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Quarter 1 – Module 2: Research Problem

Grade 9 Research 1: Learning Activity Sheets #2

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _________

Research Teacher: CAMILLE ROSE M. TACAZON Grade & Section: ________

Key Concepts:
Research Problem
Research problem is the heart of your scientific investigation. It is a problem that you want to answer to satisfy your
curiosity. A good research problem must be clear, organized, specific and testable.
A young scientist like you frequently asks questions but not all questions are testable. Scientific testable question deals
with objects, living organisms and natural phenomena, etc. and can be answered through conducting scientific investigation or
What is the effect of temperature on seed germination?
How does changing the concentration of the water affects the buoyancy of the egg?
Testable questions follow certain formats;
Does changing ___IV___ affect __DV_____?
How does changing ___IV___ affect __DV____?
If I change ___IV___ will it affect __DV___?
The blanks in the scientific testable question format represent the variables. Variable is the one that you can change. A testable
question consists of independent variable and dependent variable. Try to analyze the types of variables below.

Always remember a testable question must have independent variable and dependent variable. “Does the amount of fertilizer affect
the height of the plant?” is a testable question. The amount of fertilizer is the independent variable that may cause the changes in
plant A, B and C. The independent variable is the height of the plant and it can be measured using a ruler, meter stick or any
measuring device.
If I change the laundry detergent, will it affect the color of clothes?
Does changing the amount of salt will affect its boiling point?
How do you know if the question is non testable?
A non-testable question
 not specific  answerable by yes or no
 cannot be tested using an experiment  questions that you already know the answer.
 ask for opinion
Why do most girls love pink?
Does the leading brand of facial cleanser effective in removing deep-seated dirt?
But you can turn non testable question to testable question. Here are the steps;
Try to turn these non-testable questions to testable questions.
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Research Problem
Grade 10 Research 1: Learning Activity Sheets #2

A. Why do viruses need living tissue to propagate?

B. Is 40% alcohol effective disinfectant?
1. Read the non-testable question carefully.
Which among the loam soil and sandy soil is best for the growth succulents?
2. Determine the cause (independent variable) and effect (dependent variable) in the question.
Independent variable: type of soil
Dependent variable: growth of succulent 4
3. Then recast the question by following the cause-and-effect format.
Does the type of soil affect the growth of succulent?

Activity 1: Directions: Testable and Non-Testable Question. Analyze the questions below. Write T for
testable question and N for non-testable ones.
____1. Which mango species grows well in Bulacan? performance in school?
____2. Does the size of pot affect the growth of plants? ____7. Does music preference depend on someone’s
____3. Will organic fertilizer make the leaves of the gender?
tomatoes greener? ____8. Why does paper boat floats in water?
____4. How does caffeine affect alertness of an ____9. What is the effect of insufficient dissolve oxygen
individual? to Gambusia affinis (kataba fish)?
____5. Which brand of loaf bread is bromate free? ____10. Does the color of the food affect its taste?
____6. How does skipping breakfast affect student’s
Activity 2: Identify the independent variable and dependent variable in the following testable
questions. Underline the independent variable once and dependent variable twice.

1. How does the species of the tree affects its ability to float?
2. If I change the size of the pots, will it affect the size of the mongo seeds?
3. What is the effect of herbicide on plant leaves?
4. Does soil pH affect the taste of caimito or star apple?
5. Does changing the color of the room affect the temperature inside?
Activity 3: Choose the letter of the best testable question for the given situation.
1. If the temperature is very high, then the germination of rice plant is slow.
A. Is rice plant adapted to very high temperature?
B. How does location affects the germination of rice plant?
C. How does temperature affect the germination of rice plant?
D. Do rice plant germinate faster in moderate temperature?

2. If students review their lesson playing their favorite music, then their score increases.
A. What type of music must be played for the students to get high scores?
B. Which among the latest music be played to increase the scores of the students?
C. How does playing music while reviewing ensure high score in the exam?
D. Does playing music while reviewing affect the score of the students?
3. If you have pimples, then avoid eating peanut.
A. How does eating peanut affect the skin type?
B. How does oily foods affect pimple outbreak?
C. What is the effect of peanut to pimple outbreak?
D. Does oily foods affects oily skin?
4. If the advertisement is good, then the sales of bath soap increases.
A. How does advertisement affect the sales of bath soap?
B. Is attractive advertisement good for the business?
C. Does good advertisement a gauge of good product?
D. Why does good advertisement appealing to consumers?
5. If the temperature is low, then bacterial growth is slow.
A. What is the best temperature for the growth of bacteria?
B. How does bacteria grow in low temperature?
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Research Problem
Grade 9 Research 1: Learning Activity Sheets #2

C. How does temperature affect the growth of bacteria?

D. Does bacterial growth depends on the temperature?
Directions: Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. A question that cannot be answered by conducting an experiment
a. testable question c. general question
b. non testable question d. none of the choices 5
2. Which is not true about testable question?
a. Ask about objects and organisms
b. Deals with non-measurable phenomena
c. It can resolve by conducting an experiment
d. When answered, will lead to another good questions
3. What variable remains constant in an experiment?
a. dependent variable c. control variable
b. independent variable d. variable
4. What is the effect of high protein diet to human body?
a. non testable question c. simple question
b. testable question d. none of the choices
5. Which commercial bread available in the market is bromate free?
a. non testable question c. simple question
b. testable question d. all of the choices
6. A variable that remains unknown until the experiment is done
a. control variable c. independent variable
b. dependent variable d. none of the choices
7. Which of the following is a non testable question?
a. How does changing the soil mixture affect the growth of tomatoes?
b. Which coffee variety grows best in Northern Mindanao?
c. What is the best coffee beans in town?
d. How does blanching the seeds affect its germination?
8. Does pill design affect its potency? Which is the independent variable in the question?
a. pill content c. taste of the pill
b. potency of the pill d. pill design
9. Does the use of herbicide affect the reproduction of garden snail? Which is the independent variable?
a. the use of herbicide
b. reproduction of garden snail
c. amount of herbicide
d. death of garden snail
10. If liquid detergent is branded, then it produces the most bubbles?
a. Is branded liquid detergent produces the most bubbles?
b. How does branded liquid detergent affect the bubbles it produces?
c. What brand of liquid detergent makes the most bubbles?
d. all of the choices
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Research Problem
Grade 10 Research 1: Learning Activity Sheets #2

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