A Detailed Lesson Plan For English Grade 6

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A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 6 English


The students will:

a. recognize idiomatic expression;
b. analyze common idiomatic expression of the English language;
c. create dialog using idiomatic expressions.


Topic: Idiomatic Expression


o Projector
o Hand-outs


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

 Preliminaries
 Arranging of Class pick up some pieces of paper under your (Pupils pick up some pieces of
Chairs chair then put it properly in the trash box. paper under the chair)

Arrange your chair make it align in rows. (Pupils arrange their chair in rows)

“Let us pray first…” Yes teacher

 Prayer
Charles Stev kindly lead the prayer. Let us bow our head and feel the
presence of God.

In the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Good Morning class Good Morning teacher

Good Morning classmates

Okay! Take your seat. Thank you ma’am.

 Checking of Who are absent today? (Pupils tell who’s absent for the

Class, what was our lesson yesterday? Teacher our lesson yesterday was
 Review
all about verb.

The teacher will read the following
 Activity instructions faster and the students will follow.
(Pupils are intently listened to the
teacher she read)
Clap your hands!
Bent your hips forward
Bent backward
Arms forward
Run in place
Shake your hands
Turn around
Sit down!

Based on the given activity, ask the students

 Analysis
with the following questions:
Teacher we feel excite and relax.
1. What have you observed to the activities
you’ve done?

Teacher, I think they are all

2. What have you observed as you follow
what the teacher said?

(The teacher will now introduce the lesson

connecting to the prior activity given to the

 Abstraction (The teacher will show a list of common

idiomatic expression to the students and
discuss to them the meaning of every
idiomatic expression.)

Idioms Meaning
Piece of cake easy
all ears Listening well
break a leg Good luck!
under the sick and not feeling well

time flies time goes by quickly Teacher, these are the idioms with
Just as a person may sneak meaning.
A backs up behind you to stick a
tabber knife in your back, so we
can call a person a back-
stabber who unexpectedly
betrays your trust.
Forgetful; can’t remember.
Absent- i.e. where you put
minded something; can’t recall a
thing you wanted to do;
distracted, unfocused and
confused in your thoughts.
A nobody A person of no importance.
Back to earth Return to reality from a
world of fantasy and
Bear with it Don’t give-up; persevere
and endure; try to put-up
with something unpleasant
or wearisome until it finally
comes to an end.
For keeps Forever; never to change
zip your lips be quiet and close your
shake a leg dance
green thumb good at gardening and
keeping plants

1. The teacher will make sentences using the

idiomatic expressions from the list and
discuss it to the students.
2. Then, the teacher will conduct an activity

Famous Examples of Idioms in Literature
 Application
Set my teeth on edge - In Henry IV, Part 1,
Hotspur complains about how much he hates
poetry, saying, "And that would set my teeth
nothing an edge, nothing so much as mincing (The pupils will now read that
poetry." Today the phrase is used to express idioms literature)
distaste for something, particularly annoyance,
and also discomfort, like the noise of nails
dragging on a chalkboard.

There's method in my madness - In Hamlet,

Polonius observes Hamlet's antics and says,
"Though this be madness, yet there is method
in't." He suspects Hamlet isn't behaving as
irrationally as he seems to be on the surface.
The phrase has changed slightly, but the
meaning is the same: Even though your action
seems random, you have a purpose to them.

Dead as a doornail - Though this phrase is

perhaps better known as the opening
description of Ebenezer Scrooge's partner
Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, it was
previously used by Shakespeare. In Henry IV,
Part 2 Jack Cade says, “I have eat no meat
these five days; yet, come thou and thy five
men, and if I do not leave you all as dead as a
doornail, I pray God I may never eat grass
more.” The phrase is still used emphatically,
implying that something is so dead it's as if it
were never alive in the first place.

The world is my oyster - In The Merry Wives

Of Windsor, when Falstaff refuses to lend
Pistol money Pistol draws his sword and says,
"Why, then the world's mine oyster, which I
with sword will open.” Today the phrase is full
of optimism rather than violence and is used to
say the world is full of possibilities and you
can do anything.

Directions: The one student will draw a

rolled-paper in the box which contains lots of
idiomatic expression written. Then, another
student will draw another rolled-paper to
another box which contains the corresponding
meanings of the idiomatic expression.

Idiomatic Expressions- an
idiom is a group of words
whose literal meaning is
different than the actual
meaning of the expression.
(The pupils will now raise their
hands and share their thoughts.)
 Generalization Teacher, I learned that there were
*What have you learned in our discussion? different functions of the simple
tenses of the verb.
*Okay, very good
Teacher, I learned on how to
*How about the short story of The Midas identify the present, past, and
Touch? What can you say in story and what future tense.
have you realized?
Teacher, I have learned that even
we have everything but still we are
*Very good not contented, we cannot be
completely happy.



Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. My big cheese is my father and mother.

A. most important person B. unimportant person C. ugly person D. beautiful person
2. Goodnight, sleep tight!
A. unwell B. sleep well C. deep sleep D. forget sleep
3. If you think you can achieve your dreams, then give it a shot.
A. reject B. deny C. try D. accept
4. Brenna is all ears listening to the announcement of her teacher.
A. intensively listening B. hearing C. not listening D. not minding
5. If need be, I can buy materials now.
A. if not necessary B. if necessary C. not needed D. not important




 Study the lesson for the upcoming long test.

Prepared by:
Jaymark J. Dela Peña

Submitted to:

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