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1 An ISP is granted the block to Adama science and Technology University.

university has planned to allocate IP addresses for 5 schools. From them two schools have 875
hosts, one school had 256 hosts and the remaining school has 180 hosts.
1.AFind the subnet mask addresses of each network.
1.BFind valid IP address, network and broadcast addresses of each network.

1.C Find unallocated IP address range available in the university.

In this network we have 5 networks ( school 1 – school2 – host3 – school4 –

school 5)

1- Determine the class of this network

(Class: A , N = 8 bits , H = 20 bits, Default mask = 8, Given mask

= 20= N+S = 8 + 16) s=16

2- Order the networks from the largest size to the smallest:

1) school ( 875 hosts)

2) school ( 875 hosts)

3) school ( 256 hosts)

4) school (180 hosts)

5) school( 180 hosts)

.#- Start from the biggest network:

1) school (875 hosts) 875=>2^10=1024 hosts

32-10=22 network id

then the new subnet mask= 111111111.11111111.11111100.00000000

1) school 2 (875 hosts) 875=>2^10=1024 hosts

32-10=22 network id

then the new subnet mask= 111111111.11111111.11111100.00000000

3. school three 256 host =>2^9=512



4 school(180 hosts)


32-8=24 network id and 8 host


solution #b find valid ip addresses network and broadcast addresses of each networking

Network Network address Broadcast addresses

school 1

school 2

school 3

school 4

school 5

solution c

school 1 unallocated ip address is 1024-875=149 ip addresses

school 1 unallocated ip address is 1024-875=149 ip addresses

school 1 unallocated ip address is -256=256 ip addresses

school 1 unallocated ip address is 256-180=76 ip addresses

school 1 unallocated ip address is 256-180=76 ip addresses

#2.Compare and contrast distance vector and Link state routing algorithms clearly and which
algorithm is most important for existing large network.

Routing is the mechanism of transferring information from a source to

destination across an inter network. The distance vector routing and link
state routing are the two of routing algorithms, categorized depending on
the way the routing tables are updated.

distance vector routing, a router need not know the entire path to every
network segment; it only requires to know the direction or vector in which
to send the packet. The technique determines the direction (vector) and
distance (hop count) to any network in the inter network.
link-state routing, each router attempt to construct its own internal map of
the network topology. At the initial stage of start-up, when a router
becomes active, it sends the messages into the network and collects the
information from the routers to which it is directly connected. 

The prior difference between Distance vector and link state routing is that
in distance vector routing the router share the knowledge of the entire
autonomous system whereas in link state routing the router share the
knowledge of only their neighbour routers in the autonomous system

#3 Ethio Telecom is granted to school of electrical engineering and

computing .The school has five servers and around five thousand hosts. Therefore, as a networking
student how you can solve IP address shortage in the school?

* The long term solution is to switch to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). IPv6 has trillions of trillions
of addresses, enough to give every computer in the world a unique IP address. Unfortunately, IPv6 is
mostly incompatible with IPv4, and implementing it often requires replacing equipment such as routers..
•    USE Network Address Translation (NAT) splits a single public IPv4 address into multiple
private IPv4 addresses. It is considered a short term solution because it does not usually allow
incoming connections without manual configuration of port forwarding.
•  Carrier-grade Network Address Translation (CGN or CGNAT) is Network Address
Translation done by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is a short-term solution to provide
IPv4 access where the ISP has more customers than public IP addresses

#4.      Fill the IP-addresses, subnet mask and default gateway for all hosts.

Device IP-Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway


Laptop2 /29


Laptop3 /29


Laptop4 /29

PC-PT-PC2 /29

PC-PT- PC3 /29

PC-PT- /29


B.  Fill the network, and broadcast addresses and subnet masks in the following table for both

Interface Network Address Broadcast Address Subnet mask



#5.   Find network address, broadcast address and valid host address for the IP address and show sub net mask of this network in dotted decimal notation.

The ip address is class c

default sub net =

changed sun mask net is

26 means borrowing two 1’s from the host id


128+64=192 are sub net mask

and 2^2 =4 sub net

2^6-2=62 valid host

sub net mask 26 means host =32-26=6

valid host 2^6=64 but among two of them are Network id and Broadcast addresses

network id= and sub net mask is


• A crossover cable should be used in place of the straight-through cable.

• The sub net masks should be set to

First, if you have two hosts directly connected, as shown in the graphic, then you need a
crossover cable. A straight-through cable won't work. Second, the hosts have different masks, which
puts them in different sub nets. The easy solution is just to set both masks to (/24).
#7.  In any networking system for communication among the PC’s and the web
servers via the Internet, we require a unique IP address every time which is a 32-bit
number used to locate the PC or network device you want to reach out in the

#8 Suppose a TCP connection is transferring a file of 12,000 bytes. The first byte is numbered
20,001. What are the sequence numbers for each segment if data are sent in three segments, each
carrying 4000 bytes?

following shows the sequence number for each segment:

Segment 1 => 20,001 (20,001 to 24000)
Segment 2 =>24,001 (4,001 to 27,000)
Segment 3 => 27,000 ( 27,000 to 30,000)

What is Domain Name System (DNS) ?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans access
information online through domain names, like astu.edu.et.com or www.astu.com. Web

browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names

to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.

Each device connected to the Internet has a unique IP address which other machines use

to find the device. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as (in IPv4), or more complex newer alphanumeric IP addresses such as

2400:cb00:2048:1::c629:d7a2 (in IPv6).

What is the difference between data link layer and transport layer?
The data link layer provides the services within a single network while the transport layer provides

the services across an internetwork made up of many networks. The data link layer controls the

physical layer while the transport layer controls all the lower layers.

data link   Network Transport

 layer     layer layer

is the process of
detecting and includes mechanisms for 
 correcting data is responsible for detecting corrupted
error  frames that  transmission of data from segments, lost segments,
one device to another
control have been corrupted device  out-of-order segments, and 
or lost  duplicated segments
during transmission
uses feedback based
flow control
flow  mechanisms. There
provides a flow control
are two main
provides flow control mechanism between the
contro techniques
l between routers by ICM adjacent layers of the TCP/IP
*Stop and Wait
*Sliding Window

Name Dessalew fentahun

section 2
id ugr/19668/12
Adama science and technology university

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