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Created on05 Jul 22 13:09 UTC

Jira Site:

Jira Query: created >= 2022-06-24 AND created <= 2022-07-01 AND issuetype = Incident order by created DESC
t order by created DESC
Created Key
June-22 AST-13565
June-22 AST-13563
June-22 AST-13562
June-22 AST-13561
June-22 AST-13557
June-22 AST-13556
June-22 AST-13555
June-22 AST-13553
June-22 AST-13552
June-22 AST-13551
June AST-13550
June AST-13547
June AST-13546
June AST-13545
June AST-13544
June AST-13543
June AST-13542
June AST-13540
June AST-13539
June AST-13538
6/29/2022 11:09 AST-13537
6/29/2022 11:06 AST-13535
6/29/2022 10:50 AST-13534
6/29/2022 10:49 AST-13533
6/29/2022 10:02 AST-13532
6/29/2022 9:39 AST-13531
6/28/2022 17:48 AST-13530
6/28/2022 17:39 AST-13529
6/28/2022 17:07 AST-13527
6/28/2022 16:07 AST-13524
6/28/2022 15:56 AST-13525
6/28/2022 15:22 AST-13521
6/28/2022 15:01 AST-13520
6/28/2022 14:35 AST-13519
6/28/2022 11:30 AST-13517
6/28/2022 11:30 AST-13516
6/27/2022 17:07 AST-13512
6/27/2022 16:11 AST-13510
6/27/2022 15:17 AST-13509
6/27/2022 15:02 AST-13508
6/27/2022 14:49 AST-13505
6/27/2022 14:46 AST-13504
6/27/2022 12:40 AST-13502
6/27/2022 11:21 AST-13499
6/27/2022 11:15 AST-13498
6/24/2022 18:31 AST-13497
6/24/2022 16:49 AST-13496
6/24/2022 15:42 AST-13494
6/24/2022 15:17 AST-13493
6/24/2022 12:20 AST-13490
6/24/2022 11:45 AST-13489
6/24/2022 11:39 AST-13487
6/24/2022 11:33 AST-13486
6/24/2022 11:05 AST-13485
6/24/2022 10:43 AST-13484
6/24/2022 10:40 AST-13483
6/24/2022 9:59 AST-13482
6/24/2022 9:49 AST-13481
6/24/2022 9:44 AST-13480
6/24/2022 9:34 AST-13479
6/24/2022 9:01 AST-13478
6/24/2022 8:51 AST-13477
6/24/2022 8:44 AST-13476
Client asked us to cancel the funds. Please remove this deal from the funding queue
Name change
Account number is wrong on the banking app worksheet - should show 8212
Unable to type in Word Document.
Prequal Form Issues.
Funding App is unavalable
The current approval isn't showing up in the "Renewals Comparison" tab
didnt receive this email in our queue
OA link Error
Prequal stage in the live pipeline
Please change the Stage in Salesforce to "Funding"
Funding App is unavalable
Funding App is unavalable
The name John Charles King appears on the activity history. That is incorrect as it should only be Jessy Aguil
Funding App Link Missing
Customer Search Test - Report
OA link Error
balance should be 0 as this was a returned funds situation
Unable to access to the UW App Link
Opp is not showing up into customer search for a match.
Funding App Link Missing
Unable to edit submission information (Bank Information)
Funding App is unavalable
I created a partner account in salesforce but it is not showing in the funding app
Doesnt saved the information in the minimum balance section
Deal moved from funded to file missing info in sevonds
Routing number was removed
The SF info (ISO and AM) do not match the info on the OA
OA link Error
OA link Error
Can't View or Access the Submission Attachments
Prequal Form Issues.
Customer Search Test - Report
FA Link unavailable
OA link Error
OA link Error
Wrong ISO
Unable to write off refunded account. Please have it written off.
Prequal Form Issues.
OA link Error
FA Link unavailable
Prequal Form Issues.
Name change
Change prequal analyst name
Funding App is unavalable
OA link Error
Red banner in banking app saying "PLEASE VERIFY NUMBER OF NOT SUFFICIENT FUNDS"
National Funding not receiving webhook calls
Prequal Form Issues.
Need to add new names to the BA processors list
Name change
cant edit the submission information
OA link Error
Can we please update this stage in the UW app to contracting? It is not linking with the SF stage
Unable to send approval - stuck
Can we resend the automated BBC email (FF Basepoint BBC - 06/17/22) for 6/17
This deal is in UW but still appears in the live pipeline
Prequal Form Issues.
Prequal stage in the live pipeline
Prequal stage in the live pipeline
OA link Error
Status Resolution Assignee Labels Issue Type
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez SF Incident
Resolved Known Error Taylor Hobbs prequalform Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Nathan Beam BA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bzepeda Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Ben Chauvette prequalform Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved No Action Required Brad Leyden BA Incident
Canceled Done / Resolved bnunez Incident
Resolved Known Error econcepcion ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Known Error Brad Leyden Algoliasync Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez SFtoCore Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez SFtoCore Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Waiting for customer Taylor Hobbs deploy_bug Incident
Resolved Known Error Tania Paiva ualinkerror Incident
Escalated Zach Cotter SFtoCore Incident
Resolved Known Error Colin Osborn ualinkerror Incident
Waiting for support Taylor Hobbs deploy_bug Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved econcepcion UA Incident
Resolved Known Error Jamie Crockett falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved ajain FA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved ajain BA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez SFtoCore Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez UA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bnunez SFtoCore Incident
Resolved Known Error Tyrel Clayton UA Incident
Resolved Known Error Tania Paiva ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved bzepeda AA Incident
Resolved Cannot Reproduce Nathan Beam prequalform Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Taylor Hobbs deploy_bug Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Known Error Jamie Crockett ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Known Error econcepcion ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Known Error Colin Osborn wrongiso Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Zach Cotter FA Incident
Resolved Known Error Nathan Beam prequalform Incident
Resolved Known Error asalce ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Known Error Nancy Eliodor submissionerror Incident
Resolved Known Error Tania Paiva prequalform Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Taylor Hobbs wrongiso Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Tyrel Clayton UA Incident
Resolved Known Error Jamie Crockett falinkmissing Incident
Resolved Known Error Brad Leyden ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Taylor Hobbs BA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved ajain AA Incident
Resolved Known Error Jamie Crockett prequalform Incident
Resolved Known Error Colin Osborn BAProcessor Incident
Resolved Known Error Tyrel Clayton prequalform Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved asalce UA Incident
Resolved Known Error Radha Brito ualinkerror Incident
Resolved Known Error bnunez stageupdate Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Tania Paiva BA Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Zach Cotter SF Incident
Resolved Known Error ajain Algoliasync Incident
Resolved Known Error Nathan Beam prequalform Incident
Resolved Done / Resolved Zach Cotter FA Incident
Resolved Known Error asalce Algoliasync Incident
Resolved Known Error Brad Leyden Algoliasync Incident
Resolved Known Error Taylor Hobbs ualinkerror Incident
Resolution Labels Count of Key Count of Created
(empty) 3 3
deploy_bug 2 2
SFtoCore 1 1
Cannot Reproduce 1 1
prequalform 1 1
Done / Resolved 24 24
(empty) 2 2
AA 2 2
BA 4 4
deploy_bug 1 1
FA 3 3
prequalform 1 1
SF 2 2
SFtoCore 4 4
UA 4 4
wrongiso 1 1
Known Error 34 34
Algoliasync 4 4
BAProcessor 1 1
falinkmissing 9 9
prequalform 6 6
stageupdate 1 1
submissionerror 1 1
UA 1 1
ualinkerror 10 10
wrongiso 1 1
No Action Required 1 1
BA 1 1
Total Result 63 63

Assignee Labels Count of Created

ajain 4
asalce 3
Ben Chauvette 1
bnunez 15
(empty) 1
falinkmissing 7
SF 1
SFtoCore 4
stageupdate 1
UA 1
Brad Leyden 4
bzepeda 2
Colin Osborn 3
econcepcion 3
Jamie Crockett 4
Nancy Eliodor 1
submissionerr 1
Nathan Beam 4
Radha Brito 1
Tania Paiva 4
Taylor Hobbs 7
Tyrel Clayton 3
Zach Cotter 4
Total Result 63

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