant small to large business owners globally who are preoccupied with running or are simply looking for a skilled team to outsource larger scaled projects including business plans, advertising and corporate profiles. These companies may now know it but [Some fact that would amaze them about why people choose PLG]. Is this something that would be of interest to [COMPANY]?


Tailor your program description to the persons knowledge. If they are familiar with SOLs business model, spend less time describing and begin to emphasize the points about what we can do specifically for that company. Im glad youre familiar with [SOL/PLG] and the services it provides. I would like to learn more about [company] and this way I can provide you with the best services. Keep your descriptions simple and avoid using terms or acronyms that your contact may not be familiar with. Look for the best connecting points with a company. For example, if the company is heavy into web marketing, you would mostly speak about online services. If the company prefers advertisements and uses more POP marketing, angle your pitch.

Have two or three project ideas ready to share with your contact during your conversation. Providing examples gives your contact tangible ideas about how a project will turn out.
II.2 Questions Do2.g

Confirmation and Fact Finder Great, we have gone over the form which you submitted and we have a few follow up questions. Are you ready to Continue? Tips:
Reflecting Back - Words or emotions may be reflected back. An example is: "So, if I've got it right you enjoy your work generally, but find working with telecom clients more exciting." Paraphrasing - Repeating what the interviewee has said, but use your own words rather than the exact words they used. Empathy - Listen to the way things are said and, if there is an underlying emotion, we can comment. For example, "You sound a little disappointed with that", or "You were really animated talking about telecom customers; you seemed quite excited by the opportunities with them."

Revisit the strategic plan - Reviewing the strategic plan will determine your target audience and may provide some existing data specific to industry trends, competition, etc. Perform the Preliminary Research - Take the time to investigate the company before any face to face meetings. The Internet along with personal contacts provides excellent ways to learn more about your prospect. Construct a Questioning Plan - Fact finding is the outstanding use of planned questions. These questions build upon each other. Make sure you have a questioning plan of action. Engage through Open Ended Questions - The use of close ended questions where the response is No or Yes does not help as much as open ended questions. Sometimes close ended questions are necessary, but the majority of your questions should be openended allowing the prospect to talk, to talk and to talk. Keep an Open Mind - During the fact finding process, do not make the fatal mistake of already knowing what the client needs. Come to the meeting with an open mind and let the facts direct the solution. Remember Telling is Not Selling - Fact finding is also about listening.


Thank you very much for answering the previous questions To make your involvement easy to implement, [USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES.]
We plan to recognize the businesses and organizations whom are

clients or affiliates by communicating with you at your convenience to share with you updated progress on this project [DATE]. [SHARE A FEW OTHER SPECIFIC BENEFITS WITH THE COMPANY.]
[SOL/PLG] is interested in building a partnership with [CLIENT]. We

are different from many other organizations in that we are not working with customers. But instead, constructing long term relationships with clients. Tips: Stress the ease of involvement for a company. The easier it is for a company to be involved, the more likely it will agree to participate. Pay attention to the flow of the conversation. Be prepared to talk about some of the benefits the company will receive by being a client. If your contact does not ask you about the benefits associated with the companys involvement, you may want to weave this information into your conversation. This lets your contact know that you are thinking of the companys interests as well as your own.

Thank you for taking time to speak with me today, Is there anyone else in the company that you would like me to talk to about this project? Is there any additional information I can provide?

When would you like me to follow up with you? Later this week, next week? [TRY TO CONFIRM A DATE AND TIME BEFORE YOU GET OFF THE PHONE.] If you have any questions or need further information before our next call, please call or e-mail me. [PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION. USE YOUR DIRECT PHONE LINE IF YOU HAVE ONE.]


Before you end your call, be sure you have a next step, such as setting a date for your next call, sending program information or setting up a meeting. If your contact was made through a friend or colleague, keep them in the loop about your progress.

Process: Call Template Area: Marketing

Code: SOL-CM-P18D02.2 Responsible: Marketing Supervisor

Answer or Makes the Call Hello, this is [NAME] with [ORGANIZATION]. Can I please speak with [Client]? Is this a convenient time to continue?
1 Yes go to Background 2 No go to Better time

Better Time The interview would last about [TIME] minutes, and can be arranged for a time convenient to your schedule. Is there another time we could contact you?
1 Yes schedule appointment 2 No Thank you for your time

Background [NAME] gave me your name and suggested I speak with you about a project that [ORGANIZATION] is working on that may be of interest to [COMPANY OR GROUP OF COMPANIES].

Are you familiar with [PLG GROUP OR SOL GROUP]?

1 Yes Confirmation and Fact Finder 2 No Introducing Company

Introducing Company [OUR ORGANIZATION] is working with businesses and organizations in the international community to provide support through [Online or POP marketing material].

There are abundant small to large business owners globally who are preoccupied with running their organization or are simply looking for a skilled team to outsource larger scaled projects including business plans, advertising and corporate profiles. These companies may now know it but [Some fact that would amaze them about why people choose PLG]. Is this something that would be of interest to [COMPANY]?
1 Yes Confirmation and Fact Finder 2 No Goodbye

Confirmation and Fact Finder Great, we have gone over the form which you submitted and we have a few follow up questions. Are you ready to Continue?
1 Yes go to begin survey 2 No go to better time

Begin Survey The first question I have is what kind of brand image does your company want to convey?

Thank you! Next: What is the tone of the sales presentation/ corporate profile? Serious Confident Older Young Simple Relaxed Other: Is there anything you would like to add:

What is the Experience of [COMPANY]? Experienced in this field Experienced in other fields New Company eater to learn Other: Notes:

What would want your identity to show? Reliable/ Dependable Knowledgeable On Time/Quick Service Friendly Service Resourceful Other: Notes: What are your distribution channels? Government Bids Wholesalers Large Retailers Small Retailers Other: Notes:

What is your negotiating stage with the manufacturer?

Are there any factors which prevent barriers? Political Economical Social



What is the scope of this project?

Can you provide me with more details what you want included such as graphics or pictures? Notes:

Thank you very much for answering the previous questions To make your involvement easy to implement, [USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES.]
We plan to recognize the businesses and organizations whom are

clients or affiliates by communicating with you at your convenience to share with you updated progress on this project [DATE]. [SHARE A FEW OTHER SPECIFIC BENEFITS WITH THE COMPANY.]
[SOL/PLG] is interested in building a partnership with [CLIENT]. We

are different from many other organizations in that we are not working with customers. But instead, constructing long term relationships with clients.

Thank you for taking time to speak with me today, Is there anyone else in the company that you would like me to talk to about this project? Is there any additional information I can provide? When would you like me to follow up with you? Later this week, next week? [TRY TO CONFIRM A DATE AND TIME BEFORE YOU GET OFF THE PHONE.] If you have any questions or need further information before our next call, please call or e-mail me. [PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION. USE YOUR DIRECT PHONE LINE IF YOU HAVE ONE.]

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