Networking Assignment

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Task 1 [LO1, P1]

Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.

Introduction of network:
A computer network consists of two or more computing devices that are connected in order to
share the components of our network and information we store there. The most basic computer
network can grow and turn out to be increasingly usable at the point when extra network devices
join and add their assets to those being shared. A network is simply an interconnection between
computers and devices which allows them to share resources. The data are exchanged with each
other using connections between nodes. A node is either a redistribution point or a communication
end point. Nodes are generally identified by the network addresses and can include network hosts
such as PC’s, phones and servers as well as networking hardware such as routers and switches. The
data links are created over a cable media such as wired or wireless media such as Wi-Fi.

Types of network
A network is basically an interconnection between devices whether in the same room or devices of
the world. According to the structure, network are of different types. Some of them are listed

Client Server Network

In this network, one main computer works as a
server and remaining as client. Server is a central
hub in this network. It has high memory, large
storage and high end processors compared to client
computers. Files and programs are accessed by the
multiple clients that are being stored in the server. A
server devices typically stores the file and databases
Figure 1 Client Server Network
including more complex applications such as

Benefits of using client server network

There are many benefits for using the client server network. In this network, the user should
provide username and password which makes the security strong enough to be protected from
unknown users. The files can be managed easily as these files can be stored at the same place in
this network architecture and makes easy to search files. The changes can be made easily by just
upgrading the servers which maintains the scalability.
Constraints of using client server network
In this network architecture, the servers get overloaded when there are simultaneous client
requests by forming high traffic in the system. The whole system fails if the main server fails which
may result in data loss. Since, it is the centralized system, if the critical server fails, client’s requests
are not accomplished.

Peer To Peer Network

Computer systems that are connected by the
internet and doesn’t need any central server for the
transfer of files and programs from one computer to
another. In peer to peer network, each computer
works as a server as well as client. To join in this
network, one must have internet connection and
peer to peer software. Once it is connected to the
network, it can access files and folders of another
computer and Figure 2 Peer To Peer Network vice versa.

Benefits of using peer to peer network

The main advantage of peer to peer network is that it is easy to setup which makes it less expensive
as well. In this network, each node acts as a server as well as client without the need of any server.
Any computer in this network functions as both the servers and a user workstations.

Constraints of using peer to peer network

In this network system, each computer separately needed to be applied for network security which
makes time consuming. Any computer in this network can be accessed anytime which makes it less
secure. The accessing of data cannot be managed or controlled as there is no any centralized server
present in the system.

Cloud network
In cloud networking, means accessing the network resources from a centralized third party provider
by using wide area network (WAN) or internet based access technologies. It is related to the cloud
computing in which computer resources are shared for customers and clients. It is broadly
rehearsed system since remote access is conceivable so any one can get effectively as the assets are
brought together. Likewise, cloud network additionally empowers the system correspondence
between virtual machines.
Figure 3 cloud networking system

Benefits of using cloud network

In cloud networking system, data are store in centralized servers which can be accessed from
anywhere in the world. Hence, if there is any hardware failure, it will not result in data loss
because of networked backups. It is more reliable means of network.

Constraints of using cloud network

The main constraint of using cloud network is less security. If the server in this network crashes, a
data loss may occur. It will affect some of the users who are trying to work with that server. There is
minimum control of the business organization over a server. The cloud infrastructure are mainly
managed by the service providers.

Cluster network
In cluster network, many servers are connected together for maximum availability, load balancing
and parallel processing. Many computers are compactly attached to each other so that they can be
seen as a single system. It is single core technology with multiple computers which makes it more
powerful and fast as well.

Benefits of using cluster network

It gives the high performance and larger storage for the better data and resources availability and
the processing speed becomes maximum as multiple computers combine to give a required output.
This network maintains flexibility as we can add extra components to the system and can be
upgraded easily without any difficulties.
Constraints of using cluster network
This network requires more servers and hardware for maintaining its scalability and reliability in
which the monitoring and maintenance becomes uneasy. There are many applications which are
not supported by this network. It need to be designed well which makes it more expensive.

Centralized network
In this network, all the users are connected to central server, which acts as the main component for
the communication. It would store both the communications and the user accounts information.
This network provides the instant messaging platform. All the users can access the data that is being
stored in the central server.

Benefits of using centralized networks

There are many advantages of using centralized networks. This type of network setup helps in
reducing the cost since it won't underline on more equipment and machines. This also provides a
better data security. The information and the program on every data framework are free to other
data frameworks in this network.

Constraints of using centralized network

If there is failure of the central server, there is high chance for the data loss. There is less security
level in this network. It can be easily attacked by the malwares.

Virtualized network
“Network virtualization refers to the management and monitoring of an entire computer network
as a single administrative entity from a single software-based administrator’s console” [ CITATION
tec16 \l 1033 ]. It is designed to allow data transfer, flexibility, scalability, reliability and security.

Network virtualization improves network efficiency, as well as administrator are satisfied with their
job. It is useful for rapid and large networks. In this network, the use of physical devices are reduced
to some extent.

Benefits if using virtualized network

The main benefit for using virtualized network is that it reduces the number of physical hardware
when needed which unfortunately reduces the cost. Since, if there is virtual network setup, it will
reduce the workload which ultimately saves the energy.
Constraints of using virtualized network
Beside the advantages of using virtualized network, there are some disadvantages too. This type of
network has limitations and also has security risks as well. It requires several links in a chain that
must work together simultaneously which may take extra times.

According to the geographic distance, networks are classified as follows:

Local Area Network (LAN)

A group of computers and devices are
connected together within a short distances i.e.
within a building or a group of two or three
buildings in close to each other to share
information and resources is said to be
connected in LAN network. Computer and other
devices use LAN connection to share resources
such as printer or a network storage.
Figure 4 Local Area Network
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
MAN is a computer network that interconnects the computer and resources in a geographic area
larger than covered by that of LAN but smaller than the WAN. The networks devices are
interconnected within a city into a single larger network. MANs can be formed by connecting
multiple LANs. MANs provide fast communication via fiber optic cables.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

From the heading, it is clear that it covers wide geographical area. It connects different smaller
networks such as local area network (LANs) and metropolitan area network (MANs). Internet is the
best example for the Wide Area Network (WAN). It is similar to a banking system i.e. hundreds of
branches in different cities are connected with each other in order to share their official data. It is
similar to the LAN and MAN but covers a larger scale.

Campus Area Network (CAN)

Multiple Local Area Network (LAN) are
connected in order to form CAN. A CAN is
smaller than the Metropolitan Area Network
(MAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN). There
are many benefits of CAN. It is cost effective and
Figure 5 Campus Area Network
known for multidepartment network. It is also known as Corporate Area Network as large
corporate organizations are connected by it. CAN uses both wired and wireless for the

Different types of network standards OSI reference model

A reference model is a reasonable system for getting connections. The motivation behind the OSI
reference model is to direct sellers and engineers so the advanced correspondence items and
programming programs they make can interoperate, and to encourage an unmistakable structure
that depicts the elements of a systems administration or media transmission framework.

TCP/IP model
The TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP determines how
information is traded over the web by giving start to finish interchanges that recognize how it might
to be broken into bundles, tended to, transmitted, directed and got at the goal. TCP/IP requires
minimal focal administration, and it is intended to make systems dependable, with the capacity to
recuperate naturally from the disappointment of any device on the system.

IEEE Standards, 802.x:

"IEEE 802.1x is a standard segment of the IEEE 802.11 system convention bunch built up by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE). IEEE 802.1x location to IEEE 802.11
conventions to improve remote system security". It is utilized to control the remote or virtual LAN
that applies traffic approaches dependent on confirmation.

In overall, I described all the network types along with their benefits and constraints. I described all
the three models of the network standards including OSI reference model, TCP/IP model and
Task 2[LO1, P2]
Explain the impact of network topology, Communication and bandwidth requirements.

“Network topology is simply an arrangement of cables and nodes of a communication network. It is
a topological structure in a network that may be defined physically or logically. In the network
topology, the nodes are connected directly or indirectly through the links so that they can
communicate with each other. The information travels along with certain bandwidth and speed to
reach the destination. Bandwidth can be defined as the amount of data that can be transmitted
throughout the channels in a specified amount of time.

Types of network topology

There are different types of network topology which are described below:

Bus topology
In bus topology, computers and network devices
are connected to the single cable. And that cable is
called backbone. In this topology, if the main cable
fails or if it is broken, the entire segment fails. This
topology are relatively easy to setup and don’t
require much cabling which makes it less
expensive. It works fine for the small networks and
if one node fails, it will not affect the whole network. No hubs or switches are
required in this Figure 6 Bus Topology network.

Impact of bus topology

In this topology, large amount of packet collision occurs which results in high amount of packet loss.
The installation of new devices to this topology is very easy but adding more devices or nodes make
the network to slow down. If the main cable or backbone cable fails, the whole network fails which
is the main defect of this topology. Only one directional data flow occurs in this system. If two or
more nodes are trying to communicate with each other simultaneously, there will be huge data
collision which may fail the whole network.

Star topology
In this topology, all the nodes are connected to the
central hub or switch. Here, all the nodes are
connected at one point hence there will be high traffic in the central hub. It forms star like
connections so it is called star topology. It is possible to create very large network with the help of
this topology. Besides these, it is an expensive setup as the numbers and length of cables needed
setup is high. Figure 7 Star Topology

Impact of star topology

If one of its connection breaks, it will not affect the whole network but if the central hub or switch
fails, whole network will break out. Here, central hub acts as a junction point for each node in the
system. The central hub needs frequent maintenance for maintaining its health. This topology has a
simple design which makes it much easier for administrators to run troubleshooting when facing
with the problem faults.

Ring topology
A ring topology is a network configuration on which all the network devices are connected in closed
circular loops. Most of these topologies are
unidirectional. So packets of data travel from one
device to the next devices until they reach the
destination. In this topology, if any of the
connection in the ring is broken, the whole
network will be affected. No network server is
needed in this topology as the network devices are
connected one
Figure 8 Ring Topology
after another in a closed loops.

Impact of ring topology

There is no risk of packet collision in this topology since it has unidirectional flow which makes it
fast. Instead of benefit, if there is any node failure, the entire network fails which needs the
frequent maintenance for each node. Adding more nodes in it causes transmission delay as the data
flow is unidirectional.

Mesh topology
In this topology, all the computers and network
devices has many connections as possible and
allowing for most transmissions to be distributed
even if one connection breaks. A mesh topology can be a partially connected mesh topology or a
full mesh topology.

In a partially connected mesh topology, some of the nodes of the network are connected to more
than one other node in the network. It is less expensive to implement and. Some nodes are
arranged in a full mesh scheme but others are only connected to one or two in the network. We can
find the partial mesh topology in peripheral networks connected to a full meshed backbone.

Full mesh topology is the topology where every node has a circuit connection to every other node in
a network. It very expensive to implement but gives the better results. If any node in the network
fails, the network traffic is directed towards the other nodes.

Impact of mesh topology

This topology is much reliable as all the nodes are connected to each other with the help of cable. If
there is any node failure, it will not affect the entire network. Since, each node are connected to
each other through cables, it makes it quite expensive. The setup is complex and requires more
amount of time.

Tree topology
Tree topology is a network structure which is
shaped similarly as tree with many branches on it.
A tree topology is a special type of structure in
which many connected elements are arranged like
the branches of a tree. For example, tree topologies
are frequently used to organize the computers in a
corporate network, or the information in a

Impact of tree topology

In this topology it is easy to add nodes in the network. This format also helps itself well for finding
the error and troubleshooting since it can check the performance issues systematically through the
tree view. Maintaining this network is not simpler, the more we add nodes, the more complex it

Hybrid topology
In this topology, different topologies are

combined to form a single topology. These

topologies include a mix of bus topology, mesh
topology, ring topology, star topology, and tree
topology. This arrangement is known for its
flexibility and reliability. It is little expensive.
Generally, the analogue components of the PC
handle complex numerical calculations. The digital components take care of logical and numerical
operations, in addition to serving as the controller for the system.

Impact of hybrid topology

This topology is known for its flexibility. Since it is the combination of different topologies, it
increases the scalability as well which makes them well suited for larger networks. This
arrangement is complex depending on topologies that we combine. Maintenance is quite difficult as
the administrator has to maintain all the topologies combined instead of only one topology.

In overall, we can get knowledge about the architecture of the network in this task and we can test
the traffic of the network and apply the suitable topology for the requirements of the company.
Another possible application of this work is to test the average state of the network by inferring its
average behaviour. Therefore, now we can easily analyse the network.

Task 3[LO1, M1]

Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of
networked systems.

This task gives the correlation of networking principle standard and effectiveness of networked
system “OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a reference model for how applications
communicate over a network. The main concept of OSI is that the process of communication
between the two endpoints in a network can be divided into seven distinct group of related
function, or layers”, (techtarget, n.d.). Network layers are useful strides in correspondence that are
performed by projects called protocols. “TCP/IP, or the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol, is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the
internet. TCP/IP can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (an intranet or
an extranet).”

OSI reference model

The Open System Interconnection (OSI) model defines a networking framework to implement
protocol in seven layers. The seven layers of OSI reference model are given below:

Physical layer (layer 1)

It is the lowest layer in OSI reference model or can be called as layer 1. In this layer, the data moves
physically across the network interface. Repeaters, conventional hubs and transceivers all operate
at the physical layer. The physical layer defines the means of transmitting raw bits rather than
logical data packets over a physical data link connecting network nodes.

Data link layer (layer 2)

It is the second layer of the OSI reference model of computer networking. It is used for the
encoding, decoding and logical organization of data bits. Data packets are framed and addressed by
this layer, which has two sublayers. They are Media Access Control (MAC) and Logical Link Control
The data packets are encoded and decoded in this layer.
Network Layer (layer 3)
Network layers provide the paths for data routing for network communication and also permits the
different networks to be interconnected. Best logical path selection is done by the network layer for
data transfer between different nodes. The data are transferred in the form of packets with the
help of logical network paths. It depends on the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for error
handling and diagnostics to ensure that the packets are sent correctly.

Transport Layer (layer 4)

The transport layer is responsible for end to end communication over a network. It is the fourth
layer of OSI reference model. This layer represents the transition point between the lower layers
that deal with data delivery issues, and the higher ones that work with application software.
Transport layer application are responsible for segmenting application data into blocks for
transmission and may be either connection-oriented or connectionless.

Session layer (Layer 5)

The main function of session layer is to maintain, establish and synchronize the interaction between
communication systems. The session layer should handle the retransmission and reordering of
packets. Application program interface (APIs) are implemented as sets of software tools in session
layer technologies.

Presentation layer (Layer 6)

It is the sixth layer of OSI reference model. The main function of presentation layer are translation,
encryption and compression. Before transmission, the information characters are first translated
into bit streams. Encryption occurs at transmitter and decryption at receiver. It compresses the
information to reduce the bandwidth of the data.

Application layer (Layer 7)

The topmost layer of OSI model (7th layer). This layer contains various protocols that are needed by
user. HTTP is the widely used in application protocol. This layer provides the basis for e-mail
forwarding and storage. It also provides access for global information about various services.

TCP/IP model
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. It was developed by the
Department of Defense project agency. The common examples of TCP/IP are TCP, HTTP, DNS, etc.
This model consists of four layers and each layer has its own protocols. The layers of TCP/IP are:
Network Interface Layer
This layer is also known as link layer and the lowest layer in TCP/IP model. It is the physical interface
between the host system and the network hardware. To provide reliable communication between
hosts connected on a network is the main aim of this layer. The network interface layer is
equivalent to the physical and datalink layer in OSI model. This layer controls the transmission of
bits across the medium.

Internet Layer
This layer is equivalent to the layer 3 i.e. the network layer of OSI reference model and it controls
the routing functions and identifies the network systems and nodes on that network.

Transport Layer
The transport layer breaks the data into pieces for the lower layers. This layer is equivalent to the
later 4 in the OSI model. This layer is responsible for error checking, flow control and delivery of
data from the source host to the destination host.
Application Layer
Application layer consists of communication protocols and interface methods used in process to
process communication across an internet protocol (IP). It comes after transport layer in TCP/IP
model. It is an abstraction layer protocols and interface methods used by hosts for the
communication in network.

Comparison between OSI reference model and TCP/IP model

There are some difference between OSI reference model and TCP/IP model. TCP/IP is a clientserver
model, i.e. when the client requests for service it is provided by the server. Whereas, OSI is a
conceptual model. TCP/IP is a standard protocol used for every network including the Internet,
whereas, OSI is not a protocol but a reference model used for understanding and designing the
system architecture. TCP/IP is a four layered model, whereas, OSI has seven layers. TCP/IP follows
Vertical approach. On the other hand, OSI Model supports Horizontal approach. TCP/IP is Tangible,
whereas, OSI is not. TCP/IP follows top to bottom approach, whereas, OSI Model follows a
bottomup approach.

Effectiveness of the protocol in the network system

“A protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for communicating data. Rules are defined for each step
and process during communication between two or more computers” [ CITATION tec14 \l 1033 ]. In
order to successfully transmit data, networks have to follow these rules. Some of the protocols
which enables effectiveness of network system are: TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, UDP, DNS, and DHCP.

TCP/IP and UDP which lies in the transport layer of the OSI Layer which transmit data between end
users. Transport layer works to deliver data without errors which is received transparently. On the
other hand, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, DHCP which lies in the application layer of the OSI Layer which
supports application to function.

In overall, I have described each layers of OSI and TCP/IP. Here, OSI reference model is a conceptual
model which is not in use but TCP/IP model is in use. In this task, I have compared their similarities
and dissimilarities as well.
Task 4[LO2, P3]
Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.

Most networks are small, think about a little office or home, and even vast networks are frequently
isolated into little fragments. That little portion is separate from the bigger network by a gadget
that can channel information and help the system be progressively proficient. “A server is a PC
program or gadget that gives a support of another PC program and its client, otherwise called the
client. In a server farm, the physical PC that a server program keeps running on is additionally
oftentimes alluded to as a server. That machine might be a devoted server or it might be utilized for
different purposes also.”

Types of network devices

There are many network devices and the following are the network devices with the operating

In computer network, hub is a central connecting device. It is used in star topology as a central
device connecting all clients and broadcasts all data packets to its clients that are receives by hub.
Hub comes with different port like five, eight, sixteen and more ports. As per the company
requirements the ports are selected and it contains one port called uplink port which is used to
connect next hub.

Router is network device which is very intelligent device that connect multiple network types and
defines the path for sending data. It is mostly used to connect one LAN to another. It determines
the address of incoming and outgoing data packets. Routers has the ability to block fake/spoofed
packets which is used by hacker to fool system.

A switch is a simplified and smarter version of hub. It is capable of examining the data which are
received, determine the source and destination device and forwards data accurately. Devices
connected to switch has the full bandwidth whereas the hub shares the bandwidth. It uses MAC
address of network cards to route packets to the correct ports. The major problem of the switch is
that it is easily hacked by hackers as it sends passwords in plain text.

Multi-Layer Switch:
Multi-Layer switch is a networking device which works in high ability like it can perform as switch as
well as router at incredibly fast speeds. This device uses ASCI hardware circuits to perform routing
functions. It is totally different than the switch as it has microprocessor and uses application
running to perform routing.

Servers are those computers in a network which shares the data and application to users hosted by
server. There are several types of server available from single CPU to multiple CPU such as
mainframe. Server OS are much more powerful than the workstation OS and designed to service
many users over a network at the same time. Server uses OS such as windows server, Linux, UNIX,

A firewall is a network security system which keeps records of network traffic as per the security
rules defined in the system. There are two types of firewalls i.e. software and hardware which is
used to protect the system from viruses, hackers and other intruders. It allows only necessary
function to our computer whereas it blocks all the unnecessary function so that our computer can
run smoothly.

HIDS stands for the Host-Based Intrusion Detection System is a device designed to monitor
computer system. It is one of the essential part of the security policy. It monitors, analyzes whether
the system has defect on it or not.

Repeater is network device that extends a received signal with high power so that network
boundary is extended and the signals can be received in any geographical condition. It helps in the
amplification of the signals to expand coverage area of the network. It is also known as the signal

Bridges is the network devices that check the incoming traffic and decides whether to forward
packets or discard it and they are more intelligent than repeaters. It can filter network on the basis
of MAC address and it can filter noise as well. On the other hand, they are unable to move data
across multiple networks and they cannot connect dissimilar network types.

Wireless Devices:
Wireless devices which are not connected physically and data are transferred through radio waves
or infrared, that allows anyone within range access of the data. To use this access point is required
and the wireless NIC are used to communicate with access point. We use this device in our daily life
like TV remote, cellular phones, cordless keyboard, wireless optical mouse, etc.

Access Point (Wireless/Wired):

An access point is a station in a wireless local area network (WLAN) which transmit and receive data
and it connects users to other users within the network. It serves multiple users. Access point helps
in connecting users to other users in a same network and can serve as a point of intersection
between WLAN and fixed wire network. In a small company or home one access point can handle
the users whereas in large company or business sectors they may need number of access point to
serve users.

Content Filter:
Content filter is known as information filtering such as monitoring children on the computer what
have access in the internet. It is used by corporation as part of the internet firewall.

Load Balancer:
Load balancer is the process of sharing the load from heavily loaded to lightly load so that system
can get better performance. It helps in high user satisfaction, improving overall health of the

Modem stands for modulator and demodulator which is used for converting analog signals to digital
and digital signals to analog. Modem are used for remote connection but it is a slow method of
remote connection where user need standard telephone lines. Nowadays use of modem is less still
some corporate use this for Remote Access Service (RAS) and Fax servers. This service is usually
used when other remote access is not available.

Packet Shaper:
Packet shaper is a device which controls the volumes of traffic flowing into the campus network
while firewalls allow/disallow types of network traffic.

VPN Concentrator:
A VPN concentrator is a networking device which establish a secure creation of VPN connection. It a
special type of router which is used for creating and managing VPN communication. It is used for
creating VPN architecture which can create and manage VPN tunnels.
Types of server Web
“A web server is server software, or hardware dedicated to running said software, that can satisfy
World Wide Web client requests. A web server can, in general, contain one or more websites. A
web server processes incoming network requests over HTTP and several other related protocols.”
Web servers are PCs that convey (presents) Web pages. Each Web server has an IP address and
perhaps an area name. For instance, in the event that you enter the URL in your program, this sends a request to the Web server whose
area name is The server at that point gets the page named index.html and sends it to
our program.

File server:
In computing, a file server is a PC joined to a system that gives an area to shared disk access, for
example shared capacity of PC records that can be accessed to by the workstations that can achieve
the PC that shares the entrance through a computer network. The term server features the job of
the machine in the client– server schema, where the clients are the workstations utilizing the
capacity. A file server isn't planned to perform computational tasks, and does not run projects in
the interest of its clients. It is planned basically to empower the capacity and recovery of
information while the calculation is done by the workstations. File servers are regularly found in
schools and workplaces, where clients utilize a LAN to associate their customer PCs.

Database server:
Database server is the term used to refer to the back-end arrangement of a database application
utilizing customer/server engineering. The back-end, now and then called a database server,
performs different tasks, for example, information investigation, stockpiling, information control,
filing, and other non-client specific tasks.

Print server:
A print server, or printer server, is a gadget that interfaces printers to customer PCs over a system.
It acknowledges print employments from the PCs and sends the occupations to the proper printers,
lining the occupations locally to suit the way that work may arrive more rapidly than the printer can
really deal with.

Virtual server:
A server, ordinarily a Web server that imparts PC assets to other virtual servers. In this specific
circumstance, the virtual part basically implies that it's anything but a dedicated server- - that is, the
whole PC isn't committed to running the server software. Virtual Web servers are an exceptionally
mainstream method for giving minimal effort web facilitating administrations. Rather than requiring
a different PC for every server, many virtual servers can co-reside on a similar PC. Much of the time,
execution isn't influenced and each site carries on as though it is being served by a dedicated
server. Be that as it may, if an excessive number of virtual servers live on a similar PC, or in the
event that one virtual server begins hoarding assets, Web pages will be conveyed all the more

In overall, I described all the network hardware and the types of server. I described how networking
devices actually run and provide services to the user along with the servers.
Task 5[LO5, P4]
Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.

In this task, I am going to describe the interdependence between hardware and software. Hardware
are the physical parts of the computer whereas software is the interface or program.

Hardware requirements
Hardware is one of the essential part of the system as well as software which are interdependent to
each other and some of the hardware components are given below:
Server technology

Components Requirements
1. Processor Intel® core i7 64-bit 8305GHz
2. Memory 8 GB RAM
3. HDD 2 TB
4. Motherboard Intel® SE7501BR2
5. Optical Drive DVD RW
6. Printers Ink jet
7. Chipset Intel E7500
8. Monitor 20-inch LED
9. Network Adapter Ethernet 100/1000
10. Firewall Juniper
Interrelation between hardware and software
The two components, hardware and software are essential part of the computer which cannot work
without each other. Software with the help of kernel controls the hardware part so that they can
work efficiently. Any software is first loaded to the hardware then only executed. Software are
those which needs hardware to work. When there no proper coordination between them then
system may not work properly. Hardware and software, they should match each other to give
better performance. To work in a proper way, there should be a driver which drives the hardware
part to function like a keyboard which is incomplete without its driver and it doesn’t work until it
accepts the software. How a keyboard works is that hardware is connected to the system then it is
provided the suitable driver and when we press the key driver starts to compile to machine
language and commands the other system to work like this hardware and software and
interdependent to each other. The client and server OS i.e. Win 10 and Win server 2012 R2 can
efficiently work with each other as depicted in the above table. Hence, we can say that
interdependence is must in the workstation hardware and networking software.
In overall, the running of system effectively depends upon the coordination between hardware and
software perfectly. Here, the kernel works as a communicator between hardware and software
components. For the flawless network system, I have provided better synchronization among
hardware and software in the company.
Task 6[LO2. M2]
Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario
regarding cost and performance optimization.

In this venture, I will describe all the range of server types along with their proper justification. A
server is a powerful computer that provides data and information to the workstation computers.
The servers are powerful and owned by the big companies and business sectors.

Different range of servers Tower server

A tower server is a PC planned for use as a server and inherent an upstanding cabinet that remains
solitary. The cabinet, called a tower, is comparable fit as a fiddle to the cabinet for a tower style
PC. . It is very easy to add unlimited servers because of its scalability and reliability features. It is the
simplest server as it can be configured such as high-end PCs. It is used for low-capacity servers
where scalability between two servers is not required. It is a collection of server components such
as processors, memory, I/O controllers, etc. example of tower server is Dell PowerEdge R320.
Processor Intel® Xenon® scalable 8100 series 3.6 GHz
Processor core 28
Memory 38.50 MB L3
Drive 16 GB HPE DDR4
Power supply 24 SFF SAS/SATA HDD/SDD
Network controller HPE Flexible slot Redundant Power Server
Storage controller 1 HPE Smart array S100i
Form factor 4U tower
Rack-mount server
A rack mounted server is a computer dedicated to use as a server and designed to be installed in a
framework called a rack. The rack consists of multiple mounting slots known as bays, each are
designed to hold a hardware unit secured in place with screws. A single rack can contain different
servers stacked one over the other, solidifying network assets and limiting the required floor space.
The rack server design additionally streamlines cabling among system segments. In a hardware rack
loaded up with servers, an uncommon cooling framework is important to avert exorbitant warmth
development that would some way or another happen when many power-disseminating parts are
kept in a little space. Example is hp 9000.

Processor Intel® Xenon® processor E3-1200v6
Memory Up to 4 DDR4 DIMMs
Drive Up to 4 x 3.5
Power supply 250W cabled PSU
Network controller Broadcom® BCM5720
Storage controller 2.5 SATA 7.2k
Form factor 1U rack server
Blade server
A blade server is a stripped-down server PC with a secluded structure advanced to limit the
utilization of physical space and vitality. Blade servers have numerous parts evacuated to spare
space, limit control utilization and different contemplation, while as yet having all the useful
segments to be viewed as a PC. [1] Unlike a rack-mount server, a blade server needs a blade
enclosure, which can hold numerous blade servers, giving administrations, for example, control,
cooling, organizing, different interconnects and the executives. Together, blade and the blade
enclosure structure a blade framework. Different blade suppliers have varying standards with
respect to what to incorporate into the blade itself, and in the blade system in general.
Processor Xeon E5620 2.4 GHz- 24 GB-600GB
Processor core Quad-core
Memory SAS 6Gb/s 1000 rpm
Power supply 250W cabled PSU
Network controller HP NC553i
Storage controller Serial ATA-300/SAS 2.0
Form factor blade
Selection of best server
I have mentioned three server which can be used as a physical server in a company, business sector,
etc. among them I have chosen Rack-mount server model PowerEdge R230 because it suits the
company requirements considering the cost and the performance optimization. Rack-mount server
is used is the company like commercial bank, business sector so that it is the best one to use in the
network system of Nepal bank limited because of the following reasons:

Scalability and management

The expense of the server begins with the $669.00 and the financial plan of the organization meets
the necessities while the expense of blade is a lot higher contrasted with rack server and blade is
normally utilized for asset reason and tower isn't appropriate as its cost is low too it won't give us
the appropriate condition to bank so picking rack-mount would be the best alternative and the
execution is superior to anything the tower though the little moderate contrasted with the blade
server. Dealing with the server is simple and gives the better administration framework. Taking
about the cabling it is anything but difficult to design and this server has the committed space of
switch, mark can be effectively recognized and discussing the adaptability it is anything but difficult
to associate the servers and including and evacuating the servers are simple. In the event that the
server should be moved up to utilitarian dimension, at that point it is simpler to change parts of the

Increased storage capacity

Day by day exchange and different works should be put away in the framework and it needs heaps
of storeroom or storage to keep this all so this server gives the 200 TB of storage spaces with the
goal that enough information can be put away.

To outlined, physical server is those servers which holds server OS and this should be picked by
spending plan, execution, control, ability to hold clients, and so forth. I have chosen rack-mount
server as it execution is superior to the tower server and the expense is reasonable as per
organization spending it suits.
Task 7[LO1&LO2, D1]
Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of
a networked system.

This report gives a structure of the arranged framework for Nepal bank limited. I have chosen
Hybrid topology as the organization necessities was to associate with branch office too I have
utilized Hybrid so security can be upgraded in head and branches. "A network topology is the plan
of a system, including its hubs and interfacing lines. There are two different ways of characterizing
network geometry: the physical topology and the sensible (or signal) topology".

Types of network topology

There are mainly six types of network topology and they are:

Bus topology:
A bus is a network topology in which hubs are specifically connected with a typical (or expanded)
half duplex connection called bus.

Ring topology:
A ring is a network topology in which every hub associate with two other nodes, forming a single
continuous pathway in a ring to transfer data packets, signals and so on.

Star topology:
A star topology is a network topology in which individual client are connected to a central hub
forming similar to a star and it is also called star network.

Tree topology:
Tree topology is a network topology in which star and bus are combine to form like a tree and it is a
hybrid network which provides only one path between any two nodes.

Hybrid topology:
Hybrid topology is a network topology in which two or more than two other topologies are used to
form a network.

Mesh topology:
Mesh topology is a network topology in which each and every node cooperate to distribute data
among each other.
Selection of best topology
The majority of the topologies recorded above are best in their own particular manner and their
utilization should be finished by the necessities. Among this topology, I have chosen hybrid topology
while planning the system for Nepal bank limited in light of the fact that hybrid topology is the mix
of at least two distinctive network topologies with the goal that we can get secure and solid system
and it has a registering framework that consolidates both simple and advanced segments.
Traditionally, the simple parts of the PC handle complex scientific calculations. The advanced
segments deal with consistent and numerical tasks, notwithstanding filling in as the controller for
the framework. Variables for picking half and half topology are as per the following:

By utilizing the available resources of the company, hybrid topology can be made. Special care can
be provided to each node where there is high traffic as well as more faults.

We already know that hybrid topology is the mixture of various topologies. In this topology, the
fault detection is easy. Here the administrator can run the troubleshooting easily. . The part in
which fault is detected can be isolated from the rest of network and required corrective measures
can be taken, without affecting the functioning of rest of the network.

Compatibility is another factor which made me to choose hybrid topology. This topology is highly
compatible with the Nepal Bank Limited.

Scalability is another factor for choosing this topology. We can easily add or remove new devices
and components without distracting the rest of the architecture.

Hybrid topology is the blend of bus, star, mesh, and ring topology. Hybrid topology is utilized in
numerous regions like a few territories that are required with continuous network then we can pick
two topologies like mesh and star or mesh and ring. I would prescribe hybrid topology since
working with this system organization who utilize this topology are fulfilled and due to its
adaptability organization are utilizing assets to tackle each issue and its unwavering quality aides in
working admirably so clients can work proficiently so it is perfect with substantial organizations like
financial segment and bank has a few branch workplaces so new engineering can be under a similar
system and we can add new parts to the head office too.

To sum up, hybrid topology is one of the high-level topology where we can work securely and
efficiently because bank is sensitive one as it needs to work with high risk so security is most
important and transferring money is main priority where efficient is must.
Task 8 [LO3, P5]
Design a networked system to meet a given specification.

"A network is gathering of PCs, servers, centralized computers, arrange gadgets, peripherals, or
different gadgets associated with each other to permit the sharing of data". A phenomenal case of
network is web i.e. internet, which makes globe as a worldwide town. Network helps in sharing
information inside a second between various clients sparing a lot of cash. In the event that we are
associated in a same network, at that point we use peripherals gadgets like printers, scanner and
copiers, or sharing a product and web between clients. I have planned a network for Nepal bank
Limited to defeat Workgroup based system to Centralized system and all through its head office
alongside branches too.

IP Table:
I have used different class of IP address while designing the Network Architecture of Nepal bank Ltd.
Following are the IP address distributed to Server computer, Print server, File server and clients:
Head office

Server IP address Subnet mask DNS IP address

DC with DNS
RODC with
Secondary DNS
Branch office


Server technology
"A server is a PC program that gives a support of another PC projects (and its client). In a server
farm, the physical PC that a server program keeps running in is additionally every now and again
alluded to as a server. That machine might be a dedicated server or it might be utilized for different
purposes as well" and I have utilized numerous servers like DHCP, DC, CDC, Relay-operator, File and
print server and so forth while planning a network architecture of Nepal bank which are given

DHCP server
"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a system convention that empowers a server to
consequently assign an IP address to a PC from a characterized scope of numbers (i.e., a degree)
arranged for a given network". I have utilized this server to allot IP address since it saves time since
IPs are circulated progressively to the clients PC. In the event that there was no DHCP server, at that
point we need to allocate IP address to every single PC one by one and it takes a lot of time.

DC server
"A Domain controller is a server that reacts to security validation demand inside a windows server
domain". DC represents Domain Controller, which is utilized to give a security verification inside a
window space and access granted to the clients to login at any PC with an utilization of single
username and secret password. It checks the login of each client and it is constrained by

DNS server
"A DNS server is a kind of name server that oversees, keeps up and forms Internet space names and
their related records. As it were, a DNS server is the essential segment that executes the DNS
(Domain Name System) convention and arrangements space name goals administrations to Web
hosts and clients on an IP-based network". DNS characterizes the Name to IP and IP to Name
administration with the goal that we can find assets in the web.

RODC server
"A read-only domain controller (RODC) is a server that has an Active Directory Database's read only
partitions and responds to security validation requests" and it is utilized for reinforcement reason
and it is a duplicate of DC as client can encounter principle DC however with security verification.
DHCP relay agent
"A DHCP relay agent is any host that advances DHCP bundles among customers and servers. Relay
agents are utilized too forward solicitations and answers among customers and servers when they
are not on the equivalent physical subnet”. A server can't convey diverse class of IP address in the
meantime so an idea of Relay specialist was presented. We can relegate distinctive class of IP
address utilizing hand-off operator as appeared in the table.

CDC server
"A child domain is another space under a parent one of every a functioning registry area chain of
command. A child domain under a parent first root space from a tree. All tree exists inside a forest,
a forest is the security limit". I have utilized this server to branch office since it is handle
straightforwardly by the DC and offer association with Head office and works under the space so it
will be anything but difficult to take care of the branch workplaces.

Print server
Print servers are utilized give access to printers over the system. They offer an additional dimension
of sensibility for system printing and enable an administrator to control when print devices can be
utilized by booking the accessibility of printers, setting need for print jobs and designing printer
properties. A head can likewise see, pause, continue, or potentially erase print occupations and
oversee printers remotely and by utilizing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), which
enables an administrator to oversee segments like print servers and print devices from the direction

File server
File servers are utilized to store information in a central location, so they should be kept secure to
guarantee that just the individuals who are approved can utilize the data and files. The volumes on
a file server should be organized with NTFS to enable file and folder permissions to be set and the
Encrypting File System (EFS) should be utilized to prepare for unapproved clients and malicious
projects. Despite the fact that encryption and decryption can be complex, EFS file encryption is
totally straightforward to the client. However, you can't encode system files and you can't share
encrypted. Encoded files can't be compacted and packed documents will be decompressed when
you encrypt them.

Network components
"computer network share regular gadgets, capacities, and highlights including servers, customers,
transmission media, shared information, shared printers and other equipment and programming
assets, organize working system(NOS)". Coming up next are the system parts which I have utilized
while structuring the system of Nepal bank limited.

A firewall is a framework intended to abort unapproved access to or from a private network. We
can implement a firewall in either software or hardware form, or both. Firewalls keep unapproved
web clients from getting to private systems associated with the web, particularly intranets. All
messages entering or leaving the intranet (the neighborhood system to which you are associated)
must go through the firewall, which analyzes each message and hinders those that don't meet the
predefined security criteria.

A network switch (likewise called switching hub,
bridging hub, authoritatively MAC bridge) is a PC
organizing devices that interfaces or connects
devices on a PC arrange by utilizing packet
switching to get, process, and forward
information to the destination device. A switch is
a multiport network bridge that utilizes hardware
addresses to process and forward information at
the information interface (layer 2) of the OSI
model. A few switches can likewise process
information at the network layer (layer 3) by
furthermore joining routing functionality. Such
switches are regularly known as layer-3 switches or
multilayer switches.

A router is a networking device that investigates the substance of data packets transmitted inside a
network system or to another network system. Routers decide if the source and goal are on a
similar network or whether information must be exchanged starting with one network type then
onto the next, which requires encapsulating the data packets with routing protocol header data for
the new network system type.
In overall, we designed a network system that that met each and every specification of the
organization. IP address throughout the network and I have designed a network which is suitable
Nepal bank Limited and I found lots of difference between Workgroup based network and Domain
based network because domain-based controls whole network and provides security and can be
implemented in government’s offices, banks, military, aviation and so on.
Task 9[LO3, P6]
Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback.

In this task, we have done the test of 5 servers and evaluation of them is listed in the table and a
project feedback is also designed so that the user can provide feedback to us. According to the
“testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being
met”. For example, before handing over the system, each and every server should be tested so that
there won’t be any problem and I have tested the following server in the network which are
depicted below:
S/ Server tested Expected Output Actual Output Remarks
1. DHCP Server DHCP server must be Since the DHCP scope is from The
able to assign IP 1 to 62(This is from the client’s
addresses proposed design of Nepal requirements
automatically to 60 bank limited) the DHCP server against the
clients computer will be able to provide IP appropriate IP
addresses to 60 pc. address met.

2. DC Server DC server must be able Since the company is The company

to give membership upgraded to domain-based requirements
and security network, all 60 clients were against the
authentication to all 60 made member of domain and domain based
clients security is applied by group networked
computer policy. met.

3. WDS Server WDS server must be Dynamically, windows were The clients
able to deploy windows deployed to 60 client requirements
to all 60 clients computers in a network. against
computer the
deploy of
windows met.

4. WEB Server WEB server must be Since the web was hosted all The
able to host the the user were able to use the client’s
websites to all 60 website easily. requirements
clients computer against the
proper web
hosting met.

5. Print Server Print server must be Since all the 60 clients The
able to provide printing computers are in network so client’s
services to the clients any user is able to print form requirements
computer their computer. against
printing facility
Evaluating the design to meet the requirements
DHCP server is a server which is utilized for assigning out IP address to clients in a dynamic manner
as the organization has diverse division so there are around 60 PCs and I have utilized/26 arrange
where I can work with 60 devices and I have isolated a few IPs for servers too while remaining are
utilized for customers and the server is fruitful in the framework to disperse IP to all customers.

DC server is a sort of server which is utilized in the framework to defeat the workgroup-based
network system to domain based network system. Presently clients work under the area so every
one of the clients are individual from space which will give office that any client can now login to
the framework from any PC. For instance: I am client of Nepal bank limited then I can login my
record from any client's PC of the system. What's more, the security dimension of the framework is
currently exceptionally high as entire framework is under the space so nobody has consent to
transform anything from the PC and the information are likewise ensured as client has no
authorization. Information can be get whenever if the domain is active.

WDS is a one of the servers which encourages us to convey our product, windows OS, documents,
organizers, and so forth in a single click of the administrator which is helpful to the point that it
limits the time utilization and a huge number of PCs can get windows OS in the meantime on the off
chance that they are in an equivalent system, which will make our work simpler as we don't need to
proceed to introduce OS in each and every PC.

Web server is the is server which is utilized in our day by day life for instance we use Facebook
which is facilitated in USA and we can utilize is without having programming on the grounds that
the web can be browsed from the internet and I have utilized the web server in the organization so
it very well may be access through the web whenever so it will help clients as it is similarity with
each PC. Web serves has the site and we can without much of a stretch utilize the web application.

Print server are the server which helps in dealing with the print in the framework and controls the
traffic so print should be possible from any PC in a network system. Print server consequently send
the printer driver to the client's PC with the goal that we should introduce by our self and it make
client increasingly agreeable.
User feedback form
Feedback form:

Project Title: Nepal bank limited Networking System

Feedback Given By: Signature: Date:

Importance Features of the Domain-based network

Project: Auto IP configuration
Web hosing
Deployment services Printing
Checklists: YES NO comment
1. Does this system works properly or not?

2. Is the network slow or not?

3. Does this system meets the requirements of the

4. Does this network is sluggish or not?

Significance of the project: The main significance of the project is domain-based network
where data are centralized and administrator had control over all
the system and security system is well managed. Communication
is possible with branch offices.
Limitation of the project is that servers needs a budget and needs
to be managed well and instead of using DHCP server Router can
be also used which helps in budget and time as DHCP should be
Limitation of the project: configured while router doesn’t.
Feedback evaluation:
Feedback Evaluated By: Signature:

Evaluation of the system:
This system works properly and the system is properly managed as per the feedback and the
requirements of the company is met. Considering the feedback, the network is fast and workflow is
better than previous version of network. The security system of the design is good but it needs to
be upgraded in the future that it can be hacked proof.
Recommendation for future consideration:
For the future, this system should add Secondary DNS so that there will be load balancing and it
needs a cloud computing services as it need to hold the data and resources itself now but use of
cloud provides huge storage where it can store it data and retrieve easily.
In overall, all the servers were tested and evaluated. Each users were given a feedback form so that
they can give us feedback for further improvements in the system.
Task 11[LO3, D2]
Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.

I have designed a networked system that contains some security as well. As being system executive.
I will do bunches of work in the bank and coming up next are the work which I will do in the
organization. I am filling in as a Network head at Nepal bank limited for keeping up a network
framework. I have five days of constrained time to fill in as Network chairman in Nepal bank. The
accompanying timetable will give you a learning about how a system framework functions in bank.

Day 1:
On the absolute first day of my work for 5hour per day, first day first assignment will be physical
equipment check where I will be note the disappointment of the framework like cooling fan, HDD,
peripheral devices, motherboard, LCDs of each PC inside an hour then I will check and keep up the
Active Directory in the server framework. In the wake of doing bunches of work I will take tea break
so I can work further. Than after I will check all the framework log of the bank like exchange and the
how the framework is functioning and give administrations. At long last finishing the working hour, I
have last activity is that I will keep records and reinforcement throughout the afternoon and
reestablish the flaw application, change imperfect devices, etc.

Day 2:
On the second day I will begin with network connections where I will check all the framework's
network and ping each PC so I will realize all the PC had set up association with server. At that point
I will move to the DC and check bunch approach with the goal that security keeps up and check
each logon hour of the so none client can work after the working hour. Furthermore, firewall
upkeep with the goal that it won't be hacked and prefer as such I will keep up the security in the
framework. After my diligent work I will enjoy a reprieve of course, I will begin my activity by
checking all the product of the PC and on the off chance that it should be refreshed I will refresh like
MS office, an

Day 3:
On the third day of my assistant, I will begin with the physical equipment check and this time I will
keep up the driver too so I can run easily and I will refresh driver as well. At that point I will work for
the framework log the executives of half week with the goal that any disappointment framework
should be traded then I will request the supervisor and fix the issue. At that point I will go for a
break. After that I will check awful division in the plate and oversee them all. At that point at long
last, I will finish the errand by checking all the occasion of the framework and back up the records
and reestablish if necessary.

Day 4:
On the fourth day I will begin with system execution of the framework like quick exchange, ATM
and keep up the network system for accepting and sending and keep up the network for
workstation by physical system scheme check. After that moving to the Active index check in the
framework. What's more, after the diligent work I will have some break time to recuperate myself
and begin the further activity. Mailing is additionally the primary piece of the framework so I will
check the mailing framework with the goal that each mail administration is dynamic in the client's
PC also. At that point last work will be back up the framework and reestablish.

Day 5:
The last day of my study, working with the bank gave an open door find out to an ever increasing
extent. I will begin the activity on my last day by checking all the miscellaneous in the framework.
Last server check for the framework to work easily with continuous services. At that point I will
have some rest at that point take my break and I will work with the security framework like CCTV,
firewall, antivirus check and some more. At that point I will back the framework and reestablish the
required programming and completion my activity there.

In overall, I have worked in the Nepal bank limited as a Network administrator for five days to
upkeep administration and keeping in mind that working in the organization I became acquainted
with increasingly about the system and tool it is working and it should be kept up to make the work
process smooth and keeping up was so fascinating as supporting the entire systems administration
was extreme enough however I worked there and kept up the entire framework.
Task 13[LO2, P8]
Document and analyze test results against expected results.

This record gives test consequence of eleven lab. As a rule, testing is something which is done
climate to check it works or not and I have tried all the network lab which I have learned. Coming
up next are the test investigation with their outcomes are given beneath:
What was tested: DHCP IP Distribution Configuration Date: 05/01/2019
S.N. Expected Output Actual Output
1. Dynamically IP address should be provided by DHCP server using Client obtained IP
NCPA.CPL in Run command address
dynamically from
DHCP server

Trial of DHCP server demonstrated positive outcomes. Result conve yed anticipated yield.
Customer has effectively get dynamic IP. This shows DHCP server s etup is fruitful in the

What was tested: Relay agent IP Distribution Configuration Date: 05/01/2019

2. Expected Output Actual Output
Relay client should get different IP address than DHCP client using Relay client
NCPA.CPL in Run command obtained different
IP than DHCP

Test of DHCP Relay agent showed positive response. Result delivered expected output. Relay
client has obtained different IP than DHCP. This shows DHCP Relay agent configuration is
successful in the system.

What was tested: Promoting server to the domain controller (DC) Date:
3. Expected Output Actual Output
Domain controller should define forward and backward lookup zone using Domain has
NSLOOKUP in CMD defined IP to
name and name
to IP

Test of domain controller showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. Domain
has defined IP to Name and Name to IP. This shows Domain controller configuration is
successful in the system.

What was tested: promoting server to RODC Date:

4. Expected Output Actual Output
RODC should get replicated data form DC using DSA.MSC in Run command RODC obtained

permission form

Test of Read only DC showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. RODC
obtained read-only permission from DC. This shows RODC configuration is successful in the

What was tested: Promoting server to CDC Date:05/03/2019

5. Expected Output Actual Output
CDC should get branch office name along with DC using DSA.MSC in CDC obtained
Run command branch office
name along with
parent domain

Test of Child DC demonstrated positive outcome. Result conveyed anticipated yield. CDC got
branch office name alongside parent space. This shows CDC arrangement is effective in the

What was tested: Windows deployment to client Date:05/04/2019

6. Expected Output Actual Output
Windows should be deployed by server Client obtained

Test of WDS showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. Client obtained
windows dynamically. This shows WDS configuration is successful in the system.

What was tested: Primary DNS configuration Date: 05/05/2019

7. Expected Output Actual Output
Server should define forward and reverse lookup zone using NSLOOKUP Server defined
in command prompt domain name
system i.e. Name
to IP and IP to

Test of Primary DNS indicated positive outcome. Result conveyed anticipated yield. Server
characterized area name framework for example Name to IP and IP to Name. This shows
essential DNS setup is effective in the framework.

What was tested: Secondary DNS configuration Date: 05/06/2019

8. Expected Output Actual Output
zone should be transferred from primary DNS Secondary DNS

obtained a copy
of Primary DNS

Analysis: d output.
Test of Secondary DNS showed posi tive result. Result delivered expecteSecondary
DNS obtained a copy of Primary DN in S. This shows secondary DNS configured is successful
the system.

What was tested: VPN configuration Date:

9. Expected Output Actual Output
Client should get reply form server using dial-up and ping in command Client received
prompt reply on
continuous ping
Test of VPN showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. Client received reply on
continuous ping. This shows VPN configured is successful in the system.

What was tested: Print server configuration Date: 05/07/2019

10. Expected Output Actual Output
Printer driver should be deployed dynamically using GPUPDATE /FORCE in Printer driver
command prompt installed
dynamically in
client computer

Test of Print Server showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. Printer driver
installed dynamically in client computer. This shows Print Server configured is successful in
the system.

What was tested: Web server configuration Date: 05/08/2019

11. Expected Output Actual Output
Website should be hosted using INETMGR in command prompt Website was
hosted successfully
Test of Web Server showed positive result. Result delivered expected output. Website was
hosted successfully. This shows Web Server configured is successful in the system.
Before giving to the organization, the above test had been done in the system arrangement of the
Nepal bank Limited. In the wake of testing the servers, the framework is prepared for the utilization
and testing realized that the framework works in a legitimate way or not.
Task 14[LO4, M4]
Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems.

This task will provide extra highlights to the network system of Nepal Bank Limited. In this network
system, all the devices are connected to each other so that they can share and access all the
available resources available. The network need to be smooth so that each device would run
effectively without any distractions.

Before centralization of the network

In this network system, workgroup-based system was practically speaking which made bunches of
issue in the bank. Before the networking system was made, there was no control over the network
system which created different problems. Head office was not associated with the branches which
made extremely troublesome in work process. The security framework was in poor condition as
clients are not dealing with any chairman. Workgroup-based network has lot of constraints and for
the huge companies, they had to control over the whole network and should access the data to
manage everything but this is not really possible in this type of system.

After centralization of the network

After upgrading the domain-based system, the problem of workgroup based system was solved.
Domain based network system centralizes the network in which each clients will be the member of
the domain controller. After that, the clients will be able to login their account from any network
system. With the help of VPN, all the branches are connected with the head office. They have
dynamic IP distribution services by DHCP. NTFS permissions and group policy that prevents the
network system from data loss, unwanted behavior are checked by admins, unapproved access of
the framework, logon hour arrangement which shows the security system of the network makes
working hour assurance as no can work before his/her logon time and can't work after the logon
approach overs. This shows the improved adaptation of the network system.
Domain based network seems to be very important since the workflow between the branches is
possible. Security frameworks improve the system into the better condition. Administrator has now
full power over the system just as the in the branches. Now, admin can control all the devices and
clients and make their capability of accessing files limited. Admin has now a power of one click shut
down. As an example, he/she can shut down whole network devices and computers by a just single

Limitation of the system

There can be many limitations set by the administrator of Nepal Bank Limited from using the DHCP
server. Router can replace DHCP server which does same work as DHCP server. Suppose, there is
the use of only Primary Domain Name System (DNS), it will create a huge problem if it fails due to
some reason. The system frequently goes on slowing down in which there is no any certain devices
to enhance the performance of the network system.

Potential enhancements
Some new functions and features has been added to the previous network system which not only
increased functionality but also the speed of the network system. Some of the feature that were
made some advance are given below:

Security level
In the previous network system, there were only some techniques and protocols in the name of
security. These security were weak which might have given invitations to the hackers. And the use
of some untrusted routers in the system also weakened the network security. Instead of using the
untrusted router, we used Cisco router as a trusted. This router is more secure and has high security
encryptions. Besides, we used some software and firewall hardware which will keep track on the
incoming and outgoing packets. It acts as a wall which will not tend the unauthorized or
unrecognized user to enter. This increases the security level in the network system.

Backup system
Every network system needs a backup system. If there is no any backup system, the system may
lose data if any damage in the system occurs. For the backup system, cloud will be the best solution
as it doesn’t need any hardware devices and it also provides unlimited storage facilities. Nepal Bank
Limited can store its data into the data center by using cloud computing. And these data can be
retrieved if necessary.
Load balancing
Load balancing may be another factor for improving network system. For load balancing, use of high
quality hardware and selecting the hardware according to the need is very important. Using multi
layered switch helps in load balancing. Choosing appropriate server according to the company
requirements is necessary as server are only responsible for data storage and for backup devices.
Appropriate server may reduce the load in the system.

Beside the above enhancements and improvements in the network system of Nepal Bank Limited,
some further improvements are needed so that no problem will occur in near future. The following
improvements should be done in order to give better performance:

Increase performance
We need to add some extra devices in the network system so that the performance can be
enhanced. These devices may help for balancing the load as well as for the traffic controller in the
network. Use of multi layered switch may also increase the performance as a load balancer which
makes the system more efficient as well as productive.

Network protection
The unauthorized access to the system must be denied by using some of the devices and software.
Devices like UTX helps to prevent the network from unauthorized access to the system. This device
can also help the communication system by increasing the functionality of the network.

In overall, these were the potential enhancement for the network system of Nepal Bank Limited.
Many devices can be used for increasing the performance and for the security proposes also.
Task 15[LO4, D3]
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.

For this task I am going to provide the review for the whole network system that I have designed for
the Nepal Bank Limited. This company initially faced many problems previously before the proper
network system including some security threats and protection. After creating domain based
network, there was better performance and more bandwidth in the system. This network was
important for the Nepal Bank Limited as it can manage all the resources properly and work

Some positive and negative aspects of the designed network system for Nepal Bank Limited are as

Network design
The previous network design was not so good. It created different problems including weak
security. So to overcome these network risks, new network was designed to give better
performance and more bandwidth to the system of Nepal Bank Limited. The new network design
just centralized the network and also increased the security as well. In this design, there is more
control of the administrator over the clients. This design made every user as a DC member in which
they can login their accounts form any devices in the network. We used DHCP servers in order to
assign the IP dynamically. Now all the branches are under the control of the administrator. With the
use of VPN services, communication is possible by the administrator and all the works are being
handled by them. After upgrading the network system of Nepal Bank Limited, any work in the bank
has now become easy and fast as well as reliable also.

Positive aspects of designed network

Our designed network has many positive impacts in the network system of the Nepal Bank Limited.
The administrator can handle all the works from the server. This system of design has capability to
distribute IP automatically to all the branches with the help of VPN servers. They can share all the
hardware devices connected to this network. As an example: suppose there is only one printer in
this network, but every client can use that printer from their own computers. Operating systems
can be directly installed through the help of deployment services using WDS services. Here the
administrator has the power to shut down each and every device in this network through one click
only. He/she can control all the users from his/her computer without reaching them. They can make
some limitations to them from accessing some important files. Previous network was time
consuming as when the administrator needs to change anything in the network system he/she has
to visit each and every computer which made it more time consuming. But after the new network
system, it is possible by using a single computer only by administrator.

Negative aspects of the designed network

Despite of positive aspects in the network system of Nepal Bank Limited, there are some negative
aspects too. There are some limitations in the new designed network. There is only primary DNS
which sometimes crashes due to overload in the system. To prevent these crashes, we must use
secondary DNS which will share load between them and balances the load.

Network topology
While planning the network system framework, best network topology was chosen in the premise
of the unwavering quality, adaptability, favorable circumstances of that topology for the system,
number of the clients that can hold, simple establishment and straightforward entry. I have chosen
the cross breed topology as this topology was significantly more appropriate in light of the fact that
the blend of various topology can be utilized and according to the prerequisite topology was chosen
like ring and star. Topology comprehends what yield will come in the framework as it will give the
virtual lab in paper and we can undoubtedly call attention to the disappointment in the framework
with the assistance of the topology.

Diagnosis of the implemented network system

In the wake of executing the structured system framework, different test and assessment was done
to confirm that the system is prepared for the use. Before giving over to the organization, network
was effectively tried and the assessment was finished. Each server was tried by their normal yield
and real yield and they coordinated with one another which demonstrates our testing was
successful. The firewall are checked legitimately and utilizing VPN, the branches were associated
with the head office and the administrator had the capacity to control all the framework.

Recommendation for improvements

In the network system framework, we can have numerous offices yet including every one of them is
preposterous yet a portion of the highlights that should be included the system arrangement of the
Nepal bank which will help later on and long run. A portion of the highlights will help in long keep
running of the network system like utilizing optional DNS which will impart burden to Primary DNS
and there will be load balancing in the network system. Another factor is that we can utilize cloud
as a storage since it gives the immense space to store information and assets. Distributed
computing is a standout among the most ideal approach to secure the information and it helps in
reestablishing the information too. Last one is upgrade of VPN benefits as every one of the clients
are curious about the VPN so it should be designed for all intents and purposes. The network should
have high security administrations. This all highlights will without a doubt advantage later on and to
run the organization easily later on also this element should be included the system arrangement of
Nepal bank limited which will make the organization increasingly profitable.

In overall, the whole network was rested and done evaluation to meet all the basic to advanced
requirements of the Nepal Bank Limited. The network system of this network system is
implemented well.
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