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“Tell something about yourself” using APA style

Eigi Belle Benedicto


Prof. Marjorie DF. San Juan

September 22,2021

It’s funny because this question is usually asked to my past job interviews and I didn’t see this day

that I get to write this on a paper and tell everyone about my self. I am Eigi Belle Benedicto. My name

sounds weird it is because it’s a combination of my mom and my dad’s name, they put it together. Im

in college now, third year of the course I choose 3 years ago. I am studying in a state university that I

thought I couldn’t be in. But Im here know and I can say that im happy. Happy times does not

happens everytime, but everytime I take a look back on the face to face memories I had on our

school it was best and I can say one of the most memorable experience of mine. Im a working

student. Im awake day and night but I still do have times or moments that I get the chance to sleep. It

was not easy, this situation of mine. I always thought my self that there is no thing as a “ no choice”

everyone has a choice. Because when you say that you don’t have a choice you literally made a

choice. I am not saying im out of options but what I am trying to say is, this is the best choice I can

make for now. Im not a open book though im a vocalist person but if it’s a true feeling of mine I will not

talk about it a lot. Because I believe there are things that is better not to be said. Words are very

powerful for me. And even if I die someday the last thing I will remember are the words that was said

about it.

Who is Eigi Belle? I always thought she is a happy and cheerful little girl but one day life changes

her and life made her so strong and cold. She is really looking forward to graduate and get to teach

young children and be finally be in where she wanted to be. And that is to be a teacher.

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