2022-Kaur Et Al-Ecotoxic Effects of Microplastics and Contaminated Microplastics - Emerging

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Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

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Ecotoxic effects of microplastics and contaminated microplastics – Emerging

evidence and perspective
Harveen Kaur a, Deepak Rawat a,b, Pankaj Poria a, Udita Sharma a, Yann Gibert c, Abdul Samath Ethayathulla d,
⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Ludovic F. Dumée e,f, , Radhey Shyam Sharma a,g, , Vandana Mishra a,
Bioresources and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India
Department of Environmental Studies, Janki Devi, Memorial College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110060, India
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39216, USA
Department of Biophysics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India
Khalifa University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Delhi School of Climate Change & Sustainability, Institute of Eminence, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India


• 171 research studies on contaminated

microplastics were analyzed for global
distribution and ecotoxic impacts.
• Sorption-desorption dynamics govern the
bioavailability and toxicity outcome.
• Characteristics of MPs, co-contaminants
and test organisms affect the interaction.
• Despite high ecological relevance, toxicity
of contaminated MPs at population level is
least investigated.
• Ecotoxicological perspective with gaps
and priority areas of research provided.


Editor: Thomas Kevin V The high prevalence and persistence of microplastics (MPs) in pristine habitats along with their accumulation across
environmental compartments globally, has become a matter of grave concern. The resilience conferred to MPs using
Keywords: the material engineering approaches for outperforming other materials has become key to the challenge that they
Chemical interactions now represent. The characteristics that make MPs hazardous are their micro to nano scale dimensions, surface varied
Mixture toxicity
wettability and often hydrophobicity, leading to non-biodegradability. In addition, MPs exhibit a strong tendency to
Contaminant adsorption
Environmental relevance
bind to other contaminants along with the ability to sustain extreme chemical conditions thus increasing their resi-
Microplastic pollution dence time in the environment. Adsorption of these co-contaminants leads to modification in toxicity varying from ad-
ditive, synergistic, and sometimes antagonistic, having consequences on flora, fauna, and ultimately the end of the

Abbreviations: ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; AOX, Acyl-CoA oxidase; AST, Aspartate aminotransferase; ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; B[a]P, Benzo[a]pyrene; BDE-209, Decabromodiphenyl
ether; BHA, Butylated hydroxyanisole; BPA, Bisphenol A; CAT, Catalase; CPK, Creatine phosphokinase; DBP, Dibutyl phthalate; DDT, Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; EROD, ethoxyresorufin-O-
deethylase; FOSA, Perfluorooctanesulfonamide; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; GGT, Gamma-glutamyl transferase; GPx, Glutathione peroxidase; GR, Glutathione reductase; GST, Glutathione S-
transferase; LDH, Lactate dehydrogenase; LPO, Lipid peroxidation; MPs, Microplastics; MRP, Multidrug resistance protein; MXR, Multi xenobiotic resistance; PA, Poly(amide); PAHs, Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons; PBDE, Polybrominated diphenyl ether; PCBs, Polychlorinated biphenyls; PE, Poly(ethylene); PET, Poly(ethylene terephthalate); PFOS, Perfluorooctanesulfonate; PK,
Pyruvate kinase; PLA, Poly(lactic acid); POPs, Persistent organic pollutants; PP, Poly(propylene); PS, Poly(styrene); PVC, Poly(vinylchloride); ROS, Reactive oxygen species; SOD, Superoxide dis-
mutase; SSRI, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
⁎ Correspondence to: L.F. Dumée, Khalifa University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: R.S. Sharma, Bioresources and Environmental Biotechnology, Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India.
⁎⁎⁎ Correspondence to: V. Mishra, Bioresources and Environmental Biotechnology, Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India.
E-mail addresses: ludovic.dumee@ku.ac.ae (L.F. Dumée), rads26@hotmail.com (R.S. Sharma), mistletoe_h@hotmail.com (V. Mishra).

Received 6 March 2022; Received in revised form 21 May 2022; Accepted 3 June 2022
Available online 9 June 2022
0048-9697/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

food chain, human health. The resulting environmental fate and associated risks of MPs, therefore greatly depend upon
their complex interactions with the co-contaminants and the nature of the environment in which they reside. Net out-
comes of such complex interactions vary with core characteristics of MPs, the properties of co-contaminants and the
abiotic factors, and are required to be better understood to minimize the inherent risks. Toxicity assays addressing
these concerns should be ecologically relevant, assessing the impacts at different levels of biological organization to
develop an environmental perspective. This review analyzed and evaluated 171 studies to present research status
on MP toxicity. This analysis supported the identification and development of research gaps and recommended prior-
ity areas of research, accounting for disproportionate risks faced by different countries. An ecological perspective is
also developed on the environmental toxicity of contaminated MPs in the light of multi-variant stressors and directions
are provided to conduct an ecologically relevant risk assessment. The presented analyses will also serve as a foundation
for developing environmentally appropriate remediation methods and evaluation frameworks.

1. Introduction enables them to act as vehicles for transferring contaminants across long
distances. Such physico-chemical interactions modulate bioavailability,
The prevalence and persistence of plastics across various environmental toxicity, and the pollution potential of the co-contaminants, exerting unpre-
compartments, either in natural or man-managed ecosystems, are a major dictable patterns of contaminated MPs (Vieira et al., 2021). The net out-
global concern (González-Pleiter et al., 2020; Horton and Barnes, 2020). comes of interactions between MPs and co-contaminants may vary as
Since the discovery of polymeric materials in the 1930s, plastics have be- synergistic, seen as greater than predicted, antagonistic, seen as lesser
come ever stronger, lighter, more durable and cheaper, revolutionizing in- than predicted, and additive, seen as equal to predicted (Syberg et al.,
dustrial processes and lifestyles (Geyer et al., 2017). Accordingly, the global 2015) (Fig. S1). MPs may further inhibit co-contaminant's degradation,
production and consumption of plastics increased to ~360 million metric making them recalcitrant, increasing their concentrations and scaling up
tons in 2018, resulting in a nearly equal annual amount of waste (Ian, their toxic potential (Ma et al., 2016).
2021). Over 50 % of plastic wastes are either discarded or incinerated, Although MPs induce toxicity to flora and fauna, the current risk assess-
and only 20 % are being recycled (Geyer et al., 2017). ment practices fail to capture the impact of contaminated MPs. Recent stud-
Depending on their size distribution, plastics can be classified as ies focusing on MPs interaction with other ubiquitous contaminants focus
macroplastics (>5 mm), microplastics (MPs) (0.1 μm–5 mm) and on either a specific category of pollutants like persistent organic pollutants
nanoplastics (NPs) (<0.1 μm) (GESAMP Joint Group of Experts on the (POPs) (Rodrigues et al., 2019), or describe the influence of underlying fac-
Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection, 2015). MPs can tors such as the characteristics of MPs or analyzed impacts of co-
originate as primary or secondary materials. Various industries or effluents contaminants and their ecotoxicological effects (Menéndez-Pedriza and
directly dump MPs (primary MPs) as microfibrils and microbeads with dif- Jaumot, 2020). According to a recent review, toxicity from contaminated
ferent geometries depending on their applications as textiles, personal care MPs has become an emerging global concern, but it analyzed only 83 pub-
products, paint coatings, and vulcanized tire industries (Boucher and Friot, lications (Bhagat et al., 2021).
2017). While secondary MPs are generated in the environment due to nat- In contrast, the present review examined comprehensively 171 publica-
ural and anthropogenic degradation and fragmentation processes by phys- tions, including ~50 % published in 2020–2021 only. This review, there-
ical or chemical forces (Enfrin et al., 2020a; Song et al., 2020, 2017). fore, presents a critical analysis of (i) the occurrence and nature of
Fragmentation increases the number, density, and concentration of MPs contaminated MPs with different co-contaminants, (ii) the properties of
in waterways, affecting all ecological niches over time (Eriksen et al., MPs and contaminated counter-parts governing net toxic effects, (iii) the
2014). Thus, industries concerning plastic materials such as packaging, environmental factors governing the toxicity, and (iv) the diversity of test
building, construction, or textile industry (Geyer et al., 2017) and wastewa- organisms used in toxicity assays to date. A perspective on global health
ter treatment operations serve as a source of MPs diffusion into oceans concerns due to MPs mixture with other contaminants is developed, and a
(Enfrin et al., 2019). Moreover, MPs fragmentation during wastewater framework of operation and best practices is proposed. This study demon-
treatment also causes membrane fouling, decreasing the removal efficiency strates the ecological relevance of contaminated MPs and identifies priority
and making most treatment processes inadequate or less efficient (Enfrin areas of research to support emerging researchers and governmental
et al., 2020b). Their ubiquitous spread is already adversely affecting fresh- authorities.
water, marine, and sewage water systems (Enfrin et al., 2021a). Thus, novel
treatment technologies are urgently required to reduce the burden of MPs/ 2. Bibliometric analysis
NPs and limit their impacts on living organisms of surface and groundwater
(Enfrin et al., 2021b, 2021c). 2.1. Framing of questions, the survey of literature, and inclusion criteria
Besides fresh and marine water, MPs have also been reported within liv-
ing organisms (Horton et al., 2017), and their adverse environmental and The prime objective of the review is to develop an understanding of the
health effects have been broadly demonstrated, particularly in aquatic or- toxicity posed by co-exposure of an organism to MPs and other contami-
ganisms (Ahrendt et al., 2020; Choi et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2020a). Due to nants. The outcomes of cumulative toxicity among contaminants were crit-
their size range similar to many planktons and microalgae, aquatic organ- ically evaluated by ascertaining the ecological relevance of the current
isms, especially non-selective feeders, often confuse them as their prey research. A systematic and meticulous search of online databases includ-
and ingest them (Pinheiro et al., 2020). These particles not only create a ing., PubMed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/), Scopus (https://www.
sense of pseudo satiation (Barnes et al., 2009) but also translocate to vari- scopus.com/), Web of Science (https://apps.webofknowledge.com/) and
ous organs, triggering immune responses, causing inflammation, and re- ScienceDirect (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) was carried out to re-
ducing energy reserves (Wright et al., 2013). Although comparitively less trieve relevant papers (till 10 June 2021) following the preferred reporting
studied, the detrimental effect of MPs toxicity has also been reported in ter- items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines
restrial organisms, such as weight reduction in earthworms and rats (Moher et al., 2015). Additional records were also identified by manually
(Huerta Lwanga et al., 2016), and inhibition of growth and reproduction scanning references given at the back of retrieved papers.
of soil springtail (Ju et al., 2019). The inclusion criteria are specified as under (i) original articles pub-
Due to their characteristic properties like hydrophobic nature, recalci- lished in peer-reviewed journals, (ii) studies investigating the combined
trance, and small size, MPs particles may adsorb other contaminants, thus toxic effect of MPs with other pollutants on a test organism, and (iii) studies
serving as a cocktail of toxicants (Cole et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2021). This concerning the influence of MPs on bioaccessibility and bioaccumulation of

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

a contaminant in a test organism. The computer-based data extraction and concern only in the past decade (Fig. S2). Such studies received additional
search methodology combined the search terms related to MPs and NPs and impetus when Arenicola marina (lugworm) upon ingestion of MPs adhered
the outcome of interest (toxicity, genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, teratogenicity to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) showed a high bioaccumulation of
and phytotoxicity). Therefore, the following keywords were used with contaminant mixture, decreasing survival rates up to 55 %, lowering feed-
‘microplastics’ or ‘nanoplastics’ along with the ‘AND’ operation - ‘syner- ing rates up to 65 %, and reducing resilience to fight oxidative stress up to
gism’, ‘antagonism’, ‘mixture toxicity’, ‘combined effect’, ‘cumulative 30 % (Browne et al., 2013). Another study corroborated these findings and
effect’, ‘cumulative impact’, ‘additional toxic effect’, ‘joint effect’, ‘coupling showed that feeding and survival rates of lugworms decreased on ingestion
effect’. of contaminated MPs (Besseling et al., 2013). It may be noted that lug-
worms serve as a critical food source for coastal animals such as fish,
2.2. Summarizing the findings and results birds, and other worms (Besseling et al., 2013). In addition, lugworms in-
crease oxygen, reduce methane levels, and help sand transportation across
The data from mixture toxicity studies were analyzed to reveal global the beach environment (Timmermann et al., 2006; Volkenborn et al.,
spatio-temporal patterns, categories of co-contaminants, type of test organ- 2007). Therefore, alterations in these processes due to MPs-induced toxicity
ism, duration of the study, type of interaction between the contaminants, in lugworms have adverse implications on biomass, biodiversity, and eco-
and the ecological relevance of the studies (Table S1). Various factors af- system functions, which are still underestimated. After realizing the unat-
fecting cumulative toxicity were studied, and an evidence-based synthesis tended aspects of mixture toxicity on biodiversity-related functions, the
was carried out. research on absolute and cumulative impacts of MPs mixture toxicity has
To determine the ecological relevance, the research on MPs and co- gained momentum, resulting in an increased evidence on mixture toxicity
contaminants was analyzed according to different levels of biological orga- (Fig. S2).
nization assessed in the toxicity assays. To better visualize the possible in-
teractions between MPs and co-contaminants, heat maps were generated 3.2. Ecotoxicological fate of MPs: an outcome of intricate interactions among pol-
based on the number of studies reporting synergistic, antagonistic or no- lutants and other factors
interaction effects.
MPs, mostly present as a mixture of primary or secondary forms, are
3. Ecotoxic potential of contaminated MPs: relevance of mixture subject to different interactions with other environmental chemicals
properties, environmental factors, and bioassays (Fig. S1). However, absorption and adsorption of co-contaminants onto
MPs coupled with bioavailability of co-contaminants determine the envi-
The analysis of 171 research publications dealing with the cumulative ronmental fate of MPs and ecotoxic potential of contaminated MPs
toxic impact of MPs and other contaminants is given in Table S1. Various (Rodrigues et al., 2019).
variables, including contaminant class, test organism classification, habitat, As the resultant toxicity during assays is the net outcome of complex in-
experiment duration, MPs chemical type, MPs size, levels of biological orga- teractions between MPs, co-contaminants, and organisms, the major deter-
nization investigated, and the net effect of mixture toxicity were analyzed. minants influencing toxicity include (i) sorption kinetics and bioavailability
The discussion is primarily divided into four parts, the first part with of contaminants, (ii) properties and characteristics of MPs, (iii) properties
Section 3.1 deals with the spatio-temporal distribution of the studies. The and characteristics of co-contaminants, (iv) the test organism species, and
second part, Section 3.2, analyzes the factors that influence the ultimate (v) environmental factors. Complex interactions among these factors dic-
toxicity. The third part, Section 3.3, includes the perspectives on global tate the ultimate environmental fate of MPs along with their toxicological
health. The fourth part, Section 3.4, deals with the ecological relevance of implications. Understanding these interactions is vital for predicting envi-
the studies analyzed. ronmental risks, revealing the underlying toxicity pathways, and develop-
ing methods to alleviate MP toxicity in the environment.
3.1. Temporal and spatial distribution of studies
3.2.1. MPs–Co-contaminants interactions: sorption kinetics and bioavailability
The analysis of spatio-temporal trends showed that 50 % of the total Absorption is driven by weak Van der Waals forces and mostly occurs at
studies (171) analyzing toxicity due to interaction of MPs and co- high contaminant's concentrations. Low concentrations favor adsorption
contaminants were published in 2020–2021. With the growing concerns and involve relatively strong forces like electrostatic and covalent besides
of toxicity from contaminated MPs, the research on mixture toxicity has Van der Waals interactions (Menéndez-Pedriza and Jaumot, 2020;
witnessed exponential growth in the last seven years. This signifies that Rodrigues et al., 2019). Non-polar MPs like PE and PP usually show electro-
MPs toxicity is one of the major contemporary issues requiring immediate static and Van der Waal interaction, whereas the polar MPs like PVC and PS
attention. More than 50 % of studies (90 studies) originated from China show hydrogen bonding and π-π interaction (Zhang et al., 2021d).
(Fig. S2). Countries such as Portugal, Spain, the UK, the USA, the An in-depth understanding of the sorption mechanism between MPs
Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany have investigated the ecotoxic poten- and co-contaminants using sorption isotherms and models is vital in
tial of contaminated MPs. In contrast, most SE Asian and African countries predicting the environmental outcome of the mixture toxicity. Depending
with high biodiversity regions are yet to undertake in-depth studies on on the equilibrium sorption capacity and rate constant, sorption kinetics
human health risks associated with contaminated MPs (Fig. S2). Mixture can be measured as the first order, second order, pseudo-first order, and
toxicity associated risks in SE Asian countries need immediate attention be- pseudo-second order reactions. Various isotherm models provide a mecha-
cause these countries serve as a hub of textile industries, releasing effluent nistic understanding of the type of interaction; however, the Freundlich and
rich in primary plastics, plastic waste, and diverse inorganic and organic Langmuir models are the most common for MPs (Fu et al., 2021). Due to dif-
contaminants (Rawat et al., 2016). Furthermore, the Asian, African and ferences in the surface properties and structures, the various MPs polymer
Latin American countries are characterized by relaxed policies and legisla- types and co-contaminants show different sorption efficiencies. Sorption af-
tion on monitoring and treating industrial effluent, thus enabling the re- finity to PAH and pyrene among different MPs followed the order PE > PS >
lease of untreated/partially treated industrial effluent in the environment, PVC. Moreover, a monolayer coverage followed pseudo-second order kinet-
carrying a high concentration of MPs and other contaminants. These find- ics, fitting the Langmuir isotherm model (Wang and Wang, 2018). The ad-
ings propound an urgent need to undertake environmental risk studies, es- sorption of organic co-contaminants onto MPs is usually positively
pecially in countries or areas with a high floral and faunal diversity and host correlated to their water-octanol partition coefficient, i.e., log (Kow) (Li
textile manufacturing industries. et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018). However, other factors, such as size,
Although the toxicity posed by MPs as sole contaminants has been com- shape, polarity, pH, and temperature, also influence the sorption kinetics
paratively well documented, the mixture toxicity of MPs has emerged as a (Fu et al., 2021; Marchant et al., 2022). For example, in the case of POPs,

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

Fig. 1. Heat maps showing synergistic, antagonistic or no interaction between (a) Polymer type and contaminant class (b) Polymer size and contaminant class (c) Duration of
experiment and Polymer type and (d) Duration of experiment and contaminant class (the intensity of color is directly proportional to the number of studies; and the grey
colored boxes indicate the areas not studied). Syn, ant and add represent synergistic, antagonistic and additive effects, respectively.

the Freundlich isotherm model was a better fit for the sorption dynamics Consequently, evaluation methods of bioavailability have been developed
and had little influence of environmental factors like salinity (Bakir et al., while considering physico-chemical properties of contaminants or media
2014). Hydrophobic interactions have been reported as the dominant (soil, water, air) or target organisms and the metabolic processes operating
type of bonding in the case of POPs (Wang et al., 2020a-e). In the case of in target organs.
cyanotoxins like microcystin LR, the sorption was negatively correlated In the case of MPs-sorbed contaminants, the bioavailability of contami-
with the particle size and had little effect due to pH and salinity nants is significantly governed by a series of mass transfer processes and
(Hyenstrand et al., 2001; Moura et al., 2022). Smaller-sized MPs showed sorption-desorption dynamics, which are bound to differ due to environ-
higher adsorption of the cyanotoxins (Moura et al., 2022). Depending mental factors such as pH, temperature and moisture, and properties of
upon the sorption affinity and dynamics, changes in bioavailability of co- the environmental matrix (Sleight et al., 2017). Environmental factors
contaminants take place, i.e., a contaminant that was earlier freely avail- also influence the behavior of organisms interacting with contaminated
able in the surrounding medium now gets adsorbed onto MPs. This leads MPs. Consequently, bioavailable fractions of a target contaminant are
to a decrease in its ambient concentration and hence a reduction in the assessed by (i) chemical assays (e.g., extraction methods), and (ii) biologi-
bioavailability of contaminant. Moreover, these will not be available for cal assays to monitor effects by exposing organisms to contaminated
toxicological interactions until desorption takes place. Thus, sorption- water, soil or soil eluates. In either case, assessing exposure and measuring
desorption dynamics mediate the toxicity of MPs, co-contaminants, or effects remains critical.
mixtures (Marchant et al., 2022). Physico-chemical methods have been widely used to estimate the bio-
Bioavailability refers to the fraction of a chemical available for biological availability of different contaminants, but their application is limited when
interactions within an organism or the fraction of a chemical in an environ- contaminants are present in low concentrations. In such conditions, high-
mental matrix that may be absorbed or metabolized by living organisms. In performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ultra-high-performance liquid
contrast, bioaccessibility refers to only that fraction of a contaminant avail- chromatography (UPLC), and gas chromatography (GC) have been highly ef-
able for assimilation. Besides the soil-plant-food chain as a route of contami- ficient in detecting bioavailable contaminants in low concentrations (Li et al.,
nant transport, bioaccessibility also considers contamination routes, such as 2020a, 2020b, 2020c, 2020d, 2020e). However, physico-chemical methods
inhalation, skin contact, and the direct ingestion of contaminated soil parti- are mostly supplemented with biological assays. For example, ultra-high-
cles. While bioavailability refers to the amount of co-contaminant available performance liquid chromatography and electrospray tandem mass spec-
for the sorption-desorption process, bioaccessibility refers to the amount of trometry (UHPLC-MS) were supplemented with estimating uptake rate and
co-contaminant available for metabolism in the living organism after the concentration bioaccumulated to detect the bioavailability variations BPA
sorption process. in the presence of MPs (Chen et al., 2017). Liquid chromatography-mass spec-
Biological effects of contaminants in an organism are a net outcome of trophotometry (LC-MS) and acute toxicity tests have also been used to mea-
their bioavailability. The net effect of contaminants on different levels of bi- sure bioavailable nonylphenol in contaminated MPs (Beiras et al., 2019).
ological organization reflects the bioavailable fraction of contaminants and Accumulated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were estimated along with
sensitivity of cells, organs, species, and population; bioavailability serves as the solid-water distribution coefficient (Beckingham and Ghosh, 2017). Sim-
a promising tool in risk assessment. However, bioavailability remains a ilarly, bioaccumulated co-contaminants were estimated in different body
complex concept because it results from a diverse interaction between con- parts to measure their bioavailable concentrations (Chua et al., 2014;
taminant, media and organism type, target organs, and metabolism. Oliveira et al., 2018). In another case, the reduction in free carbon of

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) supplemented with mortality and 3.2.2. MPs - properties and characteristics
body burden analysis was used to estimate PAHs' bioavailability on co- MPs vary in their chemical composition and physical properties,
exposure with MPs (Sørensen et al., 2020). As an indirect method, alterations i.e., size, shape, color, aging, etc. (Gunaalan et al., 2020). These properties
in biomarkers may also be sufficient for gauging the bioavailability of a well- alter their interactions with co-contaminants, causing direct and indirect
characterized contaminant in a model or target organism. For example, toxicological concerns due to the mixtures.
changes in bioavailability were measured through changes in gene expression
of Cyp1a and vtg genes (Granby et al., 2018; Sleight et al., 2017). Mathemat- Size of MPs. Size and exposed surface area drive the sorption pro-
ical models like the weight of evidence (WOE) models have also been em- cess of MPs with the co-contaminant (Ateia et al., 2020). Large-sized MPs
ployed for estimating hazard indices based on variations in values of have a low surface area and thus lower number of sites available for adsorp-
different biomarkers (Avio et al., 2015). tion of co-contaminants (Ašmonaitė et al., 2018). In contrast, small-sized

Fig. 2. Relative proportion of studies reporting synergistic/antagonistic/additive effects of mixture toxicity (MPs mixed with other contaminants) classified according to
a) MP size and type b) Co-contaminant's chemical nature and categories c) Target organism's habitat, classification and in vitro systems used d) experimental design's test
system and duration.

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

MPs, having a high surface-to-volume ratio, have increased opportunities cm2 s−1) (Teuten et al., 2007), which can be a matter of concern in the
for interaction with co-contaminants, increasing the toxic potential of mix- long run.
tures (Guo et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2019). However, smaller-sized particles A wide variety of MPs occur in nature, but studies are limited to only a
may tend to aggregate at high concentrations, reducing the surface-to- few (Figs. 1 and 2a). PS and PE are the most widely studied MPs and
volume ratio and decreasing contaminants' sorption (Wang et al., 2019b; showed a comparatively greater number of synergistic interactions
Zhang et al., 2021b). The 171 studies classified based on the size range of (Figs. 1 and 2a). The mixture toxicity of MPs with triclosan followed the
MPs (1–100 μm, >100 μm, 100–1000 nm, and 1–100 nm) showed syner- order PE < PVC < PS indicating different hydrophobicity and adsorption ca-
gism as the most common outcome of its interaction with co- pacity due to the difference in their composition influenced the combined
contaminants followed by antagonistic and additive effects (Figs. 1 & 2a). toxicity (Zhu et al., 2019). Poly(lactic acid) - PLA MPs increased the bio-
Although most mixture toxicity studies have focused on MPs (83 %), specif- availability of Cadmium (Cd) more than PE MPs (Wang et al., 2020b).
ically 1–100 μm (63 %), the recent studies show that NPs are far more toxic Even the same polymer with varying functional modifications exerts differ-
than MPs (Kang et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2020a). ential toxicity. For example, carboxyl modified PS (PS-COOH) showed
It is reported that small-sized NPs (50 nm) exerted an additive effect to higher toxicity than virgin PS due to anionic carboxyl groups (Kim et al.,
toxicity from phenanthrene, a co-contaminant, whereas MPs (10 μm) did 2017). In another study, the carboxyl modified, and non-functionalized
not have any significant effects (Ma et al., 2016). Several studies corrobo- PS showed synergistic toxicity on algae Scenedesmus and zebrafish Danio
rated the varying influence of the size of MPs on mixture toxicity. It is rerio (Liu et al., 2019) but the amine modification on PS (PS-NH2) caused
shown that although both MPs/NPs show synergistic impacts, the NPs an antagonistic effect. With surface modifications MPs vary in surface
showed substantially higher accumulation and toxicity in a mixture with charge; for example, PS-NH2 confers net negative charge to MPs and is re-
POPs (González-Soto et al., 2019; Jeong et al., 2018). Smaller-sized MPs sponsible for greater dispersibility due to electrostatic repulsion causing an-
(0.5 μm) caused greater DNA damage than larger-sized ones (4.5 μm) tagonistic effects (Chen et al., 2020). Also, it was seen that antagonistic
(González-Soto et al., 2019). Exacerbated enlargement of liver and gonads interactions were more evident in PVC and PA (Figs. 1 and 2a). PVC MPs
was observed in zebrafish when co-exposed with triphenyl phosphate and were shown to alleviate Arsenic (As) toxicity in earthworm Metaphire
46 nm Poly(styrene) - PS NPs, but it was comparatively lesser with 5.8 californica (Wang et al., 2019) and copper (Cu) nanoparticle toxicity in
μm PS MPs (He et al., 2021). Moreover, NPs on exposure to benzo[a]pyrene microalgae Skeletonema costatum (Zhu et al., 2020) but had little effect on
(B[a]P) and 17β-estradiol mixture showed higher toxicity as compared to Cd uptake in mussels Mytilus edulis (Li et al., 2020a). Interestingly, in the
MPs (Tang et al., 2020a). Small-sized (100 nm) PS NPs had higher toxicity case of aquatic plant Vallisneria natans, PVC MPs along with Cd inhibit
on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as compared to large-sized (5 μm) PS NPs growth rate synergistically (Wang et al., 2021). Moreover, many studies fo-
(Dong et al., 2021a). However, adsorption of nonylphenol increased with cused on a red polymer type of unknown composition, limiting the predict-
the decrease in the particle size of MPs, resulting in lower combined toxicity ability of final research outcomes (Figs. 1 and 2a). Very few studies focused
due to reduced bioavailability of co-pollutants (Yang et al., 2020b). on mixture toxicity of other polymer types, thus, demanding more research
Also, 1 μm PS MPs and antibiotic roxithromycin showed a stronger syn- attention.
ergistic effect on Daphnia as compared to 10 μm PS MPs (Zhang et al.,
2019a). In contrast with additive and antagonistic effects of size, the Weathering, aging, and color of the polymer. As discussed earlier,
NPs and MPs mixed with other contaminants lacked any significant macroplastics fragment into MPs with time. This fragmentation and
difference in their toxicity to lettuce, although toxicity due to co- weathering of MPs leads to decreased molecular weights, surface modifica-
contaminants was enhanced in both the cases (Gao et al., 2021). How- tions, and altered morphology (Kalogerakis et al., 2017; ter Halle et al.,
ever, in the case of phenanthrene it was seen that 150 μm PS MPs had 2017). For example, PVC developed an uneven irregular surface with age,
a greater toxic influence than 17 μm PS MPs (Zhang et al., 2021b). exposing the hydroxyl group and aromatic C_C bond; such chemical
Thus, besides size, other factors such as composition and surface modi- changes conferred the aged microcellular PVC (mPVC) higher growth inhi-
fications of MPs also play major roles in facilitating the sorption of other bition than virgin mPVC (Fu et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021). An increase in
contaminants onto MPs (Zhang et al., 2021d). oxygen-containing functional groups, especially carboxyl groups, was also
seen (Hanun et al., 2021). Carbonyl index, specifying the degree of degra- Types of MP polymer. Marine ecosystems serve as a reservoir of di- dation of the polymer, also increased with aging time (Liu et al., 2021c).
verse MPs and organic contaminants. PS, Poly(ethylene) - PE, Poly(propyl- Biofilm formation on MPs further increased its surface area and enhanced
ene) - PP, and Poly(vinyl chloride) - PVC are the most common MPs found its potential to adsorb pollutants (Rummel et al., 2017). Also, aged MPs
in marine ecosystems (de Haan et al., 2019). Surface properties of MPs caused significantly higher oxidative stress and triggered differential gene
change with their chemical composition and dictate the ultimate toxicity expression than the non-aged ones (Cheng et al., 2020; Ho et al., 2020).
as the sorption capacity varies with polymer types (Hüffer and Hofmann, Moreover, it is suggested that salinity may increase the aging rate by generat-
2016). ing more porous surfaces with an increased surface for adsorption (Hanun
Due to large free volumes available in amorphous rubbery polymers, in- et al., 2021). Aging of MPs increased the accumulation of antibiotic propran-
cluding PE and PP, organic contaminants quickly diffuse and get absorbed olol by 82.3 % in the brain of red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticusas) but allevi-
into these polymers (Hartmann et al., 2017). However, glassy polymers, ated toxicity due to lipid peroxidation (Huang et al., 2021b). Prolonged
such as Poly(ethylene terephthalate) - PET, PS and PVC, absorb co- aging due to UV exposure further increased the specific surface area and
contaminants poorly but efficiently with low diffusivity (Hüffer and surface roughness of MPs (Wang et al., 2020e). Therefore, weathering or
Hofmann, 2016; Li et al., 2020b). Being highly hydrophobic, PE, PP, and aging affects the chemical composition of MPs and influences their toxicity
PS have high affinities for high ring polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) potential (Liu et al., 2020). Investigating accelerated weathering effects on
than low ring ones (Honda and Suzuki, 2020). Due to the slow diffusion of the chemical composition of MPs using ATR-FTIR would help identify the
pollutants in high-density plastics, PE and PVC sorb perfluorooctanesulfonate chemical and physical properties of antifouling MPs.
(PFOS) and perfluorooctanesulfonamide (FOSA), significantly higher than PS The exposed surface area and toxic potential of MPs also vary with
(Wang et al., 2015). Therefore, PE and PP act as nucleation particles in shape. Most of the reviewed studies (90 %) investigated the toxicity of reg-
aquatic ecosystems to concentrate the contaminants and cause more signifi- ular microbeads, ignoring other shapes like fibers, fragments, pellets, etc.
cant health risks to marine organisms than PET and PVC (Agboola and Moreover, the source of MPs i.e. whether they were virgin MPs or if they
Benson, 2021; Rochman et al., 2013a, 2013b; Rochman et al., 2017). How- were isolated from personal care products like facial scrubs (Chua et al.,
ever, PS and PVC with highly condensed and cross-linked structures adsorb 2014; Wardrop et al., 2016) or isolated from coastal areas and beaches
other contaminants strongly and release them slowly (diffusion coefficient = (Frias et al., 2013; Pannetier et al., 2019b) may also influence the results
10−13–10−14 cm2 s−1) as compared with PE (diffusion coefficient = 10−10 of toxicity interaction due to differences in their surface area. Further, it

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

is quite possible that the color of the MPs may also influence their ultimate phthalate (DBP), a plasticizer, has also been widely investigated while
toxicity. For example, polymer samples collected along the Portuguese assessing the mixture toxicity (Chen et al., 2017; Dong et al., 2021b; Li
coast showed that aged yellow and black plastics pellets sorb PCB and et al., 2020e; Tang et al., 2020b; Wang et al., 2020c). As an additive, BPA
PAH in high concentrations than the colored and white ones. In contrast, enhances plastic products' durability, elasticity, and transparency, and it
pesticide – Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) concentration was sim- has been reported in aqueous and terrestrial environments and organ-
ilar in black and white but higher in aged ones (Antunes et al., 2013; Frias isms/animals. BPA causes several developmental and reproductive abnor-
et al., 2010). Long residence time increased the sorption of contaminants malities, but its toxic effects are amplified when present with MPs (Chen
onto MPs surface, while degradation enhanced specific surface area that et al., 2017; Mathieu-Denoncourt et al., 2015). Along with the structure,
further increased sorption (Liu et al., 2021c). However, high sorption of the net outcome of mixture toxicity may also vary with the concentration
other contaminants such as B[a]P on black colored plastics may be due to of co-contaminants. For example, MPs (10 mg/L) with low DBP concentra-
pigments added to plastics or plant and animal pigments adhered to plastics tion (0–1 mg/L) produced an antagonistic effect, whereas, with high DBP
(Frias et al., 2013; Fries et al., 2013). concentration (3.5–8.5 mg/L), the resultant toxicity was synergistic (Li
et al., 2020d). Concentration of MPs during exposure. The concentration of MPs, MPs dispersion in different environmental compartments is unknown to
i.e., the amount in which MPs are present, also influenced the toxicity of a large degree. However, transport and fate models and sorption/desorp-
the mixtures. For example, PS resin pellets with arsenic (As) showed a syn- tion isotherms have been used to estimate and predict the dispersion of
ergistic toxic effect at higher concentrations of MPs (0.2 g/L), whereas PS at MPs in air, groundwater, freshwater, stormwater, and sea. However, hydro-
low concentrations (0.04–0.1 g/L) exerted an antagonistic toxic effect on logic models need to be calibrated, whereas soil models still need due atten-
rice plants (Dong et al., 2020) and algae (Zhang et al., 2018). Similar results tion, although dispersion in the soil is slower. Polymer properties, such as
were obtained in Daphnia and marine algae Tetraselmis chuii. A low concen- its crystallinity, elasticity, and hydrophobicity, govern the MPs dispersion
tration of red fluorescent MPs (0.02 mg/L) and gold nanoparticles (0.2 in the environment. Besides physical characteristics of MPs (density,
mg/L) leads to antagonistic interaction, whereas a higher concentration shape, and size), environmental processes, such as aeolian, hydrologic
of these MPs (0.2 mg/L) leads to a synergistic interaction (Davarpanah and fluvial processes, significantly affect dispersion. Dispersion of MPs in
and Guilhermino, 2019; Pacheco et al., 2018). Low concentration of PE aquatic ecosystems is also influenced by physico-chemical properties of
MPs (2 μg/L) had an antagonistic effect on teratogenicity and lethality water, especially pH and salinity, besides coexisting estrogens.
caused by phenanthrene, but higher concentrations (20 and 200 μg/L) Metals, heavy metals, and nanoparticles mainly represent inorganic co-
had an additive effect on marine fish Oryzias melastigma (Li et al., 2020c). pollutants (Figs. 1 and 2b). Metallic ions have a high adsorption capacity for
These findings were corroborated in a terrestrial plant, Triticum seedlings; MPs, which is further increased by surfactant films (Lee et al., 2021).
when grown in soil contaminated with a mixture of phenanthrene and arti- Twelve metals and heavy metals along with 6 nanoparticles have been stud-
ficially aged low-density PE MPs, phenanthrene accumulation is reduced in ied. Differential toxicity was observed even in the same class of co-
wheat tissues with a simultaneous increase in shoot height. However, shoot pollutants. The presence of MPs led to an increase in the bioavailability of
height is significantly reduced at >5 % MPs (Liu et al., 2021a,b). Similarly, Zn and Cd (Zhou et al., 2020) in earthworms, but the risk was insignificant
in the aquatic plant Salvinia cucullata, a PSMPs and glyphosate mixture in the case of Zn as it is an essential metal and was thus regulated by the
showed synergism with the yellowing of leaves and increased oxidative metabolic processes (Hodson et al., 2017). Similarly, no significant effect
stress (malondialdehyde levels), at >15 + 20 mg/L (Yu et al., 2021). One of cadmium was observed in mollusk Mytilus sp. when co-exposed with
plausible explanation is that MPs at low concentrations serve as a sink for PVC MPs (Li et al., 2020a). However, cadmium toxicity was alleviated by
co-contaminants by active adsorption. This phenomenon is responsible PSNPs in the wheat plant (Lian et al., 2020). Even in the case of inorganic
for decreasing the co-contaminant bioavailability, whereas if present at co-pollutants, synergistic interactions dominated.
higher concentrations, MPs themselves may cause significant toxicity The third category includes organometallic compounds like triphenyltin
masking the lowered toxicity of the co-contaminant (Lin et al., 2019; Shi and tributyltin. Only 3 studies assessing their impact on mixture toxicity
et al., 2021). Antithetically, MPs at 20 mg/L remain antagonistic to dibutyl were available (Yi et al., 2019b, 2019a; Yoon et al., 2021). More attention
phthalate (DBP) induced toxicity, while at 5 mg/L fail to significantly im- needs to be given to these compounds to understand their toxicity interac-
pact cumulative toxicity (Li et al., 2020d). It is suggested that the tion better.
aggregation-both homo-aggregation and hetero-aggregation led to a de-
crease in bioavailability of MPs and DBP, decreasing the cumulative toxic- 3.2.4. Test organisms - characteristics
ity (Li et al., 2020d). The choice of the test organism has a significant impact on the net out-
come of mixture toxicity. In reviewed toxicity assays, most studies used
3.2.3. Surface contaminants - properties and characteristics aquatic organisms (138 studies) with nearly equal representation of fresh-
MPs facilitate the transfer of various co-contaminants to the organisms, water (69 studies) and marine organisms (60 studies) (Fig. 2c). Although
acting as ‘Trojan horses’ (Cole et al., 2011; Syberg et al., 2015). The co- mixing MPs with other contaminants is primarily a common feature of
pollutants in the reviewed studies were classified as either organic, inor- aquatic ecosystems, the growing evidence from agroecosystems (Khalid
ganic, or organometallic based on their chemical structures. The various et al., 2020; Ya et al., 2021) emphasizes on analyzing terrestrial ecosys-
co-pollutants showed differences in their impacts; for example, PS with in- tems/organisms. The 171 studies involved diverse test organisms
organic metal oxide nanoparticles exerts a synergistic effect, whereas with (Figs. 2c and 3) most of which were animals, followed by algae and
organic PAH it causes an antagonistic effect (Singh et al., 2021). flowering plants. 12 algal species and 5 plant species were investigated.
Organic contaminants include PAH, POPs, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, Among animals, chordates (102 studies) formed the dominant group, repre-
and plastic additives (Fig. 2b). 9 PAH, 7 POP, 10 pesticides, 21 pharmaceu- sented primarily by 16 species of fish, followed by 13 species of mollusks
ticals and 10 plastic additives (Table 1) have been analyzed for mixture tox- and 11 species of arthropods (Table 1). 4 annelids, 2 nematodes, and a ro-
icity exposure to different target organisms. Majority of these studies tifer were also studied.
showed synergistic interaction. Antagonistic interactions of MPs with pesti- Mostly small aquatic animals, known for their sensitivity to environ-
cides and POPs have also been reported in a few studies (Figs. 1 and 2b), mental change, such as Daphnia magna (Ma et al., 2016; Yin et al., 2020),
and have been attributed to an initial decrease in bioavailability of co- Caenorhabditis elegans (Dong et al., 2018; Qu et al., 2019b), copepods (Li
pollutants due to their adsorption onto MPs (Bartonitz et al., 2020; et al., 2020e; Syberg et al., 2017), zooplanktons (Almeda et al., 2021;
Bringer et al., 2021; Dolar et al., 2021; Garrido et al., 2019; Liu et al., Rehse et al., 2018) and bivalves (Bringer et al., 2021; Parra et al., 2021)
2021a,b). PAHs are the most widely studied organic pollutants (Fig. 2b). were considered. Antagonistic interaction was better pronounced in
Bisphenol A (BPA), which serves as a precursor of plastics and dibutyl small-sized organisms, especially arthropods (Chua et al., 2014; Rehse

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

Table 1
List of co-contaminants and test organisms used in toxicity assays.
Pesticide Pharmaceuticals POP

Pyrene Paraquat Gemfibrozil Sulfamethoxazole PCB

Benzo(a)pyrene Dimethoate Furosemide Triclosan PBDE
Fluoranthene Glyphosate Fluoxetine Carbamazepine DDT
Phenanthrene Chlorpyrifos Metformin Florfenicol PFOS
17α-ethinylestradiol Chlortoluran Acetaminophen Cefalexin PFOA
17β-estradiol Atrazine Sertraline Procainamide PFOSA
9 Nitroanthracene Deltamethrin Tetracycline Doxycycline F-53B
Complex PAH mixture Dufulin Ciprofloxacin Venlafaxine
3Nitrobenzanthrone Triphenyltin Ibuprofen Roxithromycin
Tributyltin Triclocarban Propranolol

Nanoparticles Heavy metals Additives Others

Copper Copper Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Nonylphenol

Gold Silver Bisphenol A(BPA) Microcystin LR
Silver Zinc flame retardants Ammonium
Zinc oxide Nickel Dibutyl phalate (DBP) Natural acidic organic polymer
Copper oxide Mercury Phathalate esters
Titanium dioxide Chromium Benzophenone 3
Arsenic Tetrabromobisphenol A
Lead Triphenyl phosphate
Gold Butylated hydroxyanisole

Arthropoda Mollusca Annelida Plantae Algae

Allorchestes compressa Corbicula fluminea Arenicola marina Oryza sativa Microcystis aeruginosa
Artemia sp. Lymnaea stagnalis Lumbricus terrestris Lactuca sativa Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Daphnia magna Chlamys farreri Metaphire californica Triticum sp. Ochromonas Danica
Nephrops norvegicus Crassostrea brasiliana Eisenia fetida Zea mays Scenedesmus obliquus
Acartia tonsa Crassostrea gigas Enchytraeus crypticus Vallisneria Tetraselmis chuii
Acartia clausi Mactra veneriformis Salvinia cucullate Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Porcellio scaber Mytilus coruscus Daucus carota Dunaliella salina
Calanus hyperboreus Mytilus edulis Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Gammarus roeseli Mytilus galloprovincialis Skeletonema costatum
Tigriopus japonicus Perna canaliculus Raphidocelis subcapitata
Drosophila Ruditapes philippinarum Chlorella vulgaris
Scrobicularia plana

Pisces Rotifera Nematoda Bacteria

Clarias gariepinus Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Brachionus koreanus Meiobenthic nematode Thermophilic bacteria
Ctenopharyngodon idella Oncorhynchus mykiss Caenorhabditis elegans Escherichia coli
Cyprinus carpio Oreochromis niloticus Mammalia Aves In vitro system
Danio rerio Oryzias latipes Mus musculus Fulmarus glacialis Fish gut model
Dicentrarchus labrax Oryzias melastigma Seabird Human gut model
Hippocampus kuda Pomatoschistus microps Fish cell line
Lates calcarifer Prochilodus lineatus Human cell line
Melanotaenia fluviatilis Symphysodon aequifasciatu

et al., 2018) and algae (Fu et al., 2019; Garrido et al., 2019; Zhang et al., significance while predicting ecotoxicological impact (Wakkaf et al.,
2018) owing to their high susceptibility to toxic chemicals like pharmaceu- 2020) (Fig. 2d). A field study investigated the impact of ingested MPs
ticals, POPs and PAHs (Fig. 3). Among the higher organisms, small-sized from the stomach of a bird, northern fulmar, to assess correlations with tis-
zebrafish was widely used as choice species in toxicity assays (Yang et al., sue POP concentrations (Herzke et al., 2016) but found little effect of MP's
2020a; Zhao et al., 2020) in addition to those which are mostly consumed presence. Nevertheless, such studies are limited in number and therefore re-
as commercial seafood, such as Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Guven quire more attention. Although few studies on cell lines were available,
et al., 2018), European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Barboza et al., most of them showed synergistic toxicity (Almeida et al., 2019; Bussolaro
2018b, 2018c) and Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (Devriese et al., et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2021a; Pannetier et al., 2019b; Wang et al.,
2017). Moreover, the life stage of the target organism also plays a major 2020c). No significant effect of MPs was witnessed when the modelling
role in deciding the toxicity outcome. Juveniles are more sensitive to the ef- study was carried out using the single-compartment model - OMEGA (Opti-
fect of chemicals like PAH and POP, and thus the initial decrease in the bio- mal Modelling for EcotoxicoloGical Applications) (Bakir et al., 2016). In
availability due to their sorption onto MPs produced an antagonistic vitro studies using fish and human gut models concluded that MPs could in-
response (Beiras et al., 2019; Miranda et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2021b; troduce labile contaminants like heavy metals into the organisms and thus
Sleight et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2021a–d). Thus, MPs serve as a vehicle provide an additional route of exposure (Khan et al., 2017; Liao and Yang,
for different contaminants in aquatic organisms and modulate the toxicity 2020).
potential of co-contaminants, such as POP and PAHs.
Most studies used in vivo toxicity assays, which have limited ecological 3.2.5. Environmental factors
significance because they are conducted in controlled laboratory conditions Since environmental factors like the temperature, pH, salinity, and or-
whereby organisms spend little energy searching for food and maintaining ganic matter affect sorption-desorption kinetics between adsorbent (MPs)
homeostasis, making the results difficult to interpret in the natural environ- and adsorbate (other contaminants), these factors determine mixture prop-
ment. Microcosm, mesocosm, and field studies have high ecological erties, including their bioavailability and toxicity (Wang et al., 2020f). Still,

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

Fig. 3. Heat maps reporting synergistic antagonistic or no-interaction effects between (a) Test system and contaminant type and (b) Test system and polymer type (Note: The
intensity of color is directly proportional to the number of studies, and the grey colored boxes indicate the areas not studied. Syn, ant, and add represent synergistic,
antagonistic, and additive effects, respectively).

very few studies focused on analyzing these parameters while determining fluoranthene, phenanthrene, pyrene) increased with change in temperature
MPs interaction with co-contaminants and their impact on subsequent tox- from 18 to 24 °C but decreased slightly at 30 °C having a major influence on
icity. its mixture toxicity with MPs (Kolomijeca et al., 2020). Another study
The pH of the environment can influence whether the co-contaminant showed that co-exposure to antibiotic cefalexin and MPs caused higher tox-
will adsorb onto MPs, reducing the former's concentration in the surround- icity due to lipid peroxidation when the temperature was increased from 20
ing environment or if it will get desorbed, thereby increasing its concentra- °C to 25 °C (Fonte et al., 2016). Similarly, increasing temperature favored
tion, bioavailability, and ecotoxic potential. For example, metal sorption the synergistic toxicity of MPs with ammonium and reduced Daphnids sur-
increased with increasing pH (Ahechti et al., 2020), reducing the environ- vivability (Serra et al., 2020). However, the role of temperature in the
mental impact at high pH. Also, the effect of pH was more significant on partitioning of chlorobenzene, PAHs, PCBs, and DDT on plastics remains
electrostatic interactions of PS and PE (adsorbent) with PFOS (adsorbate) questionable (Lohmann, 2012). Although temperature and pH were re-
but not with the neutral FOSA (Wang et al., 2015). In a microcosm study, ported as the most important factors driving MP-contaminants interactions,
acid rain and MPs showed additive toxic effects on garden cress Lepidium these factors have been under-investigated as determinants of mixture tox-
sativum seedlings (Pignattelli et al., 2021). Also, exposure to contaminated icity.
soil with a mixture of ZnO nanoparticles and MPs (PE MPs and PLA MPs) Salinity affects the partitioning of contaminants by neutralizing the sur-
increased the soil pH, altering the nutrient translocation to the plants and face charge of MPs and lowering the effect of electrostatic interactions dur-
mycorrhizal fungi (Yang et al., 2021). ing sorption, leading to salting out of contaminants from MPs (Liu et al.,
Temperature is also a determinant of the mixture toxicity of MPs and or- 2019). With increasing salinity up to ~34 %, the PCBs sorption was en-
ganic contaminants. For example, log KPE-W of PAHs (B[a]P, chrysene, hanced (Velzeboer et al., 2014), but another study showed that increasing

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

salinity (from 10 to 35 %) resulted in the aggregation of NPs, which re- to PE microspheres and chromium as compared to those taken from the
duced the sites for adsorption (Wu et al., 2019). PFOS failed to sorb on PS Lima river estuary of the Iberian peninsula in Europe for the same dose
particles in pure water, whereas the sorption was effective in highly saline and duration of exposure (Luís et al., 2015). Similarly, great pond snail
conditions (Wang et al., 2015). However, salinity increased PFOS sorption Lymnaea stagnalis was shown to be resilient to the effects of both, Poly
on PE but not FOSA (Wang et al., 2015). Since marine and freshwater eco- (amide) PA MPs and POP mixture and PS MPs and Cu co-exposure
systems differ mainly in salinity, the impact of salinity on the nature of in- (Horton et al., 2020; Weber et al., 2021).
teraction needs more attention. Moreover, it becomes pertinent to Duration of combined exposure is another factor determining the syner-
understand salinity-induced partitioning of MPs and co-contaminants in en- gistic or antagonistic effects of mixtures (Figs. 1 and 2d). In the acute toxic-
vironmental compartments because highly saline industrial effluent will ity studies, synergistic and antagonistic effects were reported in nearly
promote the adsorption of co-contaminants onto MPs. Also, the low saline equal proportion (Figs. 1 and 2d). However, with the increase in the dura-
physiological conditions of living organisms will cause the desorption of tion of toxicity assays, the synergistic effects dominated, and ambiguity in
contaminants from MPs surface, triggering many toxic effects (Velzeboer toxicity outcomes decreased. For example, PCBs bioavailability increased
et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2019). Although synergistic interaction of MPs after 40 days of co-exposure with PE-MPs and led to a synergistic toxic ef-
with PAHs and POPs has been reported in marine and freshwater habitats, fect on European Seabass (Granby et al., 2018). The toxicity of MPs
it was more pronounced in marine organisms (Fig. 4). However, synergistic mixed with silver (Ag) ions to E. coli remained antagonistic during the ini-
effects of PS-MPs were notable in freshwater organisms as compared with tial 24 h of assays but turned into synergistic after 48 h of exposure (Sun
marine ones suggesting a major influence of pH and salinity on sorption- et al., 2020). No significant effect of PS-MPs was observed on co-exposure
desorption processes and thus the ecotoxicity (Fig. 4). with pesticides dimethoate and deltamethrin in a 72 h study on Daphnids
Organic matter also dictates the toxicity outcome. It was shown to facil- (Horton et al., 2018). Similarly, no effect of MPs was observed in 48 h co-
itate Cu adsorption on MPs followed by its accumulation in the gut and liver exposure study with 4-nonylphenol on sea urchin larvae (Beiras and Tato,
of zebrafish, resulting in oxidative stress and increased cumulative toxicity 2019). A 96 h study on Daphnia also showed antagonistic interaction with
(Qiao et al., 2019). Another study also showed increased toxicity and oxida- Bisphenol A and PA MPs on account of the decreased body burden of the
tive stress when a natural acidic organic polymer (NAOP), fumic, and former. Accumulation of PAH phenanthrene increased with the duration
humic acid were combined with PS-COOH, whereas decreased oxidative of exposure in zebrafish (Xu et al., 2021). Even with reduced accumulation,
stress in PS-NH2 MPs (Liu et al., 2019). the same effect was observed with 9-Nitroanthracene (Zhang et al., 2021a–
Earlier exposure to environmental contaminants also affects the toxicity d). PS-MPs mixed with pharmaceuticals, such as triclosan, methyl triclosan,
outcome. The juveniles of common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), which and triclocarban lacked any effect on cumulative toxicity to neonates in the
were taken from the Minho River estuary, were less sensitive to exposure initial 48 h. However, after 21 days of co-exposure, it turned into a synergis-
tic effect (Yin et al., 2020), indicating that the duration of co-exposure is
one of the most important factors dictating combined toxicity (Fig. 1). Sim-
ilar results were obtained in Daphnia where little or no effects of MPs with
glyphosate were observed in the initial 48 h but increased with the duration
of co-exposure up to 168 h (Zocchi and Sommaruga, 2019). Loach
(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) exposed to MPs, and antidepressant
venlafaxine showed increased bioaccumulation of the latter after 40 days
of combined treatment (Qu et al., 2019a). The synergistic effect of MPs
when co-exposed with heavy metals on enzyme activities increased with
the duration of co-exposure in seahorse, Hippocampus kuda (Jinhui et al.,
2019). Another long-term exposure study spanning 90 days showed a syn-
ergistic effect of organophosphorus flame retardants with MPs on mice
(Deng et al., 2018). Therefore, biosorption/desorption dynamics of co-
contaminant vary with the exposure time that ultimately governs the syner-
gistic/antagonistic effect of contaminant mixtures. MPs tend to adsorb co-
pollutants during the initial phase of co-exposure, whereas depending on
the co-pollutant, the desorption leads to an increase in toxicity.

3.3. Perspective on global health concern due to MPs-contaminants mixture

Three possible pathways of interactions between MPs and co-

contaminants have been visualized, and their implications on exposure to
and effects on living organisms have been proposed (Menéndez-Pedriza
and Jaumot, 2020). First, living organisms already have a high body load
of contaminants ingest MPs, which is relevant while evaluating the impact
of clean MP ingestion by humans (Aljerf and AlHamwi, 2018). Many stud-
ies showed that ingestion of clean plastic in diet might reduce bioaccumu-
lation of other contaminants. However, the contaminant sequestering
potential of MPs varies with plastic-type. For example, 10 % poly(ethane)
in the diet reduces the body burden of pollutants by 20 % due to high sorp-
tion capacity (Gouin et al., 2011), whereas feeding PE MPs to rainbow fish
did not affect PCBs burden (Rummel et al., 2016). Examining ingestion of
clean MPs by humans from bottled mineral water or packaged food and
its effect on the body burden of pollutants would be a paradigm shift in im-
Fig. 4. Heat maps reporting synergistic antagonistic or no-interaction effects proving human health. However, following the precautionary principle, it
between (a) Habitat and Contaminant class, and (b) Habitat and Polymer type might be advisable to prevent intake of any persistent and xenobiotic con-
(Note: the intensity of color is directly proportional to the number of studies, and taminant at any concentration, even if suggested as beneficial for any pur-
grey colored boxes indicate the areas not investigated). pose. Moreover, it is even suggested that MPs mixture may lead to

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

physical toxicity, especially skin irritation in addition to the chemical toxic- such as PCB, BPA and alkylphenols and their bioaccumulation in arthro-
ity that causes respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive disorders pods (Devriese et al., 2017). Such ambiguity appears to be a result of im-
(Atugoda et al., 2021; Carbery et al., 2018). mense variability in experimental conditions.
The second pathway includes uptake of contaminant-loaded MPs in the In the environment, MPs are also expected to enhance the bioavailabil-
body by organisms lacking any prior exposure. In several studies, organisms ity and bioaccessibility of emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals and
feeding on MPs loaded with pollutants show increasing bioconcentration flame-retardants (Yu et al., 2020b) despite being present at significantly
and bioaccumulation of pollutants (Granby et al., 2018; Sheng et al., low concentrations. For example, Benzophenone-3, which is used as a UV
2021). Such cases become relevant in countries or cities where stabilizer in personal care products, was more bioavailable and showed syn-
(i) industries release untreated effluents that carry both primary MPs and ergistic effects with PE pellets on Daphnia magna (Na et al., 2021). Although
a high concentration of contaminants or (ii) industrialization has just research on mixture toxicity has looked at the toxic effects of drugs adhered
begun, and the human population is not yet exposed to pollutants. In to MPs, most studies have tested the effects of antibiotics with some studies
most developing counties, environmental regulations either ignore testing on pain-relieving drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Wang et al.,
specific pollutants while discharging industrial effluents in the environ- 2020a–f), anti-diabetic medicines, including metformin (Almeida et al.,
ment or lack strict implementation (Onydinma et al., 2021). Consequently, 2019), cardiac drugs such as procainamide or propranolol (Prata et al.,
human exposure to MP-loaded with co-contaminants is expected to be very 2018). Furthermore, most studies have assessed toxicity in fish, and
high, and physiological conditions of the gut accelerate desorption and mollusks (Guo et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021; Nobre et al., 2020; Webb
bioconcentration of chemical contaminants (Liao and Yang, 2020). For ex- et al., 2020), arthropods and algae giving less attention to effects on higher
ample, feeding seabass with MPs carrying pollutants reduces its ability to animals.
remove pollutants significantly compared with when the feed carries pol- Most of the early studies proposed MPs as a source of organic and inor-
lutants alone (Granby et al., 2018). In addition, tissues and organs show dif- ganic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, interacting with co-pollutants and
ferential bioaccumulation of MPs; for example, the presence of NPs triggering toxicity in freshwater and marine organisms. However, recent
enhances BPA bioaccumulation in the head and viscera of zebrafish, studies project these assumptions far from reality because MPs are gener-
while BPA concentrations in gills and muscles remain insignificant (Chen ally present in extremely low concentrations; therefore, MPs might not be
et al., 2017). In mollusks, the gills were more sensitive to MPs and pharma- a significant competitor of dissolved organic matter for sequestering and
ceutical carbamazepine and PAH fluoranthene than the digestive gland partitioning co-contaminants. Although recent studies reported significant
(Brandts et al., 2018; Magara et al., 2018). Moreover, seafood contami- sequestration of co-contaminants on MPs, prospective long-term studies
nated with MPs acts as an additional route of exposure and poses serious on populations residing in hotpots of MPs contamination would help estab-
concerns for human health (Danopoulos et al., 2020; Smith et al., 2018; lish a link between MPs mixture and its adverse impacts on human health
Thiele et al., 2021; Vital et al., 2021). This is especially true for organisms and wildlife.
eaten whole, like the fish and the bivalve mollusks (Dawson et al., 2021).
Even in cases where the whole organism is not eaten, MPs contamination 3.4. Ecological relevance of mixture toxicity studies
in the edible parts needs to be analyzed (Daniel et al., 2021). These obser-
vations draw attention to undertake an assessment of mixture toxicity in Toxicity studies on contaminated MPs were evaluated for ecological rel-
human tissues and organs and evaluate the associated health risks. evance based on the level of ecological hierarchy investigated in the study,
Third pathway includes living organisms already having a high load of i.e., molecular, cellular, organ, organismic, and population (Fig. 5a). Most
MPs and further ingesting pollutant-loaded MPs, which is likely to be prev- toxicity studies investigated one (56) or two (75) ecological levels; how-
alent in most third world countries hosting dirty industries and serving the ever, only a few studies evaluated three (29) or four (10) levels, with the
developed countries for the last few decades (Rawat et al., 2016). In devel- least number of studies analyzing five levels. A decreasing order from or-
oping countries, partially treated or untreated industrial effluents are being ganismic (123) > cellular (108) > molecular (52), >organ toxicity (28)
released into the environment due to a lack of infrastructure accompanied was followed in toxicity studies reviewed. Only 32 studies assessed toxicity
by ill-drafted or poorly implemented environmental policies. In addition, at the population level, whereas studies on community or higher levels are
occupational hazards to industrial workers are very high due to poor infra- completely lacking, signifying little ecological relevance of toxicity studies
structure and lack of safety conditions. Furthermore, most studies have carried out so far (Fig. 5a).
shown that MPs in industrial wastewater discharged into water bodies Pollutant toxicity varies with ecological level; for example, PS combined
(Enfrin et al., 2019) pose high risks to humans, especially in Asian and with decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) lacks any impact on a molecular
African countries where peri-urban communities often use waterbodies as level but causes high toxicity at the cellular level (Xia et al., 2020). Simi-
a source of drinking water for themselves and their livestock. The impact larly, MPs and PAH F-53B mixture in zebrafish exert an antagonistic re-
of mixture toxicity on human health appears to be far greater than expected sponse at organismic levels while causing synergistic oxidative damage at
in the emerging economies, such as India, China, and Bangladesh, serving cellular levels (Yang et al., 2020a). Another study on adult zebrafish with
as the global hub of polluting industries and carry the world's highest bur- MPs and B[a]P showed synergistic toxicity at the cellular level but antago-
den of disease and suffering from the highest number of pollution-related nistic at the population level (Batel et al., 2018). Similarly, heavy metals
deaths (Fuller et al., 2022). However, these emerging toxicants have still (Cd, Pb, Zn) and PS NPs cause synergistic toxicity at molecular and organ-
not received due attention, especially in human cell lines studies and pro- ismic levels but negligible effects at the population level in brackish water
spective research on populations living in the vicinity of these industrial medaka (Yan et al., 2020). To sum up, the current evaluation provides an
sites is still needed. ecological perspective for future investigations on mixture toxicity.
Ingestion of MPs loaded with contaminants further increases bioaccu-
mulation of co-contaminants in living organisms, even in highly polluted 3.4.1. Molecular toxicity
settings. For example, plastic ingestion and bioaccumulation of Molecular toxicity involves changes in the biomarkers at the subcellular
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish were positively correlated level. These include alteration of gene expression, damage or breakage of
with enhanced accumulation of lower chlorinated PCB congeners DNA, and micronuclei formation (Fig. 5b).
(Besseling et al., 2013). Similarly, MPs were found not only to serve as a The genes primarily altered by MPs toxicity include oxidative stress and
source of PBDEs but also to be a cause of enhanced bioaccumulation in ab- inflammation-related genes, detoxification-related genes, neurotoxicity
dominal adipose tissue in seabirds (Tanaka et al., 2013). However, a few and immunotoxicity-related genes, reproductive function-related genes,
studies reported the lack of an increase in silver (Ag) uptake with PE inges- etc. (Table 2). MPs have been suggested as an oxidative stressor causing
tion in zebrafish (Khan et al., 2015). Similarly, no relationship was found changes in gene expression of antioxidant defense enzymes - superoxide
between the ingestion of MP sorbed with hydrophobic organic compounds dismutases, catalases, glutathione S-transferases, etc. (Dong et al., 2018;

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

Fig. 5. (a) Bar diagram showing the relative proportion of studies using assays at different levels of biological organization in 171 mixture toxicity studies with their ecological
relevance, and (b) List of assays and their endpoints under the different class of toxicity assays and their ecological relevance conducted in 171studies (Note: The arrowhead
indicates increasing ecological relevance of the assay).

Li et al., 2022; Paul-Pont et al., 2016). In the case of MPs co-exposure with and erythrocytes was seen in teleost Prochilodus lineatus with PE MPs and
heavy metals and pharmaceuticals, enrichment of metal and antibiotic re- copper (Roda et al., 2020), whereas an additive effect was observed in scal-
sistance genes was observed (Liu et al., 2022; Ma et al., 2020b, 2020a). lops after exposure to PS MPs with BDE-209 (Xia et al., 2020) and PS NPs
Therefore, MPs biofilms serve as an ideal site for promoting the evolution with zinc oxide nanoparticles (Estrela et al., 2021b). An increase in the fre-
of microbial communities tolerant to diverse contaminants via genetic ex- quency of micronuclei appearance after treatment with pyrene-
change. Co-exposure of MPs with antibiotics may also generate stress, evi- contaminated PS MPs is another indication for molecular toxicity (Avio
denced by the upregulation of heat shock proteins (hsp70) (Cheng et al., et al., 2015). It was also reported in Mediterranean Mussels,Mytilus
2020). Changes in gene expression of these heat shock proteins also sig- galloprovincialis exposed to B[a]P contaminated MPs (Pittura et al., 2018).
nifies disturbances in the homeostatic mechanism (Gu et al., 2020). Toxicity assays at the sub-cellular level have the lowest ecological rele-
Metallothioneins (mt1 and mt2) and cytochrome P450 (cyp1a) genes are vance because sub-cellular changes may or may not have implications at
commonly involved in the detoxification of metals and other xenobiotics, the population level. Also, linking sub-cellular changes with any change
respectively (Cormier et al., 2019; Lu et al., 2018; Santos et al., 2021b, at population level is a challenge due to the very long time it might take
2021a). Compromised reproductive success can be witnessed with PAH to manifest these sub-cellular changes at the population level. Although
phenanthrene through a decrease in gene transcription of reproductive hor- the sensitivity of endpoints at the sub-cellular level varies and it requires
mones - a gonadotropin-releasing hormone, GnRH, and fushi tarazu-factor, testing at multiple endpoints to ensure reliable results (Brandts et al.,
ftz-f1 (Karami et al., 2016). POP contaminated MPs also caused endocrine 2018; Cheng et al., 2020), sub-cellular assays form a basis for toxicity test-
disruption evident from decreased expression of choriogenin (Chg H), vitel- ing at a higher level of biological organization (Rawat et al., 2016) because
logenin (Vtg I), and estrogen receptor genes (Erα) (Rochman et al., 2014). alterations at sub-cellular level provide an early indication of toxicity
An early indication of neurotoxicity during co-exposure with BPA was sig- (Granby et al., 2018).
naled with changes in gene expression of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), my-
elin basic protein (mbp), α1-tubulin and mesencephalic astrocyte-derived 3.4.2. Cellular toxicity
neurotrophic factor (manf) (Chen et al., 2017). Cellular toxicity can be measured through both, in vivo and in vitro cel-
Molecular toxicity also includes testing for genotoxicity. It is usually lular assays and has been given considerable attention (105 studies)
measured in terms of DNA damage through the Comet assay. Clam (Fig. 5a). Analysis of cytotoxicity includes parameters like cell viability,
Scrobicularia plana exposed to MPs and B[a]P showed significant breaks cell composition and phagocytosis, lipid peroxidation (LPO), chlorophyll
in DNA strands, whereas treatments with PFOS failed to cause any DNA damage, glucose, triglycerides, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and choles-
damage (O'Donovan et al., 2018). Increased DNA damage in hepatocytes terol levels, oxidative stress or reactive oxygen species (ROS) production;

Table 2
Details of studies on contaminated MPs and key results at different level of biological organization.
Biological Microplastic Co-contaminant Test organism Effect Reference
H. Kaur et al.


Molecular PS NPs-100 nm Phthalate esters Human alveolar cell line – A549 Upregulation of gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines-IL6, IL8, TNFα at high Shi et al., 2021
concentration of NPs, downregulation at low concentration
PS NPs-50 nm Gold ions Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos Upregulation of gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines-IL6, IL8 Lee et al., 2019
PS, PS-NH2, Triphenyl phosphate Medaka (Oryzias melastigma) MPs normalized gene expression of inflammatory, eye development and photoreception genes Zhang et al.,
PS-COOH 1 μm larvae 2021a–d
PS NP-108 nm Titanium dioxide nanoparticles Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Upregulation of oxidative stress related genes-sod2, sod3, skn1 Dong et al., 2018
PE 125–250 μm PCB and PBDE mixture European seabass (Dicentrarchus Downregulation of detoxification related genes-cyp1a1, gstα Granby et al., 2018
PS −5 μm Cadmium Zebrafish (Danio rerio) adult Upregulation of metal detoxification related genes and inflammatory response related genes-mt1, mt2, tnfα, il1b Lu et al., 2018
and ifng1–2, downregulation of oxidative stress related genes-sod1, sod2, nfe212
PA, PVC-30 μm Tetracycline Enchytraeus crypticus Increase in antibiotic resistance genes Ma et al., 2020a,
microbiome 2020b
PE 3 mm PCB and PBDE mixture Japanese medaka (Oryzias Downregulation of estrogen receptor related genes Rochman et al., 2014
PE 11–13 μm Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and Clam Scrobicularia plana Increased DNA damage with BaP, No significant effect with PFOS O'Donovan et al., 2018
Perfluorooctane Sulfonic acid (PFOS)
PE <100 μm PAH pyrene Mussels Mytilus Increased micronuclei frequency during co-exposure Avio et al., 2015
Cellular PS, PA, PE150μm, 13 Nonylphenol Microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa Increased activity of antioxidant enzymes-SOD, CAT, MDA, LPO and ROS production Yang et al., 2020b
μm, PA-13 μm
PS −500 nm, 30 Sertraline Mollusk Tegillarca granosa Reduced total haemocyte count, phagocytosis, pyruvate kinase activity and increased MDA caspase 3 activity Shi et al., 2020
PS-20 μm, 65 nm Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Zebrafish (Danio rerio) adult Alteration of thyroid hormones - decrease in T3 and increase in T4 Zhao et al., 2020

Red MPs 1–5 μm Doxycycline and Procainamide Microalgae Tetraselmis chuii Reduction in chlorophyll content Prata et al., 2018
PE MPs 23 μm Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) Lettuce Reduced chlorophyll content and increased activity of antioxidant enzymes-SOD, Gao et al., 2019
PS 0.05, 0.5, 6 μm BDE-47, triclosan Rotifer Brachionus koreanus Increased ROS, MDA decreased activity of p-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance protein calcein Jeong et al., 2018
PS 30 μm PAH mixture Blood clam Tegillarca granosa Decreased haemocyte viability and phagocytic activity Sun et al., 2021a
Organ PE 45–53 μm Phthalate esters Male mice Increased intestinal inflammation Deng et al., 2021
system PS 46 nm, 5.8 μm Triphenyl phosphate Zebrafish (Danio rerio) adult Enlargement of liver and gonads He et al., 2021
PS 2–6 μm PAH fluoranthene Mussels Mytilus Histopathological lesions in gills, gonads and digestive tract Paul-Pont et al.,
PE 125–250 μm POP mixture Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Increased vacuolisation in liver Rainieri et al., 2018
PS 21–466 μm Chlorpyrifos Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Altered histopathology and histomorphometry of gills, gut and skin Karbalaei et al., 2021
mykiss) juvenile
Red MP 1-5 μm Copper Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos Epithelial detachment in brain Santos et al., 2020
PE 23 μm Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) Lettuce Decrease in root growth parameters - length, root hair, root diameter Gao et al., 2021
Organismic PVC 230 μm POP and PAH mixture Lugworm Arenicola marina Decrease in feeding and survival rate Browne et al., 2013
PE 7–250 μm Triclosan Acartia tonsa Increase in mortality Syberg et al., 2017
PA 13–19 μm PBDEs Pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Alteration in the microbiome structure Horton et al., 2020
Red MP 1–5 μm Mercury Fish Dicentrarchus labrax Decrease in swimming speed and resistance time Barboza et al., 2018c
MPs 40–50 μm Dufulin (pesticide) Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) Increased bioccumulation of co-exposed pesticide Sun et al., 2021b
PE, PLA 100–154 μm Cadmium Maize plant Increased bioavailibilty of cadmium in soil, little effects on plant at low conc., decreased plant growth at higher conc. Wang et al., 2020b
PS 20 nm Silver nanoparticles Algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Decrease in levels of growth parameters Huang et al., 2019
and Ochromonas danica.
Population PE 2–10 μm Chlorpyrifos (pesticide) Copepod Acartia tonsa Decreased egg production and egg hatching Bellas and Gil, 2020
PS 0.05 μm Crude oil Rotifer Brachionus koreanus Delayed reproduction Jeong et al., 2021
PS 70 nm Microcystin LR Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Accumulation of MPs in F1 larvae, increased malformations and decreased hatching rate Zuo et al., 2021
PP, PS 600 μm Benzo(a)pyrene Japanese medaka (Oryzias Decreased hatching and increased malformations Pannetier et al., 2019b
PS 101 nm Microcystin LR Nematode Caenorhabditis Decreased brood size Qu et al., 2019b
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enzyme activities: acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs) is suggested as the probable underly-
(GST), ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), superoxide dismutase ing mechanism of NPs-induced synergistic toxicity in rotifers (Jeong et al.,
(SOD), catalase (CAT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (Table 2). 2018). It is also suggested that the phagocytic activity of cells may be ham-
Antioxidant enzymes like SOD and CAT form the first line of defense pered due to alteration in NFκB signaling pathway, which in turn may also
against oxidative burst (Winston and Di Giulio, 1991). In C. pyrenoidosa hinder the hematopoiesis (Sun et al., 2021a). Understanding such responses
algal cells, oxidative stress, seen as the enzymatic expression of MDA, may help mitigate toxicity, but these have not been given due importance.
SOD, and CAT, was alleviated when NPs were present along with
nonylphenol (Yang et al., 2020b). However, MPs with selective serotonin 3.4.3. Organ level toxicity
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sertraline showed synergistic cytotoxic effects in Organ toxicity provides better insights into bioconcentration and bioac-
blood clam, T. granosa affecting the lipid metabolism and causing increased cumulation of co-contaminants and the level of energy reserves in target or-
oxidative stress in terms of increased levels of ROS, LPO, Adenosine triphos- gans, such as the liver, gills, and stomach (Fig. 5b). Comparatively, fewer
phate (ATP), cortisol, and pyruvate kinase (PK) (Shi et al., 2020). The de- studies exist on organ toxicity as the differentiation into organ systems ex-
toxification process was also altered, resulting in increased levels of the ists only in higher animals.
neurotransmitters - acetylcholine (ACh) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), Different species show differential organ toxicity due to the accumula-
which caused immunomodulation (Shi et al., 2020). Antagonism in the ac- tion of contaminants and MPs. In common goby Pomatoschistus microps,
tivity of enzyme cholinesterase (Che), Glutathione S-transferases (GST) and pyrene metabolites accumulated in the bile (Oliveira et al., 2013), whereas
LPO levels were observed in bivalve Corbicula fluminea on co-exposure to virgin and contaminated MPs accumulated in gills, hemolymph, and diges-
MPs and mercury (Oliveira et al., 2018). tive glands (Avio et al., 2015). Accumulation of MPs in gills and digestive
Moreover, the enzyme activities showed organ specificity. For example, glands of mussel, Mytilus sp. corroborated the MP vector effect for mercury
SOD, CAT, GST, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (Rivera-Hernández et al., 2019). Severe histopathological lesions like he-
(GR) activities showed an additive effect in gills, but synergism along mocyte infiltration and the presence of ceroids were observed in digestive
with the additional impact on the liver of juvenile Dicentrarchus labrax glands, gills, and intestine of mussels Mytilus sp. due to co-exposure to fluo-
(Barboza et al., 2018a). Similarly, the synergistic interaction of MPs and ranthene and PS MPs (Paul-Pont et al., 2016). PE MPs and phthalate esters
Cd was seen in gills and gonads, but an additive effect was observed in caused increased inflammation of the intestine and changes in gut mi-
the digestive gland (Parra et al., 2021). LPO and AChE activities were crobiota (Deng et al., 2020a). Increased vacuolization was observed in
also increased on co-exposure with mercury signaling neurotoxicity and ox- the livers of zebrafish fed with contaminated MPs (Rainieri et al.,
idative damage (Barboza et al., 2018b). In marine mussels, increased bio- 2018). Maximum histopathological alterations in gills and gut were ob-
availability and cytotoxicity of pollutants have been demonstrated using a served in rainbow trout when they were co-exposed to MPs and pesti-
wide range of cellular markers, such as antioxidant enzymes including cide chlorpyrifos (Karbalaei et al., 2021). The toxic response varies
CAT, glutathione peroxidases, reductases and transferases, acyl-CoA oxi- even within the same organism. Severe hyperplasia was observed in
dase (AOX), LPO, total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC), a latency the gills of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, upon exposure to
period of lysosome (LP), and lipofuscin and the frequency of neutral lipids phenanthrene-loaded PE-MP, but the liver showed no significant effects
(Avio et al., 2015). (Karami et al., 2016). Depletion of liver glycogen reserves was also re-
Exposure to a mixture of pesticide paraquat and MPs increased activities ported with exposure to POPs contaminated MPs (Rochman et al.,
of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 2013a, 2013b). When mixed with MPs, silver (Ag) is seen to be
LDH and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) (Nematdoost Haghi and Banaee, partitioned more in the intestine (Khan et al., 2015). Differential accu-
2017). However, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity and the con- mulation of MPs and co-contaminants in organs drastically impacts me-
centration of plasma glucose, creatinine, total protein, albumin, and globu- tabolism and organ dysfunction, causing various disorders and diseases
lin were decreased, signifying functional imbalance in the organs. After co- (Deng et al., 2020b).
exposure to MPs and cadmium (Cd) in European bass Symphysodon
aequifasciatus, innate immune responses were triggered evident by the ex- 3.4.4. Organismic toxicity
acerbated levels of enzymes lysozyme, acid phosphatase, and alkaline phos- Among different ecological hierarchies, organismic toxicity has been
phatase (Wen et al., 2018). Zebrafish showed developmental deformities most widely investigated for MPs exposure (123 studies) (Fig. 5a). The tox-
and altered levels of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine icity has been analyzed in growth rate, morphological malformations, fillet
(T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) after co-exposure to MPs quality, behavioral responses such as uptake and clearance rate, and feed-
and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) (Zhao et al., 2020). ing rate (Fig. 5b). In plants, other parameters investigated were photosyn-
In algae and plants, decreased chlorophyll content is taken as a measure thesis rate, transpiration rate, root-leaf biomass, and bioaccessibility of
of cellular toxicity (Gao et al., 2019). Reduced chlorophyll content in ma- the contaminants (Table 2).
rine alga (Tetraselmis chuii) confirmed the synergistic toxicity due to co- Ingestion of contaminated MPs causes pseudosatiety (Guzzetti et al.,
exposure of MPs with local anesthetic and antibiotic, procainamide, and 2018). For example, in lugworm Arenicola marina, it decreased feeding
doxycycline, respectively (Prata et al., 2018). When co-exposed to PE MPs and survival (Browne et al., 2013). However, exposure to MPs with phar-
and DBP, decreased photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and tran- maceutical florfenicol inhibited feeding in bivalve Corbicula fluminea
spiration rate were observed in lettuce (Gao et al., 2019). Similarly, MPs (Guilhermino et al., 2018). In snails, combined exposure to PBDE and
and heavy metals reduced chlorophyll contents in the microalga Chlorella MPs altered microbiome structure, while body weight remained un-
vulgaris (Tunali et al., 2020). Antithetically, an antagonistic effect was ob- changed, indicating resilience to these toxicants. Increased bioaccumula-
served in Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Microcystis aeruginosa when challenged tion of antibiotic roxithromycin was observed in fish red tilapia after co-
with MPs co-mixed with ibuprofen and Pb, respectively (Wang et al., exposure to PS-MPs (Zhang et al., 2019b). PE MPs did not affect the
2020a–f; Wang et al., 2021b). Freshwater alga Raphidocelis subcapitata ex- bioaccumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons but had a synergistic effect
perienced negligible toxicity due to PS-COOH NPs and Cu (Bellingeri on reducing the feeding activity in arctic zooplankton (Almeda et al.,
et al., 2019), but an antagonistic effect was observed in microalgae 2021). Similarly, no significant impact of PE MP on bioaccumulation of
Skeletonema costatum and microalgae Dunaliella salina when in combination mercury in manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was observed (Sıkdokur
with antibiotic tetracycline and ZnO particles respectively (Feng et al., et al., 2020). In earthworms, increased bioaccumulation of pesticide
2020; Gunasekaran et al., 2020). dufulin was observed when co-exposed with MPs (Sun et al., 2021b). In ma-
The expression of selected biomarkers also provides a mechanical in- rine microalgae, Tetraselmis chuii, pharmaceuticals (procainamide and
sight into the underlying cellular toxicity pathways. For example, induction doxycycline) and MPs showed a synergistic toxic effect on growth parame-
of multi xenobiotic resistance (MXR) caused by P-glycoproteins (P-gps) and ters (Prata et al., 2018). However, Cu and MPs showed an additive effect on

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

T. chuii (Davarpanah and Guilhermino, 2015). A synergistic adverse effect 4. Research gaps and discussion
of PSNPs and silver nanoparticles-AgNPs was seen on growth rates of
freshwater algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Ochromonas danica Over half of the studies on toxicity from contaminated MPs are from
(Huang et al., 2019). Mostly organismic toxicity is evaluated as mortal- China, although developed countries like the USA dump a comparable
ity because it is fast, reproducible, and easy to record. However, the eco- amount of plastic waste in the environment (Jambeck et al., 2015). Also,
logical relevance of organismic toxicity remains low because organisms mixture toxicity from industrial effluent appears to be significantly higher
continuously adapt to some stress levels after a long exposure (Oliveira than expected in developing counties, such as India, Bangladesh,
et al., 2013; Rawat et al., 2016). Synergism between MPs with pesticide Pakistan, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The developing countries with a rapidly
chlorpyrifos and triclosan leads to high mortality in marine copepod growing textile industry bear a high burden of disease attributed to pollu-
Acartia tonsa (Bellas and Gil, 2020; Syberg et al., 2017). In green algae tion, which is not yet accounted for. Although India has taken initiatives
Chlorella pyrenoidosa, co-exposure to PS MPs and triphenyltin chloride to examine the environmental challenges of textile industries, other
or dibutyl-phthalate alters morphology and increases mortality (Li South-East Asian countries also need to address the issue to ensure sustain-
et al., 2020a; Yi et al., 2019a). PS NPs increased cadmium (Cd) toxicity ability. Estimating contaminated MPs and the contaminant load onto their
in Drosophila, a decreased survival and locomotor activity (Zhang et al., surface and complementing prospective studies on the human population
2020). residing in the vicinity of polluted sites would help determine the real im-
Organismic toxicity as behavioral changes, including swimming speed pacts of contaminated MPs on human health. Also, extensive studies on
and locomotion, has also been reported in fish. With co-exposure to PAH- human cell lines from target tissues would help to understand better mix-
pyrene and MPs, tropical fish (Lates calcarifer) exhibited decreased swim- ture toxicity and organ dysfunction and disorders in humans.
ming speed, which impaired predatory performance (Guven et al., 2018). As vehicles of organic and inorganic toxicants, MPs act as a source of li-
Another fish, Dicentrarchus labrax, showed erratic swimming and rapid fa- pophilic pollutants with the potential to bioaccumulate and biomagnify
tigue with co-exposure to MPs and mercury (Barboza et al., 2018b). How- after entering the food chain (Syberg et al., 2015). However, the mixture
ever, no significant effects of co-exposure of PSNPs with zinc oxide toxicity has been mostly studied in laboratories and not in open fields so
nanoparticles on behavioral and locomotor responses were observed far (Fig. 2d). Using an unrealistically high concentration of contaminants
(Estrela et al., 2021a). Since behavioral responses are an early warning in lab studies has questioned the possible synergistic or antagonistic inter-
sign of toxicity at a higher level of ecological organization, they should be actions between MPs and other contaminants and their relevance in field
seriously considered (Syberg et al., 2015). Another study showed the tro- settings. Moreover, plastic concentration detected in the environment is sig-
phic transfer of MPs with sorbed POPs from Artemia nauplii to zebrafish, nificantly less than those needed for MPs to outcompete the organic matter
warranting research attention to toxicity endpoints at a higher level of bio- to partition POPs in water. Furthermore, 89 % of studies reviewed used
logical organization. only one contaminant while ascertaining the net effect of interactions be-
tween MPs with other contaminants. However, MPs are exposed to a cock-
3.4.5. Population level tail of organic and inorganic contaminants in the environment, which are
Despite having high ecological relevance, ecotoxicity assessment at the also likely to compete for binding with MPs. Studies analyzing mixture tox-
population level is the least investigated (31 studies) (Fig. 5a). Copepods, icity need a shift in focus from labs to fields to estimate contaminated MPs
nematodes, and fish have often been used as test organisms to demonstrate at spatio-temporal scale, determine the adsorption rate of contaminants
variations in population traits (Table 2), such as egg production, hatching onto MPs surface and predict their environmental impacts. Further, meso-
rate, abnormalities in gonads and germ cells, deformities in embryo and lar- and macrocosm studies in a controlled environment would be instrumental
vae, brood size, and offspring viability (Fig. 5b). in analyzing the real toxic effects of MPs adhered with other contaminants.
In copepod Acartia tonsa, egg production is severely impacted due to the Due to the low environmental concentration of contaminants and MPs,
combined treatment of MPs and pesticide chlorpyrifos (Bellas and Gil, adsorption is more likely to prevail. Although the impact of chemical prop-
2020). Brood size decreased in Caenorhabditis elegans after prolonged expo- erties of MPs and co-contaminants has been well investigated, only a few
sure to MPs and cyanobacterial toxins (Qu et al., 2019b). PSNPs with crude studies (3 %) have analyzed the effect of environmental factors, such as
oil fraction synergistically delayed reproduction and caused multigenera- pH, temperature, salinity, nutrients, organic matter, and microbes, on inter-
tional deformities in rotifer Brachionus koreanus (Jeong et al., 2021). Low actions between MPs and other contaminants. Focused research on MPs de-
hatchability and high deformities in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) bris of different sizes and relative abundance of co-contaminants in natural
were reported only at high MPs concentration due to synergism between water bodies would provide realistic estimates of their ecotoxic potential.
MPs and phenanthrene, while the trend was reversed at low MPs con- Because of the micro- and nano-size of plastics, locating and analyzing a
centration (Li et al., 2020c). It is suggested that MPs decrease phenan- single particle in the environment or tissues of living organisms, even with
threne toxicity at low concentrations by reducing its bioavailability. fluorescent tags, is an arduous task. Although it is challenging to identify
Furthermore, the hatching may be delayed due to blockage of channels the factors and their possible interactions governing the likely outcome, an-
and spiracles on eggshells leading to oxygen reduction and nutrient up- alyzing the total proteome, transcriptome, and metabolome would help ad-
take (Cong et al., 2017). Co-exposure to microcystin-LR and PSNPs dress this task. Most studies used MPs beads, giving a little attention to
caused a reduction in the growth of F1 larvae (Zuo et al., 2021). With other shapes like fibrils. However, almost half of the global textile industry
co-exposure to butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and MPs, a decreased is clustered in Southeast Asian countries; therefore, analyzing the mixture
hatching rate and increased malformations were observed (Zhao et al., toxicity of MPs fibrils would be a step forward for environmental manage-
2020). Exacerbated effect of insecticide deltamethrin was observed on ment and policy development to reduce the disproportionately high
brood number in Daphnia during co-exposure with PE MPs (Felten pollution-associated global disease burden in ~25 % of the world popula-
et al., 2020). PS MPs increased the toxicity of gold metal ions in tion. In fact, due to fast fashion and ever-increasing production of low-
zebrafish embryos (Lee et al., 2019). High embryo mortality (81 %) quality clothes in the global south and consumption mainly in the global
and increased hatching defects were observed when embryos and north, textile-originated fibrils are expected to spread in developing coun-
prolarvae of Japanese fish medaka were treated with MPs contaminated tries at a high pace. Therefore, analyzing textile fibrils in mixture toxicity
with B[a]P (Pannetier et al., 2019a). Reduced bioavailable concentra- needs focus globally.
tion of co-contaminant was suggested as the basis of antagonism in tox- Mixture toxicity research has primarily focused on PS (55 %) followed
icity caused by PAH mixture and Cd respectively with MPs to zebrafish by PE (26 %), commonly found in marine debris (26 %), ignoring other
larvae and embryo. (Cheng et al., 2021; Trevisan et al., 2019). However, types of MPs. Although textile effluent primarily contains PE (78 %), PA
it is imperative to shift our focus towards highly ecological relevant (9 %), PP (7 %), and acrylic (5 %), these polymers have not received due
assays to predict the ultimate adverse outcome pathways. attention in mixture toxicity research. Field studies on the prevalence of

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

plastic beads have shown increasing acrylic, PE, PP, PA, and polyester con- exhaustive analysis of simultaneous exposure to multivariant stressors is re-
centrations in surface waters of the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Furthermore, quired to assess their cumulative outcome and predict their environmental
a couple of studies were on commercial red polymers of unknown compo- fate. Moreover, these studies need to be carried out primarily in areas of
sition, putting a question mark on the ecological relevance of these studies. high plastic production and disposal and major industrial areas where
To ensure homogeneous dispersion of MPs, several studies use an ultra- chances of the co-availability of MPs and other contaminants are high. Bio-
sonic bath or surfactants like Tween 20. Using such treatments might re- accumulation and trophic transfer of MPs mixture with co-contaminants
duce the ecological significance of the results while relating to toxicity need to be paid attention to find an association between human and ecosys-
from secondary MPs prevalent in nature; however, such studies are still rel- tem health. Although the toxicity of contaminated MPs has started receiv-
evant because surfactants are part of textile effluents besides MPs. Most tox- ing attention globally, its ecological relevance is limited because most
icity studies were conducted in in vivo laboratory conditions, apart from 5 studies do not include toxic impacts at different ecological hierarchies. Mul-
in vitro studies, 4 mesocosm studies, and only 1 field-based study. More tifactorial design experiments using native species of plants, microbes, and
studies using microcosm and mesocosm, and in fields are required to animals in the field-, micro-, and mesocosm would help reveal associated
obtain realistic estimates of ecotoxicological effects obtained when MPs risks and develop site-specific remediation methods. The insights offered
interact with other organic and inorganic contaminants (Fig. 6). in the current review would help develop a framework for environmentally
Acute toxicity tests with lethal endpoints or growth inhibition have relevant research that can be compared and generalized to provide realistic
been most commonly used, ignoring the long-term impacts of the interac- estimates of risks associated with MPs or its mixture with co-contaminants.
tions on the population or community (Fig. 6). Research on proteomics, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
transcriptomics, and metabolomics for correlating epigenetic and genetic org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156593.
triggers would be required to establish associations between exposure to
the mixture and the onset of pathogenesis in humans and wildlife. Combin- CRediT authorship contribution statement
ing the data from laboratory- and field-based studies, ecologically relevant
toxicity assays, and the role of environmental factors in modelling would Harveen Kaur: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Vali-
help predict the ultimate fate of contaminated MPs and their adverse conse- dation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing;
quences. Deepak Rawat: Data curation, Validation, Visualization; Pankaj Poria:
Data curation, Validation, Visualization; Udita Sharma: Data curation; Vali-
5. Conclusions and perspective dation; Visualization; Yann Gilbert: Visualization, Writing – review &
editing; Abdul Samath Ethayathulla: Visualization, Writing – review &
Evidence from controlled and field studies shows MPs as emerging editing; Ludovic F. Dumée: Formal analysis, Validation, Visualization, Writ-
ecotoxicants both individually and in mixtures with co-contaminants. ing – review & editing; Radhey Shyam Sharma: Conceptualization; Formal
Sorption-desorption dynamics between MPs and other contaminants dic- analysis; Funding acquisition; Resources; Writing – review & editing;
tates the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of the latter and results in addi- Vandana Mishra: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition;
tive, synergistic, neutral or antagonistic toxic effect. Various factors such as Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Supervision; Validation; Vi-
properties of MPs, properties of co-contaminants, size, and life stage of test sualization; Roles/Writing – original draft; Writing – review & editing.
organism, along with abiotic factors like pH and salinity, influence the sorp-
tion dynamics of co-contaminants onto MPs. Nevertheless, in most cases, Declaration of competing interest
MPs increase the pollution potential of co-contaminants by serving as the
vehicle for their long-range transfer. An even better insight into sorption- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial inter-
desorption mechanisms between MPs and co-contaminants is required to ests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the
reveal the hidden threats due to mixture toxicity. An in-depth and work reported in this paper.

Fig. 6. Research gaps and recommendations for future studies.

H. Kaur et al. Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022) 156593

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