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First Regular Session
20 NAR-2 P3 ;15
Senate Bill No. 1382
(In sub stitutio n o f Senate Bill Nos. 174f 472, 479, 538, 638, and 1223

Prepared by the Committees on Energy; Public Services; Trade, Commerce

and Entrepreneurship; and Ways and Means w ith Senators Sherwin T. Gatchalian,
Ralph G. Recto, Juan Miguel "M igz" Zubiri, Francis "K iko" Pangilinan, Emmanuel
"M anny" Pacquaio, Grace Poe, and Aquilino "/0/rc>"Pimentel I I I as authors th e re of


Be i t enacted b y th e Senate a n d the House o f Representatives o f th e Philippines in

Congress assem bled:


1 Section 1. S h o rt Title. - This Act shall be referred to as the "Electric Vehicles

2 and Charging Stations A ct."

4 Sec. 2. Declaration o f Policy. - I t is hereby declared the policy o f the State to:

5 (a) Ensure the country's energy security and independence by reducing reliance

6 on im ported fuel fo r the transportation sector;

7 (b) Promote and support innovation in clean, sustainable, and efficient energy to

8 accelerate social progress and human developm ent by encouraging public and

9 private use o f new and alternative energy technologies;

10 (c) Safeguard and im prove the integrity, reliability, and stability o f the country's

11 electric power grid by optim izing the location o f energy sources relative to

12 demand; and
1 (d) Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization w hile recognizing the role

2 o f the private sector, in order to support the transition to new technologies,

3 generate jobs, spur small and medium enterprise grow th, a ttra ct investments,

4 grow globally com petitive and innovative industries, and upgrade the

5 country's participation in regional and global value chains.

7 Sec. 3. Scope a n d Application. - This Act shall apply to the m anufacture,

8 im portation, installation, utilization, and regulation o f electric vehicles, charging

9 stations, parts and com ponents, and batteries.


11 Sec. 4. D efinition o f Terms. - For purposes o f this Act, the follow ing term s shall

12 be defined as stated below:

13 (a) B a tte ry electric vehicle refers to an electrically propelled vehicle w ith only a

14 traction battery as power source fo r vehicle propulsion;

15 (b) B a ttery p a ck re f ers to the mechanical assembly com prising battery cells and

16 retaining fram es or trays, and possibly components fo r battery m anagement;

17 (c) Certificate o f Inspection refers to a docum ent issued by the building official

18 o f a local governm ent unit (LGU) to the owner or applicant as a requirem ent

19 fo r the installation o f power lines to a building or structure to ce rtify the

20 completeness o f the installation o f all electrical w irings, pursuant to Republic

21 Act No. 6541 as revised by Presidential Decree No. 1096, otherwise known as

22 the National Building Code o f the Philippines;

23 (d) Charging fee refers to the am ount imposed on users in exchange fo r the use

24 o f facilities o f charging stations. Its individual com ponents shall be unbundled

25 pursuant to regulations issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC);

26 (e) Charging sta tio n refers to all equipm ent fo r delivery o f alternating current or

27 direct current to EVs, installed in an enclosure w ith special control functions

28 and com m unications, and may be located o ff the vehicle. For the purposes

29 o f this Act, charging stations shall include battery swapping stations;

30 (0 Charging sta tio n service p ro v id e r refers to a natural or juridical person, duly

31 accredited by the D epartm ent o f Energy (DOE), who sells, installs, maintains,

32 owns, or operates charging stations or any o f its com ponents fo r a fee;

1 (g) Comprehensive Roadmap on Electric Vehicles (CREV) refers to a national plan

2 w ith an annual w ork plan to accelerate the electrification o f transportation in

3 the country w ith fo u r components: electric vehicles and charging stations,

4 m anufacturing, research and developm ent, and human resource

5 developm ent. I t shall be incorporated in the Philippine Energy Plan and the

6 National Transport Policy;

7 (h) D istribution system refers to the system o f wires and associated facilities

8 belonging to a franchised distribution utility, extending between the delivery

9 points on the transm ission, sub-transmission system, o r generating plant

10 connection and the point o f connection to the premises o f the end-user;

11 (i) D istribution u tility (D U ) refers to any electric cooperative, private corporation,

12 or governm ent-ow ned u tility which has a franchise or authority to operate a

13 distribution system including those whose franchise or a u th o rity covers

14 economic zones;

15 (j) Electric vehicle (EV) refers to a vehicle w ith at least one electric drive for

16 vehicle propulsion. For the purposes o f this Act, it includes a battery electric

17 vehicle, hybrid-electric vehicle, and a plug-in hybrid-electric vehicle;

18 (k) Green ro utes refer to public transportation routes created or identified by

19 LGUs and approved by the Departm ent o f Transportation (DOTr) to be

20 exclusively traversed by electric public u tility vehicles (PUVs);

21 (I) H ybrid-electric vehicle refers to a vehicle w ith both a rechargeable energy

22 storage system and a fueled power source fo r propulsion;

23 (m ) Im p o rte r refers to any individual, partnership, corporation, o r other entity

24 engaged in the im portation o f com pletely built units o f EV, charging stations,

25 parts and com ponents, and batteries incorporated, organized, and existing

26 under Philippine laws;

27 (n) M anufacturer o r assem bler to any individual, partnership, corporation,

28 or other en tity engaged in the m anufacture and assembly o f EVs incorporated,

29 organized, and existing under Philippine laws;

30 (o) Plug-in hybrid-electric vehicie refers to a hybrid-electric vehicle w ith

31 rechargeable energy storage system th a t is intended to be charged from an

32 external electric energy source;

1 (p) Private buildings a n d establishm ents refer to residential, com m ercial, and

2 industrial structures owned or leased by private persons o r juridical entities,

3 and in the case o f commercial and industrial structures, whose goods and

4 services are available to the public;

5 (q) Private charging stations refer to charging stations installed in private

6 buildings and establishments which may be open fo r use by the public fo r a

7 fee;

8 (r) Public buildings a n d establishm ents refer to structures owned or leased by

9 the governm ent through its departm ents, agencies, bureaus, offices,

10 corporations, and LCDs; and

11 (s) Public charging stations to charging stations installed in public buildings

12 and establishm ents, and gasoline stations, which are available fo r use by the

13 public fo r a fee.


17 Sec. 5. G overnm ent Regulations. - All regulations related to the use o f EVs and

18 the establishm ent o f charging stations shall be structured to facilitate the creation o f

19 an enabling environm ent fo r equitable and non-discrim inatory private sector

20 participation, w ith preference fo r indigenous technologies, to attain the long-term goal

21 o f stable energy prices and energy sufficiency.


23 Sec. 6. Pole o f th e D epartm ent o f Energy. - The DOE shall be the prim ary

24 agency tasked w ith th e prom otion o f the adoption o f EVs and the developm ent o f

25 charging infrastructure. Towards this end, the DOE shall:

26 (a) Harmonize existing policies and promulgate uniform and stream lined rules,

27 regulations, and standards on the use, operations, and maintenance o f

28 charging stations, in coordination w ith other concerned agencies, to include

29 the accreditation o f charging station service providers and requirem ents by

30 DUs on charging station service providers;

31 (b) Develop and update the EV and charging stations com ponent o f the CREV in

32 coordination w ith the DOTr, Departm ent o f Trade and In d u stry (D TI),
1 D epartm ent o f Environm ent and Natural Resources (DENR), D epartm ent o f

2 Public Works and Highways (DPWH), LGUs and other relevant national

3 governm ent agencies (NGAs). The com ponent shall be finished not later than

4 the 30th o f May o f every year;

5 (c) Develop and update the CREV by compiling its various com ponents. The CREV

6 shall be released to the public not later than the 30th o f Septem ber o f every

7 year;

8 (d) Harmonize existing guidelines and issuances related to the prom otion o f the

9 adoption o f EVs and charging stations, and issue plans and program s on the

10 same;

11 (e) Im plem ent, together w ith DOTr and DTI, plans and program pursuant to

12 Section 6(d) o f this Act through inform ation, education, com m unication, and

13 dem onstration campaigns consistent w ith the CREV;

14 (f) Regularly accredit charging station service providers, and publish on its website

15 an annual inventory o f all accredited charging station service providers and a

16 list o f all public charging stations in the country;

17 (g) Require DUs to subm it th e ir respective charging infrastructure developm ent

18 plans as part o f th e ir Distribution Developm ent Plans not later than 30th o f

19 August o f every year;

20 (h) Enforce compliance w ith m andatory open access installation o f charging

21 stations as required under Sections 16 and 17 o f this Act;

22 (i) Ensure charging stations are com pliant w ith the Philippine Electrical Code,

23 Philippine D istribution Code, and other relevant standards;

24 0 ) Aggregate and centralize data from ERC, DTI, DOTr, DENR, Land

25 Transportation Office (LTO), Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory

26 Board (LTFRB), Metro Manila Development A uthority (MMDA), Philippine

27 Competition Commission, LGUs, and other relevant NGAs insofar as EVs and

28 charging stations are concerned; and

29 (k) Perform all other acts th a t are analogous to the foregoing, which are necessary

30 and incidental to accomplish the policy objectives o f this Act.

1 Sec. 7. Role o f the Energy R egulatory Commission. - In addition to its functions

2 under Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power In d u stry Reform

3 Act o f 2001, the ERC shall:

4 (a) Promulgate uniform and streamlined rules and requirem ents fo r self-generating

5 charging stations and centralized vehicle-to-grid facilities;

6 (b) Regulate the rates charged by DUs on all charging stations, taking into account,

7 among others, the utilization o f the charging station, the prom otion o f

8 efficiency, the unique requirem ents o f charging stations, and its effect on the

9 DU'S demand profile and distribution system;

10 (c) Mandate the unbundling o f charging fees;

11 (d) Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over ail m atters th a t pertain to rate setting in this

12 Act; and

13 (e) Perform all other acts th a t are analogous to the foregoing, which are necessary

14 and incidental to accomplish the policy objectives o f this Act.

16 Sec. 8. Role o f th e D epartm ent o f Transportation. -T h e DOTr shall be the

17 prim ary agency tasked w ith the developm ent o f EV demand generation, and the

18 regulation, registration, and franchising o f EVs. Towards this end, the DOTr shall:

19 (a) Coordinate w ith the DOE and other relevant NGAs in the preparation o f the EV

20 and charging stations com ponent o f the CREV;

21 (b) Issue relevant policies on the use, operations, inspection, registration, and

22 franchising o f EVs;

23 (c) Conduct inform ation, education, com m unication, and dem onstration

24 campaigns, to g e th e r w ith the DOE and DTI;

25 (d) Mandate the inclusion o f green routes in the respective Local Public Transport

26 Route Plans o f the LGUs; and

27 (e) Perform all o ther acts th a t are analogous to the foregoing, which are necessary

28 and incidental to accomplish the policy objectives o f this Act.


30 Sec. 9. Role o f the D epartm ent o f Trade a n d Industry. - The DTI shall be the

31 prim ary agency tasked w ith industry developm ent o f EVs, charging stations, parts and

32 components, and batteries. Towards this end, the DTI shall:

1 (a) Formulate relevant Philippine National Standards fo r consum er protection and

2 trade facilitation, and conduct a regular review o f these standards fo r possible

3 revision or updating to align w ith developments in trade and latest technology

4 o f EVs;
5 (b) Regulate the quality and safety o f the parts and com ponents o f EVs, charging

6 stations, and batteries by im plem enting relevant standards to ensure the

7 m anufacture, production, and distribution o f quality products fo r the protection

8 o f the consumer;

9 (c) Develop and update the m anufacturing com ponent o f the CREV, in coordination

10 w ith DOE, DOTr, Board o f Investm ents (BOI), and other relevant NGAs w ith a

11 focus on EV, charging stations, parts and com ponents, and battery

12 m anufacturing. The m anufacturing com ponent shall be subm itted to the DOE

13 not later than the SO01 o f May o f every year;

14 (d) Develop and update the human resource developm ent com ponent o f the CREV,

15 in coordination w ith the D epartm ent o f Labor and Employment, Technical

16 Education and Skills Developm ent Authority, Commission on Higher Education,

17 and o ther relevant NGAs. The human resource developm ent com ponent shall

18 be subm itted to the DOE not later than the 30th o f May o f every year;

19 (e) Coordinate w ith the DOE and other relevant NGAs in the preparation o f the EV

20 and charging stations com ponent o f the CREV;

21 (f) Develop, in coordination w ith the BOI and other relevant NGAs, the EV incentive

22 strategy pursuant to Section 23 (a) o f this Act; and

23 (g) Perform all other acts th a t are analogous to the foregoing, which are necessary

24 and incidental to accomplish the policy objectives o f this Act.


26 Sec. 10. Role o f Local G overnm ent Units. - In addition to its functions under

27 existing laws, LGUs shall:

28 (a) Id e n tify green routes in th e ir respective Local Public Transport Route Plans

29 consistent w ith the NationalTransport Policy;

30 (b) Include the electrification o f PUVs in th e ir respective developm ent plans;

31 (c) Issue Certificates o f Inspection to charging stations;

1 (d) Subm it to DOE not later than 30th o f January o f every year the list o f all charging

2 stations in th e ir respective localities; and

3 (e) Ensure compliance o f public and private buildings and establishm ents w ith

4 Section 15 o f this Act.

6 Sec. 11. Role o f the D epartm ent o f E nvironm ent a n d N atu ral Resources. - In

7 addition to its functions under existing laws, the DENR shall, in consultation w ith the

8 DOE, DOTr, DTI, and o ther public and private stakeholders, prom ulgate rules and

9 guidelines on the recycling and disposal o f EVs, charging stations, parts and

10 components, and batteries. The DENR, in coordination w ith the DOTr, shall include

11 EVs in the comprehensive air pollution m anagem ent and control program from m otor

12 vehicles including greenhouse gas emissions m onitoring in accordance w ith Republic

13 Act No. 8749, otherwise known as the Clean Air Act o f 1999.


15 Sec. 12. Role o f th e D epartm ent o f Public Works a n d Highways. - In addition

16 to its functions under existing laws, the DPWH shall establish guidelines on the

17 following:

18 (a) Construction o f charging stations and other EV support infrastructure in

19 buildings and other establishm ents; and

20 (b) Issuance o f perm its fo r the construction or renovation o f buildings or

21 establishm ents pursuant to Section 15 o f this Act.


23 Sec. 13. Role o f the D epartm ent o f Science a n d Technology (DOST). - In

24 addition to its functions under existing laws, the DOST shall develop and update the

25 research and developm ent com ponent o f the CREV, in consultation w ith the DTI and

26 other relevant NGAs. The research and developm ent com ponent shall be subm itted

27 to the DOE not later than the 30th o f May o f every year.

4 Sec. 14. M andatory E V Share in Corporate a n d G overnm ent Fleets. - The

5 following entities shall ensure th a t at least five percent (5 % ) o f th e ir fleet shall be EVs

6 w ithin the tim efram e indicated in the CREV: Provided, That the CREV shall provide a

7 tim eline fo r the gradual increase o f such percentage until the entire fleet is fully

8 electrified:

9 (a) Industrial and commercial companies such as cargo logistics companies, food

10 delivery companies, to u r agencies, hotels, power utilities, and w ater utilities;

11 (b) Public transport operators, including buses, jeepneys, tricycles, taxis, and

12 transport netw ork vehicle services; and

13 (c) LGUs, NGAs, and governm ent-owned and controlled corporations: Provided,

14 That the electrification o f governm ent fleets shall be considered compliance

15 w ith Republic Act No. 11285, otherwise known as the Energy Efficiency and

16 Conservation Act.


18 Sec. 15. D edicated Parking Slots fo r Electric Vehicles In Private a n d Public

19 Buildings a n d Establishments. - Private and public buildings and establishments

20 constructed a fte r the e ffectivity o f this Act and pursuant to the National Building Code

21 o f the Philippines shall designate dedicated parking slots fo r the exclusive use o f EVs:

22 Provided, That the num ber o f dedicated parking slots shall be proportional to the total

23 num ber o f parking slots w ithin the building or establishm ent: P rovided further. That

24 the use o f dedicated parking slots by vehicles other than EVs shall be punishable under

25 Section 27 o f this Act: P rovided finally, That existing private and public buildings and

26 establishments shall com ply w ith the foregoing requirem ents w ithin the tim efram e

27 indicated in the CREV.

28 No perm it shall be issued fo r the construction or renovation o f a building or

29 establishm ent unless this Section has been complied w ith.


31 Sec. 16. Open Access In sta llatio n o f Charging S tations in D edicated Parking

32 Slots. - Dedicated parking slots built in accordance w ith Section 15 shall be installed
1 w ith a charging station: Provided, That the ow ner o f the private or public building or

2 establishm ent shall allow a third party charging station service provider to install,

3 operate, or m aintain the charging station, or enter into any other contractual

4 arrangem ent w ith such third party charging station service provider in fair, reasonable,

5 and nondiscrim inatory term s: P rovided further, That the ow ner o f the private or public

6 building or establishm ent may act as its own charging station service provider by

7 constituting itself as a charging station service provider pursuant to the provisions o f

8 this Act: P rovided finally. That if a DU engages in the business o f a charging station

9 service provider, it shall do so in accordance w ith Section 26 o f Republic Act No. 9136

10 as im plem ented by ERC through its applicable rules and guidelines on business

11 separation and unbundling.


13 Sec. 17. Open Access Installation o f Charging Stations in Gasoline Stations. -

14 Gasoline stations shall designate dedicated spaces fo r the installation o f charging

15 stations: Provided, That the owner o f the gasoline station shall allow a third party

16 charging station service provider to install, operate, or m aintain the charging station,

17 or enter into any o ther contractual arrangem ent w ith such third party charging station

18 sen/ice provider in fair, reasonable, and nondiscrim inatory term s: P rovided further.

19 That the ow ner o f the gasoline station may act as its own charging station service

20 provider by constituting itself as a charging station service provider pursuant to the

21 provisions o f this Act: P rovided finally. That a gasoline station shall not be issued a

22 construction, operation, or compliance perm it by the DOE unless the ow ner shows

23 th a t there is ample space fo r the construction o f charging stations w ithin its premises.


25 Sec. 18. Use o f Charging Stations in D edicated Parking Spaces a n d Gasoline

26 Stations. - All public stations shall be open to the public. All private charging stations

27 may be opened to the public. Both public and private charging stations shall be

28 allowed to impose and collect charging fees.


30 Sec. 19. Perm its fo r the Installation o f Charging Stations. - All governm ent

31 agencies including LGUs shall provide fo r a uniform and stream lined perm itting process

32 fo r the installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, and removal o f charging

1 stations: Provided, T h a t the process shall be covered by the provisions o f Republic Act

2 No. 11234, otherwise known as the Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop Act.

4 Sec. 20. X^uties a n d Responsibilities o f Charging Station Service Providers. - A

5 charging station service provider shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

6 (a) Comply w ith the rules, requirem ents, and standards o f the DOE and ERC in

7 accordance w ith Sections 6 and 7 o f this Act, and perm its and licenses o f

8 governm ent agencies and LGUs in accordance w ith Section 19 o f this Act;

9 (b) Pay the DU fo r electricity consumption from the use o f the charging station in

10 cases where the charging station service provider is the ow ner or operator o f

11 the charging station; and

12 (c) Regularly subm it to the ERC an unbundled structure o f the charging fees

13 imposed on EV users, in the case o f public charging stations owned or operated

14 by the charging station service provider.


16 Sec. 21. Green Routes. - Green routes shall be created or identified by LGUs in

17 th e ir respective localities and approved by the DOTr in accordance w ith Sections 8(d)

18 and 10(a) o f this Act.


20 Sec. 22. Safety, Health, a n d E nvironm ent - All m anufacturers, assemblers,

21 importers, charging station service providers, operators o f testing facilities, and users

22 o f EVs and charging stations shall comply w ith all relevant health, safety, and

23 environm ental laws, rules, and regulations related to the m anufacture, assembly,

24 installation, operation, and utilization o f EVs and charging stations.



29 Sec. 23. Fiscal Incentives. -

30 (a) Manufacturing

31 The follow ing activities shall be included in the annual Investm ent

32 Priorities Plan (IPP) o f the BOI and shall be entitled to the incentives provided

1 under Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known as Omnibus Investm ent Code

2 o f 1987, and other applicable laws fo r ten (10) years from the e ffectivity o f this

3 Act: Provided, T h a t a fte r the aforem entioned period, the inclusion o f these

4 activities in the annual IPP shall be reviewed and may be extended by the BOI:

5 (i) Manufacture and assembly o f EVs, charging stations, and parts and

6 com ponents; and

7 (ii) The establishm ent and operations o f charging stations.

8 In addition, the DTI, in coordination w ith BOI, shall cra ft and im plem ent

9 an EV incentive strategy, as part o f the m anufacturing com ponent o f the CREV,

10 sim ilar to Executive Order No. 182 series o f 2015, otherwise known as the

11 Comprehensive Autom otive Resurgence Strategy Program. The incentive

12 strategy shall:

13 (i) Narrow the cost gap between EVs and traditional m otor vehicles and

14 enable the shift o f the local traditional m otor vehicle industry to EVs;

15 (ii) Provide tim e-bound, targeted, perform ance-based, and transparent

16 fiscal and non-fiscal support in order to a ttra ct EV and EV parts

17 m anufacturing, particularly electronic parts and o ther strategic

18 com ponents, batteries, charging stations, and the establishm ent o f

19 testing facilities; and

20 (iii)S et local production targets to be achieved w ithin seven (7) years from

21 the prom ulgation o f the incentive strategy, subject to extension as

22 determ ined by the DTI.

23 The DTI, in coordination w ith the BOI, shall establish the application and

24 selection process fo r enrollm ent and qualification o f participants, imposing such

25 term s and conditions as it may deem necessary to prom ote the objectives o f

26 the incentive strategy.


28 (b) Im portation

29 The im portation o f com pletely built units o f EVs and charging stations

30 shall be exem pt from the paym ent o f excise taxes, duties, and value-added tax

31 (VAT) fo r nine (9) years from the effectivity o f this Act: Provided, That in the

32 case o f im ported electric jeepneys and electric tricycles, the D epartm ent o f

1 Finance, upon recomm endation o f the BOI, may suspend the exem ption in

2 order to protect local m anufacturers.

4 (c) Utilization

5 The follow ing shall be granted the follow ing fiscal incentives, which shall

6 be available fo r nine (9) years from the effectivity o f this Act:

7 (i) Exemption from the paym ent o f VAT in the purchase o f EVs and charging

8 equipm ent; and

9 (ii) A th irty percent (3 0 % ) discount from the paym ent o f the m otor vehicle

10 user's charge imposed by the LTO under Republic Act No. 8794,

11 otherwise known as Motor Vehicle User's Charge Act, as well as vehicle

12 registration and inspection fees.


14 Sec. 24. Non-Fiscal Incentives. - EV users shall be granted the follow ing non-fiscal

15 incentives, which shall remain in force fo r nine (9) years from the e ffectivity o f this

16 Act:

17 (a) Expeditious registration and renewal o f registration, and issuance o f a special

18 type o f vehicle plate by the LTO;

19 (b) Exemption o f electrified PUVs from the m andatory unified vehicular volume

20 reduction program , num ber-coding scheme, or other sim ilar schemes

21 im plem ented by the MM DA, other sim ilar agencies, and LGUs; and

22 (c) Expeditious processing by the LTFRB o f applications fo r franchise to operate,

23 including its renewal, fo r PUV operators th a t are exclusively utilizing EVs.


25 Sec. 25. Financial Assistance. - Governm ent financial institutions and other

26 financial institutions, in accordance w ith and to the e xtent allowed by the enabling

27 provisions o f th e ir respective charters or applicable laws, are encouraged to provide

28 concessional financial packages fo r entities engaged in the activities m entioned in

29 Section 23 o f this Act, and preferential interest rates and paym ent scheme on

30 consumer loans fo r the acquisition o f EVs and electric charging stations.

31 The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas shall encourage banks to lend a certain

32 percentage o f th e ir portfolio to EV, charging stations, and battery m anufacturers.

1 assemblers, and end users: Provided, That financing packages fo r EV fleets shall be

2 prioritized and the procedure shall be streamlined.


7 Sec. 26. E stablishm ent o f D edicated Offices. - The DOE, DOTr, and D TI shall
8 establish dedicated offices fo r the effective im plem entation o f this Act. The

9 organizational structure and staffing com plem ent shall be determ ined by the

10 Secretaries o f DOE, DOTr, and DTI, in consultation w ith the D epartm ent o f Budget

11 and Management, and in accordance w ith existing civil service rules and regulations.

12 The budgetary requirem ents necessary fo r the establishm ent o f the dedicated offices

13 shall be taken from the current appropriations o f each agency concerned. Thereafter,

14 the funding fo r the dedicated offices shall be included in the annual General

15 Appropriations Act.


17 Sec. 27. Penalties. - The DOE, DOTr, and DPWH shall impose fines and

18 penalties upon any person, both natural and juridical, found guilty o f violating Sections

19 1 5 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 , and 19 o f this Act. The fines and penalties shall range from a m inimum

20 o f fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to a maximum o f five hundred thousand pesos

21 (P500,000.00), and may include suspension or revocation o f perm its issued: Provided,

22 That this is w ith o u t prejudice to the penalties provided under existing regulations

23 prescribed by other concerned agencies. The DOE, DOTr, and DPWH, in coordination

24 w ith the DTI, DILG, and DENR shall issue appropriate rules and regulations on the

25 imposition o f these fines and penalties.


27 Sec. 28. Congressional O versight - The Joint Congressional Energy

28 Commission (JCEC) shall exercise oversight powers over im plem entation o f this Act.

29 The DOE, DOTr, DTI, and other relevant NGAs shall subm it the CREV and a report on

30 the im plem entation o f this Act to the JCEC not later than the 1st day o f December o f

31 every year.


1 Sec. 29. Im p le m e n tin g Rules a n d Regulations. - The DOE together w ith the

2 DOTR, in coordination w ith DTI, and in consultation w ith other relevant NGAs and

3 public and private stakeholders, shall issue the im plem enting rules and regulations o f

4 this Act w ithin one hundred tw e n ty (120) days upon its effectivity.

6 Sec. 30. Separability Clause. - I f any portion or provision o f this Act is declared

7 unconstitutional, the rem ainder o f this Act or any provisions not affected thereby shall

8 remain in force and effect.

10 Sec. 31. Repealing Clauses. - Any law, presidential decree or issuance,

11 executive order, lette r o f instruction, rule or regulation inconsistent w ith the provisions

12 o f this Act is hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


14 Sec. 32. E ffe ctivity C la u se .- l\\\ s Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days follow ing

15 its complete publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper o f general circulation.



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