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1.That was a bad decision. If I (be) ………, I would change it as soon as possible.

2.Sunshine - at last! Imagine if the English weather was like this all the time. (it/not/be)

3.He's usually pleasant, but when he's tired he (be) ………..pretty short-tempered. That's the way he is.

4.If you (not/be) …………….so stubborn you would find it a lot easier to keep your friends.

5.Sorry I didn't call you and tell you I wasn't coming. I would have called you if I (have) ………….your
number with me.

6.He says that if he (not/be) ………….so busy he would go with you to the movie tomorrow. As it is, he
simply has too much work to do.

7.We (miss) ………….the bus unless you hurry.

8.If only I (have) ……………more free time. All the things I would do. All I ever do is work.

1. If I ________ you, I would apologize to her right away. (to be)

  have been
2. If I run into her, I ________ her that you're looking for her. (to tell)
  would tell
  will tell
3. If you ________ that again, I will call the police. (to do)
  to do
  will do
4. He would never have asked her out on a date if she ________ him first. (to kiss)
  hadn't kissed
  didn't kiss
  will not kiss
5. If you were her, what ________? (to do)
  would you do
  did you do
  do you do
6. If she hadn't gone to England, she ________ Orlando Bloom. (to meet)
  would not meet
  did not meet
  would not have met
7. If it doesn't start snowing, we ________ this evening. (to go skiing)
  won't go skiing
  wouldn't go skiing
  don't go skiing
8. If you had saved some money earlier, you ________ broke right now. (to be)
  would not have been
  will not be
  are not
9. If I ________ at the airport so late, I would not have missed my flight. (to arrive)
  didn't arrive
  hadn't arrived
  would not arrive
10. If you buy one t-shirt, you ________ the second one free.
  will have gotten
  would get
1. You will be fined if you _____ your car there.
A.   ?    would have parked

B.   ?    are parking

C.   ?    will park

D.   ?    park

2. Would you mind if I _____ early?

A.   ?    would left

B.   ?    left

C.   ?    was left

D.   ?    would leave

3. If I _____ the question, I would answer.

A.   ?    understood

B.   ?    understand

C.   ?    would understand

D.   ?    have understood

4. If it _____ fine tomorrow, I'll go for a swim.

A.   ?    were

B.   ?    is

C.   ?    will

D.   ?    would be

5. He would have come if he _____.

A.   ?    should have had to

B.   ?    had to

C.   ?    had had to

D.   ?    could have

6. If John _____ hard, he could pass the examination.

A.   ?    works

B.   ?    has worked

C.   ?    had worked

D.   ?    worked

7. If everybody _____, we could hold a meeting tomorrow.

A.   ?    agrees

B.   ?    was agreed

C.   ?    will be agreed

D.   ?    would be agreed

8. If I _____ his advice, I would be a fool.

A.   ?    followed

B.   ?    would follow
C.   ?    will follow

D.   ?    had followed

9. They would have telephoned us if they _____ lost.

A.   ?    would get

B.   ?    had got

C.   ?    would have got

D.   ?    would be got

10. I don't have a pen, but if I _____, I would lend it to you.

A.   ?    have

B.   ?    do

C.   ?    did

D.   ?    will have

11. Rob _____ English if he hadn't gone to class.

A.   ?    would learnt

B.   ?    would not have learnt

C.   ?    would not have learn

D.   ?    would not learn

12. "Do you think he will send you a card?" "If he _____ on holiday, he will."
A.   ?    go

B.   ?    went

C.   ?    will go

D.   ?    goes

13. Don't blame me. I _____ him only if he hadn't been driving so fast.
A.   ?    will have followed

B.   ?    had followed

C.   ?    would have been able to follow

D.   ?    could follow

14. Even if I _____ the money, I wouldn't have given him any.
A.   ?    had

B.   ?    had had

C.   ?    would have

D.   ?    have had

15. We would have gone alone if we _____ the way.

A.   ?    would have known

B.   ?    would know

C.   ?    knew

D.   ?    had known
16. If you do this again, I _____ report it, I'm afraid.
A.   ?    must to

B.   ?    will have to

C.   ?    should

D.   ?    -

17. The country would be more successful if it _____ better use of women at work.
A.   ?    makes

B.   ?    would have made

C.   ?    is making

D.   ?    made

18. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ visited you.
A.   ?    would have

B.   ?    -

C.   ?    had

D.   ?    have

19. He _____ his exams if he'd learnt more.

A.   ?    wouldn't failed

B.   ?    wouldn't have failed

C.   ?    hadn't failed

D.   ?    did not fail

20. He wouldn't have started talking if you _____ him.

A.   ?    wouldn't ask

B.   ?    hadn't asked

C.   ?    didn't ask

D.   ?    did ask

21. I _____ if I hadn't been asked.

A.   ?    didn't go

B.   ?    had gone

C.   ?    wouldn't go

D.   ?    was gone

22. If I _____ a house on fire, I'd call the fire station.

A.   ?    see

B.   ?    saw

C.   ?    would see

D.   ?    seen

23. If you _____ so long to do the shopping, dinner would have been ready by now.
A.   ?    wouldn't have taken

B.   ?    wouldn't take
C.   ?    hadn't taken

D.   ?    haven't taken

24. You _____ so tired now if you had slept more last night.
A.   ?    wouldn't have been

B.   ?    wouldn't be

C.   ?    won't be

D.   ?    mustn't have been

25. If you _____ reading the book, return it to the library, please.
A.   ?    finish

B.   ?    will finish

C.   ?    had finished

D.   ?    will have finished

26. He _____ coffee if he could, but he really can't.

A.   ?    would make

B.   ?    makes

C.   ?    made

D.   ?    would have made

27. If he _____ to help us, we could not have finished the work in time.
A.   ?    were refusing

B.   ?    had refused

C.   ?    wouldn't have refused

D.   ?    has refused

28. If it _____ necessary, we would have done it.

A.   ?    would have been

B.   ?    had been

C.   ?    is

D.   ?    has been

29. If I had been engaged to somebody else, I _____ the gift from him.
A.   ?    won't accept

B.   ?    mustn't accept

C.   ?    wouldn't have accepted

D.   ?    cannot accept

30. If he hadn't been drunk, he _____ control of the car.

A.   ?    wouldn't have lost

B.   ?    hadn't lost

C.   ?    wouldn't lose

D.   ?    hasn't lost
31. It _____ a good meeting if Rosa hadn't been there.
A.   ?    would be

B.   ?    wouldn't be

C.   ?    hadn't been

D.   ?    wouldn't have been

32. If I _____ rich, I would buy a fine house.

A.   ?    would be

B.   ?    should be

C.   ?    am

D.   ?    were

33. If you _____ to town tomorrow, will you do some shopping for me?
A.   ?    went

B.   ?    will be going

C.   ?    will go

D.   ?    go

34. "Do you think Peter will get good marks next year?" "If he _____ hard, he will."
A.   ?    study

B.   ?    will study

C.   ?    studies

D.   ?    studied

35. I think those flowers would grow better if you _____ them some water.
A.   ?    gave

B.   ?    given

C.   ?    have given

D.   ?    had given

36. If I lived in the country, I _____ a lot of animals.

A.   ?    had

B.   ?    will have

C.   ?    would have

D.   ?    had had

37. If Jane _____ earlier, she _____ me in bed.

A.   ?    would come - had found

B.   ?    came - had found

C.   ?    had come - would have found

D.   ?    had come -would found

38. If they _____ the examination, they'll all be very happy.

A.   ?    will pass

B.   ?    would pass
C.   ?    pass

D.   ?    passed

39. If you hurry, you _____ on time.

A.   ?    might be

B.   ?    would be

C.   ?    will be

D.   ?    need to be

40. If I didn't have a big heart, I _____ you.

A.   ?    won't forgive

B.   ?    wouldn't have been able to forgive

C.   ?    mustn't have forgiven

D.   ?    can't forgive

41. If I _____ in your position, I'd have acted differently.

A.   ?    had been

B.   ?    shall have been

C.   ?    should have been

D.   ?    were

42. If you drove more slowly, you _____ so many accidents.

A.   ?    shouldn't have

B.   ?    wouldn't have had

C.   ?    hadn't had

D.   ?    would not have

43. We _____ go for a walk if the weather changes.

A.   ?    are

B.   ?    will

C.   ?    will be

D.   ?    would

44. If they _____ machines, they would have finished much sooner.
A.   ?    used

B.   ?    have used

C.   ?    were using

D.   ?    had used

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