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150+ Information Technology Full Form

. Acronym Full Form

1 ADFS Active Directory Federation Service

2 ADO Active Data Object

3 AITS Administrative Information Technology Services

4 AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

5 ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language

6 AML Algebraic Modeling Languages

7 ANR Application Not Responding

8 API Application Programming Interface

9 APK Android Application Package

10 APL Automatic Programming Language

11 ASP Active Server Page

12 ASP Answer Set Programming

13 ASP Application Service Provider

14 ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

15 AVX Advanced Vector Extensions

16 AWT Abstract Window Toolkit

17 BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

150+ Information Technology Full Form

18 BBS Bulletin Board Service

19 BCPL Basic Combined Programming Language

20 BOPL Basic Object Programming Language

21 CAD Computer Aided Design

22 CDAC Centre for Development for Advanced Computing

23 CDP Customer Data Platform

24 CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language

25 CIM Common Information Model

26 CLI Command Line Interface

27 CLX Component Library for Cross Platform

28 CNC Computerized Numerical Control

29 COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

30 CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

31 CRO Conversion Rate Optimization

32 CSP Content Security Policy

33 CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery

34 CSS Cascading Style Sheets

35 CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System

150+ Information Technology Full Form

36 CWE Common Weakness Enumeration

37 DAO Data Access Objects

38 DAST Dynamic Application Security Testing

39 DBMS Database Management System

40 DCL Data Control Language

41 DDA Digital Differential Analyzer

42 DDL Data Definition Language

43 DES Data Encryption Standard

Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and

44 DMARC Conformance

45 DML Data Manipulation Language

46 DMS Database Migration Service

47 DNS Domain Name System

48 DNSSEC Domain Name System Security Extensions

49 DOM Document Object Model

50 DOS Disk Operating System

51 DQL Data Query Language

52 DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture

150+ Information Technology Full Form

53 DRS Distributed Resource Scheduler

54 DSA Digital Signature Algorithm

55 DSN Deep Space Network

56 ECS Enhanced Chip Set

57 EJB Enterprise Java Bean

58 FIFO First In, First Out

59 Fortran FORmula TRANslation

60 FOSS Free and Open-Source Software

61 FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name

62 FUD Fully Un-Detectable

63 HAC High Availability Clusters

64 HDMI Handheld Device Markup Language

65 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

66 IAM Identity and Access Management

67 IC Integrated Circuit

68 ICT Information and Communications Technology

69 IDE Integrated Development Environment

70 IDL Interface Definition Language

150+ Information Technology Full Form

71 INS InterNet communication Settings

72 IOPS Input/output Operations Per Second

73 IP Internet Protocol

74 IRDA Infrared Data Association

75 ISM Information Services Manager

76 ITA Information Technology Agreement

77 ITES Information Technology Enabled Services

78 J2EE Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition

79 J2ME Java 2 Micro Edition

80 J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition

81 JAR Java Archive

82 Java EE Java, Enterprise Edition

83 JCE Java Cryptography Extension

84 JDK Java Development Kit

85 JRE Java Run-time Environment

86 JS JavaScript

87 JSON JavaScript Object Notation

88 JSP Java Server Pages

150+ Information Technology Full Form

89 JVM Java Virtual Machine

90 KMC Key Management Center

91 KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine

92 LBS Location-Based Services

93 LIFO Last In, Last Out

94 MPP Massive Parallel Processing

95 MSTSC Microsoft Terminal Service Client

96 MVC Model-View-Controller

97 NCC Network Control Center

98 NIC Network Interface Card

99 NLP Natural Language Processing

100 OLA Operational Level Agreement

101 OLAP Online Analytical Processing

102 OLTP Online Transaction Processing

103 OPML Outline Processor Markup Language

104 ORACLE Oak Ridge Analytical and Common Logical Engine

105 OSCI OS Command Injection

106 OSS Open Source Software

150+ Information Technology Full Form

107 OWASP Open Web Application Security Project

108 P2V Physical to Virtual

109 PC Personal Computer

110 PCL Printer Control Language

111 PERL Practical Extraction and Reporting Language

112 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

113 POP Power On Password

114 POP Post Office Protocol

115 POP Point Of Presence

116 PROLOG Programmation logique

117 QEMU Quick Emulator

118 RAD Rapid Application Development

119 RAT Remote Administration Tool

120 RFI Remote File Inclusion

121 RSS Rich Site Summary

122 RUM Real User Measurement

123 SaaS Software-as-a-Service

124 SAML Security Assertion Markup Language

150+ Information Technology Full Form

125 SAP System Analysis and Programming

126 SAS Statistical Analysis System

127 SAST Static Application Security Testing

128 SAX Simple API of XML

129 SCD Source Code Disclosure

130 SDK Software Development Kit

131 SEO Search Engine Optimization

132 SERP Search Engine Results Page

133 SFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol

134 SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

135 SPF Sender Policy Framework

136 SQL Structured Query Language

137 SRC Sample Rate Conversion

138 SSD Solid State Drive

139 SSE Server-Side Encryption

140 SSH Secure Shell

141 SSO Single Sign-On

142 STP Shielded Twisted Pair

150+ Information Technology Full Form

143 STS Security Token Service

144 TLS Transport Layer Security

145 VBA Visual Basic for Applications

146 VBS Visual Basic Script

147 VCS Veritas Cluster Server

148 VFP Visual FoxPro

149 VIP Vines Internet Protocol

150 VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language

151 VSM Virtual Supervisor Module

152 VST Virtual Studio Technology

153 VTL Virtual Tape Library

154 WAF Web Application Firewall

155 WMI Windows Management Instrumentation

156 WSDL Web Services Definition Language

157 XAML Extensible Application Markup Language

158 XBL XML Binding Language

159 XHTML Extensible Hypertext Markup Language

160 XML eXtensible Markup Language

150+ Information Technology Full Form

161 XNS Xerox Network Services

162 XSD XML Schema Definition

163 XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language

164 XSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations

165 XSS Cross Site Scripting

166 XUL XML User-interface Language

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