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Doctor in Business Administration

CBAA Graduate Program
Course Syllabus, 1st semester, SY 2022-2023

Course Number/ DBA351: Strategic Information Systems
Course Credit 3
Duration 18 weeks
Effort 54 hrs. for entire semester
Delivery mode Blended
Level Advanced
Course Description Information technology has been an instrument for competitive advantage of organization. Given that premise, this
course will examine recent issues and research related to the strategic use of information systems. It examines the
ability of information and technology as consideration in achieving competitive advantage. The course will explore the
concept of strategic alignment between business and information technology in an aim to illuminate the design and
implementation of strategic information systems. In particular, the course will focus on examining strategic information
systems and how it was exploited or neglected by the organizations.
Culminating At the end of the course:
Outcome • The students will be able to produce a research paper describing how the organization can adopt information technology as
a means for competitive advantage
Prerequisite An MS degree related to business or its equivalent or upon interview with the faculty member handling the course
Evaluation Criteria Paper Submission - 40%
Major Exams/Paper Review - 30%
Readings/Assignment - 20%
Participation and related activities – 10%
Total: 100%
Instructor Name: Rabby Q. Lavilles
Consultation Hours: (must be scheduled at least a day before)
Class Schedule: Sat 3:00PM-04:00PM; Fri: 6:00-8:00PM
Email address:

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Program Outcomes
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Higher Education Graduate Programs in Business Doctor in Business Administration

A. To keep abreast of latest developments a. Assess business environment and industry h. Undertake business research.
in the specific field of practice; structure using different theoretical or i. Develop or design new business
B. Effectively communicate using English conceptual frameworks. models, theories, or principles.
and Filipino, orally and in writing; b. Formulate and execute strategic direction and j. Develop and present research papers.
C. Work effectively and independently in action plan. k. Introduce new and innovative
multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural c. Analyze, recommend, and justify courses of business concepts, strategies, and
teams; action or possible solutions to existing programs or projects.
D. Exemplify professional, social, ethical, challenges or issues. l. Demonstrate lifecycle thinking in the
and environmental responsibility; d. Demonstrate managerial and leadership skill. different business processes of an
E. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical e. Keep abreast with economic trends and issues. organization
and cultural heritage” (based on RA f. Identify and develop new ideas, processes,
7722); and and systems for a business entity.
F. Advocate for peace in multi-cultural g. Understand and integrate technology in any
settings. business model.

Program Outcomes
Higher Education Graduate Programs in Doctor in Business
Business Administration
Course goals A B C D E F a b c d e f G h i j k l
Explain the use of strategic information system ✓ ✓ ✓
as a competitive advantage
Apply ICT concepts in formulating strategic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
advantage in organizational processes
Document a strategic alignment of ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
organization utilizing ICT for competitive


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Duration Topics Course Teaching and Learning Learning Resources Assessment Evidence of
/ Effort Intended Activities Tasks/Tools Outcome
Week 1 Module 0: VMGO At the end of this Online (MOLE) Reading Resources: Forum Participation in
&Core Values, module, a. Self-introduction VMGO and Core Values Recitation of the forum
Course Overview, the student is through a discussion MSU-IIT’s Participation in
Classroom Policies expected b. Forum: How do you about/facts/core- VMGO and the crafting of
and Guidelines, to explain the apply the core values values.php Core Values classroom policies
Getting to Know relevance as a student of MSU- and guidelines.
of the course to IIT?
Each Other
the MSU-IIT’s
VMGO and
recite vision,
mission and
core values.
Week 2 to Module 1 At the end of this Session 1: What are Chapter 2: Stephen, M. C. D. Interactive Quiz At least 80% in
6 Information module, the strategic information J. M. (2005). interactive quiz
Systems and student is systems? Rubrics for
Competitive expected to presentation Submission of
Advantage explain strategic Discussion: Asynchronous Recorded Videos and paper paper review and
information Discussion on cases of review – to be presentation
systems and its SIS distributed slides.
competitive (Arvidsson et al., 2014) before the
advantage Session 2: IT and activity
Competitive advantage

Session 3: IS and
Creating Competitive

Session 4: Asynchronous
discussion on IS and
competitive advantage

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Duration Topics Course Teaching and Learning Learning Resources Assessment Evidence of
/ Effort Intended Activities Tasks/Tools Outcome

Session 5: Achieving
competitive advantage
Week 7- Module 2 ICT and At the end of this Session 1: Hardware and Chapters 2,3 and 4 of Stair, Presentation of Submission of
11 organizational module, the Software Components of R., & Reynolds, G. (2020) topic presentation
processes student is able to Information Systems
recommend ICT Interactive Quiz Case study
support for Session 2: Data and Selected Chapters from: Submission
organizational Processes Stephen, M. C. D. J. M.
processes (2005). Short Case
Session 3: People Studies
Recorded Videos
Session 4: Emerging
Technologies for Steininger, D. M. (2019).
Information Systems
Al-Ammary, J. H., Al-Doseri,
S., Al-Blushi, Z., Al-Blushi,
N., & Aman, M. (2019).

Week 12 Module 3 Strategic At the end of this Session 1: Related Segars, A. H., & Grover, V. Rubrics for a Submission of a
to 18 Information module, the Literature on Topic (1999). Case Study Case Study with
Systems A Case student is able to Research Data as
Study Approach document Premkumar, G., & King, W. Supporting Source
through a case Session 2: Systematic R. (1991)
study an Review
systems strategic Session 3: Analysis Stair, R., & Reynolds, G.
plan of the
organization Session 4: Case

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Al-Ammary, J. H., Al-Doseri, S., Al-Blushi, Z., Al-Blushi, N., & Aman, M. (2019). Strategic information systems planning in Kingdom of Bahrain: Factors and
impact of adoption. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 30(4), 387-410.

Arvidsson, V., Holmström, J., & Lyytinen, K. (2014). Information systems use as strategy practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system
implementation and use. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23(1), 45-61.

Premkumar, G., & King, W. R. (1991). Assessing strategic information systems planning. Long range planning, 24(5), 41-58.

Powell, T. C., & Dent‐Micallef, A. (1997). Information technology as competitive advantage: The role of human, business, and technology resources. Strategic
management journal, 18(5), 375-405.

Stair, R., & Reynolds, G. (2020). Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning.

Stephen, M. C. D. J. M. (2005). Management information systems for the information age. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Segars, A. H., & Grover, V. (1999). Profiles of strategic information systems planning. Information Systems Research, 10(3), 199-232.

Steininger, D. M. (2019). Linking information systems and entrepreneurship: A review and agenda for IT‐associated and digital entrepreneurship
research. Information Systems Journal, 29(2), 363-407.


C.1 Rubric A: Article Review Rubric

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

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Comprehension and Student lacked clear Student evidenced some Student evidenced considerable Student evidenced clear
response to article understanding of parts of comprehension comprehension
understanding of the article and may
(Thinking/ Inquiry) the article or did not
or may not have expressed a personal of the article and articulated a of the article and articulated a
express a personal
10 Marks response. thoughtful response. thoughtful response.

Summary for Article No summary is provided OR a Some details from article Most of the main ideas and All main ideas and facts from the
(Knowledge/Understanding) verbatim of the text is provided. are missing. Summary facts from the article are article are included. Summary is
Author and source are not named. included. Summary is presented in objective view and
Summarize the main ideas is not objective OR
minimal referencing to the presented in objective view referencing to the article is
and facts in the article. and referencing to the article is provided. Author and source are
article is
provided. Author and source named.
provided. Author OR are named.
10 Marks source are not named.

Presentation of ideas in Student gave a disorganized Student vague about main Student somewhat engaged the Student engaged audience in
written form presentation of ideas in writing with points of article. reader in highlighted the most organizing his/her ideas and
(Communication) main points of article lacking. of the main points of article. highlighted main points of article.

10 Marks

C.2 Rubric for Online Discussion

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Participation in the Learning Discussion postings do not Discussion postings Discussion postings contribute Discussion postings actively
Community contribute to ongoing sometimes contribute to to the class' ongoing stimulate and sustain further
conversations or respond to peers' ongoing conversations as conversations as evidenced by discussion by building on
postings. There is no evidence of evidenced by — affirming statements or peers' responses including
replies to questions. — affirming statements or references to relevant research — building a focused
references to relevant research or, argument around a specific
issue or
or, — asking related questions or,
— asking a new related
— asking related questions or, — making an oppositional question or
— making an oppositional statement supported by any — making an oppositional
statement supported by any personal experience or related statement supported by
personal experience or related research. personal experience or related
research. research.

are at midpoint or later in the Discussion postings respond Discussion postings respond Discussion postings are
module Discussion postings or to most postings of peers to most postings of peers distributed throughout the
contributions are only posted on several days after the initial within a 48 hour period. module (not posted all on one
the last day of the module. discussion. day or only at the beginning
or only on the last day of the
Etiquette in Dialogue with Peers Written interactions on the Some of the written Written interactions on the Written interactions on the
discussion board show disrespect interactions on the discussion discussion board show respect discussion board show respect
for the viewpoints of others. board show respect and and interest in the viewpoints and sensitivity to peers'
interest in the viewpoints of of others. gender, cultural and linguistic
others. background, sexual
orientation, political and
religious beliefs.

C.3 Rubric for Oral presentation of Cases

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

-knowledge of issue is - issue is accurately - issue is explained with some -issue needs to use more accurate
Knowledge / exceptionally accurate and is explained and uses many accuracy but need more details information and details or
Understanding explained clearly and effectively details and various sources and more variety in sources and examples
less reliance on notes

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during explanation using details in presentation with some -heavy reliance on notes during
and little reliance on notes reliance on notes presentation
-exceptional critical comments and -proficient critical -some critical comments given to -lack of critical or analytical
Thinking analysis of issue / interpretations / comments and analysis of issue and effects thought in comments and little to
/Inquiry impact / effect / using details, issue /interpretations and - more details, insight and critical no insight used
insight, evidence from essay and impact using many details thought needed
comprehensive thought and evidence and some
-exceptional delivery and timing of -proficient delivery and -delivery and timing of -poor delivery and timing of
information timing of information information needs to be more information
Communication -exceptional discussion initiated -proficient discussion smooth (too much reading) -discussion needs to be more
and maintained to further student started and maintained -more active interaction and controlled and dynamic
learning discussion

- discussion questions are - discussion questions are - discussion questions are clear - weak discussion questions that
exceptionally insightful insightful but need more insightful that lacked any insight
Application - presenters make critical - presenters make clear - presenters need to make - weak conclusions and
conclusions and connections in conclusions and clearer conclusions and connections
feedback and answering questions connections in feedback connections - powerpoint needs to be more
- powerpoint is exceptionally and answering questions - powerpoint is somewhat organized and logical
detailed, organized, logical and - powerpoint is detailed, organized and includes some
includes images, clear and large organized, logical and images
font includes images, clear and
large font
Comments / Mark

Equivalent percentage:
98-100% : 1.0 75-79% : 2.25
95-97% : 1.25 70-74% : 2.50
90-94% : 1.5 65-69% : 2.75
85-89% : 1.75 60-64% : 3.0
80-84% : 2.0 Below 60% : 5.0

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1. Your instructor may or may not explicitly check attendance every day. However, if you are caught exceeding your allowable cuts for the semester,
you may be given a grade of 5.00.
2. In case you cut, it will be your responsibility to know the material covered for the day. The instructor reserves the right to give unannounced quizzes
or graded lab exercises at any time.
3. No makeup tests will be given unless you can present a medical certificate or an immediate member of your family died. Make up tests will solely be
on the teacher’s discretion.
4. Playing games is strictly prohibited during class hours. Web browsing and doing email are also prohibited, unless done in connection with the current
lecture or lab topic and allowed by the teacher.
5. Use of communication devices is prohibited during class hours. Please turn them off during class.
6. Class requirements are due during class hours, unless otherwise specified. Late submission will merit deductions as specified by the teacher.
7. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating in any requirement will result in a minimum penalty of having a grade of 0 for that requirement. Duplicated
projects/lab exercises will merit penalties for both the student who copied and the student from whom the work was copied.
8. Additional policies, with due consultation with the students, may be implemented by the teacher to adapt to the class environment. Students are
advised to be aware of such updates, and to ask their instructor if anything is unclear.

Civility in the Classroom

Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to
gain from time spent in class, faculty members are encouraged to include a statement in their course syllabi relating to behavioral expectations in the
classroom. Moreover, students will be reminded to observe gender sensitivity in their expression.

Students with Disabilities

Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as
possible to make necessary arrangements. Students must present appropriate verification from Institute Clinic during the instructor’s office hours. Please
note that instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodation to a student until appropriate verification from Institute Clinic has been

Contents of this syllabus are subject to change without notice but with agreement among students and faculty members.

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Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

___________________________ _______________________________ ________________________

Rabby Q. Lavilles PROF. JOANA MARIE C. EDERA Maria Rizalia Y. Teves
Faculty Member Chairperson, Marketing Dept, CEBA CEBA Dean


I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of
________, during the _____ Semester, SY __________. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the above-mentioned requirements
and expectations.

Printed Name and Signature of Student
Date: _____________________


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