TM 1 Demo Flow

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TM 1


Part 1. (Orientation Proper)

● Prepare workstations

● Check the attendance and at the same time prepare the electronic media equipment
for the orientation
● Administer the Pre-assessment tools
- Learner’s Characteristics
1. Training methods appropriate for the trainee will be based on his learning
characteristics and learning styles
2. Learning style
● Visual learner
● Kinesthetic learner
● Auditory learner

-Self Assessment Checklist form

Identify training needs/RPL
This is to recognize the skills that they have already learned previously through
training or work experience
- Administer Pre-test
Measures current /present knowledge about the topics covered in the qualification
● Conduct Orientation
✔ Discuss what CBT is?
-Differentiate traditional approach vs. competency-based training approach
✔ Roles of the trainee
✔ Roles of the trainees
✔ Competencies covered based on the Training Regulations
Basic, common, core
✔ How to deliver competency-based training
✔ Use of CBLM
✔ Instructional facilities and resources
-cblm, multimedia materials, internet connection
✔ Monitoring
-achievement chart, progress chart, trainee’s record book
✔ Evaluation
-Performance Criteria Checklist
-Rating sheets
✔ Workshop Layouts/ CBT Components (Tour)

Part II – Deliver Competency-Based Training (Training Proper)

1. Provide feedback based on the result of Recognition of Prior learning

2. Assign a workstation to each trainee
-give individual tasks/according to each trainee’s profile
-Provide instructions to learners on what to do in their respective workstations
3. Provide demo to the learners
4. Give instructions to learners on the return demo
5. Observe if the learners achieved the practice
6. Provide feedback on the demonstration
7. Record accomplishments to the achievement chart
8. Ask the trainee if he/she is ready for the institutional assessment

Part III Conduct institutional assessment

1. Orient learners on the institutional assessment
(1. Method 2. Purpose 3. Result)
2. Conduct institutional assessment according to methods
(1. Written 2. Demo w/ oral 3. Interview)
***Observe learners while performing the task and record performance in the institutional
assessment tools
3. Provide feedback
-Positive comments should be made first in order to give the trainee confidence and
gain his/her attention then the negative comments will follow
-records progress to the progress chart

Part IV (End of Training)

9. Administer
1. Post-test
2. Training Evaluation
10. Congratulate the trainee for having completed the requirements of the qualification and
say that they are ready to take the national assessment and also, state that “we will just
inform you regarding the schedule of the national assessment”

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