De Jesus, Argumentative Essay - 10-Aguinaldo

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NAME: Alexandra Marie G.

De Jesus GRADE & SECTION: 10-Aguinaldo

“Credibility of Books over Internet”

In this modern world, our lives are so fast that people do not even have the time
to read a book. Most people rely on the internet when searching for some information
because it is more accessible. The internet, one of sources mostly use, carries an
extensive range of information defined as a global network connecting millions of
computers more than 190 countries are linked into exchange of data, views, and
I personally used books when doing my research since there are a lot of
information that is difficult to search online. Printed book is generally considered more
reliable and credible than research available only over the Internet. Most of the
publications in libraries have gone through some sort of review process. They have
been read and examined by editors, other writers, critics, experts in the field, and
In 2007, Herring stated 6 good reasons why we should use printed books as a
resource. Not everything you need to know can be found online. There are a lot of
published materials that cannot be found on the internet. The internet is a mile wide and
on such deep. You must find out the websites on a particular topic, but they are giving
you the same or wrong information.
On the other hand, using internet as a reference source of getting information
can also give us a benefit in terms of accessibility. Always fact check and make sure
that you are visiting a credible website. The modern world is so fast that the value of
internet when it comes on getting information have been improved. Digitally born
textbooks is by far the rest alternative to print textbook and more electronic bulletin
boards, news groups, electronic discussions such as chatrooms and social net. There
are also a lot of printed books that is converted to electronic books.
The internet is not very organized. Library sources unlike internet are organized
in topic. Aside from that, there is no quality control on the web, some web pages make it
difficult to figure out the author or where the information came from.
Books are better in providing reliable and useful information if you are doing a
research. That is the reason why books will never die out even when the internet can
provide so much information for users all over the world. You can also maximize the
help you can get from the internet. See to it that the information that we are getting is
consulted by a professionals or expert to make sure it is reliable and can be use

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