Physical Education and Health III

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What I Need to KNOW

This module contains six (6) lessons, namely:



At the end of this module, the student is expected to:

 explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
 describe the connection of the health behaviors (eating habits, sleep and
stress management) to health risk;
 explain the role of physical activity assessments in managing one‘s stress;
 set FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and /or maintain HRF;
 observe personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo and hyperthermia during MVPA participation;
 explain the value of optimizing one‘s health through participation in
physical activity assessment;
 discuss the nature of the different dances;
 recognize one‘s potential for health-and dance career opportunities; and
 organize dance event for a target health issue on concern.

General Instructions: Answer all the activities on this module. Use separate sheets of
paper for your answers.

Activity I FOUR-PICS-ONE-WORD. Each puzzle contains four images that have

something in common. Figure out the common word based on the given images.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1

Every day, a person makes choices that influence his/ her health. For example,
he/she chooses what to take for snacks, what activity to do for fun, and whom to
associate with. These choices determine one‘s lifestyle. A Lifestyle is a set of
behaviors that a person lives by. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, a person may need to
make lifestyle changes.

The following list enumerates ways of staying healthy

A. Get a plenty of Exercise.

Exercise is any physical activity that maintains or improves a person‘s
health. Regular exercise is important and dancing is an example of exercise that you
may do every day. Lack of exercise can make common task difficult. Without exercise, a
may easily experience shortness of breath. With poor fitness, dealing with stress can be
a little bit more difficult. People who do not have regular exercise increase
their chances of acquiring diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, or obesity.
Being physically active is a great way to maintain a healthy body. Regular
physical activity can help achieve positive self-esteem; and yet physical activities can be
achieved even in doing simple things. One can help just help out around the house or
do some dancing flex his/her muscles.

B. Eat a healthy, well-balance diet

A balance diet provides nutrients needed by the body, and helps reduce the risks
of certain health problems. It helps avoid malnutrition, a harmful condition caused by not
eating enough food, or not eating the right kind of food.
Eating a low-fat, low-salt, and high-fiber diet is important to maintaining health. It
is best to eat plenty of low-fat, proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods
high in sugar, saturated fats, and cholesterol. These unhealthy foods can result
to hypertension, coronary heart disease, and other health problems.
Unhealthy eating behaviors may affect your ability to learn, disrupt your growth
and development, and can have damaging effects on your over-all health.

C. Avoid Stress
Stress can directly affect one‘s health. Stressors (causes of stress) can cause
physical and mental reactions, including tiredness. One common effect of stress
is fatigue, which could be physical or mental exhaustion. Stress brings long-term effects
on your body such as stomach ache, headache and affects your appetite.
Negative stress can even weaken your immune system and may increase your risk of
infections and diseases or worsen your prevailing health problems.
Stress is a normal part of one‘s life. You meet stressful situations every day. But
stress can be managed, so learning to identify and cope with stress is important.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
Two common healthy ways to handle stress are:
Relaxation- means doing something to divert your attention off the problem and
to concentrate on other things that are not burdensome, like going for
walk, window shopping, reading a book or listening to sweet music.
Redirection- is letting go of your energy and directing into another activity that is
not as stressful. Engaging in recreational activities, such as playing basketball,
dancing, jogging or biking can burn off energy caused by stress and can be
a good way to cope with it. You can also avoid stress in a variety of ways.
Getting plenty of exercise and sleep are other ways to avoid the effects of stress.

D. Have enough rest and sleep

Sleep is a restful condition where in there is suspension of consciousness.
During sleep, your heart rate slows down 10 to 5 beats every minute. Your breathing
rate and blood pressure slow down too. Your muscles are more relaxed during sleep.
Sleep is the time for your body repair damaged cells. Your body fights infections during
sleep. it is ideal to have eight to ten hours of sleep every day.

 Protecting your body system is important in maintaining your health. By learning

to observe good health behaviors now, you can expect better health in the years
to come.
 Eating properly, getting plenty of exercise, avoiding stress and having
enough sleep can improve your physical health.

Activity II
A. WORD SEARCH PUZZLE. Search for the ten (10) words related to the lesson that
are provided below in the word search puzzle. Words can be located vertically,
horizontally, diagonally, or backwards.

B. YOUR THOUGHTS. Write a paragraph upon analyzing the photos below.


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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
Energy- the power and ability to be physically and mentally active which
measured in calories or joule.


1. Carbohydrates (CHO) - preferred source of fuel during exercise (glycogen)
2. Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub- maximal
Fatty acids are broken down to triglycerides.
3. Protein – used for growth and repair (slight use during exercise). It
stored as Amino acids

There are three energy system:

1. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) – is an organic compound and hydro type that

provides energy to drive many processes in living cells e.g. Muscle contraction.
2. Aerobic System – the energy system that is used in aerobic exercise.
It can be also called “oxygen system / oxidative system or the aerobic
glycolysis system.
3. Lactic Acid systems the energy system used are the ATP and Glycolytic
System - is capable of releasing energy to resynthesize ATP without the
involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis. Glycolysis (the
breakdown of carbohydrates) results in the formation of pyruvic acid and
Hydrogen ions.

The body is constructed from a plethora of chemical reactions that together result
in various emotions and feelings. Stress is one of your worst enemies and you need to
recognize and manage it as soon as you feel it.
Dance can reduce the negative emotions. The scientific reason for why dancing
relieves stress stems from the idea that when we feel good physically, our mind feels
good too. Dancing like any other physical activity releases the neurotransmitter,
endorphins (also called happy hormones), which serve to reduce stress and cause our
bodies to feel calm, happy and optimistic.

Dance has some direct stress-busting benefits.

 it pumps up your endorphins;
 it reduces negative effects of stress. This can lead to positive effects in your
body-including cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems- by helping
protect your body from harmful effect of stress;
 it is meditation in motion. It can help you stay calm, clear and focused in
everything you do;
 it improves your mood; and
 it improves your sleep.

Tips for sticking with a new routine:

 Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Limited)
 Find a friend
 Change up your Routine
 Exercise in short bursts

Activity III
A. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write “FAT” is the statement is true and “ENERGY” if
the statement is false.
1. Body is constructed from a plethora of chemical reactions that together result in
various emotions and feelings.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
2. Dancing like any other physical activity releases the neurotransmitter,
predorphins (also called happy hormones), which serve to reduce stress and
cause our bodies to feel calm, happy and optimistic.
3. The scientific reason for why dancing relieves stress stems from the idea that
when we feel good physically, our mind feels good too.
4. Depression is one of your worst enemies and you need to recognize and manage
it as soon as you feel it.
5. Glycolysis (the breakdown of carbohydrates) results in the formation of
pyruvic acid and Hydrogen ions.
6. Energy is the power and ability to be physically and mentally active which
measured in calories or joule.
7. Oxygen preferred source of fuel during exercise (glycogen)
8. Calories are concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub- maximal
Fatty acids are broken down to triglycerides.
9. Dance can lead to positive effects in your body-including cardiovascular,
digestive and immune systems- by helping protect your body from harmful effect
of stress.
10. Carbohydrates are used for growth and repair (slight use during exercise).
It stored as Amino acids.

B. Draw at least three samples of food for each food fuel for energy.


Your output will be graded using the rubrics below.

Category 5 4 3 2
Craftsmanship Form is carefully Form is somewhat Form is unplanned Forms lacks planning and
planned, form is planned – form is & lacks balance. Some effort.
balanced. Edges are slightly asymmetrical. edges are smooth but
smooth, refined. Most edges are many are un – refined.
smooth, refined. Joining is secure but is
Creativity Design is unique, Design is expressive; Design lacks Lacks many design
and displays has some unique individuality. Has few elements or interest. Has
elements that are features. details or is not minimal additional features
totally their own. appropriate for the form or copies the ideas of
Evidence of detail, being expressed. others. Not much attempt
pattern or unique Evidence of copying to show individuality.
applications. ideas.
Work I respectful and Is respectful and Lacks openness of Leaves clean up to others.
habits/attitude open to positive accepts suggestions. suggestions for Has an “attitude” & is not
suggestions. Cleans Cleans work area improvement. Has open to assistance or
work area most of the time. difficulty being on task to suggestions.
thoroughly. cleaning up.
Originality Exceptional use of Good use of new Average use of new No use of new ideas and
new ideas and ideas and originality ideas and originality originality


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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise
program. The key components or training guidelines for an effective exercise program is
spelled out with the acronym FITT.

F – frequency – refers to the repetition of exercise undertaken or how often

you exercise
I – intensity – refers to the amount of energy the exercise required or how hard you
T – time – refers to the number of minutes or hours you spend exercising or how long
you exercise
T – type – refers to the type of exercise undertaken or what kind of exercise you do

Principles of FITT

1. Overload Principle – the body adapt to stimulus, once the body has accepted then a
different stimulus is required to continue the change. In order for the muscle (including
the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually stressed by working against a load
greater than it is used to.
2. Progressive Principle – means the body adapts to the initial overload, the overload
must be adjusted and increase gradually.
3. Recovery Principle – adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and naturally,
but time must be allowed for the regenerate and build.
4. Reversibility Principle – all gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not
continue to exercise
5. Specificity Principle – training should be relevant and appropriate to the
individuals need in order to produce effective result
6. Variation Principle – training programs varies in intensity, duration, volume and
other important aspects of practice

Activity IV FITNESS PLAN. Create a Fitness plan by looking at the FITT formula. It will
serve as a guide.


Warm-up and Cool-down Exercises

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
There are important things to consider whenever you participate in any physical activity.

A. Warm- Up Exercises
Warm-up is any activity that prepares your muscles to begin exercise. A warm-up
for vigorous routine is needed to prepare your muscles, joints and your entire
body system for strenuous activity.

Why do you need to warm-up?

a) Help prepare your body mentally and physically in different activities b)
Increase your blood flow and heart rate
c) Loosen your muscles and tendons
d) Slightly raise your body temperature.
You need to do warm-up activities until you sweat lightly.

Some common warm-ups you can do for a period of three to five minutes
are walking, jogging, rope jumping and simple calisthenics. Likewise, body
stretching, twisting bending, knee bending, and jogging in place are activities that may
executed for your warm-up exercises.

B. Cool-Down Exercises
It is important to start and finish properly. You also need to have cool-down
activities after you exercise. A cool-down is a three to five minute period of activities
with lesser intensity.

Why do you need to cool-down?

a.) Helps your body return to normal state after exercise.
b.) Your heart rate slows back to its resting rate.
c.) Keeps your muscles from getting tight and becoming sore
d.) You can have cool-down activities such as easy jogging, walking, or breathing
Your Body Conditions During Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities
Your body may experience different feelings or conditions while you are
engaging in moderate to vigorous activities. Take note of these body conditions.

A. Dehydration
Dehydration is condition in which the body does not have enough water
to function properly. If you do not drink sufficient water, your body may dry out
or dehydrate. Dehydration causes your body some discomforts. It can lead to fainting
and serious health problems, and death in extreme cases.
A good rule of the thumb is to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to
stay hydrated. Drinking water is the best way to replace lost water, and prevent your
body from dehydrated.

B. Hypothermia
Hypothermia is a condition in which your body temperature drops below normal
due to too much exposure to cold. Stretching exercises will prepare you for physical

C. Overexercising /Overtraining
Regular exercise is good for one‘s health. When a person exercises vigorously
and longer period of time, he/she is over exercising.
Allow yourself to have time between workouts to let your body recover.

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the use of facilities and equipment

1. Take care in using facilities and equipment.
2. Only use equipment that you already known how to use.
3. Be alert and aware in the training area.
4. In performing exercise and movement in general, practice good form first.
5. Bring back all equipment in place after use.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
6. Do not hug the equipment.
7. Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean.
8. Check yourself practice proper hygiene and clean
9. Move on the double, do not loiter around the venue or hang on the equipment
10. Remember to be nice, as a general rule.

Activity V. Identify the word/s that is/are being describe in each sentence. Write your
answer before the number.
__________1. In this body conditions, regular exercise is good for one‘s health.
__________2. This exercise is for vigorous routine is needed to prepare your
muscles, joints and your entire body system for strenuous activity.
__________3. This exercise is a three to five minute period of activities with lesser
__________4. In this body conditions, if you do not drink sufficient water, your
body may dry out or dehydrate.
__________5. In this body conditions, you have to allow yourself to have time between
workouts to let your body recover.
__________6. In this body conditions, stretching exercises will prepare you for physical
__________7. This a condition in which your body temperature drops below normal due
to too much exposure to cold.
__________8. This causes your body some discomforts.
__________9. It is important to start and finish properly.
__________10. It is any activity that prepares your muscles to begin exercise.

One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and
communication of emotion. People—and even certain higher animals—often dance
as a way of releasing powerful feelings, such as sudden accesses of high spirits, joy,
impatience, or anger. These motive forces can be seen not only in the
spontaneous skipping, stamping, and jumping movements often performed in moments
of intense emotion, but also in the more formalized movements of ―set‖ dances, such
as tribal war dances or festive folk dances.

Benefits of Dance and Creative Movement

 Develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance
 Improves coordination, balance, flexibility and body composition
 Lowers cardiovascular disease, BMI, resting heart rate
 Enables joint mobility

Mental/ Emotional
 Helps keep the brain sharp
 Decrease incidence of dementia and Alzheimer‘s disease, depression
 Increase self-esteem and improve body image

Social Cultural
 Encourages positive social interaction and interpersonal relationship in a group
 Potential for self- actualization in society promotes cultural values

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1

Traditional (folk and ethnic) Dance

- is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain
country or region.
Rites and dances are still being performed because they serve the belief
and social system of ethnic Filipinos. If life is deemed hard, these rites and
dances give expression and solace to their need, sometimes give them courage and
determination. These rites and dances are revivified by action and movements, and by
the motives and spirits that inspire or require them.
Countries in the world have their own cultures made more colorful, beautiful and
vibrant because of Folk Dance that are reflection of who they are. Chinese have their
symbolic Dragon Dance; the Japanese have the ancestral dance Bon Odori, the
American have their Square Dance. On the other hand, the Philippines will not be left
Ethnic dances are found among the ethno-linguistic groups scattered all over
the Philippine Islands, who have not been substantially westernized, either by Spain or
the United States.
These dances which are integral to the community‘s way of life are ritual dances
which connect the material world to:
 Spiritual
 The Lifecycle (birth, baptism, courtship, wedding and demise)
 Occupation
 Nature
 Life while at the social core

CARIÑOSA (meaning the loving or affectionate one)

-is a Philippine dance Hispanic origin from the Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk
dances, where the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it places the couple
in romance scenario. During the Marcos regime, the Cariñosa was named the national
dance of the Philippines. Today, school textbooks still claim this; however,
the Philippine government maintains it is another dance called “Tinikling”.

Modern and Contemporary Dance

Around 1980s, the world ―contemporary dance― referred to the movement of
new dance who did not want to follow strict classical ballet and lyrical dance
forms, but instead wanted to explore the area of revolutionary unconditional
that were gathered from all dance styles of the world.
Contemporary dances do not use fixed moves and instead try to develop totally
new forms and dynamics, such quick oppositional moves, shifting
alignments, expressions of raw emotions, systematic breathing, dancing moves
preformed in non- standing positions (for example lying on the floor), and in
general trying to find the absolute limits of our human form and physique.

Contemporary and Modern Dance Benefits

 Modern dance moves are all designed to encourage freedom of movement and
personal interpretation while weaving in many varied and demanding steps and
 Free flowing and are not a series of choreographed steps for you to remember,
you will have freedom to move the way you feel like moving.
How to Dance to Modern and Contemporary Music
Even though you may like to dance, you may not be very good at it. All it takes is
a little time and practice.
1. Understand that when you dance lyrical, your movements show the words of
the song.
2. Try to come up with lots of different feelings and moves.
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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
3. Find a stage, an open place, such as a basement or even outside in your front
lawn. The best places are the ones with large lengthy mirror on the wall.
4. Pick a song with deep meaning and flowing music, otherwise it gets a little
harder to stay fluent with your movements
5. Listen to the song. You should listen to it maybe 2-3 times to get the feel of the
words, instruments and the tempo.
6. Do your body a favor; before you dance, make sure you stretch.
7. Just let your body flow.

The term “ballroom dancing” is derived from the word ball, which in turn
originates from the Latin word ballare which means ―to dance‖. In times past, ballroom
dancing was ―social dancing‖ for privileged, leaving ―folk dancing‖, for the lower
classes. These boundaries have since become blurred, and it should be noted
even in times long gone, many ―ballrooms‖ dances were really elevated folk dances.
The definition of ballroom dance also depends on the era. Today, the term
applies to any one of the several dances in which two individuals, a ―leader‖
and a “follower”, dance with physical contact through their upper or lower bodies,
or simply their arms depending on the particular variety of dance.


1. The Waltz – one of the dances that are included in the International
Style ballroom category. It follows a slow rhythm, and danced to about 30 bars or
90 beats per minute.
 Despite having a slow tempo, the waltz can have advance figures that may
require six steps per minute, which may complement with various turns.

2. The Tango- is a ballroom dance that originated from Argentina. There are two
broad styles of Modern-day ballroom tango, which are the American Style
and the International Style.

3. The Viennese Waltz- or the Wiener Walzer in German, is another

version of ballroom waltz. It incorporates various types of rotary dance moves
which include turning in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. When
performing these moves, dancers execute non-rotating change steps.

4. The Foxtrot – is a ballroom dance that was popularized by actor Harry Fox.
 Originally performed to big band music.
 After the release of the song “Rock Around the Clock” during 1950s, foxtrot
became synonymous with rock and roll music.
5. Quickstep- is a ballroom dance which is similar to foxtrot, but the dance patterns
are very different. The pattern is quickstep and has an extra half measure as well
multiple measure, and the time beat that usually followed is 2/4 or 4/4.


Recreational dance refers to any form of dancing that is done primarily for its
social, education or health benefits; it includes social dance and amateur dance
instruction and performance.
The following 12 ballroom dance are popular on dance floors, on stage, in film, and
on television:
1. Cha cha – is a lively, flirtiest ballroom dance full of passion and energy.
The classic ― Cuban Motion‖ gives the Cha-cha its unique style. Partners
work together to synchronize each movement in perfect alignment.
2. Foxtrot- is a ballroom dance that is lots of fun and simple to learn and
an excellent dance for beginners. The foxtrot is a smooth dance in which dancers
make long, flowing movements across the floor.
3. Jive- is a ballroom dance style that originated in the United States from African-
Americans. It is a lively form of Swing dance, and a variation of the Jitterbug.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
4. Lindy Hop- is a ballroom dance considered to be the Father of all Swing dances.
It is known for its unique, athletic style, and often contains aerial jumps, twists
and flips.
5. Mambo - is one of the most sensual and emotional Latin American
ballroom dances. Swaying hip movements, facial expressions, arm movements
and holds all add to the sensuality of the dance.
6. Paso Doble- is one of the liveliest ballroom dances, originating in
France. It is modelled after the sound, drama, and movement of the
Spanish bullfight.
7. Quickstep - is a quick version of foxtrot. It is a ballroom dance
comprised of extremely quick stepping, syncopated feet rhythms and runs of
quick steps. The Quickstep is exciting to watch, but among the most difficult pop
all the ballroom dance.
8. Rumba – is considered by many to be the most romantic and sensual of all Latin
ballroom dances. It is often referred to as the ―Grandfather of the Lantin
9. Samba - possibly the most popular of all Brazilian ballroom dance, the Samba is
popular with young people as well as older generations. The Samba can
be performed solo or with a partner.
10. Tango- is one of the most fascinating of all ballroom dances. This
sensual ballroom dance originated in South America in the early twentieth
11. Viennese Waltz - is a quick rotating ballroom dance with subtle rise and fall. It is
considered by most difficult dance to learn. The simple and elegant
rotational movement characterizes the Viennese Waltz.
12. Waltz – is one of the smoothest ballroom dances. It is progressive dance marked
by long, flowing movements, continuous turns, and ―rise and fall‖. The dance is
so graceful and elegant. Waltz dancers appear to glide around the floor
with almost no effort

 Cheerleading traces its roots to the late 19th century, when crowds
began to chant and yell to encourage their team. Credits for the first
organized cheer is often given to a University of Minnesota student named
Johnny Campbell.
 The first few decades of its history, cheerleading was an all-male activity, but
by the 1920s, women were joining as well. Nowadays more than 90% of
America‘s cheerleading participants are female, though guys still make up
half of the yell squads at the college level.
 1948, Lawrence ―Herkie‖ Herkimer, a cheerleader at Southern
Methodist University formed the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) as
a way to hold cheerleading clinics.
 The Pom-poms derived from French word pompe (“tuff of ribbons”),
pom- poms have been the cheerleaders‘ accessory of choice since the
1930s. Today cheerleaders can be found at almost any kind of spotting
event, including the Olympics and the Cricket World Cup.

UAAP Cheer Dance History

UAAP Cheerdance Competition is home to a lot of historical moments. Since its
inception in 1994, the UAAP Cheerdance Competition has grown into its
own juggernaut, a yearly spectacle that draws fans from all eight member schools to
watch their respective pep squads put on a show. Aside from colorful
performances, many historic moments have happened in the cheerdance
competition, one reason why it is one of the most anticipated UAAP events every
year. Remember some below.

1994-1996: Salinggawi Establish a UAAP Dynasty

1999-2001: UP’s Reign
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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
2002:2008: The Rivalry
2009-2012: Sarimanok and the UP revolution
2013-present: A New Top Dog

Basic Step-by-Step for cheerleading Routines

Cheerleading is an effective way to stay in shape and show team spirit. It
requires dedication, skill, technique, strength and flexibility. Some of the most
important factors are beat, easy to remember words and excitement that compels
your fans to get on their feet and show team spirit.

How to be a Cheer Leader

1. Decide what kind of cheerleading you want to do.
2. Get fit you aren‘t already.
Cheerleading is a very intense work out.
a. Be flexible. Look up cheer stretches
b. Get strong
c. Run three miles three times per week or do aerobics at least 4 times a
d. Strengthen your core.
e. Develop an exercise plan to get into shape.
f. Eat a healthy diet.
3. Learn essential cheerleading skills.
4. Look the part.
5. Speak loudly and clearly without yelling.
6. Try out. Be on time and enthusiastic.
7. Listen to the coach and/or captain and respect their management team.
8. Practice at least 2-5 times a week.
9. Keep a positive attitude.
10.Don‘t be afraid.
11.Trust your cheer squad.
12. Be confident of yourself and don‘t care what other people think.


Hip hop dancing is thought to have officially begun in New York City during the
late 1960s and early 70s. Hip hop moves were inspired by complex rhythms and
the down-to-earth movement style of African dancing. African dancing can all found
in hip hop, this dance style is really in a class of its own when it comes to
improvisation and an edge of competition.

History of Hip Hop

 The word “hip” was used as African American Vernacular English
(AAVE) as early as 1904. The colloquial language ―informed‖ or
“current”, and was likely derived from earlier form hep.
 Hip hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip hop
music or that have evolved as part of hip hop culture.
 1973- DJ Kool Herc invented the break beat. Break beat is a rhythmic,
musical interlude of a song that has been looped over and over again
to extend that instrumental solo. Kool Herc did this to provide a means
for dancers who attended his parties to demonstrate skills.
 Once hip hop activist and DJ, Afrika Bambaataa, used the word ―Hip hop‖ in
a magazine interview in 1982, ―hip hop dance‖ became an
umbrella term encompassing all these styles.

Main Styles
A. Breaking / B-boying
 Breaking was created in the South Bronx, New York City during the early
1970s. It is the first hip hop dance style.
 At the time of its creation, it was the only hip hop dance style
because Afrika Bambaataa classified it as one of the five pillars of
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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
hip hop culture along with Mcing (rapping) , DJing (turntablism), graffiti
writing , and knowledge.
 Breaking includes four foundational dances: toprock, footwork-oriented
steps performed while standing up; downrock, footwork performed with
both hands and feet on the floor; freezes, stylish poses done on your
hands; and power moves, complex and impressive acrobatic moves.
Transitions from toprock to downrock are called “drops”.

B. Locking
 Locking, originally called Campbellocking ease created in 1969 in Los
Angeles , California by Don ―Campbellock‖ Campbell and popularized
by his crew THE LOCKERS. At the 2009 World Hip Hop Dance
Championships, Basil became the first female recipient of the Living
Legend Award in honor of her role in giving locking commercial
 In popping, dancers push the boundaries of what they can do with their
Locking has specific dance moves that distinguish it from popping and other
funk styles.
 The 2006 book Total Chaos, hip hop historian Jorge ―Popmaster Fabel‖
Pabon lists some of these moves which include ―the lock, points,
skeeter (rabbits), scooby doos, stop‘n go, which-away and the fancies.‖

C. Popping
 Popping was created in Fredno, California in the 1970s popularized by
“Boogaloo Sam” Solomon and his crew the Electric Boogaloos. It is based on
the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscle to cause a jerk in a
dancer‘s body, referred to as a pop or a hit. Each hit should be synchronized to
the rhythm and beats of the music.
 Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a wide range of
related illusionary dance style such as strobing, liquid, animation,
twisto-flex, and waving. Dancers often integrate these styles with standard
popping to create a more varied performance.
 Tutting can be done primarily with the fingers rather than the arms. This
method is called finger tutting.

Festival Dance
“Festivals and fiestas offer a unique window to the Filipino’s cultural landscape
and an opportunity to savour the many celebratory flavours of its cultural
diversity. Although festivals and fiestas share a common definition, there are
The whole year-round Philippine fiestas of all kinds mark the Filipino calendar.

This practice has been imbedded in the Filipino culture to appease the gods-this
was a key factor in ancient pagan worship in the Philippines
Fiestas are usually annual rites of celebrations with small town and rural flavors:
streamers and indigenous arches, the loud and discordant marching band,
the procession honoring the patron saint, the feasting and bacchanalia.
Fiestas are usually smaller scale, celebrating a patrol saint, a hero or historical
event. A festival is a more recent evolvement, denoting bigness and urbanity with more
elements of organized commerce and a wider celebratory scope. Both
offer opportunities to experience something singularly Filipino, events usually
detailed with religiosity and folklore and abounding in that legendary Filipino

The Philippines is rich with colorful festivals held all over the country all

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year round. Every region reflects its culture with the culture with their fiestas and
some provinces are known for festivals that draw tourists and visitors every year. And,
part of these traditions is the festival dances

The following are some of the festivals and events celebrated in May:

1. Flores de Mayo/ Santacruzan (May- Nationwide)

This annual May parade held all over the country features the town‘s
loveliest ladies as they depict the search and discovery of Christ‘s Cross by
Queen Helena (Reina Elena) and Constantine (Prinsipe Constantino).
2. Viva Vigan Festival of the Arts (1st week of May -Vigan, Ilocos Sur)
One of the biggest cultural events in the north, the festival showcases the area‘s
history, heritage and cultural treasures.
3.Summer Pilipinyahan Festival (May 1 to 7- Tagaytay City)
This summer festival was created to promote the pineapple as an
important agricultural product native to the locality.
4.Hundred Islands Festival (May 1to 7- Alaminos City, Pangasinan)
This festival is the most anticipated event and largest crowd-drawer in Alaminos.
It is celebrated with various activities including athletic pursuits and island adventures.
5.Boa-Boahan “Alinsangan” Festival (May 2- Nubua, Camarines Sur)
Derived from the dialect “alingsangan” which describes the early settlers of
Nabua, the colorful festival of pagan origin celebrates fertility and thanksgiving.
6.Carabao-Carroza Festival (May 3 -Pavia, Iloilo)
Established in 1973, the Carabao-Carroza Festival is considered to be one
of Iloilo‘s oldest. Its highlight is a showcase of 18 gaily-decorated carrozas and
their muses.
7.Bawang (Garlic) Festival (May 3 - Sinait, Ilocos Sur)
This festival is celebrated with competitions and exhibitions featuring the garlic.
8.Pahiyas Festival (May 15 -Lucban, Quezon)
The annual celebration ushers in a bountiful harvest. Homes are decorated with
town‘s best agricultural products.
9. Padaraw Festival (May 30-Bulan, Sorsogon)
The padaraw Festival showcases colorful costumes created from abaca fiber. Its
highlight is a grand street presentation featuring participants clad in these costumes.
10. Tapusan (May 31-Alitagtag, Batangas)
Honoring the Holy Cross on the last day of May, The Tapusan also celebrates
the end of the Flores de Mayo.

Activity VI
A. Identify the word/s that is/are being described in each sentence. Write your answer
before the number.
__________1. This dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a
certain country or region.
__________2. These dances are found among the ethno-linguistic groups scattered all
over the Philippine Islands, who have not been substantially westernized, either by
Spain or the United States.
__________3. Describes the early settlers of Nabua, the colorful festival of pagan origin
celebrates fertility and thanksgiving.
__________4. Depicts the search and discovery of Christ‘s Cross by Queen
Helena (Reina Elena) and Constantine (Prinsipe Constantino).
__________5. These are annual rites of celebrations with small town and rural flavors:
streamers and indigenous arches, the loud and discordant marching band,
the procession honoring the patron saint, the feasting and bacchanalia.
__________6. This style refer to a wide range of related illusionary dance style
such as strobing, liquid, animation, twisto-flex, and waving.
__________7. It can be done primarily with the fingers rather than the arms.
__________8. This transitions from toprock to downrock are called?
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__________9. This competition has grown into its own juggernaut, a yearly
spectacle that draws fans from all eight member schools to watch their respective pep
squads put on a show.
__________10. This ballroom dance is a smooth dance in which dancers make long,
flowing movements across the floor.

B. List at least three (3) examples of Traditional Dance and Festival Dance aside from
the examples listed in the lesson.


Building healthy relationships and spending time with your family, friends,
and others in your community can help improve your mental well-being.
Strengthening relationships both at home and within your community ultimately
shapes your life. Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked, with
positive mental well- being contributing to physical conditions. Those at risk for
serious mental health conditions are at increased risk for chronic physical
conditions, which makes having community support very important.
Community-wide events bring people from all walks of life
strengthening the bonds between them. Those bonds act to improve mental wellbeing,
while helping to alleviate personal struggles. Being physically active offers benefits far
beyond the obvious.

Organizing a fitness event to meet the target health issue or concern is not an
easy task. You, as a leader of an event or activity, should always think of the
best possible way to be able to administer the event smoothly. Considering of the
aspects to be included in the planning and organizing should always be at the top.
A well organized and planned event or activity is the key to achieve the target
and attain the best result. Collaboration with the group and spirit of openness will
be important components to having a good result. Remember that you cannot organize
an event alone. Involving the whole team or group would be much better in
gathering information and ideas that will serve as the ingredients of the best output.

Organize - is making arrangements or preparations for an event or activit

which are often arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale. Organizing
an event or an activity is always associated with a plan.
Planning - the process of making plans for something. It is the most important
part of the success of every activity. The planning process provides the information. Top
management needs to make effective decisions about how to allocate the resources in
a way that will enable the organization to reach its objectives. Productivity is maximized
and resources are not wasted on projects with little chance of success. Planning
is essential to the success of any activities or project. When a leader or manager has a
plan to follow, he will be better and equipped to prepare for the future. A project plan
creates a focus for the activity, uniting groups toward common goals. When everyone
works together, it is easier to manage time and resources.

Key Elements of Effective Event Planning:

1. Understand the purpose of the event.
2. Know your audience.
3. Selection of right venue is vital.
4. Suitable timing.
5. Draft a plan and follow the timeline.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
6. Create content that attracts your target audience.
7. Design the message you want to share through the event.
8. Lead capture mechanism

Fitness event - an event in your day where the activity is considered

"fitness level" because it was performed at a higher intensity than your normal routine
Participation - the action of taking part in something. The greatest and widely
accepted benefit of participation is the increased work ownership of an individual.
An individual is better able to relate himself/herself with his or her work and this
improves performance and efficiency at work.
Initiative - the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
Initiative - the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what
to do. It requires resilience and determination. People who show initiative demonstrate
they can think for themselves and take action when necessary. It means using
your head, and having the drive to achieve. You can initiate any fitness activity
that will benefit not only you as an individual, also for everyone, as well.

Activity VII TRUE OR FALSE. Write “EVENT” is the statement is true and “PLAN” if the
statement is false.
1. You can initiate any fitness activity that will benefit not only you as an individual,
also for everyone, as well.
2. People who show initiative demonstrate they can think for themselves and take
action when necessary.
3. A project plan creates a focus for the activity, uniting groups toward common
4. Organizing an event or an activity is always associated with a plan.
5. Building healthy relationships and spending time with your family, friends,
and others in your community can help improve your mental well-being.
6. An individual is better able to relate himself/herself with his or her work and this
improves performance and efficiency at school.
7. Strengthening relationships both at home and within your community
ultimately shapes your body.
8. A well organized and planned event or activity is the key to achieve the target
and attain the best result.
9. Considering of the aspects to be included in the planning and organizing should
always be at the top.
10. Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked, with positive mental
well- being contributing to physical conditions.

Activity VIII
A. Write a paragraph upon analyzing the photos below.

B. TABLE COMPLETION. Complete the table below. An example is given.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
Type of Dance Terms Body Part Improved Values and Attitude
Example: Oblique Arm Strength Persistence Accuracy
Fundamental Arm Raise Abdominal Stamina Discipline
and Half-circle
Feet Positions

C. HIDDEN MESSAGE. Find the hidden message by removing all Xs. After finding
the hidden message, copy the message on your answer sheet. (5points each)



D. FITT AND DANCE. You are challenged to learn the different genre of dance
for this semester. Identify the following principle applied to the following Dance Routine
Assignments for this semester. Refer to YouTube videos and apply the exercises
at home.

Dance Activity Type of My Frequency Intensity Time Type (cardio,

Energy Heart ( _x (slow, (number strength,
Rate week) medium, of stretching)
(bpm) fast) minutes)

Week 1: Fundamental
Arm and Feet Positions
Week 2: Folk Dance:
Week 3: Modern
Dance: Lyrical Dance
Week 4: Dance sports:

E. SELF EVALUATION. Evaluate yourself on the barriers for you to do physical

activities. Write the number that best describes your answer.
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Very Somewhat Somewhat
Likely likely unlikely

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1. My day is so busy answering the modules for the ―new normal 3 2 1
2. Social distancing with friends makes me uncomfortable to 3 2 1
perform exercises.
3. I am just too tired and bored with the ―stay at home‖ policy. 3 2 1
4. I have been thinking about getting more exercise but I just can‘t 3 2 1
seem to get started.
5. I think I am healthy enough to exercise. 3 2 1
6. I do not get enough exercise because I do not have the skills for
any sport.
7. I do not have access to jogging, trails, pools, bike paths. 3 2 1
8. Physical activity takes too much time away from other 3 2 1
commitments – time, study, research, co-curriculum
9. I am embarrassed about how I look when I exercise with others. 3 2 1
10. I do not get enough sleep as it is. I just could not get up or stay 3 2 1
up late to get some exercise.
11. It is easier for me to fine excuses not to exercise than to go 3 2 1
out to do something.
12. I know too many people who have hurt themselves by over 3 2 1
doing it with exercise.
13. I am not interested with any sports. 3 2 1
14. It is too expensive. You have to take class or join club or buy 3 2 1
the right equipment.
15. My free times during the day are too short to include exercise. 3 2 1
16. My usual social activities do not include physical activities. 3 2 1
17. I am too tired during the week and I need the weekend to 3 2 1
catch up on my rest.
18. I want to get more exercises, but I just cannot seem to make 3 2 1
myself stick to anything.
19. I am afraid I might injure myself or have a heart attack. 3 2 1
20. I am not good enough at any physical activity to make it fun. 3 2 1
21. If we had exercise facilities and showers at work, then I would 3 2 1
be more likely to exercise.

How to score yourself:

 Enter the number of your answers in the spaces provided, putting together the
number for statement 1 on line 1, statement 2 on line 2, and so on.
 Add the scores on each line. Your barriers to physical activity fall into
one or more of seven categories.
 A score of 5 or above in any category shows that this is an important barrier for
you to overcome

_____+_____+_____ =_______________
#1 #8 #15 Lack of Time
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#2 #9 #16 Social Influence
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#3 #10 #17 Lack of energy
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#4 #11 #18 Lack of willpower
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#5 #12 #19 Fear of injury
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#6 #13 #20 Lack of skill
_____+_____+_____ =_________________
#7 #14 #21 Lack of resources

F. POSTER MAKING. It is time for you to express artistically through a poster to

promote DANCE as an exercise and stress reliever.

Poster Making Criteria:

_____ - 30% Relevance to the Theme
_____ - 25% Originality
_____ - 20% Creativity
_____ - 15% Color Harmony
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_____ - 10% Visual Impact

_____ TOTAL

G. JUST DANCE. On this part, you will perform your own created home-based/
with your family members or with your classmates within your barangay.

Do the following tasks. Consider the rubrics in grading your performance.

 Performance shall not be less than 3 minutes and not more than 5 minutes as
you and your performers are considered beginners.
 The more the performers, the better but social distancing and other safety
measures must be observed in accordance with the Covid-19 safety protocol.

Do the home physical activities with your family or with your classmates within your
barangay. Record the performance using your gadget. Please be guided with the
guidelines used in social distancing.

Scoring rubric for this activity.

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Remarks
4 3 2 1
Established attainable goal related to bone and muscle
Provide improvised exercise equipment in a creative
way or innovative way
Provides attainable time schedule
Clearly address physical fitness needs

Activity IX
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose only the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a set of behaviors that a person lives by.
A. Health B. Lifestyle C. Body D. Exercise
2. The cause of stress is called ___.
A. Stress Reliever B. Relaxation C. Stressor D. Stress
3. It is letting go of the energy and directing it into another activity that is not as
A. Redirection B. Stress C. Relaxation D. Depression
4. A restful condition wherein there is suspension of consciousness.
A. Sleep B. Foods C. Energy D. Lifestyle
5. ATP stands for ___.
A. Adrenaline Triphosphate B. Adenosine Trial Photo
C. Acid Triplex D. Adenosine Triphosphate
6. It is the principle of FITT that means the body adapts to the initial overload, the
overload must be adjusted and increase gradually
A. Overload Principle B. Reversibility Principle
C. Progressive Principle D. Specificity Principle
7. It is a period of the three to five minutes of activities with lesser intensity.
A. Warm-Up B. Overexercising
C. Cool-down D. Dehydrated
8. The following are the benefits of dancing and creative movement with the physical
aspect EXCEPT:
A. It gives emotional satisfaction.
B. Lower cardiovascular disease, BMI, resting heart rate.
C. Improves coordination, balance flexibility and body composition.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
D. Develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance
9. Which of the following FITT principle refers to the amount of energy an exercise
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
10. Joy performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were
observed: bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo. What dance genre did Joy
A. Ballroom Dance B. Hip-hop Dance
C. Folk Dance D. Modern Dance
11. Ricky attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some
b-boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competition did he
A. Ballroom Dance C. Hip-hop Dance
C. Folk Dance D. Modern Dance
12. Maria and Pedro are the loveliest couples whom I love to see performing the
Cha Cha Cha, Rumba and Jive. They won as the best couple for the Latin
Discipline. What type of genre these dances belong?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Hip-hop Dance
C. Folk Dance D. Modern Dance
13. Which of the following dance genre is often considered to have emerged as a
rejection of or rebellion against classical ballet?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Hip-hop Dance
C. Folk Dance D. Modern Dance
14. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her
exercise routine, which of the following is the best thing that she should do?
A. Set SMART goals B. Meditate
C. Walk before run D. Observe others
15. It requires resilience and determination.
A. Participation B. Cooperation
C. Initiative D. Creativity
B. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is asked in each item.
1. It is any physical activity that maintains or improves a person‘s health.
2. It provides nutrients needed by the body, and helps reduce the risks of certain
health problems.
3. The healthy way of handling stress, where one will do something to divert his/her
attention off the problem.
4. The energy system that is also called as oxygen system.
5. It is the breakdown of carbohydrates.
6. This refers to the number of minutes or hours you spend exercising.
7. The FITT principle that ask how hard you exercise.
8. The FITT principle which says that training should be relevant to the individuals
need in order to produce effective result.
9. The FITT principle which says that training programs varies in intensity, duration,
volume and other important aspects of practice.
10. It is a vigorous routine to prepare your muscles, joints and your entire body
11. This exercise helps your body return to normal state after physical activity.
12. This is a condition in which body does not have enough water to function
13. It is the best way to replace lost water and prevent your body from dehydrated.
14. It is a condition in which your body temperature drops below normal due to too
much exposure to cold.
15. The number of glasses one should drink each day to stay hydrated.

C. TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise
1. Folk dance is a dance developed by people reflecting the life of the people of a
certain country or region.

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Subject: Physical Education and Health III – Module 1
2. “Tinikling” was named the national dance of the Philippines during the regime of
3. Contemporary dance used fixed moves and instead try to develop totally new
form and dynamics.
4. Understand that when you dance lyrical, your movements show the instrumental
of the song.
5. Pick a song with deep meaning and flowing music.
6. The pattern in quickstep has an extra half measure as well multiple measure
and the time beat that usually followed is 2/4 or 4/4.
7. In the first few decades of its history, cheerleading was an all-female activity.
8. Be confident of yourself and don‘t care other people think.
9. DJ Kool Herc invented the break beat.
10. A Fiesta is a more recent evolvement, denoting bigness and urbanity.

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