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How to make an

Make The Commitment

01 Art Blog
Set up an art blog that resides on your
website, in order to keep visitors on your
site and a click away from your gallery.

Select The Tools

Choose the task management system that
you’ll use to type your blog draft, such as
Scrivener, Evernote, or Microsoft Word.

Give It A Try!

Creating blog posts may take you outside

your comfort zone at first but with practice
it will get easier. After a while consider
writing more than once a month.

03 The more frequently you write posts and

share you’ll notice an increase in traffic on
Encourage Visitors to Get Involved your website and subscribers, and enjoy
They may provide ideas for future blog
other benefits in your art career.
posts and make your task easier. Give the
process time to develop and don’t give up. Maricris P. Cavistani

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