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Statistic with Computer Education

Module/lesson 3

Measures of Central Tendency


1. The mean
 Characteristic of the Mean
 Uses of the Mean
 Computation of the Mean for Ungrouped data
 Computation of the Mean for Grouped data
 Weighted Arithmetic Mean
2. The Median
 Characteristic of the Median
 Uses of the Median
 Computation of the Median for Ungrouped data
 Computation of the Median for Grouped data
3. The Mode
 Characteristic of the Mode
 Uses of the Mode
 Computation of the Mode for Ungrouped data
 Computation of the Mode for grouped data
4. The Quantiles
 Computation of Quantiles for Ungrouped data
 Computation of Quantiles for Grouped Data

Characteristic of the Mean

In statistics, the Arithmetic Mean (A.M) or called average is the ratio of all observations to the
total number of observations. The arithmetic mean can also inform or model concepts outside of
statistics. In a physical sense, the arithmetic mean can be thought of as a center of gravity. From the
mean of a data set, we can think of the average distance the data points are from the mean as standard

Uses of the Mean

The mean is also known as the average. The mean can be used to get an overall idea or picture
of the data set. Mean is best used for a data set with numbers that are close together.

Difference of grouped and ungrouped data

Both are useful forms of data but the difference between them is that ungrouped data is raw data. This
means that it has just been collected but not sorted into any group or classes. On the other hand,
grouped data is data that has been organized into groups from the raw data.
Computing the mean for grouped data

Height Frequency Class Mark f 1 x1 An Illustration for Computing the

(Inches) ( f 1) ( x 1) Mean Height of 50 Men Using the Long
61-63 2 62 124
64-66 5 65 325 Where:
67-69 12 68 816 f = number of observations
70-72 15 71 1,065 X 1 or X = mid-point or class mark
73-75 8 74 592 n = total frequency
76-78 5 77 385
79-81 3 80 240
Total ∑ f 1 = 50 ∑ f 1 x 1 = 3,547
Mean 50
= 70.94

Computation of the Median for Grouped Data

The median of a grouped frequency distribution is essentially the x-
coordination of the point of intersection of the “less than” and greater than”
ogives of the distribution.
The formula for the computation of the median is

( )
Median = M d = LB + 2

Where : LB = lower boundary of the median class

Median class is the class interval where 2 is found

C f p = cumulative frequency for the class interval preceding

the median class when the scores are arranged from
lowest to highest.
Fmd = frequency of the median class
In the computation of the median, the number of the desired item is first
determined by 2 ( n = number of items). Referring to “less than” cumulative
frequency distribution by cumulative addition, the amount is continued until the
group containing the middle value is located. The class interval where median is
located is called the median class. The median class is the class interval where 2
is found.
An illustration for computing the median from a Grouped Frequency
Height Frequency “Less than” cumulative
(Inches) ( f 1)
frequencies (f<)
61-63 2 2
64-66 5 7
67-69 12 19
70-72 15 34
73-75 8 42
76-78 5 47
79-81 3 50
Total ∑ f 1 = 50

= 25, the median class is 70-72

( )
Md = LB + 2

= 69.5 + ( 25−19
15 )

= 69.5 + 0.4
Md = 69.90 inches, 50% of the scores in the distribution are smaller than 69.90%
For grouped distributions, the class with the greatest frequency is called
the modal class. The formula is:

M o = LB +
( d1
d 1 +d 2

Where LB = lower boundary of the modal class

d 1 = difference between the frequency of the modal class and

the frequency of the class interval lower than the modal class
d2 = difference between the frequency of the modal class and
the frequency of the class interval higher than the modal class
C = size of the modal class

Height Frequency
(Inches) ( f 1)

61-63 2
64-66 5
67-69 12
70-72 15
73-75 8
76-78 5
79-81 3
Total ∑ f 1 = 50

d 1 = 15 – 12 = 3

d 2 = 15 - 8 = 7

LB = 69.5

M o = LB +
( d1
d 1 +d 2

= 69.5 + 3+7 3

= 69.5 + .9
M o = 70.4 inches

The Quantiles
The quantiles are a natural extension of the idea of median in that they are
values which divide a set of data into equal parts.
While the median divides the distribution into two parts, the quantiles
divide it into four or ten or one hundred equal parts. The quantiles that divide the
distribution into four equal parts are called quartiles. These values are denoted by
Q 1, Q2 and Q 3Twenty-five percent fall below the first quartile ( Q1), 50% are below
the second quartile (Q2), and 75% are less than the third quartile ( Q3). Those which
divide the distribution into ten parts are called deciles. The data set has nine
deciles which are denoted by D1, D2 ... D 9 where D is the number that divides the
bottom 10 of the data from the top 90 and so on. Those which divide the
distribution into one hundred equal parts are called percentiles. A set of data has
99 percentiles which are denoted by P1 P2 … . P99.

45.1 Computation of Quantiles for Ungrouped Data

To solve any quantile follow the steps below:
1. Arrange the scores according to magnitude or array
2 Use the following formula in computing Quantiles; Positions or Ranks
a. Quartile:
( )
Q K ⌊ n+ 1− ⌋
4 4
b. Decile:

DK = ⌊
10 (
n+ 1−
⌋ )
c. Percentile

PK = ⌊
n+ 1− (
⌋ )
The following are the scores of 9 students in statistics quiz: 12, 15, 16, 17,
19, 23, 25, 30, 33. Solve for the value of Q1 ,Q2 , Q3 , D8 , D 4 P65
( )
Q 1 ⌊ n+ 1− ⌋ th
4 4 Q2 ⌊
4 ( ) 2
n+ 1− ⌋ th

= ⌊ 4 (9)+( 1− 4 ) ⌋
1 1
= ⌊ 4 (9)+( 1− 4 ) ⌋
th 2 2 th

= 3rd score = 5th score

Q 1 = 16 Q2= 19

3 3
( )
Q3 ⌊ n+ 1− ⌋ th
4 4

( ) 3
= ⌊ 4 (9)+ 1− 4 ⌋ th

⌊ +( ) ⌋
27 1
= 4 4

= 7th score

Q3 = 25

D8 = ⌊
10 (
9+ 1−
⌋ )
72 1
10 5 ()

D 8 = 7.4th

The value of D 8 lies between the 7th and 8th scores

D 8 = 25 + .4 (30 – 25)
= 25 + 2

D8 = 27

5. D4 = ⌊
10 (
9+ 1−
⌋ )
36 3
10 5 ()

D 4 = 4.2th

The Value of D 4 lies between the 4th and 5th scores.

D 4 = 17 + .2(19-17)
= 17 + .4

D4 = 17.4


6. P15 = ⌊
9+ 1−( 15
⌋ )
= ⌊
135 17
100 20
⌋( )
= 2.2th
The value of P15 lies between 2nd and 3rd scores.

P15 = 15 + .2(16-15)
= 15 + .2 (1)
= 15 + .2
P15 = 15.2
7. P65 = ⌊ 100 9+ 1− 100 ⌋ th )
( )
= ⌊ 100 + 20 ⌋
= 6.2th

The value of P65 lies between 6 th and 7th scores.

P65 = 23 + 0.2 (25 – 23)
= 23 + 0.2 (2)
= 23 + 0.4
P65 = 23.4

Computation of Quantiles for Grouped Data

Computation of the quantiles for grouped data is the same as the

computation of the median. Some formulas are:

( ) ( )
N 3n
Q 1 = LB + 4 c Q 3 = LB + 4 c
fq fq

( ) ( )
2n 25 n
D 2 = LB + 10 c P25 = LB + 100 c
fd fp

Computation of Q 1 , D 3, and P60

Class Interval f Cf<

61-63 2 2
64-66 5 7
67-69 12 19
70-72 15 34
73-75 8 42
76-78 5 47
79-81 3 50
n = 50
a .Computation of Q 1
n 50
In table n = 50, 4 = 4 = 12.5

Q 1 class = 67- 69
Lb= 66.5
C =3
Cf p = 7
f q = 12

( )
Q 1 = LB + 4 c

= 66.5 + ( 12.5−7
12 )

= 66.5 + 1.375
Q 1 = 67.88

Therefore, 25% of the data belongs to 67.88 and below or 25% of the
employees have heights 67.88 inches and below.
c. Computation of D3
3n 3(50)
= = 15
D 3 class is 67-69

Lb = 66.5

Cf p = 7

fd = 12


D 3 = 66.5 + ( 15−7
12 )

= 66.5 + 2 = 68.5 inches

Therefore 10 or 30% of the data lies 68.5 inches and below

in table n =50 50(60) = 30

P60 = 69.5 + ( 30−19
15 )

69.5 + 2.20
= 71.70
Therefore 60% of the data lies 71.70
inches and below

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