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Kevin Gutierrez-Fuentes

Professor Flowers

EDU 214

17th October 2022.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Creative Writing

Concept / Topic To Teach: Setting, Characters, and Plot

General Goal(s):

For students to write a narrative using specific details. For students to create a narrative

using a sequence of events.

Specific Objectives:

For students to know what a narrative is and what are the components of a narrative.

For students to know what setting, characters, and plot are. Students will create a

narrative using setting, character, and plot.

Required Materials:

The required material for this lesson includes a computer to see the presentation, paper,

and a pencil to complete the activity at the end of the lesson. I will use Pear deck

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Using the pear deck app, students will type in answers in the pear deck text box about

what a narrative is and why it's important in writing. “Class last week we learned what

narratives are, well today we are going to learn about creative writing, class can you

remind me what narrative is?”

Step-By-Step Procedures:
Intro: we will introduce students to creative writing and the components of the creative

writing process. Guided Instruction: I will introduce students to the parts of creative

writing and define and give examples for each. I will ask students to give examples of

each component (Setting, Character, Plot).

Plan For Independent Practice:

I will have students create a list of 5 examples of Settings, Characters, and Plots. I will

then put up the setting and characters for students to create a short narrative. Ex

(Setting: Beach in Hawaii, Characters: Mark, Sally, and Bob, ) Students will create the

plot for the narrative.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

“Now that we see what the steps of creative writing are, do we see the importance of a

narrative, We see that being able to share ideas and information clearly is important for

people to understand what we are saying.”

Assessment Based On Objectives:

I will have students create a short creative writing prompt. I will provide some examples

of prompts they can use. I will encourage students to create their own prompts and write

something using their creativity and imagination.

Possible Connections To Other Subjects:

They may ask students to create a scenario for an equation in math class. Teachers

may create a cross-curricular assignment that has students create a narrative

assignment with the information they learned in math or science class.

Special Needs Accommodation: I will print out the slides for my hard of hearing/

seeing students so that they can follow along and understand what I am saying. I will

give a document explaining the activity and extra information for them aswell. I will also

tell them that if they need help to come up to me and Ill help them. I would also enlarge

the font on the document to help the students to better see.

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