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1. Classify each of the following as homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture:
(Letter a and b were answered as example)
a. Bronze( an alloy of Sn and Cu) - homogeneous
b. Orange juice with pulp – heterogeneous
c. Diet soda - homogeneous
d. Household ammonia - homogeneous
e. Gasoline - homogeneous
f. Fog – heterogeneous
g. shaving cream - heterogeneous
h. Gatorade sports drink - homogeneous
2. In each of the following, tell whether the solute/s or solvent is/are solid, liquid, or gas.
(Letter a is answered as example)
a. Cup of Coffee – solute = solid; solvent = liquid
b. Dental Amalgam – solute = liquid; solvent = solid
c. Automobile exhaust – solute = gas; solvent = liquid
d. Steel brass – solute = solid; solvent = solid
e. Champagne – solute = liquid; solvent = liquid

1. Predict the water solubility of each compound. Use the general solubility rule- “like dissolves
like”. (Letter a is answered as an example)
a. KCl - KCl is an ionic compound, so it dissolves in water, a polar solvent.
b. methanol (CH3OH) - methanol (CH3OH) is an covalent compound, so it
dissolves in water, a polar solvent.
c. hexane(C6H14) - hexane(C6H14) is an covalent compound, so it dissolves
in water, a non-polar solvent.
2. Will the following pair of compounds form a solution? Answer with Yes or No.
a. Ethyl alcohol and water –YES
b. Oil and vinegar - NO
c. Benzene (C6H6) and hexane(C6H14) - YES
d. Na2SO4 and H2O - YES
e. NaCl and hexane(C6H14) – NO
1. Consider the following diagrams for an aqueous solution of three compounds, 1,2,3. Label
each diagram as nonelectrolyte, strong electrolyte, or weak electrolyte.
1. Strong electrolyte
2. Weak electrolyte
3. Nonelectrolyte

2. Classify each solution as nonelectrolyte, strong electrolyte, or weak electrolyte.

a. HCl in water – strong electrolyte
b. KCl in H2O – strong electrolyte
c. Sucrose (C12H22O11) in H2O - nonelectrolyte
d. Ethyl alcohol in H2O - nonelectrolyte
e. NaOH in water – strong electrolyte

Solve the following problems systematically. Show process clearly. You may use dimensional
analysis. You may refer to the sample problem for reference.
1. Calculate the molarity (M) of a solution prepared by dissolving 23.7 grams of KMnO4into
enough water to make 750 mL of solution. Use molar mass of KMnO4 = 158.0 g

2. The pain reliever acetaminophen is sold as an oral suspension for children 2-11 years of age.
a. What is the weight/volume percent concentration of acetaminophen in the suspension
which contains 160 mg per 5.0 mL?
b. How many grams of acetaminophen are contained in a bottle that holds 4.0 fl oz?
Problem Solving.
1. What quantity remains constant when you dilute a solution?
2. 1.88 M solution of NaCl has an initial volume of 34.5 mL. What is the final concentration
of the solution if it is diluted to 134 mL?
3. If the stock solution is 10.0% KCl and the final volume and concentration need to be 100
mL and 0.50%, respectively, calculate how much stock solution to use.
4. If 1.00 mL of a 2.25 M H2SO4 solution needs to be diluted to 1.00 M, what will be its
final volume?
5. How much water would need to be added to 750 mL of a 2.8 M HCl solution to make a
1.0 M solution?

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