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From Scholastic and the scientists of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
What You
Need to Know About…
ou’ve probably heard
When taken as prescribed, these of medications like
medications can safely and Ritalin or Adderall.
A doctor may have
effectively treat ADHD. But even prescribed them to you
or someone you know. These
misusing them has serious health drugs are prescription
stimulants and are
risks, including addiction. prescribed to treat medical
conditions such as attention
deficit hyperactivity
A message from Scholastic and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) disorder (ADHD).
Research shows that
prescription stimulants
ADHD is usually diagnosed DANGERS OF MISUSE
during childhood or adolescence. Prescription stimulants are can help academic
Kids with ADHD struggle to pay strong medications, which is performance for kids
attention, may fidget often, and why kids with ADHD who with ADHD, but stimulant
may be more hyperactive and take them must be carefully misuse is linked to poorer
impulsive than other children monitored by their doctor. grades in school. Why?
their age. For teens, ADHD can A doctor will track whether Stimulants keep you
make it challenging to finish the medication is improving awake, but they can also
schoolwork and focus on tasks. ADHD symptoms, watch for any make you jittery, anxious,
Prescription stimulants can negative side effects, and adjust irritable, and paranoid.
help kids and teens with ADHD the dosage if necessary.
Stimulants may improve
manage these symptoms, making Scientists have learned that
certain skills (like focus) at
life easier at school and at home. misusing stimulants can be very
the expense of others (like
But misusing these drugs can dangerous—and the effects
creative thinking).
be dangerous. Teenagers who are unpredictable. What could
take a higher dose than what happen if a teen with ADHD
their doctor prescribed, take takes a higher dose than their
the medication even though doctor prescribed? Or if kids
they don’t have ADHD, or take who don’t have ADHD try over, and ultimately can lead to
someone else’s prescription can a friend’s meds because they addiction.
wind up with serious health think it will help them do People facing addiction often
problems, including addiction. better on a test? When taking suffer devastating physical and
prescription stimulants under emotional consequences. A teen
ADHD AND THE BRAIN these circumstances, kids may with addiction can damage
Dopamine and experience scary side effects, important family relationships,
norepinephrine are two including a pounding heart, lose touch with friends, have
chemicals in your brain. A careful anxiety, extreme anger, serious problems at school, and
balance of these chemicals is and paranoia—and even life- quit activities they once loved. If
required for fast processing by threatening conditions like stroke they try to stop using the drug,
brain circuits involved in problem- and heart attack. they may experience withdrawal
solving. Scientists have observed symptoms such as depression,
that people with ADHD have ADDICTION RISK fatigue, and insomnia. These
differences related to these brain Misusing a prescription symptoms may even cause the
chemicals. Prescription stimulants stimulant also puts a teenager at teen to return to using the drug.
work in the brain to boost and risk for addiction. The drugs Prescription stimulants have
balance levels of dopamine and cause a surge of the chemical been shown to be safe and
norepinephrine. When prescribed dopamine in the brain, which effective when taken as prescribed
by doctors, these medications programs the brain to want this for ADHD. Like any prescription
(along with behavior therapy) experience again. This increases drug, it’s important that the
can help kids with ADHD pay the chance that someone will medications are taken correctly
attention and focus. start taking the drug over and and under a doctor’s care.

For additional facts about science and your health, visit and
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What You Need to Know

About Prescription Stimulants
When used as prescribed by a doctor, prescription stimulants safely
and effectively help kids with ADHD. But misuse can be very dangerous.
Share the article “What You Need to Know About Prescription
Stimulants” to help students understand the very real health risks
of misusing these drugs. Then assign the “Important Facts About

Supplement to Scholastic magazines. Scholastic and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. NIDA 20–21; Insert 2—Upf, Sco, Cho, JS, SW.
Addiction” activity sheet, and guide students to synthesize what they
have learned by creating an eye-catching infographic for other teens.

Reading Comprehension Critical-Thinking Subject Areas

Questions Writing Prompts • Science, Biology, Public Health

1 Why is a prescription for stimulants

safe for a person with ADHD but
not safe for a person without ADHD?
Grades 6–8 Explain why a doctor’s
prescription is needed to obtain
prescription stimulants.
• English Language Arts
• Health/Life Skills

(Scientists believe that people with ADHD Grades 9–10 Imagine your friend is Standards, Grs. 6–12
have differences related to the brain taking prescription stimulants because
chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. they believe it helps them study better Common Core State
Prescription stimulants help boost and for tests. Write a letter to your friend Standards (CCSS)
balance levels of these chemicals and explaining why this behavior is risky. RI.2  Summarize key
alleviate ADHD symptoms. Since people supporting details of a text.
Grades 11–12 Use what you
without ADHD have different brain
learned in the article to explain RI.9  Analyze how two or more
chemistry than people with ADHD, the drug
what the illustration in the texts address similar topics in
affects their brain and body in different
article communicates. What effects order to build knowledge.
and potentially dangerous ways.)
of stimulants are depicted in
W.2  Write informative
How do prescription stimulants help the illustration? texts to convey complex ideas
to treat symptoms of ADHD? (The
and information clearly and
drugs help boost and balance levels of the Remote Learning accurately through effective
chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine in
the brains of people with ADHD; this helps
Suggestions selection and organization
people with ADHD focus.) • Send students links or print copies of content.

of the student article and student
Identify three examples of misusing Next Generation Science
activity, and instruct them to read
prescription stimulants. (Misuse of Standards (NGSS)
independently. (For striving readers,
prescription stimulants includes using MS-LS1.D/HS-LS1.D Information
record yourself reading the article
them in any way other than prescribed by Processing
aloud and instruct them to follow
a doctor. This could mean taking a higher Practice Obtaining, Evaluating,
along with the recording.)
dose than prescribed, using the drugs for and Communicating Information
reasons other than treating ADHD, or using • Use videoconferencing to discuss the Crosscutting Concept Cause
drugs prescribed to someone else.) reading comprehension questions and Effect

together as a class.
How can misusing prescription
• Have students complete the student Additional Lesson Resources
stimulants be dangerous to your
health? (Misusing prescription stimulants activity on the next page, then  Tiered Vocabulary Tools: Visit
can cause a pounding heart, anxiety, create an online folder so they can
extreme anger, and paranoia—as well as share their infographics with the /prescriptionstimulants for
life-threatening conditions like stroke and class. a vocabulary list to support
heart attack.) • Wrap up the lesson with an online this article.

5 How can someone become addicted or phone discussion synthesizing 

to prescription stimulants? (When what they haVe learned about /teachers
prescription stimulants are misused, the importance of prescription 
they can cause abnormally high levels of stimulants, but also the dangers
dopamine in the brain. This increases the of misusing them. What facts did
chance that the person will use the drugs they learn from their classmates’
again. Over time, this can lead to addiction.) infographics?
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Important Facts About Addiction

Learn about this disease, then create an infographic to share facts with other teens.


Read the passage below and take notes as you read.

What Is Addiction? •U  sing drugs at an early age. relationships at school, on

(This is because the brain sports teams, in clubs, etc.
When people compulsively
continues to develop until a It’s important to remember
and continuously use drugs—
person’s mid-20s.) that even if someone has
despite the harm to their body
•M  ental health problems such as risk factors, they may never
and mind, as well as to others—
depression use or develop an addiction
it’s considered an addiction.
•H  aving family or friends who use to drugs. On the flip side,
People with an addiction
or misuse alcohol or drugs you should know that even
may end up damaging their
• Trauma or stressful situations: a person who has protective
relationships with family and
friends in crisis, extreme hunger, factors can develop
friends, find it difficult to stay
family issues, unsafe housing, addiction.
in school or hold down a job,
financial insecurity
and stop enjoying everyday
activities and hobbies they On the other hand, Getting Help
once loved. there are protective Addiction is treatable.
factors that decrease Behavioral therapies and, in
Who Is at Risk? the chance that a some cases, medications that
person will develop addiction. treat the symptoms can help
There’s no one
These include: manage the disease. If you
“type” of person
 trong family bonds or someone you know needs
who is at risk for
 oals and aspirations for the help, visit findtreatment
drug addiction.
future , e.g., college, career, or call 800-662-
However, certain risk factors
marriage and family, travel, etc. 4357 to find addiction
increase a person’s chance of
 trong connections and treatments in your area.
addiction, including:


Studies show that some teens put themselves at risk of addiction by

misusing prescription stimulants and other drugs. How can you help?
• Create an eye-catching infographic that explains the risks to teens.
• Include a mix of text and visuals, such as diagrams, graphs, and images.

From Scholastic and the scientists of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services

What You Need to Know About

Find the article at:

addiction (noun): a brain disorder or illness norepinephrine (noun): a chemical produced

associated with compulsive (uncontrollable) and released when the body is under stress;
behavior, such as drug use, despite negative it has many effects on the body including
consequences increasing heart rate
anxiety (noun): feelings of worry or fear that paranoia (noun): a disorder in which a person
may be strong enough to interfere with a feels extreme distrust or threatened by others,
person’s daily activities even when there is no evidence to support that
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) (noun): a brain disorder that can lead prescription stimulant (noun): a drug that
to symptoms such as difficulty paying attention causes a temporary increase in activity in parts
or staying organized as well as hyperactivity, of the brain and body. A prescription stimulant
frequent fidgeting, impulsivity, and restlessness must be ordered by a doctor before it can be
circuit (noun): a path between points over
which signals can move withdrawal symptom (noun): a physical
change that occurs as part of the body’s
consequence (noun): a result or outcome response to the sudden removal of a drug to
devastating (adjective): causing great danger which it has gotten used to being exposed
or harm
diagnose (verb): to identify the presence of a
disease or condition by its symptoms
dopamine (noun): a chemical in the brain that
helps send signals between nerve cells and is
associated with feelings of pleasure
dose (noun): the measured amount of a
chemical such as a drug to be taken at one time
hyperactive (adjective): extremely active or too
impulsive (adjective): doing something or
tending to do something suddenly without
careful planning or thought

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