Madeline Abfalter Final Year Placement Report 2022 1

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Professional Experience Report

Primary Final Year 2022

Pre-service Teacher
Name: Madeline Abfalter Student ID: 2167203
Name: Tyndale Christian School Murray Bridge

Mentor teacher: Amber Howard Year Level: Reception

Mentor teacher: Year Level:

School Coordinator: Cheryl Flight

Placement Details
University Liaison: Sue Austin

Academic Topic Coordinator: Jennifer Frances

Placement dates: 2nd of May to 10th of June

Length of Placement: 40 days

Please delete those not applicable 10 planning days + 30 day Term 2 block

Site coordinator and/or mentor to complete.
The school is located in the Murray lands in a low socioeconomic area. It is an independent religious
school with students from Reception to Year 12 on the same campus. There is approximately over 200
students and more than 25 teaching staff. There is one class per year level with the Receptions to Year 5
at the opposite end of the campus to the older year levels. There would be a large majority of the
students who have individual learning plans, most commonly for social and emotional needs. There are
also many students who display challenging behaviours.

There is one student who has been diagnosed with ADHD and multiple other students who have an
individual learning plan for social and emotional issues. The pre-assessment data collected as well as
conversations with the mentor teacher have led to strategies being documented and implemented to
provide timed breaks for the student with ADHD to help them self-regulate and continue their learning.

Most if not all the students live in a low socioeconomic area with limited access to technology at home.
Some students don’t come to school with breakfast and attend the breakfast club offered at the school
when they can, but if they miss breakfast this does impact their motivation and ability to concrete and
engage in their learning.

There are no students who identify as Aboriginal or as a Torres Strait Islander, but the students have
been completing a HASS unit about Australian Aboriginal culture and all students have known an
awareness and understanding of respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-
service teacher towards each of the standards. For more than one mentor please make a moderated
judgement and only place one cross.

Professional Knowledge

Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 2 - Know the content and how to teach it


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Professional Practice

Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Professional Engagement

Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community


Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Summary Statements
(You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics, please keep comments

Classroom Teacher/Mentor
Madeline has been an outstanding pre-service teacher and will make a wonderful teacher. She took the
time during her observation weeks to get to know each student in the class. This enabled her to know the
students in the class and the way they learn best. Madeline took the students for Mathematics. In her
planning and lessons, she demonstrated sound understanding of the structure of the content and specific
teaching strategies of the teaching area. Madeline identified students who required additional support and
initiated strategies to support participation and engagement from each student. Madeline built positive
relationships with each student in the class and was able to manage an orderly classroom where students
could focus on their tasks. Madeline was a joy to host for her final placement and is sorely missed in our

Name: Amber Howard 20/6/22

Classroom Teacher/Mentor

Name: Date:

School Coordinator

Name: Date:

University Liaison
I found Madeline to be highly engaged and professional on each occasion as I visited her on site. She took
great care to get to know the students and developed rapport quickly, ensuring enjoyable and interactive
learning experiences. Madeline displayed a capable knowledge of subject content, and she has an
effective mastery of adapting the content of her planned activities to meet the needs of the children. She
used a range of teaching strategies and demonstrated ability to manage a complex range of needs and
interest in the class. She has a calm and assuring tone in the learning environment and developed
consistent practices to manage children’s behaviours in an appropriate way. Madeline adjusted her
planning appropriately and was open and professional in receiving and adjusting practice when given
feedback, gaining the respect and admiration of her professional peers. Well done on a highly successful
teaching placement, congratulations and all the best for the future.

Name: Sue Austin Date: 29/06/2022

Summary Assessment (To be agreed by the site coordinator, mentor teacher and university liaison)


Performance is at the novice or Performance is at the Performance is at the Performance is from the
emerging level for more than Graduate level for all Graduate level for most Graduate to Proficient level for
one Standard. Standards Standards with some towards all Standards
the Proficient level

In our opinion Madeine Abfalter

has demonstrated the following overall level of performance in this final professional experience:
(Please click on appropriate box below)

☐ Unsatisfactory

☐ Satisfactory

☒ Accomplished

☐ Outstanding

Please note that if a PST performs at an ‘outstanding’ level please consider nominating them for
the Medal for Excellence in Beginning Teaching Award

Notes for completing this report

Please type and keep an electronic copy of this report. The final report must be submitted to the University Liaison as a
Word document. The pre-service teacher should be informed of the placement outcome but does not receive a copy of
the Report. Reports are returned to the university for processing before being sent to the pre-service teacher.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

Please note that the University will make the overall final judgement about whether a PST has
passed the placement topic based on this report and their Teaching Performance Assessment
(TPA). TPA Activity 6 will be a panel presentation at the University.

CRICOS No. 00114A ABN 65 542 596 200

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