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1. She had memories from her last business trip to Jamaica.

She met a
gorgeous businessman whose attitude to life was similar to hers.
2. They came to the airport to bid all their guests a farewell.
3. I don't think George wants to marry her. He's only of her, that's all.

1. At the interview don't yourself short. Tell them about your strong points
and the qualifications you possess.
2. You're naive if you think business is about friendship and loyalty. Your partner will
you down the river if need be.
3. Confronted with the spectre of destitution the owners decided to off
part of the property.

1. The first of our journey was from New York to Boston where we
wanted to stay a couple of days.
2. He doesn't know the word poverty. He's been living in the of luxury
since he was born.
3. It is a funny sight when kittens milk with their small red tongues. They
are so cute.

1. Their house was situated near the river on a small hill far away from
the town.
2. Mike saw the plane and turn round flying back to the airport. He had a
premonition that something horrible might have happed up there.
3. Tomorrow is a holiday. So you'd better contact the office today.
1. Most young people in industrialized countries take all the luxuries of modern
civilization for What's more, they think they deserve them.
2. The court the company permission to go ahead with the building plan
despite fierce opposition from the local communities.
3 , Mr Nice is not perfect, but he is the only party leader the nation can
trust in these difficult times.

1. Be careful when you wash up these china cups. They are very fragile and may
2. Listen, if we all in to buy Andy a present, it'll be much cheaper.
3. At first the silicon was exclusively used in computers, but the prediction
is that one day it may be implemented in every household appliance.

1. Recently, a small pilot has been launched in the neighbourhood. It aims

at integrating immigrants into the local community.
2. If you wear a suit and tie in business situations, you a professional
3. The sound system went kaput and the guest speaker had to his voice to
be heard at the end of the room.

1. Mary, you're crying for the I will never be able to earn enough to buy
you a yacht.
2. The news was fantastic and she was over the about getting a new job.
3. What? You help around the house once in a blue and you're saying I
should appreciate it?
1. The opponents of the war effort pointed out that the collateral is
bound to draw a lot of criticism from the world community.
2. The revelations in the press exposing his sexual orientations caused considerable
to his reputation as a respected politician.
3. Make sure you wear a pair of high quality sunglasses on a sunny day as the sun's rays
can irreversibly your eyes.

1. Don't dismiss the idea as nonsense because you don't believe in certain phenomena.
Give it a lot of and you might see things from a different perspective.
2.I it odd when the dealer offered to sell me a car for much less than the
actual price. We didn't clinch the deal.
3. I'm sure she just can't bear the of still working with the man who set
her up.

1. Don't make me laugh. This idea is ridiculous. It should be out of hand.

2. The bell rang and the professor immediately his students. They made
a frantic dash for the door.
3. As dozens of office workers have been , she felt she could be the next
one to be axed.

1. My old friends are always a sight for eyes when I come back to my
hometown after my journeys.
2.I hate playing tennis with my uncle because he's such a loser. He often
gets angry when he's defeated.
3. George sticks out like a thumb with his prominent ears and large eyes.
1. The handyman used a special device to check whether there was a flow of electrical
in the wire. There was none.
2. There seems to be an invisible of mistrust in our company. It may
give rise to resentment and other strong feelings.
3. Have you already read the issue of Time? They are trying to expose
the scandal surrounding the Prime Minister.

1. If these documents fall into the attorney's hands and the light of day,
heads will roll.
2. After lunch, the host family went to the railway station with Jake to
him off.
3. Boss, you can take a day off. I'll to it that everything runs smoothly in
the office.

1. We're going to tear them to shreds in the court. Their evidence is pretty
2. Don't you think you should this soup with a bit of water? It would taste
3. You'd better not mess up with the Russian mafia. I think you're treading on

1. If you don't provide your body with proper nutrition when you're growing, you are
likely to all kinds of diseases later in your life.
2. At first it was a small conflict in the south of the country. But analysts predicted that it
would into an all-out war if not properly handled.
3. Even if you don't understand cricket, don't worry. In time you'll a
taste for it.
1. The winner of the competition put his arms up in the air holding a silver
in his hands.
2. Even when the milk was hot Liz used to her hands around the bowl
and sip it slowly.
3. To tell you the truth, talking about politics isn't my of tea. Can we
change the subject?

1. Being in the black is a marvellous thing and now I'm sitting enjoying life.
2. Miranda's not just a face. It may surprise you, but she's got an PhD in
3. A small seal covered in oil is not a sight and those responsible for the
oil spill should be brought to justice.

1. It's not sensible to believe politicians. They only claim that they will
out corruption, but once in power they do very little to keep their promises.
2. The Bible's right in saying that the love of money is the of all evil. It
has brought more suffering than all the wars waged so far.
3.I think your analysis is not complete. We need to get to the of the
problem to find a real solution.

1. They claimed that the whole country is now under their control, but they admitted there
might be some of resistance here and there.
2. The company caters for business people with deep and high disposable
3. I see them together almost day and night. It seems they are living in each other's
............................ .
1. A flight in a balloon provides passengers with an incredible bird's-eye
of the town and the surrounding area.
2. On their estate agent's advice, they arranged a meeting with the owner to
the house before buying it.
3. The elderly man was mugged in full of the passers-by during the
morning rush hour.

1. With the onset of teenage years, she was afraid that one day she would
out into spots that would ruin her impeccable face.
2. When their young brother died in a tragic accident, they decided to cast lots to determine
who was going to the news to their mother.
3. Diplomatic talks have been under way to the cycle of violence in the

1. The mountain stretched in front of their eyes for miles. Its snow-
capped peaks were glittering in the morning sun.
2. Our store offers a wide of sports equipment which is specially designed
for the demanding customer.
3. The media tycoon was shot at point-blank outside his mansion in the
early morning hours. The case is being investigated at the moment.

1. Liz, you should hold your tongue. It's rude to your brother names.
Nobody is going to play with you if you persist in being so nasty.
2. She feels notoriously insecure in the company of her fellow employees as she thinks
they might her qualifications into question.
3. It's getting late and I'm bushed. I can't work any longer. Let's it a day
and go home.
1. The community's help was crucial in the investigation. Before long the police managed
to the sniper.
2. The record is absolutely wonderful. I especially recommend 3 which
features elements of native American music.
3. I'm giving up. I'm unable to keep of all the sports events. There are
certainly too many of them nowadays.

1. When a moose stepped onto the road, the driver on the brakes screeching
to a halt.
2. Deeply offended, upon leaving the room she the door so hard that two
pictures hanging on the wail fell on the floor with a bang.
3. Communist newspapers were quick to attack the conservative candidate and
him for violating human rights.

1. Although he had a lucrative job and was financially , he felt a big

spiritual void in his life.
2. The skipper went down the hill towards the harbour to his fishing
boat to the quay as a storm was looming on the horizon.
3. Doing business with the Chinese is always a lengthy process. Mike, however, has
managed to an important deal within two weeks.

1. When the general died of gunshot wounds, the next in the of command
took over.
2. The house seemed deserted. The only signs of somebody's presence were some clothes
hanging on the washing in the backyard.
3. The future looks grim for those who haven't fled to the neighbouring country. Almost
80 percent of the population live below the poverty
1. There was much confusion when the businessman passed away because he
2.I tell you, I nearly when they called me to say I was one of the
people to get a Green Card.
3. She left the room and Roger could hear her footsteps on the floor until they

1. He wasn't paid a salary because he worked on When he didn't sell

the products, there was no money and he was often starving.
2. As a monarch with a weakness for fine arts Louis used to Italian
artists to produce paintings for his palace near the capital.
3. Shortly after the major military operations were over, the interim government set up a
special to investigate crimes against humanity.

1. People have wanted to express their emotions and feelings in writing since the
of civilization and we see it as a basic human need.
2. One day the full scale of the problem will on him and he will come to
his senses, but you have to remain patient.
3. The group set off for the mountains at the crack of

1. The accident happened when he wanted to lift his oak table. He a

muscle and had to be treated by a doctor.
2. On our way home we off the road to buy some strawberries from
roadside vendors.
3. It came as a surprise when it turned out that he wasn't the one who made decisions. It
was his deputy who strings.
1. The pensioner owned a small vegetable where he spent most of his
days looking after his carrots and tomatoes.
2. As the unfolds, the film gathers pace and the actors can show their full
3. The two generals met in a private house at night to against the emperor
and to discuss how to run the empire together after his death.

1. The interrogation officer used less than typical techniques to crack him. Eventually, the
spy he worked for the CIA.
2. He was to hospital after an X-ray showed a huge brain tumor in his left
3. I'm afraid, sir, you can't enter the place. Today only members are to
the Club.

1. Her car skidded on a slippery road and was about to into a roadside tree
when she managed to regain control.
2. Nobody denies that he had a checkered in business, but now he's
shining as one of the stars in our department.
3. Being at a crossroads after leaving college he sought some professional advice from a

1. As your mind works at mental effectiveness in the morning, set aside

some time and do your studying in the early hours of the day.
2. Only the two surviving mountaineers reached the of the mountain. It
looked like a Pyrrhic victory. Most of their friends lost their lives trying to beat nature.
3. The roads were terribly congested at times and the traffic was often
reduced to a crawl.
1. Can you come back later this week? At the moment we haven't got this model in
But the supplier has promised to provide them by Friday.
2. Due to the considerable threat from extremists the officials advised people to
up on gas masks.
3. The country, a local bully, was notorious for trying to build up a of
biological weapons to threaten their neighbours.

1. They were concerned that the experiment might off a series of

unexpected changes in the ecosystem.
2. James raised the gun and pulled the The bullet whizzed through the
air and hit the padlock. It dropped on the floor and the door opened wide.
3. The law enforcement agents managed to bring the man to court, but
those who ordered the assassination slipped through the net.

1. The boxer looks tough and he doesn't give up easily. He has this ability to pick up the
after each round.
2. In the army Forrest used to spend hours taking his machine gun to
and reassembling it again hundreds of times.
3. The table was a mess. It was cluttered with bits and scattered all
around it.

1. More and more women want their children to be born by Caesarean

2. Due to a serious car accident a large of the motorway had to be
blocked and traffic was diverted.
3. The cellist fell in love with a woman from the brass in the orchestra.
1. At an open-air rally he made a speech from a raised constructed at the
last moment.
2. Don't be silly Loraine, shoes went out of fashion 3 years ago. Take
them off at once.
3. The former president hailed the candidate's international and his
knowledge of foreign affairs.

1. He picked up a pebble and it into the lake aiming at the duck.

Fortunately, it managed to escape.
2. Most students who have taken part in the CAE exam feel that the reading section was
at a very high level.
3. Upon arriving at the campsite, some of us made a fire while the others
the tent.

1. You must appreciate her intelligence and common sense. It was a move
to invest in electronics and now she's rolling in it.
2.I like looking for my job. Scruffiness may cost you dearly when dealing
with clients.
3. The military used a state-of-the-art bomb to carry out a surgical strike.
However, some collateral damage was reported.

1. The guest house can about 50 people which is not enough for our large
2. You have no choice but to to the new situation and make the most of it.
3. We'll do our best to your needs and make your stay here as pleasant
as possible.
1. They're spoilt, these children. Their mother does all the work in the house herself and
they hardly ever lift a
2. With his extended connections in high circles, Carl seems to have a
in every pie.
3. The boxer carried on fighting despite breaking his little and it paid off
as he won the match.

1. Relations between the two countries have been for the last decade
and now efforts are being made to put the healing process in motion.
2. She a muscle in her leg while running on the track.
3. The cook the pasta and put it onto the plates, sprinkled it with some
cheese and served immediately.

1. When his computer broke down, he wasn't afraid as it a 24-month

2. It has been suggested that the disease might be by a small insect which
incubates in the flesh of dead animals.
3. In the past, almost all men in this area guns. Now they are regarded
as the most peace-loving people.

1. The new device, which we add as a standard feature, can help you to in
on your car should it be stolen.
2. Frank was a born mechanic. He's always felt at with bikes and cars.
3. There's no need for you to drive your message I've already understood
what you want me to do.
1. It is that she is to blame. The evidence is overwhelming and I don't
understand why she is denying it.
2. The bank robbery was supposed to be sailing, but now things had gone
wrong and one security guard lay dead on the floor.
3. The vast with a few hills was tempting settlers with its natural beauty.

1. It must have been Jenny who the beans. I saw her talking to the
Newsweek reporter the other day.
2. The recession hit big Asian tigers first, but within a week it over into
other countries.
3. It's no use crying over milk. You can't turn back the clock, can you?

I. The derelict edifice was falling to Years of poor maintenance were to

2.I was thrilled to when I saw the pop star in the flesh.
3. I don't know what's wrong with this watch. I've got to take it to and
see what's inside.

1. To his surprise, the girl clenched her fist and him in the jaw. That
was punishment for his pulling her ponytail.
2. As soon as I produced my ticket, the conductor it and let me get on
the train.
3. When Miriam heard the fantastic news, she the air in victory. The
job was hers.

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