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MODULE 5: Assessing Student’s Learning Outcomes

Name: Ureta, Maiden M.

Year/Course: BSED English II


A. List down three (3) supporting student activities to attain each of the identified Student
Learning Outcomes.
1.Student Learning Outcome: Students can solve mathematical problems involving two-
dimensional figures.
1.1 Analyzing the formula used.
1.2 Reading an understating mathematics book
1.3 Solving problem using appropriate formula

2. Student Learning Outcome: Students can write a paragraph about an outing to a

resort using verbs in the past tense.
2.1 Recalling the memories of that event.
2.2 Constructing an essay related to the topic.
2.3 Identify the past tense of a verb.

3. Student Learning Outcome: Students can demonstrate how to prepare a PowerPoint

3.1 Creating a step-by-step procedure of making a presentation.
3.2 Elaborating ideas to explain the whole concept.
3.3 Analyze and evaluate after discussion.
4. Student Learning Outcome: Students can write a reflection essay on lessons learned
in a community outreach activity.
4.1 Participating to the activity.
4.2 Keeping track of all activities carried out during the outreach activity.
4.3 Analyzing the sequence of the event to form an essay.

B. List down 4 learning outcomes then give assessment tasks appropriate to the multiple

Learning Assessment Task

Linguistics Math/ Bodily/ Visual/ Musical
Logical Kinesthetic Spatial
1. Students Create a Analyze Create a Create a Compose
can define short different puzzle with video report a 3-5
the figure poem and examples two sets discussing stanzas
of speech. recite it to of figures containing figures of lyric of a
the class. of speech. the speech. song
different containing
figures of figures of
speech and speech.
2. Students Create a Give Perform a Create a Choose a
can mini talk personal short WH song
analyze show to ideas activity questions containing
the WH show about WH using WH tree. WH
questions. examples questions. questions. questions.
of WH
3. Students Create a Make up Develop a Create a 1- Sing a rap
will short an competition minute or song
develop interview analogy that will recording of that
reading that will between serve as yours that shows
skills and test your reading test. will your
reading level of skills and enlighten ability in
speed. reading reading your abilities reading.
skills and speed. in reading.
4. Students Use Create a Build or Invent a Pick a
will storytelling syllogism construct a card game song
heighten to practice of a speech act that which you
their the correct chosen that shows demonstrate will
awareness usage of word. correct correct analyze
of correct English usage of usage of the usage
usage of grammar. grammar. grammar. of
English grammar.
in writing
Learning Assessment Task
Outcome Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Existentialist
1. Students Intentionally Review your Make a film Share your
can define use intelligent own work to making sense reflection on
the figure capacities to one of the of about how you really
of speech. learn about practices figure of utilize a figure
figure of regarding to speech, its of speech in
speech and its figure of sorts, and your day to
sort. speech. your day presence
perception of some sort
about it. or another.
2. Students Practice giving Describe one Care for pets, What WH
can and receiving of your wild-life, questions
analyze feedback by personal gardens, or would you ask
the WH asking WH values that will parks by or to assess your
questions. questions to answer a WH asking activity.
someone else. question. questions for
3. Students Participate in Set and Create Which activity
will an activity pursue a goal observation about the
develop which will to test the notebooks of sorts of
reading develop level of speed reading skills sentences feel
skills and reading skills in reading. and reading you happy
reading and reading speed. and critical
speed. speed. after you
performed it?
1. Students Teach Write a journal Create an Assess
will someone entry on to observation yourself. Are
heighten about the show correct how correct you already
their correct usage usage of usage of contented on
awarenes of English grammar in grammar will your grammar
s of grammar in writing. affect your awareness?
correct speaking. skills in
usage of English
English grammar in
grammar writing and
in writing speaking.

C. Research on how to create a scoring rubric. As your final output, construct an analytic rubric
to assess the topic about “construction of rubrics”.

Analytic Rubric (Construction of rubrics)

Excellent Good Competent Adequate

Purpose of
rubric is Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
relevant to its relevant considerable some purpose to limited purpose to
topic. purpose to its purpose to its its topic. its topic
topic. topic
Criteria is With high With With moderate With limited
observable degree of considerable effectiveness the effectiveness the
and effectiveness, effectiveness criteria are criteria are
measurable the criteria are the criteria are observable and observable and
according to its observable and observable and measurable measurable
task or measurable measurable according to its according to its
objective. according to its according to its task or objective. task or objective.
task or task or
objective. objective.


A. Direction: In the space provided, write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE, if not.
TRUE 1. A good practice in assessing learning outcomes is providing opportunities for
TRUE 2. Outcome-based assessment focuses on the subject matter that is relevant for
students after graduation.
FALSE 3. Assessment should be on out-of-context drills to encourage students’ higher
order thinking and imagination.
TRUE 4. A teacher who will conduct assessment may use varied tools for data-
gathering and multiple sources of assessment data.
FALSE 5. It is unnecessary that assessment should be cumulative because
improvement is best achieved through a linked series of activities done over time in an
instructional cycle.
TRUE 6. Learners must be given feedback about their performance and “Good work” is
a perfect example.
TRUE 7. Assessment requires attention and may not only to outcomes but also and
equally to the activities and experiences that lead to the attainment of learning
TRUE 8. Assessment works best when the program has statement of objectives
aligned with the institutional vision, mission and core values.
TRUE 9. Begin assessment by specifying implicitly what you want to assess.
TRUE 10. Set your criterion or success or acceptable standard of success.

B. Direction: Identify the term being described. Write your answers in the space
provided for each number.

_Outcomes Assessment_____________1. Collecting information or data to determine

whether the services, instruction, activities and experiences offered by the program are
having the desired impact on those who partake them.
_An analytic Rubric_________________2. Resembles a grid with criteria for a student
product listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across the top
row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags and each criterion is scored individually.
_Spatial Intelligence________________3. It is the ability to think in three dimensions
which includes active imagination, mental imagery and image manipulation.
_Constructive alignment_____________4. The principle used for devising teaching and
learning activities, and assessment tasks that directly addresses the intended learning
. Display, Showcase or Best Works Portfolios 5. A portfolio that demonstrates the
highest level of achievement attained by the student.
_Logical Intelligence________________6. Intelligence that is usually well-developed in
mathematicians, scientists and detectives.
_Authentic Assessment_____________7. It was first coined by Grant Wiggins (1989)
and defined as “a true test” of intellectual achievement or ability because it requires
students to demonstrate their deep understanding, higher order thinking, and complex
problem solving through the performance of exemplary tasks.
_Rubric__________________________8. A coherent set of criteria or a scoring guide
used to evaluate the quality of students’ constructed responses.
_ Assessment or Evaluation Portfolio__ 9. A portfolio that documents what a student has
learned based on standards and competencies expected of students at each grade
_Naturalist Intelligence______________10. Refers to the human ability to discriminate
among living things as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world.

C. Direction: Read the options and statements carefully and encircle the letter of
your answer.

1. If I have the most authentic method of assessment, which of these procedures should
I consider?
a. traditional test
b. performance-based assessment
c. written test
d. objective assessment

2. Mr. Vin is planning to do an assessment of learning. Which should he include in his

plan considering his purpose for assessment?
a. How to give immediate feedback to student’s strengths and weaknesses
b. How to determine the area of interest of learners
c. How to certify student’s achievement
d. How to design one’s instruction

3. You targeted that after instruction, your students should be able to show their ability to
solve problems with speed and accuracy. You then design a tool to measure this ability.
The principle of assessment you consider in this situation is,
a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets or objectives.
b. Assessment should have a positive consequence on student’s learning
c. Assessment should be reliable
d. Assessment should be fair

4. Mr. Cen tasked his students to show how to play basketball. What learning target is
he assessing?
a. knowledge
c. skills
b. reasoning
d. products

5. Mr. Zo made an essay test for the objective “Identify the phonetic transcriptions of the
given words”. Was the assessment method using the most appropriate for the given
objective? Why?
a. Yes, because essay test is easier to construct than objective test.
b. Yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective.
c. No, he should have conducted an oral questioning.
d. No, he should have prepared an objective test.
6. In the context of the theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the paper-
pencil test?
a. It puts non-linguistically intelligent learners at a disadvantage.
b. It is not easy to administer.
c. It utilizes so much time.
d. It lacks reliability.

7. Mr. Song wants to test students’ knowledge of the different notable linguists in history,
their personal information and their contributions and so he gave an essay test. If you
were the teacher, will you do the same?
a. No, giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay.
b. No, such method of method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult.
c. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure.
d. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.

8. Mr. Joong is doing a performance-based assessment for the day’s lesson. Which of
the following most likely transpires?
a. Students are evaluated in one sitting.
b. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill.
c. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
d. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning.

9. Mr. Cassano rated his students in terms of appropriate diction and pronunciation of
words as well as their ability to follow directions or specified procedures in utilizing the
equipment found in the speech laboratory. What mode of assessment was used by Mr.
a. portfolio assessment
b. checklist assessment
c. traditional assessment
d. performance-based assessment

10. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments in a
given period for evaluation purposes?
a. diary
b. portfolio
c. anecdotal record
d. observation report

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