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These are two sides of one coin. Administration can be improved by changes on environmental
constraints that hamper its effectiveness and with the strengthening of development
programmes. Unless the administrative effectiveness of government is increased, the
developmental objectives which a developing country may aspire for fulfilment cannot be

The field of development administration covers both aspects first the development of
administration and second the administration of development.

• Development of Administration / Administrative development concerns the nature of

administrative capacity for development and methods of improving and increasing it.

• Administration of Development / Development Administration concerns the organization and

management of various, development efforts.

Difference between the Development Administration and Administrative Development

There is a conceptual difference between Development Administration and Administration of

Development. But the relationship between the two is like that of an egg and a chicken, one
cannot continue without the other.

First: The main goal of development administration is to create a better social, political, and
economic environment. That is, it is related to socio-economic change and nation-building. It
focuses on the outcomes of the administrative work related to the nation’s development. On the
other hand. Administration is the key to the administration of development or administrative
development. In every state system, the economy or social system is developed, similarly, the
administrative system is also developed. Whatever the form of the state, that is, whether it is
developed, developing, or underdeveloped, an administrative system is formed everywhere.

Second: The main function of the administrative system is to build resources and use them for
specific purposes in accordance with political directives. in that sense, it can be said that there
are a number of indicators that can be used to understand the administration of development,
such as increasing budget allocations, specializing administrative staff, increasing diversity,
efficiency and capabilities. professionalization and specialization of its personnel, and
administrative reorganization and rationalization. On the other hand. The main vision of the
development administration is development. However, in order for the development
administration to be successful, it has to take the help of administration of development, or
simply put, it has to take the help of the administration for the successful implementation of
development work.

Conclusion: As a result, although development administration and administrative development

are interrelated, they are separate issues.


Administration of Development or Development Administration (SAME Meaning)

The administration of development implies the execution of programmes designed to bring

about progressive improvement and changes within an administrative system which increases
its capacity to implement such programmes.

In brief, administration of development involves the following objectives:

i) Application of innovative strategies for development

ii) Emphasis on development at the grassroots level. Development has to be a

need-oriented and self-reliant process

iii) Stress on social development and human capital as a major resource

iv) Development has to be viewed not merely as a technological problem but also as an
ideological norm

v) Profound and rapid change in order to establish a distinct and just social order

vi) Recognizing and highlighting the unity, rather than a dichotomy between politics and

vii) Effective and efficient use of scarce resources

viii) Creation of a politics-administrative environment which is oriented toward securing the

basic needs of the population

ix) Freedom of administrative machinery to express its values and beliefs without fear or
favour on programmes and projects.
Development of Administration or Administrative Development (SAME Meaning)

Development Administration has to be efficient and effective. For that purpose, it has to aim at
the enlargement of administrative capabilities and structural and behavioural change. It is this
aspect of administration that is called Administrative Development or Development of
Administration. In simple terms, it means creating a healthy administrative system by
implementing administrative rationalization and institution building. The goal of this idea is not
just to change the procedures and channels of administration, but also to bring about a
fundamental change in administration that leads to political growth, economic growth, and
social change. The government should change so that it can meet the goals of society. In short,
Administrative Development is concerned with:

i) The capacity of an administrative system to take decisions in order to meet the ever-
increasing demands coming from the environment and with the objective of achieving larger
political and socioeconomic goals.

ii) Increase in size, specialization and division of tasks and in professionalization of its

iii) A pattern of increasing effectiveness in the optimum utilization of available means and
further augmentation of the means, if necessary.

iv) Increase in administrative capability and capacity.

v) Transformation of existing administrative mechanism into a new machinery through

modernizing the bureaucracy by external inducement, transfer of technology and training.

vi) Replacement of initiative, practices etc. with those based on realistic needs

vii) Reducing the dependence on foreign experts by producing adequately trained manpower.

viii) Promotion of development initiative.

ix) Administrative reorganization and rationalization.

x) Making modernization culturally related.

xi) Removing or reducing bureaucratic immobility and widespread corruption.

xii) Reorientation of established agencies, and the delegation of administrative powers to them.
xiii) Creation of administrators who can provide leadership in stimulating and supporting
programmes of social and economic improvement.



Development Administration is about projects, programs, policies and ideas which are
focused on the development of a nation, with the point of view of socio-economic and
socio-political development of society in general, carried out by talented and skilled

A model of Development Administration must contain the following points.

 It should reject the status quo and be directed towards change and more so towards
results. It is result oriented at its core and every development function should have a
defined objective.

 Planning is essential to decide the framework of resources and time to be allotted for a
development function.

 Innovation. It is dynamic in approach and encourages new and better ways to achieve

 It should focus on planning for the people as well as with the people. It is people-
centred, must empower society as a whole and not product or profit-centred.

The concept of Development Administration should be understood using two concepts

Administration of Development and Administrative Development.

Administration of Development: Resources are scarce, material or human thus the need to
make optimum utilization of available resources and making new means for development
gathers importance. So, administration of development involves the following objectives:

 Innovation at all levels of planning.

 Importance to the development at the grassroots level.

 Development of human capital as a resource.

 Politics and administration must go hand in hand to establish a rapid change in society
and bring about just and distinct social order.

 Freedom of administrative machinery to express ideas, and views for the most effective
and efficient use of natural resources.

Administrative Development: For effective Development Administration the structure of

Administration itself must be empowered, large and capable enough to sustain the pressures by
the developmental activities. In simpler words it means to develop administrative health by
rationalizing and institution building and bringing about a radical change in the administrative
framework, from the traditionalist approach, to handle and create socio-economic and political
development and social change. In essence, the objective of Administrative development can
be summarized as:

 Building decision-making capabilities.

 Development of skill and specialization to tackle complex issues in the personnel.

 Giving importance to training, and effective use of technology to bring about change in
Administrative approach.

 Increasing administrative capacity, and capabilities, removing corruption and bringing

in more accountability.

 Creating leaders out of bureaucrats for the promotion of development initiatives.

To achieve development goals, it is necessary that there is proper planning, optimum utilization
of resources, skilled personnel, accountability in actions and words, self-reliance and emphasis
on technology. At the same time, we need to develop bureaucracy, innovativeness, build
capabilities, integrity and decentralized decision-making.

So, Administrative development and Administration of Development both are important for the
effective development of Society.

a. Issues Related to The Degree of Uncertainty and Complexity in The Environment

Environmental uncertainty and complexity impact the complexity of the project through issues
such as the uncertainty of the marketplace for the product and surrounding the project while it
is being undertaken; the ways in which the project communicates with its stakeholders; the

Politics – Many projects are undertaken in highly political environments. Whether the politics
is governmental with a capital P or organizational or social with a lower-case p, politics have a
major influence over the complexity of almost every project. Projects undertaken with a
political goal are the most obvious examples. These would include infrastructure development,
defence procurement, educational changes and so on. The ones which are politically triggered
can be at the mercy of changes in political needs. Roads may get cancelled, defence contracts
deferred and educational changes redirected.

Harder to read but often as influential are the corporate politics that impact internal or
commercial projects. Organisations may have internal political tensions where one faction may
support and another object to a commissioned project, as leadership changes so will the support
and commitment to any given project. Alongside this are situations where there may be internal
tension between project personnel, with some maneuvering to have personnel removed or
promoted within or onto a project. All of these changes can be complex to understand and very
detrimental to the productivity of a project reflecting the need for new political representation;
influence over the project and; the political landscape influencing the project and its outcomes.

Marketplace – Many projects are undertaken in a corporate and social setting in which the
marketplace for the outcomes of the project is uncertain and rapidly changing. You can see
responses to this in the way in which software development is undertaken in short cycles under
methodologies such as agile. On the other end of the spectrum are projects such as
infrastructure developments which are typically performed using techniques developed for
longer-term environments, this works well when the project is a road or a similar piece of the
built environment but is less effective when it is deploying new telecommunications
equipment. Working in marketplace uncertainty it is important that the project scope is
regularly monitored and adjusted as needed against the changing market. Not doing so can
result in a well-delivered project outcome that is no longer relevant to its perceived customers.
Stakeholders – Understanding the ever-changing requirements of stakeholders has been a part
of the demands of virtually every project yet is often only treated superficially. Many projects
consider in depth the demands and expectations of those they consider their key stakeholders,
but in doing so, miss many others who may be influential in more subtle or tangential ways.
Mobile phone manufacturers listen to their current customers who tell them the current features
are great and need to be reinforced but miss the potential users for their product who could tell
them about features they would not otherwise have considered – think here of Nokia versions
of their handset with more different covers etc. while Apple was busy developing the
smartphone which eventually led to the virtually total demise of Nokia.

b. The Need for Environment Scanning

Environmental scanning is a process that systematically surveys and interprets relevant data to
identify external opportunities and threats that could influence future decisions. It is closely
related to a S.W.O.T. analysis and should be used as part of the strategic planning process.

Components of external scanning that could be considered include:

• Trends: What trends are occurring in the marketplace or industry that could affect the
organization either positively or negatively?

• Competition: What is your competition doing that provides them with an advantage? Where
can you exploit your competition's weaknesses?

• Technology: What developments in technology may impact your business in the future? Are
there new technologies that can make your organization more efficient?

• Customers: How is your customer base changing? What is impacting your ability to provide
top-notch customer service?

• Economy: What is happening in the economy that could affect future business?

• Labor supply: What is the labour market like in the geographies where you operate? How can
you ensure ready access to high-demand workers?

• Political/legislative arena: What impact will election outcomes have on your business? Is
there impending legislation that will affect your operations?

Each organization must identify what external factors are most impactful to make the
environmental scan a useful tool.
The next step is to conduct an internal scan of the organization. Review the company's vision,
mission and strategic plan. Examine the organization's strengths and weaknesses. Consider
where the company is now and where it plans to be in five or 10 years. Interview or survey
leaders of the company.

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