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Plant Soil


Biocrust tissue traits as potential indicators of global

change in the Mediterranean
Laura Concostrina-Zubiri & Paula Matos &
Paolo Giordani & Cristina Branquinho

Received: 8 April 2017 / Accepted: 31 October 2017

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2017

Abstract between biocrust groups (lichens and mosses), and re-

Background and aims Functional traits are promising lationships between tissue traits and climatic and soil
indicators of global changes and ecosystem processes. variables were examined.
Trait responses to environmental conditions have been Results Lichens and mosses differed in δ13C, δ15N and
examined widely in vascular plants. In contrast, few N content, indicating distinct physical and physiological
studies have focused on soil lichens and mosses com- attributes. Tissue traits correlated strongly with numer-
posing biocrusts. We aimed to evaluate the potential of ous climatic variables, likely due to a modulator effect
biocrust tissue traits as indicators of changes in climate on biocrust water relations and metabolism. We found
and soil properties. contrasting responses of lichen and moss traits to cli-
Methods Isotope ratios and nutrient content in biocrust mate, although they responded similarly to soil proper-
tissue were analyzed in 13 Mediterranean shrublands ties. Overall, the most responsive trait was δ15N, sug-
along an aridity gradient. Differences in tissue traits gesting this trait is the best to reflect integrated processes
occurring in the atmosphere and soil.
Conclusions Biocrust tissue traits arise as cost-effective,
Responsible Editor: Matthew A. Bowker integrative ecological indicators of global change
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
drivers in Mediterranean ecosystems, with potential ap-
article ( contains plications in response-effect trait frameworks.
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Keywords Isotope ratios . Tissue nutrient content .
L. Concostrina-Zubiri (*) : P. Matos : C. Branquinho
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes Biocrusts . Climate . Soil . Mediterranean
(cE3c), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo
Grande, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal
P. Matos
e-mail: Functional traits are measurable characteristics of an
C. Branquinho organism with a demonstrable link to its function
e-mail: (Lavorel et al. 1997). Recently, functional traits are
experiencing increased attention in ecological research
as indicators of global changes (response traits) and
P. Giordani
Dipartimento di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Genova, Viale because of their link to ecosystem processes (effect
Cembrano 4, 16148 Genova, Italy traits). On one hand, traits respond to environmental
e-mail: variables at multiple scales and contexts. Changes in
Plant Soil

climate, land-use, pollution and disturbance regimes or environment; e.g., nutrient uptake, but also determines
nutrient availability can reshape functional community its effects on decomposition rates and nutrient recycling
composition in terms of growth form, chemical compo- (Aerts and Chapin 1999). However, most of the work on
sition, symbiotic relations and physiological attributes leaf traits focuses on vascular plants and in a context of
among other traits (e.g., Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2014b; land-use change (Cornelissen et al. 2007; Hevia et al.
Cornwell and Ackerly 2009; van den Driessche 1979; 2017). In contrast, Bleaf^ traits of biocrusts (i.e., soil
Ellis and Coppins 2006; Furr et al. 1979; Huckabee and lichens and mosses) have received much less attention,
Janzen 1975; Matos et al. 2015; Pinho et al. 2012; although they are also highly sensitive to environmental
Verheyen et al. 2003). In turn, shifts in these functional changes (Bowker et al. 2006; Concostrina-Zubiri et al.
attributes will have an effect on the ecosystems process- 2014a, b; Ellis and Coppins 2010; Giordani et al. 2012,
es with which they are directly or indirectly related 2014; Matos et al. 2015; Nimis et al. 2002; Pinho et al.
(Dı́az and Cabido 2001; Tilman et al. 1997). Further- 2009; Pinho et al. 2011, 2014) and play an important role
more, there are traits that reflect environmental variabil- in C and N cycles at the global scale (Elbert et al. 2012;
ity and at the same time exert an effect on ecosystem Porada et al. 2013).
properties. This, evidences the complex feedbacks be- In drylands, ecosystem structure is generally charac-
tween the environment and ecosystem structure and terized by scattered vascular plant cover due to water
functioning (Suding et al. 2008). For instance, soil or- limitation. However, less water demanding organisms
ganic matter (environmental factor) determines leaf nu- such as mosses and lichens, and other soil organisms,
trient content (trait), which in turn determines decom- collectively known as biological soil crusts or biocrusts,
position rates (ecosystem process). find in open microsites a suitable habitat for establish-
For plants, leaf traits (e.g., stable isotope composition, ment and development. Biocrusts can almost complete-
nutrient content) are a promising area of ecological re- ly cover vascular plant interspaces and play an important
search due to their sensitivity to abiotic conditions such role in soil-atmosphere dynamics at the small scale by
as nutrient, water or light availability (as Bresponse fixing carbon and nitrogen, protecting soil surface from
traits^), their link to ecosystem processes such as primary erosion, and modulating soil water and temperature
productivity or nutrient cycling (as Beffect traits^) and (Bowker et al. 2008; Chamizo et al. 2016;
their relatively ease of measurement (Cornelissen et al. Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2016; Elbert et al. 2012).
2003). In particular, the C isotope ratio (δ13C) is strongly In general, mosses and lichens are the most conspic-
related to climate, since it reflects the discrimination of uous components of biocrusts in the Mediterranean
the heavier 13C in favor of 12C in diffusion and enzymatic (Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2014a, b; Maestre et al.
processes during photosynthesis, which are mainly con- 2011), accounting also for most of above-ground
trolled by temperature and water availability (Marshall biocrust biomass. The poikilohydric nature of lichens
et al. 2007). Hence, δ13C is typically higher in dry and mosses makes them suitable organisms to be used
environments while lower values are found in the tropics as ecological indicators (Branquinho et al. 2015; Nimis
(Kohn 2010). The N isotope ratio can be used as a tracer et al. 2002), especially in relation to climate (Bowker
of N sources and availability and mechanisms of uptake et al. 2006; Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2014b; Giordani
(Dawson et al. 2002), reflecting ecological and anthro- et al. 2012; Matos et al. 2015). Unlike vascular plants,
pogenic processes occurring in the atmosphere and soil. lichens and mosses lack leaf cuticle or stomata, so they
For instance, foliar N isotope ratio close to zero indicates cannot actively regulate their water content. In dry-
atmospheric N2 fixation (i.e., N fixer plants), while more lands, lichens and mosses do have certain structural
positive and more negative values suggest NO3− (i.e., characteristics and mechanisms to deal with drying-
after nitrification) and NH3 (i.e., after volatilization) as N rehydration cycles (e.g., the capacity to curve-unfold,
sources, respectively, due to fractionation. Furthermore, altered metabolism, the presence of recurved margins
N isotope ratio reflects environmental conditions since and hairs in mosses, porous surfaces in lichens) (Cruz
temperature and water availability greatly influences N de Carvalho et al. 2014; Kappen and Valladares 2007)
related processes (Amundson et al. 2003; Craine et al. but their water content is generally in equilibrium with
2009); e.g., increased nitrification under warmer condi- the environment. Thus, the physiology of lichens and
tions. On the other hand, leaf nutrient content not only mosses is greatly determined by water availability,
reflects the physiological response of plants to the temperature and light conditions. These attributes
Plant Soil

allow lichens and mosses to trace changes in environ- particular, we propose the existence of a strong relation-
mental conditions with high and fast sensitivity; e.g., ship between climate and soil properties and biocrust
early warning indicators of changes in relative humid- tissue traits, namely C and N isotope ratio and C and N
ity (Matos 2016). Also, lichens and mosses can be content. If biocrust tissue traits are related to climate and
either long-lived organisms or present short-term life soil properties, they could be used to predict changes in
cycles, respectively, offering information on environ- global change drivers such as climate change and eco-
mental conditions at varying temporal scales depend- system processes occurring in the soil (e.g., N cycling).
ing on the research question. Indeed, they have been Specifically, we focused on soil lichens and mosses due
used as predictors of global change drivers (e.g., pol- to their interest as ecological indicators in drylands
lution) since the early 30s (e.g., Potzger 1939). because i) they are common and abundant ecosystem
To date, biocrusts have shown to be good indicators components, even in the most extreme conditions where
of soil type, land-use change and disturbance at the vascular plants can be scarce or absent (e.g., deserts,
landscape level as well (Bowker and Belnap 2008; boreal ecosystems), ii) they are easy to collect and
Löbel et al. 2006; Read et al. 2008, 2014). However, process, iii) they are long-lived organisms; which allows
this research has been mostly restricted to morphology- to record environmental changes from years to decades,
related functional traits, which are easily measurable and iv) their perennial nature; most of them are present
and linked to ecological properties and processes; e.g., and ready to be active all year round.
ecosystem health and resilience, erosion rates and water We hypothesized that biocrust tissue traits reflect
relations (Eldridge and Rosentreter 1999). More recent differences in climate and soil properties as a result of
studies have measured directly and quantitatively mea- physiological responses to water and nutrient sources
sured other functional traits such as biomass, water and availability (Craine et al. 2009; Farquhar et al. 1989;
absorption and retention capacity, sediment capture, soil Lakatos et al. 2007). We expected mosses and lichens to
stabilization and temperature buffering, and various show different responses, likely due to different mor-
chemical traits; e.g., secondary metabolites or enzyme phological and physiological characteristics (e.g., differ-
activity (e.g., Asplund and Wardle 2013; Bohuslavová ent water relations; Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2016;
et al. 2012; Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2016; Delgado- Larson 1981; Mallen-Cooper and Eldridge 2016) and
Baquerizo et al. 2015; Mallen-Cooper and Eldridge differential carbon and nitrogen metabolism (Lakatos
2016; Michel et al. 2013; Ochoa-Hueso and Manrique et al. 2007; Teeri 1981).
2011; Pietrasiak et al. 2013; Rosso et al. 2014; Xiao To test our hypotheses, we examined biocrust tissue
et al. 2016). Still, biocrusts comprise a wider range of traits along an environmental gradient defined by a set
functional traits largely unexplored (Cornelissen et al. of climatic variables based on temperature and precipi-
2007); e.g., acidifying potential, allelopathic relations or tation, and soil properties in Mediterranean shrublands
tissue composition. In particular, biocrust tissue traits of Italy and Portugal. We used a space-for-time ap-
arise as promising response-effect traits since they are proach and assumed that if shifts in biocrust tissue traits
relatively easy to measure and provide useful informa- and environmental variables are coupled, tissue traits
tion related to environmental changes at multiple scales could be used as indicators of environmental conditions
(e.g., biocrusts respond to climate but also to soil prop- in the future.
erties) and the effects of biocrusts in ecosystem process-
es, such as their role in nutrient cycling (Asplund and
Wardle 2014, 2015; Cornelissen et al. 2007). Indeed, Materials and methods
recent research has shown promising results for isotope
and nutrient composition in biocrust-mosses as indica- Study sites
tors of changes in atmospheric pollution in drylands
(Delgado et al. 2013; Izquieta-Rojano et al. 2016). We pre-selected 10 sites in Sardegna, Italy, and 10 sites
In this study, we aim to assess the suitability of in Southern Portugal along aridity gradients ranging
biocrust tissue traits (as Bresponse traits^) as ecological from the semi-arid to the dry sub-humid. These two
indicators of global change drivers as they can reflect regions, although geographically distant, allowed us to
changes in environmental variables related to water build an aridity gradient without any major gap in typ-
availability, temperature and soil biogeochemistry. In ical Mediterranean shrublands (e.g., Cistus, Pistacea).
Plant Soil

37°29′58.08″N, 8°14′15.69″W
38° 9′15.10″N, 7°17′30.04″W

39°40′27.24″N, 8°51′55.19″E
39°39′53.89″N, 9°20′27.61″E

39°56′48.30″N, 8°47′42.90″E
40°32′14.93″N, 8°19′29.10″E
39° 1′13.02″N, 8°26′47.65″E
We used aridity to define the gradient as this is an

39°10′51.70″N, 9°9′35.09″E

39°29′34.52″N, 9°11′7.59″E
38° 6′9.32″N, 7°2′29.23″W
39°25′17.46″N, 9°7′6.36″E

40°36′24.85″N, 8°9′5.13″E

39°47′4.26″N, 9°9′59.70″E
integrated measure of several climatic features; i.e.,
aridity index: the ratio of mean annual precipitation
and mean annual potential evapotranspiration. Aridity
index ranged from 0.40 to 0.67 in Italy and from 0.42 to

0.52 in Portugal ( From this
pre-selection, sites where biocrusts were well developed
and light or no disturbance had occurred in the last two
decades were selected to build the final environmental

Pleurochaete squarrosa,

Ptychostomum capillare
Pleurochaete squarrosa

Pleurochaete squarrosa
Pleurochaete squarrosa

Pleurochaete squarrosa
Pleurochaete squarrosa
Pleurochaete squarrosa
gradient of interest. We kept a total of 13 sites out of 20;

Trichostomum spp.

Trichostomum spp.

Trichostomum spp.

Trichostomum spp.
ten in Italy and three in Portugal, and the composite

Pottiaceae sp.
gradient comprised a wide range of climatic variables
and soil properties (Table 1). Sampling was conducted

in Portugal and Italy in Spring and Autumn of 2014,

Cladonia aff. rangiformis

Climate variables

Cladonia foliacea

Cladonia foliacea

Cladonia foliacea
Table 1 Summary of environmental characteristics of the study sites and lichen and moss species collected at each site
Each sampling site was characterized by set of 19 stan-

Cladonia sp.
Cladonia sp.
dardized bioclimatic variables obtained from
WorldClim global database (, for Lichens
more details on variables with codes Bio 1 to Bio 19;
Hijmans et al. 2005), representing the mean, range and

Calcaric Cambisols-Regosols-Leptosols
seasonal variation of temperature and precipitation.

Calcic Luvisols; Humic Regosols

These climate data correspond to average monthly
climate data from 1960 to 1990 interpolated on a 30
arc-second resolution grid. The global aridity index was
also extracted and included in the set (http://www.cgiar-
Leptic Chernozems

Leptic Chernozems

Leptic Chernozems

Calcaric Regosols
Luvic Phaeozems

Arenic Fluvisols
Luvic Litosols

database; Zomer et al. 2008). This data is available at the

Soil type

same spatial resolution as precipitation and temperature




variables, and was modelled using the available data

from WorldClim for the same time interval.







Soil sampling and analyses

K (mg/Kg)

We measured organic carbon (OC), available phospho-








rus and potassium, and pH to characterize soil properties

at each study site. To do so, we randomly collected 5 soil
P (mg/Kg)

samples of the top 1–5 cm (depending on soil depth) of

soil apparently devoid of biocrusts; i.e., no lichens or







mosses were present, although we cannot discard the

presence of soil cyanobacteria invisible to the human
OC (%)

eye. All soil samples were passed through a 2-mm mesh









sieve to remove roots and rocks. Soil OC was deter-

mined with the oxidation method (Combs and Nathan









1998). Soil pH was determined by dissolving 10 g of

soil in 25 ml of deionized water. Available P and K were








determined using an acetic acid and ammonium lactate

Plant Soil

solution of pH = 3.5. Total nitrogen content was deter- conducted at the Stable Isotopes and Instrumental Analysis
mined with the Kjeldahl method (Bremner 1996). Soil Facility – Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
analyses were performed at Escola Superior Agrária de
Bragança, Bragança, Portugal. Data analysis

Biocrust sampling and tissue analyses To examine if environmental gradients (i.e., climate
and soil properties) and a particular combination of
To measure tissue traits at each site, we collected 5 biocrust traits (i.e., δ13C, δ15N, and C and N content)
samples of lichen and/or moss species meeting the fol- were related, and visually detect differences between
lowing criteria: i) being common along the gradient and/ groups, we conducted a non-metric multidimensional
or most abundant at each site, and ii) with a minimum scaling (NMDS) ordination. Tissue traits were relativ-
surface of 3 cm × 3 cm. We found that biocrusts were ized by trait maximum due to differences in measure-
usually dominated by mosses, so we collected mosses in ment units and to equalize variable weights (McCune
every site of the gradient. In contrast, lichens were et al. 2002). Then, we used the Bray-Curtis distance,
important biocrust components only in certain Italian as it is more effective for heterogeneous data (McCune
sites (Table 1). For lichens, the genus Cladonia domi- et al. 2002) to run the NMDS. The best solution (i.e.,
nated along the gradient, but we observed a replacement lowest final stress) was found for a 3-dimensional
in the dominant species as follows: C. foliacea NMDS after 500 runs, each starting randomly (500
(N = 15) > C. aff. rangiformis (N = 5) > Cladonia sp. iterations per run), and evaluated with a Monte Carlo
(N = 10); a crustose Cladonia with only primary thallus test (250 runs with randomized data). Coefficients of
present. For mosses, Pleurochaete squarrosa (N = 30) determination (r2) between original plot distances and
was a common and abundant species along the gradient. distances in the final ordination solution were calcu-
We also found patches dominated by Trichostomum lated to assess how much of the biocrust tissue trait
spp. (i.e., T. brachydontium and T. crispulum) in both variability was represented by the NMDS axes
regions (N = 15), Ptychostomum capillare (N = 5) in site (McCune et al. 2002). Climate and soil variables were
IT7 and one Pottiaceae species (N = 5), in site PT9. In overlaid on the NMDS ordination as correlation vec-
site PT3, we collected both P. squarrosa and tors (McCune et al. 2002). We also included the dis-
Trichostomum spp. dominated patches (N = 5, Table 1). tance to the nearest coast as an environmental variable
A total of 30 samples of lichens and 65 of mosses were to detect potential variation in the data explained by
collected for the whole gradient. Samples were collected the proximity to the sea (e.g., differences in tissue
within a 0.25 Ha area from site centroid (Table 1). The traits due to increased salinity). Individual correlations
biocrust layer was carefully removed from the soil beneath, between these variables and NMDS site scores were
and any soil particles and external debris were eliminated determined using Spearman’s rank correlations coeffi-
from lichen and moss samples. Afterwards, the clean tissue cients to account for potential nonlinearity in the rela-
was oven dried (48 h at 60°) and ground in an automatic tionships (correlations were considered significant for
mill (Retsch 400). For lichens, the whole thallus was P < 0.05). To test for significant grouping of biocrust
ground. For mosses, we included the green part of the groups (i.e., lichens vs. mosses) according to trait
stem only. In both cases, reproductive structures were composition we used the Multi-response permutation
absent. The resulting powder was analyzed in an elemental (MRPP) procedure, with groups considered signifi-
analyzer (EURO VECTOR) coupled with a continuous cantly different if P < 0.05. When significant grouping
flow stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (SIRA II, VG was found, a post-hoc Mann–Whitney U test was
ISOGAS for C and ISOPRIME, MICROMASS for N). performed to determine differences in the individual
Isotope ratios are given in the notation δ calculated as δ = tissue traits between lichens and mosses. Mann–Whit-
(Rsample/Rstandard – 1) × 1000 (‰). International standards ney U test was appropriate to our data due to non-
IAEA CH6 (sucrose) and IAEA CH7 (polyethylene) and normality and small sample size.
IAEA N1 (ammonium sulphate) were used to calibrate C To evaluate the relationships between individual tis-
and N isotope ratios. We report δ13C values standardized sue traits and environmental variables at the site level,
against Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite and δ15N relative to we calculated Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients
δ15N of atmospheric air. All tissue analyses were for mosses and lichens separately.
Plant Soil

Multivariate analyses (NMDS and MRPP) were per- second axis (19% of variation explained) was sig-
formed with PC-ORD version 6.08 (McCune and nificantly correlated with the aridity index and sev-
Mefford 2011). Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s eral temperature and precipitation related variables,
rank correlation coefficients were calculated using R (R as well as with soil K, OC and pH (Fig. 1, Table 2).
Core Team 2015). There was no significant correlation between dis-
tance to the nearest coast and neither axes (results
not shown for first axis, see Table 2 for second
Results axis), so this variable was discarded from further
analysis. Within the lichen group, most of the points
Tissue trait composition in biocrusts corresponding to Cladonia sp. separated clearly
from the other species (Fig. 1), particularly in the
The NMDS ordination (P = 0.0020, final stress = 7.2, case of site IT8. The MRPP indicated significant
final instability <0.0001) of tissue trait composition grouping in tissue trait composition for lichens and
discriminated between lichens and mosses in the mosses (A = 0.1644, P < 0.0001).
first axis; which accounted for most of the ex-
plained variation in data structure (63% of variation
explained, Fig. 1). We found no significant correla-
tion between the first axis and the studied environ- Table 2 Spearman correlation coefficients between NMDS ordi-
nation axis 2 and environmental variables
mental variables (P > 0.05, results not shown). The
ρ P

Aridity index 0.25 *

Annual Mean T −0.35 **
Mean Diurnal Range −0.42 ***
Isothermality −0.52 ***
T Seasonality 0.18
Max T of Warmest Month −0.40 **
Min T of Coldest Month −0.16
T Annual Range −0.15
Mean T of Wettest Quarter 0.09
Mean T of Driest Quarter −0.32 **
Mean T of Warmest Quarter −0.33 **
Mean T of Coldest Quarter −0.27 *
Annual P 0.11
P of Wettest Month 0.13
P of Driest Month 0.32 **
Fig. 1 Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination P Seasonality −0.29 **
of lichen (filled symbols) and moss (open symbols) tissue trait
(δ13C, δ15N, C and N) values. Vector overlays indicate the mag- P of Wettest Quarter 0.05
nitude and direction of significant correlations between environ- P of Driest Quarter 0.28 **
mental variables and the ordination (see also Table 2): AI: Aridity P of Warmest Quarter 0.46 ***
index; AMT = Annual Mean Temperature; ISO = Isothermality
P of Coldest Quarter 0.04
(BIO2/BIO7); MDR = Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly
(max temp - min temp)); MTCQ = Mean Temperature of Coldest OC 0.26
Quarter; MTDQ = Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter; P −0.10 **
MTWM = Mean Temperature of Warmest Month; MTWQ = Mean K 0.37 *
Temperature of Warmest Quarter; PDM = Precipitation of Driest
Month; PDQ = Precipitation of Driest Quarter; TWM = Max pH 0.34 **
Temperature of Warmest Month; (■) Cladonia foliacea; (●) Distance to coast −0.15
Cladonia aff. rangiformis; (▲) Cladonia sp.; (□) Ptychostomum
capillare; (○) Pottiaceae sp.; (Δ) Pleurochaete squarrosa; (◊) *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.0001
Trichostomum spp.; (x) P. squarrosa, Trichostomum spp. N = 91. Significant P-values (<0.05) are in bold
Plant Soil

Lichen and moss isotope ratios and nutrient content

Biocrust δ13C values ranged from −29.6 to −22.4‰ in

lichens and from −30.7 to −23.9‰ in mosses, while δ15N
values ranged from −8.3 to −0.5‰ in lichens and from
−5.7 to 1.5‰ in mosses (Table S1, Fig. 2). Lichen C
content ranged from 26.3 to 42.8%, while C content in
mosses ranged from 26.4 to 47.3%. The N content ranged
from 0.4 to 1.2% in lichens and from 0.6 to 1.5% in mosses
(Table S1, Fig. 2). Lichens had significantly higher δ13C
values and lower δ15N values and N content than mosses
(Mann-Whitney U test, P < 0.05, Fig. 2), while C content
was not significantly different between lichens and mosses
(Mann-Whitney U test, P > 0.05, Fig. 2).

Relationships between environmental variables

and tissue traits

As we found significant differences between lichen and

moss tissue traits, we calculated Spearman correlation
coefficients for lichens and mosses separately. Correla-
tions between individual traits and environmental vari-
ables are summarized in Table 3. In lichens, δ13C cor-
related positively with temperature diurnal range,
isothermality and summer temperature. The δ15N corre-
lated negatively with temperature seasonality, and sum-
mer temperature and precipitation. Both δ15N and N
content correlated positively with the aridity index and
other precipitation-related variables. The C content cor-
related positively with temperature seasonality and an-
nual range, and summer precipitation. This trait also
correlated negatively with winter temperature (Table 3).
Additionally, δ13C and C content correlated negatively
with soil K. The C content was also negatively correlat-
ed with soil P. Also, both δ15N and N content correlated
negatively with soil OC and pH (Table 3).
In mosses, we found a more consistent pattern in
tissue traits in relation to environmental variables. Both
δ13C and δ15N correlated positively with several
temperature-related variables and precipitation season-
ality. On the contrary, these traits correlated negatively
with the aridity index and summer precipitation. Addi-
tionally, δ15N was positively correlated with winter and
summer temperature. The C content correlated negative-
ly with annual mean temperature, winter temperature
and precipitation seasonality. In contrast, this trait was Fig. 2 Boxplots showing biocrust tissue traits by group (lichens
positively correlated with summer precipitation. The N and mosses). Boxes show the median, 25th and 75th percentiles;
content correlated positively to annual mean tempera- vertical lines show the minimum and maximum values that fall
ture, annual diurnal range and summer temperature, within 1.5 times the height of the box
Plant Soil

Table 3 Spearman correlation coefficients between biocrust tissue traits (δ13C, δ15N, C and N) and environmental variables

Lichens Mosses

δ13C δ15N C N δ13C δ15N C N

Aridity Index −0.23 0.66*** 0.03 0.65*** −0.33** −0.42** −0.02 −0.36**
Annual Mean T 0.15 −0.09 −0.36 −0.17 0.43* 0.71** −0.32* 0.29*
Mean Diurnal Range 0.40* −0.29 0.22 −0.23 0.33* 0.36** 0.07 0.32*
Isothermality 0.49** 0.13 −0.12 −0.07 0.51*** 0.60** −0.22 0.24
T Seasonality −0.03 −0.43* 0.40* −0.18 −0.22 −0.31* 0.14 −0.11
Max T of Warmest Month 0.39* −0.39* 0.25 −0.35 0.30* 0.51*** 0.08 0.38**
Min T of Coldest Month 0.03 0.43* −0.40* 0.18 0.25 0.47*** −0.29* 0.12
T Annual Range 0.32 −0.19 0.44* −0.16 −0.02 −0.01 0.23 0.09
Mean T of Wettest Quarter 0.15 −0.09 −0.36 −0.17 −0.24 −0.16 0.06 0.18
Mean T of Driest Quarter 0.52** −0.41* 0.04 −0.50** 0.21 0.56*** −0.14 0.34**
Mean T of Warmest Quarter 0.51** −0.34 −0.02 −0.47** 0.23 0.58*** −0.14 0.35**
Mean T of Coldest Quarter 0.07 −0.04 −0.41* −0.10 0.45** 0.61*** −0.34** 0.19
Annual P −0.28 0.61** −0.02 0.63** −0.04 −0.10 −0.23 −0.34**
P of Wettest Month −0.12 0.79*** −0.13 0.58** −0.12 −0.23 −0.20 −0.32*
P of Driest Month −0.05 −0.46** 0.38* −0.28 −0.45** −0.49*** 0.38** −0.20
P Seasonality 0.03 0.64*** −0.15 0.47** 0.40** 0.39** −0.37** 0.01
P of Wettest Quarter −0.28 0.61** −0.02 0.63** 0.03 −0.02 −0.23 −0.24
P of Driest Quarter −0.15 0.09 0.36 0.17 −0.44** −0.56*** 0.35** −0.23
P of Warmest Quarter −0.12 0.05 0.38* 0.09 −0.55*** −0.55*** 0.17 −0.33**
P of Coldest Quarter −0.28 0.61** −0.02 0.63** 0.08 −0.01 −0.19 −0.29*
OC −0.16 −0.49** −0.28 −0.40* −0.15 −0.28* 0.07 −0.16
P −0.20 −0.33 −0.40* −0.19 0.22 0.07 0.01 0.23
K −0.52** −0.08 −0.48** 0.06 −0.17 −0.04 −0.22 −0.26*
pH 0.01 −0.59** −0.18 −0.54** −0.18 −0.28* −0.13 −0.20

Lichens; N = 30, Mosses; N = 61. Significant P-values (P < 0.05) are in bold
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.0001

while it correlated negatively with the aridity index and of the variation in trait composition, pushing apart
other precipitation-related variables (Table 3). In mosses and lichens in the NMDS ordination. Also,
mosses, only δ15N and N content correlated, negatively, different isotope ratios and N content characterized
with soil variables; soil OC and pH, and soil K, respec- these two groups.
tively (Table 3). We expected differences in δ13C between lichens and
mosses due to group-specific carbon relations. Although
δ13C of both green-algae lichens and mosses fall in the
Discussion range of C3 plants, δ13C value is generally more negative
in mosses (Lakatos et al. 2007; Proctor et al. 1992; Rundel
Tissue traits differ between lichens and mosses et al. 1979; Teeri 1981, but see Lee et al. 2009). This may
be due to the existence of a CO2-concentrating mechanism
We found support for our first hypothesis that tissue to accumulate inorganic carbon in specific cell structures of
traits reflect differences in climate and soil properties. many lichens (i.e., with Trebouxia as the photosynthetic
However, when examining tissue traits of biocrusts partner), which allows them to continue photosynthesizing
along the gradient, group identity accounted for most in situations of limited CO2 uptake (Lakatos et al. 2007).
Plant Soil

Lower δ13C in mosses also suggests that they are less inorganic N forms (i.e., Dahlman et al. 2004) such as soil
prone to desiccation –or dehydration is more gradual- NH4+ (δ15N values up to c. 8‰) may be also contributing
while lichens suffer more from hydric stress. This may to the higher δ15N in mosses. Potential associations be-
be explained by group-specific water relations. In dry- tween mosses and endophytic or epiphytic cyanobacteria
lands, water absorption is generally higher in mosses may explain higher δ15N and also higher N content as well
while lichens tend to retain water longer (Concostrina- due to transfer of fixed atmospheric N (i.e., N2 has a δ15N
Zubiri et al. 2016; Mallen-Cooper and Eldridge 2016). close to zero) to the host plant (Berg et al. 2013; Deane-
However, this pattern is highly dependent on specific Coe and Sparks 2016).
lichen and moss morphological attributes (Larson 1981)
and growth habits; e.g., scattered stems vs. dense Contrasting responses of lichen and moss traits
patches in mosses. In the present study, we found to environmental factors
mosses growing in more or less dense cushions and in
more shaded areas (i.e., close to vascular vegetation), Tissue traits differed between lichens and mosses, and
while lichens were usually in more open areas and its response to environmental variables was more or less
predominantly had a squamulose-foliose growth form similar depending on the trait and the group of variables
(i.e., Cladonia spp). This may imply that, on one hand, on focus (Fig. 3). Interestingly, δ13C in both lichens and
mosses experience lower hydric stress and physiological mosses was positively related to temperature range and
damage (Colesie et al. 2012; Cruz de Carvalho et al. isothermality, suggesting that temperature temporal pat-
2015, 2017; Stark et al. 2013) and, on the other, that they terns act as an environmental filter to biocrust tissue
may incorporate a higher proportion of respired CO2 traits. Also, δ13C increased with summer temperature,
than lichens growing on more open microsites (Proctor so our results are in agreement with earlier studies
et al. 1992; Kohn 2010), explaining the more negative reporting increases in δ13C of epiphytic and saxicolous
δ13C in the mosses. Specific water relations may also lichens during the warmest and driest months (Riera
contribute to differences in δ13C, since tissue water 2005; Shomer-Ilan et al. 1979). In warmer conditions,
determines photosynthetic performance by regulating net carbon gain can decrease due to higher respiration
CO2 diffusion and conductance processes (Royles rates (Palmqvist 2000), which is likely to increase δ13C,
et al. 2014; Williams and Flanagan 1996). particularly in lichens since they contain a fungal partner
In line with our predictions, we also found differences (i.e., fungal respiration). However, Deane-Coe et al.
in δ15N between lichens and mosses, likely related to (2015) reported no changes in moss δ13C after 5 years
group-specific nitrogen sources and uptake preferences of experimental warming (i.e., soil warming), suggest-
(Bates 1992; Brown and Bates 1990; Dahlman et al. ing that δ13C response to temperature is also dependent
2004). Due to the lack of active mechanisms for soil on the temporal scale. We found no relationship between
nutrient uptake, lichens and mosses incorporate N in their lichen δ13C and precipitation variables, although earlier
tissue predominantly from atmospheric sources; such as studies have shown δ13C decrease (Batts et al. 2004) and
NH3, NO3− and NH4+ from dry and wet deposition. How- increase (Cuna et al. 2007; Krouse & Herbert cited in
ever, the lower δ15N lichens may be reflecting a higher Batts et al. 2004) in epiphytic lichens with precipitation.
influence of N dry deposition likely dominated by NH3 We did find a negative relationship between moss δ13C
derived from cattle (δ15N values ranging from from −56 to and the aridity index and precipitation in the driest and
23‰) (Pinho et al. 2017), which is one of the main warmest periods. This suggests that water availability
activities in the region. In contrast, mosses seem to receive during periods of high evaporative losses (i.e., high
a higher N input from NH4+ and NO3− (δ15N values temperature and solar radiation in summer) exerts a
ranging from c. -10 to 10‰) found in wet deposition negative effect on moss photosynthetic activity, even
(Moore 1974). Also, mosses have the capacity to passively when they might be less vulnerable to desiccation than
uptake N from soil via rhizoids (Ayres et al. 2006), while lichens, as discussed above. This may be explained by
there is no evidence that soil lichens derive significant N the fact that under these conditions, mosses are photo-
quantities from the soil (Ellis et al. 2004). Thus, the typi- synthetically active and, thus, can suffer more than
cally higher δ15N in soil (δ15N values up to c. -5 to +25‰) lichen which might remain inactive. Furthermore, it
(Moore 1974) due to the presence of organic N forms such has been shown that smaller but more frequent precip-
as aminoacids, and the preference of Cladonia species for itation events resulted in a rapid mortality of desert
Plant Soil

Fig. 3 Summary of lichen (filled symbols) and moss (open symbols) trait responses to environmental variables (temperature, precipitation
and soil properties). Only significant responses are shown

mosses due to a negative carbon balance (Reed et al. N content and soil OC and pH. Moss N content also
2012). Our findings are consistent with those reported responded negatively to soil K. On the other hand, both
by Matos (2016), who found that temperature, rather mosses and lichens showed a negative response to soil
than precipitation, and seasonality, rather than mean OC and pH in δ15N values. These results suggest that
value, was the main predictor of other functional traits both groups similarly reflect soil nutrient content and
such as type of photobiont, growth form and size in availability in tissue traits. Our findings partially agree
epiphytes along a wider aridity gradient in the with those reported by Asplund and Wardle (2015)
Mediterranean. showing that lichen δ13C and δ15N responded negative-
Similarly, δ15N responded to temperature and precip- ly to soil mineral P, although this study was carried out
itation seasonality together with temperature in the in boreal islands. In contrast, Delgado-Baquerizo et al.
coldest periods in both groups. In mosses, more positive (2015) found a positive relationship between lichen-
δ15N has been found under increased precipitation fre- biocrust C and N content and soil OC in a continental
quency and temperature (Zelikova et al. 2012), likely Mediterranean grassland, which they attributed to
resembling a shift in available N sources mediated by species-specific effects exerted on soil properties.
changes in microbial activity. In vascular plants, δ15N
(i.e., foliar δ15N) shows a positive relationship with Biocrust tissue traits as ecological indicators
temperature and a negative relationship with precipita- in the Mediterranean
tion, and this pattern is mostly explained by N availabil-
ity in soil (Amundson et al. 2003; Craine et al. 2009). The suitability of biocrust tissue traits as indicators of
This may be partially explained by the positive effect of global change has not been explored largely before. To
higher temperature on soil nitrification rates. Thus, our our knowledge, only a few studies have proposed iso-
results suggest that mosses respond in a similar manner tope ratios in lichens and mosses as tracers of climate
to that of vascular plants, reflecting the δ15N of the (Cuna et al. 2007; Deane-Coe et al. 2015; Lakatos et al.
micro-environment where they grow (i.e., soil N 2007; Ménot and Burns 2001; Royles et al. 2014, 2016),
sources). By contrast, lichens might be reflecting other mostly in high latitudes. Some others have reported
local attributes or group-specific responses (e.g., ammo- changes in lichen and moss isotope ratios related to
nia assimilation capacity) (Hauck 2010). substrate type, resources sources, nutrient availability
When examining tissue traits and soil properties, we and symbiotic relationships (Asplund et al.
found negative relationships between lichen δ13C and C 2014; Asplund and Wardle 2014, 2015; Beck and Mayr
content and soil nutrients, and between lichen δ15N and 2012; Deane-Coe and Sparks 2016; Delgado et al. 2013;
Plant Soil

Izquieta-Rojano et al. 2016; Lakatos et al. 2007; Máguas among sites. Also, due to the limitations of this work in
et al. 1993; Zwolicki et al. 2016). Indeed, this is the first terms of sampling size, our findings should be interpreted
work to characterize biocrust isotope ratios and nutrient with caution. Thus, we suggest that lichen tissue traits may
content along climate and soil gradients in drylands. be interesting as ecological indicators of processes occur-
Although we cannot establish causal relationships based ring in the soil, while moss tissue traits are likely to be better
on the observations presented here, our results suggest indicators of both soil processes and climate change. Fur-
that isotope ratios and nutrient content of biocrusts are ther work should include a higher sampling size for biocrust
tightly linked to the value, range and variability of individual species along wider environmental gradients to
temperature and precipitation in the Mediterranean re- account for interspecific variations in tissue traits. Indeed, it
gion, as well as to soil properties. would be interesting to test if tissue traits of lichen and moss
In this study, the replacement of dominant lichen spe- biocrusts can track changes in climate and soil processes
cies along the gradient limits the interpretation of our regardless of species identity (i.e., responses at the group
results, since we had a low number of sites for each species level). Then, the character of biocrust tissue traits as eco-
(i.e., one site for Cladonia aff. rangiformis and two sites logical indicators would be more universal. Also, future
for Cladonia sp.). Also, the separation of Cladonia sp. research conducted under controlled experimental condi-
points in the ordination space suggest that this species tions (e.g., microcosm studies) would allow us to disentan-
responds in a particularly distinct way of the other lichen gle the species effect from the environmental factors effect
species. This may be due to its different morphology (i.e., (e.g., N deposition, soil N sources) on tissue traits and better
crustose vs. foliose or fruticose), which may imply differ- understand the their role as ecological indicators of global
ent water relations and, thus, physiological and chemical change (e.g., Liu et al. 2016, 2017). It would be interesting
activity, or to a different nitrogen metabolism, as suggested also to identify which specific attributes (e.g., ecological,
by its relatively higher δ15N (Table S1). Nevertheless, we physiological) contribute the most to make biocrusts good
found a general trend in these lichens responding to climate indicators, and determine if biocrusts show a faster or
and soil properties (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the higher greater response to global change drivers than other eco-
sampling size of mosses (i.e., total and for most of the system components such as vascular plants.
studied species) and the way species were distributed along In conclusion, we demonstrated that the δ13C, δ15N and
the gradient allow us to suggest that there is a strong C and N content of biocrusts responded significantly to a
relationship between moss tissue traits and climate. In wide array of climate related variables and soil properties,
particular, lichen tissue traits seem to be potential indicators highlighting their potential as ecological indicators of glob-
of soil K (δ13C and C content), precipitation of wettest al change drivers. Moreover, biocrust tissue traits can be
month (δ15N) and aridity (N content), while moss traits regarded as interesting ecological tools to understand and
seem to reflect differences in summer precipitation (δ13C predict future changes in ecosystem properties and pro-
and C content) and both mean annual and summer tem- cesses in drylands: biocrusts are widespread in drylands,
perature (Fig. 4). For mosses, we observed similar trends at and their tissue traits are cost-effective measurements
the group level and at the species level in the case of which provide an integrated information of a wide array
P. squarrosa and Trichostomum spp. (Fig. 4). Notwith- of environmental conditions.
standing, we are aware that other potential sources of In most cases, lichens and mosses responded oppositely
variation which we did not evaluate in this study, such as to climate variables. However, they showed a similar
atmospheric N deposition, could be influencing our results. pattern when evaluating trait responses to soil nutrients
For example, species-specific values of δ15N in mosses and pH. This suggests that mosses can act as better indi-
have been found to be more negative when NHx forms cators of global change at regional and local scales than
prevail while more positive values have been related to lichens; i.e., they respond to differences in climate and soil,
NOx dominance (Bragazza et al. 2004; Delgado et al. respectively. At the biocrust level (i.e., shared responses for
2013; Izquieta-Rojano et al. 2016; Solga et al. 2005). lichens and mosses) only differences in soil properties
The presence and abundance of several species (e.g., could be hypothetically inferred. This suggests that
C. foliacea, C. coniocraea, T. crispulum; results not biocrusts as a composite ecosystem component can be a
shown) with low tolerance to N eutrophication (Hill et al. good indicator of soil processes, due to their tight link to
2007; Nimis 2016) throughout the aridity gradient suggests nutrient cycling and soil chemistry. Overall, the δ15N in
that atmospheric N input is likely to be, at least, similar mosses was the most responsive trait to climate, suggesting
Plant Soil

Fig. 4 Relationship between lichen (left) and moss (right) tissue rangiformis; (▲) Cladonia sp.; (□) Ptychostomum capillare; (○)
traits (mean ± SE) and most correlated environmental variables Pottiaceae sp.; (Δ) Pleurochaete squarrosa; (◊) Trichostomum
(see also Table 3). (■) Cladonia foliacea; (●) Cladonia aff. spp.; (x) P. squarrosa, Trichostomum spp
Plant Soil

that this trait integrates processes occurring in the atmo- epiphytes across a long-term chronosequence. Funct Ecol
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Acknowledgements LCZ was supported by a Marie Curie IEF Correlates of biological soil crust abundance across a contin-
grant from European Commission’s FP7 (BCSES-GA 628406). uum of spatial scales: support for a hierarchical conceptual
PM was supported by FCT-MEC through: project PTDC/AAG- model. J Appl Ecol 43:152–163
GLO/0045/2014. Special thanks to C. Tejada, M. Köbel, A. Bowker MA, Belnap J, Chaudhary VB, Johnson NC (2008)
Nunes, M. Lo Cascio, L. Morillas, and S. Mereu for help in the Revisiting classic water erosion models in drylands: the
field, T. Roovers for the assistance in the laboratory and R. Maia strong impact of biological soil crusts. Soil Biol Biochem
for the isotope and elemental analysis. Special thanks also to 40:2309–2316
Professor M. Aleffi (Bryology Laboratory & Herbarium, Bragazza L, Tahvanainen T, Kutnar L, Rydin H, Limpens J, Hájek
Camerino University) for his assistance on moss species identifi- M, Iacumin P (2004) Nutritional constraints in ombrotrophic
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on the manuscript. M.A. Bowker and other anonymous reviewers position in Europe. New Phytol 163:609–616
provided helpful comments and discussion that improved an ear- Branquinho C, Matos P, Pinho P (2015) Lichens as ecological
lier version of the manuscript. indicators to track atmospheric changes: future challenges.
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