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1)A crush helmet is a must for?

a)Pedal cyclists only.

b)Motor cyclists only.

C)both of the above

2)At a zebra crossing you!?

a)you stop and give precedence to any pedestrian crossing.

b)you do not necessarily need to stop

c)you accelerate.

3)At a controlled robot intersection when you intend to turn left?

a)you turn right.

b)you give way to traffic from your right.

c)yield precedence to any pedestrian within the crossing.

4)An abnormal load vehicle must.

Be labeled abnormal load, have red flags attached to its front and rear left corner.

And it must have flashing amber and it's readlamps must always be on.

5)Which side must you overtake an abnormal load vehicle.

a)Which ever side is safe to do so.

b)left side.

c)never overtake an abnormal vehicle load unless the rear escort vehicle signals that you should do so or the
road ahead is clear.

6)Which side must passengers disembarking from the bus cross the road from?

a)Front side

b)rear side

c)passengers disembarking from the bus must wait for the bus to move off then cross the

7)where should you put litter when traveling in a bus?

a)under the bus.

b)throw over the window

c)put in a bin or wait for the bus to stop and put in a bin.

8)What do you do at 4 or 3 Way stop controlled Junction.

a)you give way to traffic from your right.

b)you do not have to wait for slow moving traffic.

c) Stop until the vehicle that has stopped at the Junction before you has cleared the Junction.

9)When you hear an ambulance siren or Motor acade sounding it's beacon you?

a)move to left side o fb the road

b)you stop on the extreme left of the road or

Move out of its course and remain stationery until it has passed.

c) you don't necessarily have to stop.

10)A driver medical certificate is valid for.

a)12 months

b)24 months

c)18 month's

11)What are diverging lines?

a)One which form two

b)One found at a round about.

c)One that is visible

12)What are converging lines?

a)two becoming one.

b)One which form two.

c)When the road become one.

13)When traveling in a ordinary city traffic.?

a) you indicate 50 metres before you turn.

b)you indicate 100 metres before you turn.

c)you indicate 150 before you turn

14)When traveling at a high speed on the main road and you intend to turn..

a)'you indicate 100 metres before you turn.

b)you indicate 50 metres before you turn

c)you accelerate.
15) what does the sign mean?

Answer Dual carriage freeway.

16)What does the sign represents?

Single carriage freeway.

17)What does the sign represents?

a) width

b)width of 15m


18)What does the sign represents!?

end of tarred road and begins or gravel.

19)What does the sign represents?

at this area no hitch hiking is allowed. Or hitch hiking prohibited.

20)What does the sign represents?

stop or give away sign.

21) the sign represents reduced visibility drive with caution.

22)At sewing this sign I should travel at what speed?

Answer for 22)80KM on the main road or road ahead.

23)relates to 22 at this sign you should travel at?

60km on the current road fb you're.

24)What does a reflective T means.?

A)vehicle being towed.

b)heavy vehicle

c)it means a vehicle is towing a trailer

25)What does the sign represents.


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