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Proceedings of the 2022 International Pipeline Conference

September 26-September 30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Mark S. Jean, P.Eng. Eric Grant, P.Eng

Applied4Sight Ltd. Applied4Sight Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Calgary, Alberta, Canada

ABSTRACT As the recognition of ESG continues to grow, so too has the use
Throughout the centuries, companies have faced a of management systems, especially in the pipeline industry.
wide range of challenges and changes that have caused them to Many companies are developing or have developed a
rethink their strategies and redesign their organizations. The management system to support their organization and
recent focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) operations. This is one of the key tools that companies can use
performance is one of the new challenges facing companies to systematically improve their ESG performance. It provides
today. ESG builds on prior Corporate Social Responsibility the structure to support effective ESG risk identification,
(CSR) reporting, adding additional structure and rigour to the management, mitigation, and reporting, providing the necessary
process for disclosure. It is not the concept of ESG that is sustained improvement and governance oversight needed.
challenging, but the speed at which the public and other key Through a management system plan-do-check-act (PDCA)
stakeholders, including institutional investors and regulators, approach, ESG initiatives can be effectively planned, executed,
have endorsed it that creates the greatest issue for companies. It reviewed, and reported to support ongoing improvement in both
has affected their ability to attract investment, increases costs ESG as well existing operations.
for borrowing as well as for insurance. This directly impacts a
The proposed paper will discuss the relationship between
company’s ability to finance and get access to lower-cost
management systems and ESG how to leverage a management
capital for their growth and ongoing operations[1].
system to support systematic improvements in ESG
There are many different disclosure frameworks in place to performance and year-over-year improvement in ESG related
support ESG improvement and reporting. These include metrics.
including Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability
Keywords: ESG, ESG performance, management systems,
Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Task Force on Climate-
performance improvement
related financial Disclosures (TCFD), United Nations (UN)
Sustainability Goals, etc. with new frameworks being added
and changes being made on a regular basis. While there are
many different frameworks, many share a common objective of
improved performance in one or more of the ESG pillars. This
improvement is not intended to be acute, but rather demonstrate
continual organizational improvement over time. To
effectively meet ESG requirements, companies will have to
demonstrate sustained improvements in defined ESG pillars,
supported by:

• Defined ESG strategies;

• Established processes and consistent and progressive
• Measurement, reporting, and leadership oversight; and
• Disclosure/Transparency (e.g. public reporting) [2]

1 Copyright © ASME 2022

1. INTRODUCTION have felt that social investing, occurring in the 1960s with the
The concept of environment, social and governance (ESG) boycott of specific companies and industries (e.g., tobacco) was
has been in place in various forms and degrees for many in fact the start of the integration of social beliefs into financial
decades. In each of the preceding years, there has been varying investment.
degrees of emphasis placed on each of the three ESG pillars
based on the concerns of society at the time. Regardless of when ESG started, it has continued to gain
momentum within financial asset management, investment, and
The late 1960’s brought what many feel was start of the even regulatory circles. Several key developments have
modern environmental movement. Some large incidents, occurred in the last decade which serve to further reinforce ESG
including the Santa Barbara oil spill, which occurred in January prominence.
1969 in the Santa Barbara Channel, was one of the catalysts for
the increased focus on the environment and the role that humans
2.1. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
were having on it [3]. One of the key moments defining the
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
environmental movement was the inaugural Earth Day, held on
(SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted in 2015
April 22, 1970 and annually since [4]. Social movements pre-
date environmental movements, with periods of reform and as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet,
significant change occurring after World War II (1945 – 1950s). and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
It was during this period that feminism, gay rights, and civil
rights movements were beginning to form and take root and
were the precursor to more modern social considerations in Where are 17 integrated SDGs that focus on specific
ESG. The growth of corporate governance has also increased priority topics. It recognizes that action in one area will affect
over time due to concerns with corporate oversight and business outcomes in others, and that development must balance social,
ethics, but first became visible in the 1970s [5]. Over the last economic, and environmental sustainability. The integrated
several decades, the focus on corporate governance has approach utilized for the UN SDG’s is reflective of the
continued to grow. Incidents associated with large corporations approach that is being taken for ESG more broadly. Key goals
and attributable in whole or in part to poor governance, have surrounding Gender Equality (Goal 5), Affordable and Clean
occurred including Enron Accounting Irregularities [6], Energy (Goal 7), Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8),
Volkswagen emissions scandals [7], Lehman Brothers sub- Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10), Responsible Consumption and
prime mortgage [8]. This shook investor and public confidence Production (Goal 12), Climate Action (Goal 13) are aligned to
in the governance at large organizations and created demand for
and have greater influence over general ESG direction.
improved oversight.

While there has been varying degrees of focus on 2.2. Davos Manifesto 2020
environment, social and governance areas independently over The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the International
the years, it wasn’t until more recently that attention was Business Council (IBC) developed a stakeholder capitalism
directed to all ESG pillars in an integrated and deliberate model they hoped would become the dominant approach to
manner, guiding and influencing investment decisions. Even defining organizational responsibilities. Stakeholder capitalism
today, the approach to ESG continues to evolve, requiring even positions private corporations as trustees of society and is
more systematic approaches to demonstrate rigour and viewed as the best response to today’s social and environmental
improvements in performance. The good news, however, is that challenges [11]. The Davos Manifesto states that companies
the use of management systems has also continued to grow should pay their fair share of taxes, show zero tolerance for
during this period and can be a very powerful tool that can be corruption, uphold human rights throughout their global supply
leveraged to support the ever changing ESG landscape. chains, and advocate for a competitive and level playing field.
In supporting this approach, a suite of 21 core (e.g. Board
composition, GHG Emissions, Land use and ecological
sensitivity, etc.) and 34 expanded metrics (e.g. Social value
generated, average wage, etc.) and disclosures have been
There has been an ongoing debate as to when ESG emerged
defined. Core metrics consist of a set of 21 more-established or
as a significant influence on investment behaviours. Many
critically important metrics and disclosures. Expanded metrics
sources cite 2005 as the start of modern ESG regime, with the include a set of 34 metrics and disclosures that tend to be less
“Who Cares Wins” [9] initiative. It was the first notable use of well-established in existing practice and standards. The metrics
the term ESG and one of the first gatherings of institutional established go beyond typical financial metrics, explicitly
investors, asset managers, analyst, government bodies and incorporating ESG goals as a complement.
regulators to discuss the impact that environment, social and
governance value drivers were having on broader financial asset 3. APPLICATION OF ESG
management and investment. This further led to the Understanding the history and drivers for ESG is important
development of the 2006 United Nation’s Principles for in getting perspective on what has happened and the influences
Responsible Investment (PRI) report, outlining key principles that may impact it in the future. However, it is the application
to support putting responsible investment into practice. Others of ESG where the principles, goals and reporting become more

2 Copyright © ASME 2022

tangible for organizations. To support the interpretation of ESG 3.1.4.Taskforce on Climate-related Financial
goals and define specific and actionable requirements related Disclosures (TCFD)
each pillar, a range of different frameworks and rating agencies The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
have been established. The following section describes the Disclosures (TCFD) is an organization that was established in
more established frameworks and agencies in place. 2015 with the goal of developing a set of voluntary climate-
related financial risk disclosures. In 2017, the TCFD released
3.1. Disclosure Frameworks climate-related financial disclosure recommendations designed
A range of different disclosure frameworks have been to help companies provide better information to support
developed to support ESG. A disclosure framework is a informed capital allocation. TCFD’s disclosure
standard that outlines the requirements for disclosure, including recommendations are structured around four thematic areas that
what needs to be disclosed and typically in what form. Each represent core elements of how companies operate: governance,
have unique priorities and have taken different approaches to strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. The four
address their priority ESG requirements. The most common recommendations are interrelated and supported by 11
and more frequently referenced frameworks have been outlined recommended disclosures that build out the framework with
for reference. information that should help investors and others understand
how reporting organizations think about and assess climate-
3.1.1.Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) related risks and opportunities. While TCFD is one of the
GRI was established in 1997 due to public outcry over newer disclosure frameworks, the approach is being supported
the environmental impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The by regulators and other framework agencies and is starting to
aim of the organization was to create an accountability lead the way for how ESG disclosures may take form in the
framework to support companies in applying responsible future. [15]
environmental principles and practices. It has since expanded
to include broader social, economic and governance 3.2. Rating Agencies
considerations. In 2016, GRI established it’s GRI Standards, Utilizing the Disclosure Framework requirements allows
transitioning from providing guidelines to setting the first for more consistent public disclosure of ESG related
global standards for sustainability. It has also developed a information. Rating agencies use this information to assess the
Sector Program that further breakdown its standards into 40 relative performance of companies to support review by
distinct categories that consider industry specific factors and institutional investors and other rating industry clients. They
impacts. Many investors, businesses, and governments use leverage their proprietary models to analyze available
GRI’s ESG framework today and it is one of the most widely information and assign scores or ratings to various companies.
used sustainability disclosure frameworks in place. [12] The four major rating agencies for ESG that dominate the
current market included MSCI, Sustainalytics, RepRisk, and
3.1.2.Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ISS.
CDP was developed in 2000 as a not-for-profit charity
that oversees a global disclosure system for investors, 3.2.1.MSCI
companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their While it wasn’t until 2009 that MSCI became publicly
environmental impacts. This includes requirements for traded company, it has a long and storied history dating back to
companies to measure and manage their risks and opportunities 1969. MSCI is one of the largest independent providers of ESG
on climate change, water security and deforestation. CDP ratings. Their ratings are designed to measure a company’s
currently manages the world’s largest, most comprehensive resilience to long-term material environmental, social and
dataset on environmental action. It supports its users in making governance (ESG) risks. The MSCI ESG ratings model
environmental conscience decisions that strives to support both identifies the ESG risks that are most material to a range of sub-
economy and the environment. [13] industries or sectors. [16]

3.1.3.Sustainability Accounting Standards Board 3.2.2.Sustainalytics

(SASB) Sustainalytics, created in 2008, measures and assesses
SASB began in 2011, to guide the disclosure of the degree that a company has unmanaged ESG risk. This is
financially material sustainability information by companies to measured by a unique set of material ESG issues, so it only
their investors. SASB standards work to align and identify considers issues which have a potentially substantial impact on
sustainability information which is financially material across the company’s economic value. The rating scores ESG
the range of ESG pillars. Because materiality is a key performance from negligible to severe risk. The rating is
consideration, SASB has developed a range of industry specific comprised of three central building blocks: corporate
standards to support different industries and sectors. [14] governance, material ESG Issues (MEI), and idiosyncratic
issues (black swans). [17]

3 Copyright © ASME 2022

3.2.3.RepRisk 3.4. Regulatory Oversight
Since 2006, RepRisk has been leveraging the As ESG continues to expand in application, regulators are
combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning increasingly looking to apply additional scrutiny and in some
with human intelligence to translate big data into actionable case requirements to reinforce or expand on what is already in
research, analytics, and risk metrics. It systematically screens place. Regulators across North America are adding their own
a range of publicly available information to flag and monitor lenses to the ESG frame including the Canadian Securities
material ESG risks and violations of international standards that Administrators, Canadian Energy Regulator and Security and
can have reputational, compliance, and financial impacts on a
Exchange Commission.
company. On a daily basis, over 100,000 public sources are
reviewed including print media, online media, social media
including Twitter and blogs, government bodies, regulators, 3.4.1.Canadian Security Administrators (CSA)
think tanks, newsletters, and other online sources. [18] In Canada, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)
held a roundtable on ESG Related Issues in Asset Management
on September 27, 2021, following which they issued guidance
3.2.4.Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
ISS was founded in 1985, and more recently has to Investment Funds on their ESG disclosure practices. [22]
expanded to support ESG assessment. It takes a sector specific
and materiality focused approach, highlighting key issues that 3.4.2.Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC)
In the U.S., recent progress toward clarifying ESG
represent the most material sustainability issues for a given
disclosure standards has been made by the SEC. In May 2020,
industry and company. It identifies correlations between
the SEC Investor Advisory Committee approved
sustainability and financial performance with over 250 ESG
recommendations urging the Commission to begin an effort to
rating scores and underlying categories, including Prime
update reporting requirements for issuers to include material,
ratings, financial performance scores and areas of key concern.
decision-useful environmental, social, and governance, or ESG
Their ratings on companies, countries and green bonds provide
factors. This was intended to support the creation an ESG
investors with the in-depth insight to effectively incorporate
disclosure framework for consistent and comparable
sustainability in their investment decisions. [19]
information without the use of a third party rating agency.
Inconsistency amongst ratings has influenced the SEC to move
3.3. Use by Investors
ESG is increasingly becoming a greater factor in forward in creating a standard framework. Further in December
determining the investment worthiness of organizations. 2020, the ESG Subcommittee of the SEC Asset Management
Investors are increasingly considering ESG factors in their Advisory Committee issued a preliminary recommendation that
portfolio selection and are using rating agencies to support their the Commission require the adoption of standards by which
own assessments. [20] While they don’t rely solely on rating corporate issuers disclose material ESG risks. [23]
agency data, they do use it combined with their own internal In March of 2021, the SEC announced a Climate and ESG
reviews to determine whether a company can support its Task Force to pursue enforcement for ESG misconduct and
sustainability goals and objectives. disclosure gaps [24]. This initiative was intended to identify
A key example is BlackRock Inc., an American material gaps and “greenwashing”—statements that mislead
multinational investment management corporation, and one of investors by overstating or misstating a company’s climate
the world's leading providers of investment, advisory and risk friendly practices or products.
management solutions with an asset base reaching $10 trillion. More recently, on March 22, 2022, the SEC has proposed
They were early adopter of sustainability and have used requiring U.S.-listed companies to disclose a range of climate-
Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in order to related risks and greenhouse gas emissions. [25] This move has
provide their clients with better risk-adjusted returns, in keeping the potential to further progress the requirements around
with both their fiduciary duty and the range of regulatory environmental reporting by requiring companies to
requirements around the world. As a result, they assess whether demonstrate:
the companies that they invest in are adequately managing and
disclosing sustainability-related risks, and to make them • Governance of climate-related risks and relevant risk
accountable if they are not. management processes (i.e., Governance);
• Assessment of materiality of climate-related ESG
BlackRock has also increased their focus on governance,
factors and the impact on companies' businesses and
requiring companies in sectors that are significantly exposed to
consolidated financial statements (i.e. Risk
climate-related risk, to have boards that are fluent in how
Management (incl Materiality));
climate risk affects the business and the approaches being used
• Assessment of how any identified climate-related risks
to assess, adapt, and mitigate that risk. [21] This underscores the
have affected (or are likely to affect) companies'
emphasis and pressure being place on organizations to have
strategies, business models, and outlooks; (i.e., Risk
governance over ESG related issues.
Management (incl Scenarios);

4 Copyright © ASME 2022

• The impact of climate-related events and transition As ESG continues to guide the growth in sustainable
activities on consolidated financial statements and developments, so too will be the importance of reacting and
financial estimates and assumptions used in the responding to changes in the approach to ESG. One of the key
financial statements; and tools available to respond to the emerging direction and
• Climate-related performance metrics including Scope approach for ESG is Management Systems, that are already
1, 2, and in some cases, Scope 3 (i.e. Metrics & being used in many oil and gas companies.
While the listing of SEC activities is not intended to be A management system provides the structure for a
exhaustive, it is indicative of the increased scrutiny and company to organize and implement operational policies,
involvement of the regulator in matters related to ESG. This is procedures, and other frameworks for long term sustainability.
likely to continue in the future and perhaps is an indicator of the Management systems align industry standards, internal
future of ESG and the approach to be considered. practices, and regulations with company goals. [28] These
frameworks help companies develop measures and targets that
3.4.3.Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) provide valuable information to improve organizational
The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) implements and performance and drive critical decision making. The use and
oversees a regulatory framework focused on the safe and prominence of management systems has continued to grow over
efficient delivery of energy to Canada and the world, protecting the years, with a range of industries either adopting it as best
the environment, and recognizing and respecting the rights of practice or regulators incorporating it into regulatory regimes.
the Indigenous peoples of Canada. The CER has established its [29] The North American pipeline industry has been developing
Onshore Pipeline Regulations to regulate the operations of and implementing management systems to support their
interprovincial and international pipelines. More recently, as operations and regulatory compliance and can now leverage it
part of a broader regulatory review, the CER has started to to support their ongoing ESG initiatives as well.
consider a broader range of social aspects within its regulatory
scope. Considerations regarding inclusion, indigenous 5.1. Regulatory Requirements for Management
engagement and reconciliation and climate change are being Systems (MS)
considered to guide regulations changes which is a more In Canada, the Canadian Energy Regulator (“CER”) has
explicit connection to ESG objectives. [26] established its Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) to govern
and regulate the operations of inter provincial and international
Despite the evolving regulatory landscape and variations of
pipelines. The regulations, outlined in SOR /99-294 [30] outline
rating methodology, there is no question that ESG risks,
the requirements for companies to “ establish, implement and
especially climate-related risks, will continue to be a priority for
maintain a management system”. The regulations have been in
shareholders, investors, regulators and other stakeholders.
place since 1999 and has been subject to changes and updates
over the years to reflect incidents, lessons learned and changes
in overall regulatory direction.
The use of ESG continues to grow and is projected to
increase as priority for sustainable investments rises. The rate In the US, the American Petroleum Institute (API) has
of sustainable investment has increased exponentially since established its API RP 1173 (“RP”) to support the development
2007. Over a period of 12 years, between 2007 and 2019, the and implementation of a Pipeline Safety Management System
rate of sustainable investment has increased from $6.5 trillion (PSMS) for the pipeline industry. The RP standard was
to over $80 trillion in assets under management in 2019 as developed through significant industry collaboration, with
shown in Figure 1. [27] stakeholders representing a diverse range of pipeline operators,
regulators, industry associations and other external stakeholder
groups. While regulators such as PHMSA have not legislated
the API RP 1173, they have publicly expressed their support for
the RP and have recommended that pipeline companies adopt
the approach outlined. While not applied on an industry level,
the federal regulator has required the implementation of API RP
1173 as a condition of restart resulting from an incident.
Additionally, some state level regulators have also mandated
the implementation of API RP 1173 as a result of incidents
occurring within state level jurisdictions.

FIGURE 1: GROWTH IN SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS Regulators of the pipeline industry are not the only ones
SOURCE: PRINCIPLES FOR RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT that have recognized and regulated the requirement for
management systems. Other high hazard industries have also

5 Copyright © ASME 2022

established requirements to establish management system policies developed, processes used, and governance employed
requirements as well. For instance, the Railway Industry in to prepare and report on the KPI’s reported. The reporting
Canada has established its Safety Management System (SMS) requirements will not focus on episodic performance, but rather
regulations in 2015. The regulations provide a framework for sustained improvement over time. This requires a more
companies to integrate safety into their day-to-day railway systematic and integrated approach, which is a key foundational
operations. The SMS was seen as an important component of a structure and objective of Management Systems. The high level
comprehensive regulatory regime as it provides a proactive overview of the integration of ESG and MS is outlined in Figure
approach to identifying safety risks and to taking action to 3.
eliminate or mitigate those risks in order to prevent accidents
and other dangerous situations. Once fully integrated in an
organization, an SMS becomes part of the culture and the way
people do their jobs. [31]


When reviewing a TCFD based approach, which is
becoming the more prevalent and recognized method of
managing ESG related risks, regulators and investors are
increasingly looking for more integration. They are not only
looking at a company’s strategy for addressing ESG related
requirements, but also the detailed processes and plans that
guide progress towards meeting the strategy set and mitigation
of the ESG risks identified. Additionally, there is an ongoing
requirement to establish meaningful key performance indicators
(KPI) and targets to demonstrate ESG performance
improvement and progress being made against the strategy. It
isn’t enough to have these individual components in place, they
also want to see integration between the various aspects,
grounded in a strong governance structure that provides the
necessary direction, oversight and commitment to the ESG FIGURE 3: MS SUPPORT MODEL FOR ESG
influenced direction of the organization. [32] An overview of
this approach is outlined in Figure 2.
For those companies with existing MS Frameworks, there
is the opportunity to integrate the ESG requirements directly
into existing systems. For those companies just starting to
develop their management systems, they can customize their
systems during the system planning phase to address ESG.
Regardless of the status of a company’s management system
journey, it will provide the necessary structure to support
improved ESG performance, while reducing the resources
required for integration.


Management systems are typically designed to support the
achievement of organizational objectives, providing the
structure to consider, plan for, execute, review and report on
performance (Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle) in meeting prescribed
FIGURE 2: EMERGING ESG APPROACH goals. The management system is typically structured as a
Source: TCFD ( series of elements, with key requirements defined within each
to outline the specific expectations of the organization. These
This requirement for integration is a critical aspect of ongoing elements and the overall structure are well aligned to the
ESG measurement and reporting and is likely to replace the requirements outlined within prevailing ESG Frameworks like
more prescriptive requirements in some other disclosure TCFD (see Figure 2 for details). Key elements that are often
frameworks that have a more checkbox based approach to ESG. considered within management systems and mapped to ESG
Companies will not only have to show outputs, in terms of KPI focus areas is outlined in the table below.
but also be systematic and transparent on the strategies and

6 Copyright © ASME 2022

management of material ESG risks. Further, a robust
Management Review & Continual Improvement element within
the management system, can demonstrate effective governance
Management System Element ESG Consideration and oversight of ESG related strategies and goals, which is also
(see Figure 2) a key ESG requirement. The following section will describe
Leadership Commitment • Governance how a management system can support each of the 4 key ESG
• Strategy focus areas of Strategy, Risk Management, Key Measures and
• Goals, Objectives & Targets • Strategy Targets and Governance as previously outlined in Figure 2.

• Planning • Risk
• Legal Requirements Management 7.1. ESG Strategy Integration
• Risk Management (Planning) The development of an ESG Strategy requires detailed
• Operational Controls • Risk consideration of how ESG related risks and opportunities can
• Competency and Training Management impact an organization’s business, strategy and financial
• Communication & Awareness (Mitigation) planning. An ESG strategy can be developed independently or

• Procurement & Contracting be integrated within other organizational strategies, but

• Management of Change regardless of the approach selected, requires input and
• Information & Documentation engagement from an organizations senior leadership given the
Management potential for enterprise level impacts.
• Monitoring & Measurement • Measures &
• Incident Investigation & Targets 7.1.1.Linkage to Management System Elements
A management system, through the Leadership

• Quality Assurance (incl Commitment element typically requires an organization to
audits) clearly define senior leadership accountabilities and
• Preventative & Corrective responsibilities and establish governance structures to support
Actions goal setting, review and decision making. The governance
• Management Review & • Governance structure established for the management system can readily be

Continual Improvement used to support the development of required ESG Strategies and
support the review of associated risks and opportunities that can
impact achieving the ESG goals set.

TABLE 1: MS AND ESG LINKAGES The management system elements that support the ESG
Strategy Integration include: Goals, Objectives & Targets,
The requirements outlined within each element may require the Planning and Legal Requirements.
development and implementation of a range of processes and
procedures. This provides the systematic structure to support Goals, Objectives & Targets (GOTs) Element
day to day operations, but also allows companies to demonstrate The GOTs Element of a management system defines the
the rigour that is needed to support ESG reporting going considerations and steps needed to set actionable goals,
forward. Figure 4 outlines the integrated structure that is objectives and targets that support meeting an organization’s
typically considered in management systems. defined strategies and priorities.

ESG Application:
The GOTs element and associated processes can be used to set
objectives and actions linked to the ESG Strategy. In addition,
the process supports setting ESG related targets, which enables
the monitoring and reporting of ESG performance and

Planning Element
The Planning Element of a management system provides
processes that enable the systematic development of plans to
meet any goals and objectives set.

ESG Application:
The Planning Element and associated processes help to
The processes developed within an organization’s systematically develop plans to meet the ESG goals, objectives
management system can be directly utilized to meet ESG and targets set. The plan developed should define the key ESG
process requirements, including those related to the related activities that need to be completed and the associated

7 Copyright © ASME 2022

internal groups that need to participate for each. By monitoring so that they can be integrated and compared with other
the progress made on each of the ESG related activities defined, organizational risk management activities.
an organization can better assess the progress being made
towards its ESG goals set and adjust where required if things Operational Control Element
deviate from plan. The Operational Control Element of a management system
outlines the specific requirements for the development of
Legal Requirements Element processes and procedures to support the organization and
The Legal Requirements Element of a management system operations. Through the application of various operational
provides the process to review compliance and monitor and controls, employees are provided the necessary information,
assess changes in regulations. instructions, and support to complete their daily tasks.
ESG Application:
As previously discussed, regulations surrounding ESG are ESG Application:
constantly changing. Leveraging the Legal Requirements The Operational Control Element supports the development of
Element allows for the identification of ESG related regulatory administrative controls (processes/procedures) that address key
changes and analysis of how it may impact an organizations ESG risks identified. For example, the development of
ESG Strategy and prioritization. development of erosion and sediment control procedures that
address water related ESG risks or vegetation management
7.2. ESG Risk Management programs that address biodiversity related ESG risks.
Effective Risk Management requires organizations to
have systematic process(es) to identify, assess and manage ESG Communication & Awareness Element
related risks. Companies are required to describe how they The Communication & Awareness Element of a management
identify and assess ESG risks and then how they determine what system generally addresses internal/external communication
mitigations may be required. Not only do ESG risks need to be needs, including requirements to manage stakeholder
assessed, but they also have to be integrated within an expectations.
organizations overall risk management activity.
ESG Application:
7.2.1.Linkage to Management System Elements The Communication & Awareness Element supports
The management system, through the elements within engagement initiatives with key stakeholders on ESG related
the PLAN and DO phases, support effective identification and topics and communication of ESG related activities taken by the
mitigation of risk. Leveraging the management system company to address risks identified.
processes for ESG yields systematic and defendable risk
management rigour, with the further benefits of being more Procurement & Contracting Element
easily integrated with other organizational risks. The Procurement & Contracting Element supports
organizations in defining specific requirements that need to be
The management system elements that support the ESG Risk applied to contractors and suppliers. It also outlines the process
Management focus area include: Risk Management, required to ensure proper screening and oversight.
Operational Control, Communication & Awareness,
Procurement & Contracting. ESG Application:
The Procurement & Contracting element supports the
identification and mitigation of environment and social risks
Risk Management Element that may be posed by contractors. For example, there may be
The Risk Management Element of a management system environmental requirements that a company may need to define
supports the systematic identification of risks to the business for contractors to meet based on ESG. Also, the selection of a
and elimination, or mitigation approaches required when risks supplier may go beyond price and consider environmental
exceed thresholds. factors such as transportation related emissions to meet ESG
scope emission requirements.
ESG Application:
Risk assessment processes can be used to support the systematic 7.3. ESG Measures and Targets
assessment of ESG related risks. When risk controls are ESG Metrics and Targets need to be established,
considered, it can demonstrate how an organization is monitored, and used to assess and manage ESG related risks
mitigating its risks and to what level, which supports disclosure and opportunities and to demonstrate improvement in overall
report development. Where ESG risks exceed thresholds set, it ESG performance.
can support the identification and application of appropriate
mitigations. The matrices, tools, and templates already in place
within the management system can be used to assess ESG risks

8 Copyright © ASME 2022

7.3.1.Linkage to Management System Elements be done when ESG targets are not met or when deficiencies are
The management system, through the elements within the identified as a result of quality assurance activities.
CHECK phase, supports the effective compilation, review, and
assurance of various activities within an organization. 7.4. Governance
Organizations can use the processes established to Governance around ESG related risks and performance
systematically measure and monitor the achievement of ESG needs to be established to support the development of ESG
related goals, objectives and targets set (see GOTs Element Strategies and provide oversight over ESG related performance.
reference above) and to support associated decision making This includes not only Senior Leadership governance, but also
governance at a Board level as well.
The management system elements that support the ESG
Measures and Targets focus area include: Measurement & 7.4.1.Linkage to Management System Elements
Monitoring, Quality Assurance and Preventative & Corrective The management system, through the elements within
Actions. the ACT phase, support the systematic governance of ESG
performance. It provides the structure for review, including the
Monitoring & Measurement Element
definition of what is reviewed, how often and the specific
The Monitoring & Measurement Element outlines the
accountability and responsibilities of leadership.
expectations and processes to be followed for ongoing
monitoring and reporting of key performance indicators. It Management Review Element
provides the means and methods (i.e., analysis and reporting The Management Review Element and associated process
tools) to gather and report information ensuring that outlines what needs to be reviewed, at what frequency and by
information can consistently be compiled to allow the whom to support leadership visibility, oversight and decision
assessment of trends in performance information. making.
ESG Application: ESG Application:
The Monitoring & Measurement Element allows for consistent The Management Review Element establishes the process to
and defendable measurement of ESG related measures and review ESG related performance information on a
performance against targets. It supports the collection of ESG predetermined and regular basis. It typically includes the
related information and changes over time to support public review of company ESG performance data, collected, and
disclosures and reporting. This is particularly important, given compiled through the Measurement and Monitoring element,
regulators are requiring increased rigour around the accuracy of including the achievement of ESG relate goals, objectives and
information reported. targets set, review of decisions, actions, and commitments
relating to the improvement and the response to incidents,
Quality Assurance Element
deficiencies, and non-conformances.
The Quality Assurance Element within the management
system, outlines the expectations and processes to be used to
complete various assurance activities within an organization.
ESG will continue to be a key focus and driver for many
This can include formal audits, assessments or inspections that
organizations, now and in the future. The ability to effectively
measure how an organization is completing work and the
respond to the ever changing requirements, including those that
degree to which it is carrying out effective reporting.
require more systematic assessment of ESG Risks, will be a key
differentiator between companies. Organizations that can
effectively leverage their management system to meet ESG
ESG Application:
requirements more quickly and effectively will have a
The Quality Assurance Elements allows companies to assess
competitive advantage in being able to maintain and attract
the accuracy of measures and target data to be reported as well
future investments.
as confirmation that the ESG risk mitigation activities that were
identified were implemented as proposed and that the risks are
being controlled.

Preventative & Corrective Actions Element

The Preventative & Corrective Actions Element supports the
systematic improvement in organizational processes and risk
mitigation activities.

ESG Application:
The Preventative and Corrective Action Element and related
processes outline the response required and what may need to

9 Copyright © ASME 2022

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10 Copyright © ASME 2022

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