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What Is Linux?

Think of your PC as being a combination of hardware and software.

The hardware is made up of things you can touch like the system box, monitor,
keyboard, and mouse etc.

The system box contains the most vital and important hardware of all and these are
things such as the CPU, the RAM and the hard drive.

The CPU(central processing unit). The central processing unit is the microchip that
runs the software.

The software is the part of the computer you can’t actually touch. A software is
any program that tells the computer how to do what you desire.

The operating system is the program that has to interact with all the hardware,
manages the hardware and also runs other software at your command.

The operating-system software manages runs other software at your command based on
the actions/commands you provide to it by choosing menus, clicking icons, or typing
cryptic text.

The unix system was a popular operating system used at many universities. So to
that end, Linus Torvalds a student at the University of Helsinki created the first
Linux kernel.
This was unix-like operating system called Linux.

The operating system gives a computer(any computer) personality. We mean if you


Microsoft OS on a PC we get a Windows system

Linux OS on a PC we get a Linux system
Mac OS (OS X)on an Apple computer we get a Mac System(imac, macbook air, mackbook
pro etc)

Lets go back and take a look at the system box:

The system box contains the most vital and important hardware of all and these are
things such as the CPU, the RAM and the hard drive.

The primary job of an operating system is to load software (computer programs) from
the hard drive (or other permanent storage) into the memory
and get the CPU to run those programs.

Everything you do with your computer is possible because of the operating system,
so if the operating system somehow messes up, the entire system freezes.
Luckily Linux doesn't mess up easily as it has a reputation for being a very
reliable operating system

Linux is a multiuser, multitasking operating system meaning that Linux enables

multiple users to log in, and each of those users can run more than one program at
the same time.

A Linux distribution consists of the Linux kernel (the operating system) and a
collection of applications together with an easy-to-use installation program.

Most people just say Linux to refer to a specific Linux distribution.

Many Linux distributions are available, and each includes the standard Linux
operating system and the following major packages:

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