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1. Who has the authority to commit a person to jail?

A Judge of the Trial Court
B. President
C Secretary of Justice
D. Public prosecutor

2. Aimed toward the improvement of offender's attitudes and philosophy of life: the main goal being
the ultimate rehabilitation of offenders by changing their attitude
A. treatment program
C. prison program
B. rehabilitation program
D. all of these

3. superintendent received thru fax a copy of written order duly signed by the clerk of court and the
judge. On this basis, he may release the inmate
A. Yes, he may be held in contempt if he will not comply
B. Yes, because the written order is duly signed by the judge
C. No, because the written order is not authentic
D. All of the above

4. the prison Superintendent is obligated to inform the immediate member of inmate's family if
A is seriously ill
B. become insane
C. Is making good
D. escapes from prison

5. City and Municipal Jails are under the


6. It refers to temporary stay of the execution of the sentence:

A. Amnesty
B. reprieve
C. pardon
D. break

7. The general supervision and control of all prisons and penal colonies in the country is the function
A. Bureau of Prisons
B. National Bilibid Prison
C. Bureau of Correction
D. Department of Justice

8. The following convicts are all death convicts and are due for execution wh
execution. Who among them would have his execution postponed
A lesbian
B. a woman
C. youthful convict
D. D. mentally deranged convict

9. Is one which is given without any condition attached to it

A. pardon
B. amnesty
C. conditional pardon
D. absolute pardon

10. In the event that violation of any of the conditions of probation by the prok
ion of any of the conditions of probation by the probationer has been established, the court
A. need not revoke the probation
B. has the discretion to revoke or continue the probation
C. may modify the conditions stated in the probation order
D. any of the above

11. A person convicted and sentence to serve for not more than six months is classified as:
A. municipal prisoner
B. city prisoner
C. insular prisoner
D. colonist

12. If the impossible corrective measures prove to be ineffective, a stubborn

inmate may be punished by
A. physical torture
B. hard labor
C. release from prison
D. confinement in disciplinary cell

13. Even before the lapse of the period from the date of release from confinement, the Board may
give favorable recommendation
for the grant of absolute pardon if the petitioner is:
A. going to take the bar or board examination
B. he is leaving the country as immigrant
C. he is seeking reinstatement to government service
D. all of these

14. Johnny was sentenced to destierro by the Municipal Trial Court in Digos. While serving sentence,
he entered the prohibited area
and committed homicide therein. Is Johnny entitled to an indeterminate sentence in case he is found
guilty of homicide?
D all of the above

15. Provincial jails are under the operational supervision of

D Provincial government

16. in case the probationer violates any of the conditions for probation who will investigate the same?
A Police
B Judge
C Prosecutor
D Probation officer

17. Probation cannot be extended to one of the following instances

A Murder
B Rape
C Brigandage
D Impeachment

18. The director of prison and penal farm are under the

19. The director of prison may authorize the release of an inmate only upon on:
A Order of the president
B Expiration of the sentence
C appeal to supreme court has made
D financial consideration

20. All members of the custodial force shall bear in the minds of prisoners that the restriction but for
reformation and rehabilitation, the statement les describe
confinement is not A prisoners are enemy of society B. leniency
prisoners are to be treated harshly
D. prisoners are sick people and need treatment

21. if a special law imposes the penalty of imprisonment it is proper to label with the the terms
provided in the code such as prison correctional.
A True
B False
C May be true
D. Maybe false

22 One who investigate for the court a referral for probation or supervises a probationer or both
A Prosecutor 3. Probation Officer
C. Probationer
D. Special Investigator

23. If the court finds that probation will depreciate the seriousness of the attente committed the
court shall A grant probation grant parole
C Deny probation
D. acquit the applicant

24. It is mandatory for a probationer to present himself to the Probation Office for supervision within
A 12 hours
B. 48 hours
C 36 hours
D. 72 hours

25. A person is sentenced to serve a prison term of over three years or to pay a fine of more than
1,000.00 or both in and
Imprisonment is
A insular prisoner
B city prisoner
C municipal prisoner
D. provincial prisoner

26. Is a form of executive clemency that is authorized by the Chief Executive. It is an act of grace and
the recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right
A amnesty
B conditional pardon
C. pardon
D. absolute pardon

27. Probation covering offenders from ages 9 and under 18 years of age. A Adult Probation
C Juvenile Probation

28. For a convicted offender probation is a form of

A Punishment
B Deterrence
C Treatment
D Incarceration

29. It is a general pardon extended to a group of persons and is generally exercised by executive
clemency with the concurrence of congress

30. It refers to the conditional release of a prisoner from a correctional institution after he has served
the minimum of his prison sentence
A Pardon
B Parole
C Probation
D Amnesty

31. Person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not yet been convicted
A Locked up prisoner
B detention prisoner
C sentence prisoner
D death convict

32. The pardoning power is exercised by the;

A the victim of the crime
B Director Bureau of prison
C Prison superintendent
D. President of the Philippines

33. Pedro used and convicted of murder punishable with the penalty of reclusion temporal in its
maximum period to death His
voluntary surrender and plea of ty were considered mitigating circumstance in his favor Ishe entitled
to an indeterminate, because the penalty impose is death penalty
B. yes, because the law uses the word "punished, not the punishable
C. yes, because the penalty actually imposed, not the penalty
that may be imposed should be considered
D. both b and c

34. Probation Administration is created under the Department of Justice and is headed by the?
A Secretary
B Probation Administrator
C. President of the Philippines
D. Probation Officer

35. Sponsored House Bill 393, "An Act Establishing Adult Probation in the Philippines
A PRES . Ferdinand Marcos
B Teodule C. Natividad
C Juan Ponce Enrile .
D. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.

36. Failure of the probationer to comply with any of the conditions prescribed in the order or upon his
offense, he shall
A. Be granted another chance of probation
B. Serve the penalty imposed for the offense under which he was placed on probation
C. All of these
D. none of these

37. A child born by female prisoner is privileged to stay with the mother in prison for A 1 year
C 6 months B. 7 years
D. as long as the mother desires

38. It is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the execution of a penalty, reduce
the sentence and extinguished
criminal liability
A Parole
B. Executive Clemency
C. Pardon
D. Presidential Pardon

39. Statutory shortening of the maximum sentence that the prisoner served because of good behavior
A reprieve
B. parole
C. probation
D. good conduct allowance

40. Is authorized to impose any of the disciplinary measures to an errant inmate

B Board of Discipline
C. Trustee
D. Court

41. The Probation Officer's Final Reports submitted by the City and Provincial Parole and probation
Office to the Trial Court
A 10 days after expiration of the period
B 30 days before the expiration of the period
C. 15 days after expiration of the period
D. 30 days after the expiration of the period

42. In the privilege granted to by the trial court to a person convicted of a crime by the criminal court
to remain in the community instead of actually going to prison
A Probation
B Law Probation
C. Rehabilitation
D. Bantay Bata 163

43. Father of relation in the USA

A john Howard
B. Edward Park
C John Augustus
D. Mathew Daven Port Hill
44. It is the conditional release after the prisoner has served a part of his sentence in prison for the
purpose of gradually reintroducing him to free life under the guidance and supervision of a parole
A Parole
B release
C pardon
D. probation

45. The best Penal Colony is

A Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
B San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
C. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
D. Davao Prison and Penal Farm

46. Is probation systems philosophy and concept it is stated that the individual has the ability to anti-
social behavior with the right kind of help.
and to modify his
A challenge
B change
C aggravate his behavior
D none of these

47. If the impossible corrective measures prove to be ineffective, a stubborn inmate may be punished
A physical torture
B hard labor
C. release from prison
D. confinement in disciplinary cell

48. A prison personal charge to keep records of the visitorial logbook, searches the persons of the
female visitors/inmates, and a tst the orderliness of the ottice and in the preparation of office records
are the functions of
A matron
B Keeper
C inmate
D. warden

49. The Director of prison may authorize the release of an inmate only upon
A Orders of the President
B. expiration of the sentence
C. escape from prison
D. financial consideration

50. The Board of Pardon and Parole may authorize the release of an inmate in cases of
A pardon
B amnesty
C. parole
D. all of the above

51. The following are forms of executive clemency, EXCEPT:

A Commutation
B Amnesty
C. Parole
D. Pardon

52. It is nature of a contract so that it must first be accepted by the recipient before it takes effect and
that the grantee is under
obligation to comply strictly with the conditions imposed therein
A reprieve
B. absolute pardon
C. amnesty
D. conditional pardon

53. The probation that covers ages 18 and above.

A. Parole
B Adult probation
C. Recognizance
D. Juvenile Probation

54. Inmates are enjoying diet in order to make them healthy

A what is allowed by prison management
B diet is necessary only when budget is increased
C. low diet is preferred when budget has gone
D Inmates enjoy balanced diet in order to be free from illness

55. In connection with the above statement the reason is because:

A it is provided in the constitution
B. the investigation is neither prosecutory nor accusatory
C. the investigation is criminal in mata
D. the investigation is rectory and SG

56. In all other case if the convict is sentenced to more than one year, probation period shall be
A one year
B not to exceed six years
C. six months
D. not to exceed two years

57. The Probation officer shall submit to the court the investigation report on a dependent not later
A 15 days from receipt of the order
B. 60 days from receipt of the order
C 30 days from reciept of the order
D. 10 days from receipt of the order

58. Otherwise known as Presidential Decree 968.

A. Probation
B Probation Law of 1976
C. Parole and Pardon
D. Probation of the Philippines

59. It is a general pardon extended to a group of persons and is generally exercised by executive
clemency with the concurrence of congress
A Pardon
B Reprieve
C. Commutation
D Amnesty

60. The Provincial City and Municipal jails are headed by

A Warden
B. Director
C. Superintendent
D. Commissioner
61. Enjoys the reputation of being best open institution the world over. Only mutual trust and
confidence between the the prison authorities keep them together, there being no walls
A Sablayan Penal Colony
B San Ramon Penal Colony
C Davao Penal Colony
D. Iwahig Penal Colony

62. It is authored to impose any of the disciplinary measures to an errant inmate A. Jail guard
B Board of Discipline
C. Trustee
D. Court

63. Statutory shortening of the maximum sentence that the prisoner served because of good behavior
A reprieve
B. parole
C. probation
D. good conduct allowance

64. In Babylon about 1990 B.C. credited as the oldest code prescribing savage punishment but in fact
__ is older
A Code of Draco
B. Sumerian Code
C. Justinian Code
D. Code of Hammurabi

65. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances.

A Rape
B Murder
C. Impeachment
D. Brigandage

66. Supervise keepers in their respective departments, and inspect all prison wards and cells under his
supervision ascertaining and requiring of the keepers, at all times, to comply strictly with their
assigned duties.
A Commander of the guards
B. Chief Overseer
C. Inspector of the guard
D. Keeper

67. Has the duty to look into the physical, mental and moral record of prisoners who are eligible for
parole and to determine the
proper time of release of such prisoners on parole.
A Judge of the Trial Court
B Board of pardon and parole
C Secretary of the Department of Justice
D. Director of Bureau of Corrections

68. Rehabilitation and treatment programs shall focus on providing services that will encourage and
enhance the inmate's
A self respect and self-confidence
B. all of these
C. personal dignity and sense of responsibility
D. none of these

69 The maximum supervision case loads of a Probation Aide at any given time:
A. 3 probationers
B 10 probationers
C. 5 probationers
D. 15 probationers

70. An inmate or prisoner may be taken out of jail only upon

A order of the warden
B. order of Congress
c. order of the Court
D. order of the President

71. Has the discretion in granting and or denying probation.

A Court
B Board of Pardon and Parole
C. Prosecution
D. Probation Officer

72. One of the benefits of probation is: Probation protects the family. This benefit denotes that.
A. Probation restores the dignity of the offender
B. Provision provides restitution
C. Probation maintains the unity of the family
D. Probation declogs the courts

73. The primary objective of prison program is:

A Imprisonment
B. punishment
C. Reformation
D. rehabilitation

74. In the New Bilibid prison, the medium security prisoners are confined at:
A. NBP man prison
B. Camp Sampaguita
C. House of Correction
D. Camp Bukang Liwayway

75. The disciplining authority in prison is -

A Warden
B. Superintendent
C. Asst Warden
D. all of these

76. Institutions for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of their criminal
case and for those convicted and
punished with shorter sentences not more than 3 years
A jails
B. stockades
C. prisons
D. penal farms

77. The program activities in prison are the following, except:

A educational program
B. physical training and recreation
C. vocational program
D. none of these

78. It is an open institution for prisoner's confinement

A. penal farm
B. detention center
C. provincial jail
D. military camp

79. Who grants good conduct time allowance that reduces the term of sentence? A. the Warden
B. the Director of Bureau of Correction
C. the President
D. the Superintendent of prison

80. The number of days a prisoner is brought to release quarters prior to release. A 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 20 days
D. 90 days
81. The Supreme Court or lower court may authorize the release of an inmate in cases of
A. Acquittal or grant of bail
C. Order of the President

82.It is nature of a contract so that it first be accepted by the recipient before it takes effect and that
the grantee is under obligation to comply strictly with the
A reprieve
B absolute pardon
C amnesty
D conditional pardon

83. Prison superintendent is obliged to inform the immediate member of the family of the prisoner if
A escape from prison
B is seriously ill
C Is making good
D non of these is credited as the oldest code prescribing savage punishment

A code of kalantiao
B revised penal code
C code of kin hammurabi
D code of ethics

85. Rehabilitation and treatment program shall focus on providing services

86. The primary objective of prison program is
A Imprisonment
B Punishment
C Reformation
D Rehabilitation

87. Once inmate violates prison or jail rules and regulation they will be subject to
A. Investigative
B. disciplinary action
C. punishment at once
D. all of these

88. the probation order may also require the probationer in appropriate cases to the following except
A Met his family representative
B Comply with a program of payment of Civil
C. Under medical or psychological exam when required
D. Deny himself to a specific employment

89. The application for probation shall be filled

A Probation Officer
B Sentenced convicted offender
C Prosecutor
D. Victim/offended party

90. Payment of civil liability to the victim by the probationer shall be given to the following except:

A Clerk of Court of the Trial Court

B Paid directly to the victim with receipt filed with PO
C. Deposited to the victim's account
D. Supervising probation officer on case

91. incase of mass jailbreak all members of the custodial force shall be immediately issued firearms
and assigned to critical posts
A To shoot the escape
B Plug off the escape routes
C. To give warning shots
D. Protect the other inmates

92. Otherwise known as the indeterminate Sentence Law

A. PD 968 as amended
B Act No. 4103
C Act NO. 163
D. Act No. 4013

93.The number of days a prisoner is brought to release quarters prior to release

A. 30 days
B 60 days
C. 20 days
D 90 days

94. An inmate may be released on the basis of authority from the court relayed through text or
A True
B Possibly true
C False
D. Possibly False

95. An inmate may be released from prison upon

A. Expiration of his sentence
B grant of parole, pardon or amnesty
C. Order of the Court
D. all of the above

conditional release after the prisoner has served part of his sentence in prison for the purpose of
gradually reintroducing him to free life under the guidance of a parole officer
A parole
B release
C pardon
D probation

97. The oldest prison in the Philippines

A Fort Santiago
B Mart Mckinley
C Fort Aguinaldo
D New bilibid prison

98. system authorized in England to partially relieved over crowding of prisons

A Hulks
B House of correction
C Panoptican prison
D. Transportation of criminal

99. It is an act of clemency which changes a heavier sentence to a less serious one or a longer term to
a shorter term
A Amnesty
B parole
C. Reprieve
D. Commutation

100 person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not yet been convicted
A lockup prisoner
B. detention prisoner
D. death convict
C sentence prisoner

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