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Week 14

Inglés para comercio internacional I

Classification of international transport



Internal………………Production Intershop Service

Intrashop * Storage

Transport * Warehousing

External………. By sea…….By land

………..By rail…….By air

We have modern vehicles fleet that can carry your goods from any country in the

Eastern and Western Europe, besides, the motor transportation companies carry

out the multimodal goods transportation.

This is a combined transportation of goods by motor transport by land, by sea, by

rail and by air transport from one country to another country.

Balance of payment

The balance of payment (BOP) is a statement of all transactions made between

entities in one country and the rest of the world over a defined period of time,

such as a quarter, half a year or a year.

The balance of payment is also known as the balance of international payments

and it is the BOP of a country, it is the difference between all money flowing into

the country, in a particular period of time, and the outflow of money to the rest

of the world.

These financial transactions are made by individual firms and government bodies

to compare receipts and payments arising out of trade of goods and services.

The balance of payment is the difference between the inflow of foreign exchange
and the outflow of foreign exchange of products.

The balance of payment is the total sum of a balance of trade, the balance of services,

the balance of unilateral transfer and the capital account.

The balance of payment helps to see whether everything properly accounted for.

The balance of payment includes the current account and the capital account of a

nation´s net trade in goods and services.

The capital account consists of a nation transactions in financial instrument of the

Centran Bank Reserves.

The sum of all transactions recorded in the balance of payment should be zero.

Balance of trade

The balance of trade (BOT) is the difference between the value of a country´s

exports and the value of a country´s imports for a given period.

The BOT is the largest component of a country´s balance of payment. Sometimes

the balance of trade between a country´s goods and the balance of trade between

its services are distinguished as two separate figures.

The balance of trade is also referred to as the international trade balance, commercial

balance or the net export.

The balance of trade is the difference between exported goods and imported goods.

The net effect of the balance of trade is either positive, negative or zero.

The balance of trade can be defined as the net balance of the export of goods and

the import of goods.

It forms part of the current account when it includes other transactions such as Income

from the ner international investment position.

As well as international aids, if the current account is in surplus the country´s net

international asset position it increases correspondingly, equaly or deficit increases the

net international assets position.

Arise: surgir, elevarse accounted for: mejora de la economía asset: recurso econom.

Assets: activo asset and liabilities: activo y pasivo Eastern: oriental, este

Inflow: flujo de productos outflow: flujo de productos liability: responsabilidad

Properly: apropiadamente receipts: recibos, recepciones storage: almacenamiento

Warehousing: almacén, bodega Western: occidental, oeste

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