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Activity for October 10, 2022

Hello Guys. Wala ako bukas. Need kong pumunta sa BIR.

Wala tayong class.
Pero may activity tayo.
1. Play Gartic Phone
Use this link:

The words or phrases that you should input should be related to Energy concepts from
the reading about energy. The drawings must also be related to Energy.
This is an activity for the entire class.

A. For the person who will create the Room: Choose a character and input a fun
nickname. Press star then skip the ads.
B. Click invite and copy the link. Share the link to your classmates

C. For those who will join, click the link. Choose a character and input a nickname.
Click Join. Skip the ads.
D. For the room maker: Change the number of players to 30. Choose sandwich.
Start when everyone who can play is ready. Play 1 or 2 rounds.

E. Remember that this must be recorded (screen recording) if you can. Only one is
required to record. All of you must submit the screenshots of the final results.
Submit the screen shot via FB group. Use #SurnameInitials #Section
#GarticPhone. Submit the screen recording via FB Group and use #Section
Malalaki na kayo. You can figure out this game on your own. Pwede kayo mag
2. Do the Energy and Fuel Company Activity (by Pair Only)

For this activity you need to find a partner. This means that you must only work as a
You are now successful Engineers. You and your partner want to set up a large Fuel
and Energy Company. As CEO or President of the company here are your tasks:
• Determine if you are the CEO or the President.
• Create a Company Name (You can add a logo if you want)
• Create a mission AND vision for the company.
• Determine the products OR services you are offering related to energy AND fuels
(There must be ONE product or service for energy and ONE product or service
for fuels (Crude oil or Alternative Fuel).
• Discuss the processes to produce that energy AND fuel OR how you will perform
the services.
• Estimate the cost of setting up the company.
• Estimate the profit that you would get.
• Assign 5 classmates/friends or more as employees for your company. Include
their names, positions, and salaries.
• Always include your references.

• Via FB Group
• Include the name of the pair
• Include the section
• Due until the end of the class

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